Gold Member
1.) COVID is substantially more deadly than the flu (https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2514)
2.) Even if vaccination brings COVID back in line with the flu, hospital capacity is not designed to deal with two flu like illnesses at the same time.
3.) Health systems are already backlogged from postponing routine treatments during the last COVID spikes
4.) Dwindling immunity in the population makes us more vulnerable to variants such as Omicron
Understood, so ...
1) More deadly yes, but to whom? The elderly & those with various other conditions? Again, to be pushing teenagers etc to be booster jabbed etc just seems a bit scaremongery when they generally have good immune systems and like any virus, when they catch it and feel ill, they'll mostly stay in bed anyway.
2) What happens when the next virus pops up? Does Covid get put in the same category as flu to focus on the new shiny one? Surely the focus should be to increase hospital capacity on top of jabs. What if the current vaccines don't work properly against Omicron, does that mean Governments have spent billions on vaccines that are essentially no use? Or what if they're fine with Omicron but new variant Bojo in March 2022 escapes it... Looks like "firefighting" to me.
3) Yes, and lots (and I mean, lots) of people are dying from other illnesses and conditions. I won't go into the whole mental health thing as it feels like the "excuse" for everything these days, but when so many businesses etc are going under its hard to ignore.
4) Which vaccines may not resolve, see point #2. This is now 2 years of Covid, we're seeing "yet another wave" in Europe, we're seeing a new variant which will no doubt cause wave #5? #6? we're back to restricting travel etc. Introverts obviously love it but is this going to go on for another 2 years? Can people actually take/accept that? Look at the protests across the globe. Even older people are saying "Just lets get on with life, stop saving people with only a few years left anyway". Which is a horrible thing to consider but they're saying it themselves.