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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Il de France has no higher infection ration with a lower vaccination rate.
The south west has a higher vaccination rate, yet a higher infection rate.
The south east has a lower vaccination rate and higher case rate because its next to the south of Germany. You know where is the biggest wave of covid yet.

It's regional.
Just like in Germany.
How does being next to Germany affect vaccination rate? What?

Nothing can be done. Aliens everywhere.

the truth is out there GIF
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Whatever powers that be are behind the covid fear and out of control authoritarian reactions and restrictions are truly evil. I’m really surprised Jimmy Dore hasn’t been silenced yet. It really alarms me how much of the media is in lockstep with one another(with most issues), almost like a state controlled media and they get their scripts which should scare everyone. This is bigger than covid
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Whatever powers that be are behind the covid fear and out of control authoritarian reactions and restrictions are truly evil. I’m really surprised Jimmy Dore hasn’t been silenced yet. It really alarms me how much of the media is in lockstep with one another, almost like a state controlled media which should scare everyone. This is bigger than covid
They're making a lot of money off of COVID. In the US especially I think that Trump and COVID have extended the lifespan of many media outlets by a solid decade.
He debunked that "Jimmy Dore's Anti-Vaccine Lies" hit piece, dude. It's on you for not watching his response.

his response is about him being "anti-vax", but that's not actually what that video is about...he is debunking a strawman, so you should probably re-watch the 25 minutes you already watched of that

but since you're here, let's talk about Jimmy Dore exposing the corrupt news media with actual examples that we can talk through...I'll let you choose from the video you posted an example of him exposing something and let's talk through it, you might convince me

The Fartist

Gold Member
his response is about him being "anti-vax", but that's not actually what that video is about...he is debunking a strawman, so you should probably re-watch the 25 minutes you already watched of that

but since you're here, let's talk about Jimmy Dore exposing the corrupt news media with actual examples that we can talk through...I'll let you choose from the video you posted an example of him exposing something and let's talk through it, you might convince me
You mean go back and forth and get no where with you? No thanks, you've dug your feet far too deep in the sand for me to waste my time. I'll keep posting Jimmy videos, though, so I suggest ignoring me. I wish you well.
You mean go back and forth and get no where with you? No thanks, you've dug your feet far too deep in the sand for me to waste my time. I'll keep posting Jimmy videos, though, so I suggest ignoring me. I wish you well.

I've already said I'm willing to be convinced, I'm not the one that has dug my feet in here.

Of course you can post what you want, and so will I, including mentioning the name of one JD.

The Fartist

Gold Member
I've already said I'm willing to be convinced, I'm not the one that has dug my feet in here.

Of course you can post what you want, and so will I, including mentioning the name of one JD.
You're willing to be convinced so much as I'm willing to be convinced the news media isn't corrupt fear-mongering motherfuckers. Again, I only have time to post JDS videos and the occasional comment here and there.
You're willing to be convinced so much as I'm willing to be convinced the news media isn't corrupt fear-mongering motherfuckers. Again, I only have time to post JDS videos and the occasional comment here and there.

we could have been halfway through you proving a expose already instead of whatever excuses you're coming up with now
This entity Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency is supposedly releasing all available Pfizer internal vaccine tests data, from the FDA. They have already sued the FDA.

Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court enter an order requiring the FDA to produce all documents and data submitted by Pfizer on a rolling basis such that all of it shall be produced on or before March 3, 2022, which is 108 days from today.

This entity phmpt is legit as they have being referenced by a real lawer company Siri & Glimstad: www.sirillp.com. in a joint status report.

The available Pfizer documents (also court documents all written by Siri & Glimstad) look like the first documents released by the FDA but not sure about it because there is no info about the source (except what is written inside: internal Pfizer documents and such).
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Go gentle into that good night,
Old age should smolder and cool at close of day;
Rage, rage against the life-saving vaccines.


UK expert , COVID not evolving into harmless , but will spread faster , Neogaf ultimate brain experts are at a loss , scrambling back for normal life .. stuck in the past !
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"I have yet to see older, unvaccinated people infected with the new variant for example"

If she had seen a handful of young men with other variants probably would have come to the same conclusion that Covid is mild, so it doesn't speak to Omicron at all without knowing its impact on all cohorts. Unfortunately this doctor is being held up as a political pariah.


Gold Member

Go gentle into that good night,
Old age should smolder and cool at close of day;
Rage, rage against the life-saving vaccines.
Stubborn to the end. I had to google what chlorine dioxide is. What an idiot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_dioxide

Kind of reminds of people who dont want to get home or car insurance. No doubt its true most people wont get into big accidents and their house wont burn down taking out other homes with it, but to save a few bucks and go against governments and banks who require it for driving a car or getting a mortgage, just pay up.

But then for those small number of people who get nailed in an accident or house issue it's too late.

He was treated with chlorine dioxide

At home, Biacsics tried to treat himself with chlorine dioxide. It is considered a miracle cure for COVID-19 among opponents of vaccines. Soon after, the man died.
According to information on his website, he wanted to be treated by a trusted doctor, but did not reach the patient in time. As reported by the son of the deceased, his family and the team from the called ambulance tried to resuscitate the 65-year-old, but it was too late.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'm not trying to put people off vaccines, but this article on the BBC website about research into the rare blood-clotting issues that were reported with the AZ vaccine should give some insight into why the white-hot speed with which these medicines were introduced and mass deployed is probably not a good thing.

TLDR; version is, as has been highlighted by numerous dissident doctors and scientists complications can arise when spike protein enters the blood-stream, either as a result of natural infection, or due to misadministration of the vaccine such that it escapes localization in muscle tissue. The article describes the research results to find the exact mechanism that causes the clots.


I'm not trying to put people off vaccines, but this article on the BBC website about research into the rare blood-clotting issues that were reported with the AZ vaccine should give some insight into why the white-hot speed with which these medicines were introduced and mass deployed is probably not a good thing.

TLDR; version is, as has been highlighted by numerous dissident doctors and scientists complications can arise when spike protein enters the blood-stream, either as a result of natural infection, or due to misadministration of the vaccine such that it escapes localization in muscle tissue. The article describes the research results to find the exact mechanism that causes the clots.
Yes, this was always the problem… as medicine are tested for a period of 5 - 10 years , but people want back to the way it was.. but still can’t grasp that the world has changed in the past 2 years … rinse repeat.

shots for everyone! Good sir , can I now go to the pub drink shots?
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Rodent Whores
Has there been any data yet on the effectiveness on vaccine mandates?
Smallpox and polio hasn't been an issue in the USA for a long time, and the only time measles outbreaks occurred was when vaccine mandates weren't followed, so I'd say that's pretty clear evidence they work.


I'm not trying to put people off vaccines, but this article on the BBC website about research into the rare blood-clotting issues that were reported with the AZ vaccine should give some insight into why the white-hot speed with which these medicines were introduced and mass deployed is probably not a good thing.

TLDR; version is, as has been highlighted by numerous dissident doctors and scientists complications can arise when spike protein enters the blood-stream, either as a result of natural infection, or due to misadministration of the vaccine such that it escapes localization in muscle tissue. The article describes the research results to find the exact mechanism that causes the clots.

Linked to 73 deaths in 50 million doses. Not even confirmed COD.

You're more likely to die next time you sit on the crapper than you are to even get a clot from AZ, let alone die from it.
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3 months in the uk 🤣 than comes COVID megatron and you need one every month , COVID ultra prime is next , booster every week 🤡 after this one COVID the super sayan 66 , you will need a booster every day , after this one .. endless lock down and we turn into Wally humans ! Vision Mailed !

55k in the UK, going all out! 100k should be attainable!
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Linked to 73 deaths in 50 million doses. Not even confirmed COD.

You're more likely to die next time you sit on the crapper than you are to even get a clot from AZ, let alone die from it.

Concern It was sufficient get the vaccine pulled for a time in several European countries and on reintroduction it was limited to older people out of concern for this particular side-effect. So even if you don't think those deaths mattered, health authorities did, not to mention the families of those (mostly young women) affected...

The issue was investigated, and an likely causal link discovered. This is science and what you are engaged in is *actual* scientific denialism.

Accept the reality. No doubt the pericarditis atypical response will be similar. Extremely rare, and contingent upon a string of very specific circumstances most likely beginning with misadministration of the vaccine so as too much enters the circulatory system.

Would you want to tell grieving people that their loved one's death was an unfortunate accident, but by being vaccinated they were upholding a greater good? How well do you think that's going to sit with them?

This is why the principle of bodily autonomy matters, and why mandating vaccinations for a virus with such a low mortality rate in healthy people should raise questions.
I'm not trying to put people off vaccines, but this article on the BBC website about research into the rare blood-clotting issues that were reported with the AZ vaccine should give some insight into why the white-hot speed with which these medicines were introduced and mass deployed is probably not a good thing.

while all information regarding the vaccines needs to be made available to let everyone make their own informed decisions it's unfortunate that for you the latter bolded part undermines the former in what I've quoted above

the article goes to great lengths to describe what it is about, that is the discovery of the causal link between AZ vaccine and blood clotting (a good bit of scientific knowledge, actually), and what it is not about in anyway is "white-hot speed with which these medicines were introduced", that is your own inserted story and you have used this article about one thing as a jumping off point for your narrative on another


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
while all information regarding the vaccines needs to be made available to let everyone make their own informed decisions it's unfortunate that for you the latter bolded part undermines the former in what I've quoted above

the article goes to great lengths to describe what it is about, that is the discovery of the causal link between AZ vaccine and blood clotting (a good bit of scientific knowledge, actually), and what it is not about in anyway is "white-hot speed with which these medicines were introduced", that is your own inserted story and you have used this article about one thing as a jumping off point for your narrative on another
With the extremely low incidence you could have had this vaccine in clinical trials for decades and not seen a single case. The article also explains that your risk of blood clots from being infected with the virus is higher than from the vaccine.


Neighbours from Hell
Smallpox and polio hasn't been an issue in the USA for a long time, and the only time measles outbreaks occurred was when vaccine mandates weren't followed, so I'd say that's pretty clear evidence they work.
Talking about COVID specifically, as each vaccine works differently.


Would you want to tell grieving people that their loved one's death was an unfortunate accident, but by being vaccinated they were upholding a greater good? How well do you think that's going to sit with them?

This is why the principle of bodily autonomy matters, and why mandating vaccinations for a virus with such a low mortality rate in healthy people should raise questions.


The mortality rate from the vaccine is dwarfed completely by the covid mortality rate.

You’re asking for 100% perfection from the vaccine, otherwise it’s no good. You’re asking for public safety of many to be compromised for the sake of a very, very, very, very few. That’s not how these things work.

How about the bodily autonomy of the hundreds of thousands dead of covid? How about their grieving families? Far, far more of them?

You start saying about not wanting g to put people off mandates… and then pivot next post to stuff about mandates. What are you actually trying to say? Your meaning shifts like sand.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Vaccinated, you can still spread and catch it. So this sentence makes no sense.
Vaccinated you can still catch and spread whooping cough, but most of us still consider it a moral responsibility to get the vaccine to protect a vulnerable population.
Which we have done an amazing job of even with a less than perfect vaccine.


Gold Member
Vaccinated you can still catch and spread whooping cough, but most of us still consider it a moral responsibility to get the vaccine to protect a vulnerable population.
Which we have done an amazing job of even with a less than perfect vaccine.
He is making an emotionally charged accusation. The lines in the sand politicizing of this shit.


CliffyB's Cock Holster

The mortality rate from the vaccine is dwarfed completely by the covid mortality rate.

You’re asking for 100% perfection from the vaccine, otherwise it’s no good. You’re asking for public safety of many to be compromised for the sake of a very, very, very, very few. That’s not how these things work.

How about the bodily autonomy of the hundreds of thousands dead of covid? How about their grieving families? Far, far more of them?

You start saying about not wanting g to put people off mandates… and then pivot next post to stuff about mandates. What are you actually trying to say? Your meaning shifts like sand.

Not among most cohorts its not. That's the truth.

And seriously at a point when many countries are pushing for mandatory vaccinations by LAW. How on earth can a single death not be too many?

Also, since when does one person being unvaccinated equal the death of one or more vaccinated people? Do you not see how utterly insane that argument is? That presupposes not only 100% infection but apparently complete uselessness of vaccines at protecting someone from serious illness!
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