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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Fucking been reading horror stories of people losing taste for months. It's been one day and Im freaking out already, eating all kind of stuff like garlic and mustard hoping i can taste something.

Fuck this shit, id rather have a stronger flu than this little pussy cold but at least being able to taste.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

A three-time world champion kickboxer died at his home in Belgium from complications caused by COVID-19 weeks after discharging himself from the hospital.
Fred Sinistra, 40, was unvaccinated and would not even use the term COVID-19, his coach Osman Yigin told Belgian outlet SudInfo. Instead, he dismissed COVID-19 as “a little virus” and railed against government restrictions.

On November 26, Sinistra said he was “disgusted” that a planned fight on December 4 had been canceled.
“A warrior never abdicates, I will come back even stronger,” Sinistra wrote.

Days later, he discharged himself from the hospital and returned home where he reportedly treated himself with oxygen.

On December 13, Sinistra replied to comments on his Facebook page, writing: “Thank you all for your support. I'm home recovering, as I should. I will come back a thousand times stronger.
Three days later Sinistra’s death was announced by his partner on his Facebook page.

"But I'm young! But I'm healthy!"

Covid doesn't care. Get vaccinated. Jesus.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Karmic Raze


"But I'm young! But I'm healthy!"

Covid doesn't care. Get vaccinated. Jesus.
Vaccination doesn’t mean you’ll survive. I had a family friend die recently that was fully vaccinated. COVID is a fucking bitch. I’m vaccinated BTW, but I wear my mask every public place I go. I’m not going to get that shit if I can help it.


Fucking been reading horror stories of people losing taste for months. It's been one day and Im freaking out already, eating all kind of stuff like garlic and mustard hoping i can taste something.

Fuck this shit, id rather have a stronger flu than this little pussy cold but at least being able to taste.

My girlfriend lost taste and smell for about two weeks with delta. Other than that, she just felt bad for two or three days, thanks to the vaccine. Would have been a really nasty dose otherwise. All cleared up fine for her though. You should be fine.
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My girlfriend lost taste and smell for about two weeks with delta. Other than that, she just felt bad for two or three days, thanks to the vaccine. Would have been a really nasty dose otherwise. All cleared up fine for her though. You should be fine.
I started feeling like I had a cold Wednesday, next day I was already feeling better and Im not vaccinated either (out of the 4 of us who got it: ex wife, two kids and myself, none are. The kids didn't have anything at all besides a runny nose and a light headache for a few days.

Two weeks seems like an eternity, but I'd take it, I've read on Reddit some lost it for months


CliffyB's Cock Holster
So say that an Omicron case is half as likely to result in a hospitalisation than a Delta case, and where a hospitalisation occurs, the average duration is half as long. Theoretically that would mean that you could have 4X more Omicron cases for the same number of people in hospital.

That would be great news. But does that mean the number of infections is now irrelevant? Well, we could be approaching 4X cases now already in the UK with the underreporting over Christmas. If cases double again, from this point, what is going to happen to hospitalisations? What if they double twice over?

I don't see how you can answer this without addressing the question of whether hospitalisations are expected to increase proportionately with the number of infections. And either you agree with me that they are (absent other factors), or you don't.

The issue seems to me how distorting the incidental findings are. I'll get back to this in a minute.

What I'd hope is that the overall number of infections with Omicron requiring hospitalizing are maybe 10% of that of Delta.

A really significant drop that's being caused by the confluence of a number of factors:

(1) The big one being that this variant simply causes less severe disease due to its adaptation for upper respiratory tract infection. Bear in mind if this turns out to be correct not only does it place the locus of primary infection in a more treatable part of the body, but away from an organ that's especially vulnerable to excessive auto-immune response as part of post-viral syndromes (Cytokine storms).

(2) This adaptation (one of several) makes for a vastly more transmissible virus, which in turn is causing symptomatic infection in a far wider demographic than previous strains which correlated remarkably closely with patient age. Naturally this means that infected individuals will be likely be in better health on average, and thus more resilient to severe disease and complications.

(3) Lastly, we have to factor in immunity from either vaccination or previous infections. We know Omicron has evolved characteristics to evade prior immune response, but it appears that core T-cell/B-cell immunity is preserved so again we're looking at a large percentage of infected people having some degree of protection - particularly from severe disease.

So, essentially we're looking at a very different situation than previous waves regarding the degree of threat we as individuals should feel this virus poses to us. Not to say we should get complacent, but objectively speaking both current research science and clinical data indicate a much lower basic risk of serious illness and death.

Now, how evident should this be at this time? What are the confounding factors that might make this unclear?

First of all, how active is delta yet in the tracked region? Omicron has been observed to be aggressively displacing Delta, but its still out there, and depending on the quality of the DNA sequencing it may not be that readily apparent which strain has infected a patient. Omicron's signature s-gene dropout apparently has been observed in earlier samples, and the sheer number of cases makes comprehensive sequencing a logistical impossibility.

Then we need to look at the latitude and time of the year. Are there other respiratory infections commonly circulating and may be co-infecting the population.
On top of that I believe winter and holiday time tends to generate a general uptick in admissions for a variety of behavioural reasons, slips and falls, over consumption of alcohol and drugs etc.

Its probably also worth factoring in the effect of 20 months of social anxiety over Covid fuelling mental issues that in turn affect health and resilience to illness. A lot of people have been in some form of isolation for a long time, and that's going to depress immune response in the long run - particularly so if climactic conditions lower natural vitamin D production.

The last point I'd make is not to disregard the cumulative impact of 19 months of disruption to all medical processes whilst we were fighting Covid. People who should have been seen by professionals earlier are making their way slowly through the system and as such are in worse shape when they do get diagnosed. I'd expect to see significant elevation in hospitalizations even if Covid disappeared from the world overnight simply due to that.

In summary I'd say that although the virus has "upped its game" in an evolutionary sense. I feel like we've actually managed to get a step ahead of it generally, and are in a stronger position individually and as a species/society to co-exist with it.

I think there's plenty of reason for positivity right now. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think provided we act conscientiously and sensibly, taking an upbeat perspective is a straight win. Stress and anxiety are problems in their own right, and need to be dealt with for our health and wellbeing.


I started feeling like I had a cold Wednesday, next day I was already feeling better and Im not vaccinated either (out of the 4 of us who got it: ex wife, two kids and myself, none are. The kids didn't have anything at all besides a runny nose and a light headache for a few days.

Two weeks seems like an eternity, but I'd take it, I've read on Reddit some lost it for months

I know someone who still can’t taste properly after they caught it in late summer 2020. He’s used to it now, but I know he’s struggled with it. Long Covid can be a right bitch. Fingers crossed you’re luckier.

…though I’d still encourage you all to get vaccinated, obviously.
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The next week sanitary council in France will be interesting to say the least, we are running 200 000 cases per day. From talking with people employed in tourism in winter resorts they all told me they have contracts structured for 6 weeks at the beginning, starting in mid-December, exactly in the case if they close something or lock us down. Curious to see what will happen. Unfortunately no matter the objectives the government is still vastly behind on policies vs. epidemic, we really should have had a girl set of rules Day 1 and stuck with them.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I started feeling like I had a cold Wednesday, next day I was already feeling better and Im not vaccinated either (out of the 4 of us who got it: ex wife, two kids and myself, none are. The kids didn't have anything at all besides a runny nose and a light headache for a few days.

Two weeks seems like an eternity, but I'd take it, I've read on Reddit some lost it for months

Hopefully this is encouraging: my best friend got COVID-19 in Feb of 2020, you know before it was fashionable, and lost his senses of taste and smell for only five days. It came back in stages - first he could only taste strong flavors like salt and vinegar, so if we were eating french fries all he could taste was the ketchup on them. few days after that sweets came back, and a few days after that, he could finally taste all kinds of savory things again.

So give it two weeks and if it still ain't back maybe see a doctor. They don't yet know why this is the cause - could be neurological, as we know covid can do that (people losing their sense of balance, feeling disembodied, that kind of thing, all point to the virus getting into brain or nerve tissue), some think it's viral shedding in saliva, etc, but I do remember my friend saying the doctors gave him things to try and even prescribed something for him though I forget what. I just shot him a text to ask but he's off galavanting around Europe right now on a vacation so he probably won't answer for days. But if/when he does I'll let ya know what his doctor told him.

The next week sanitary council in France will be interesting to say the least, we are running 200 000 cases per day. From talking with people employed in tourism in winter resorts they all told me they have contracts structured for 6 weeks at the beginning, starting in mid-December, exactly in the case if they close something or lock us down. Curious to see what will happen. Unfortunately no matter the objectives the government is still vastly behind on policies vs. epidemic, we really should have had a girl set of rules Day 1 and stuck with them.

My state in the US just set a record for number of new cases in both a single recorded day and week. What's scary is that because tests are now provided for free to use at home all over here, a lot of positive cases aren't being reported because people use the at-home tests, test positive, and never tell the state (so that it can be tracked by our Dept of Health) so despite cases being higher than they've ever been, the actual case number is probably much higher.

Let's just hope omicron really is as mild as it seems thus far. I am thinking it is, but I've learned numerous times now to never jump the gun on assumptions with this virus or any of its variants.
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Gold Member
I am spending the new year with a prominent virologist. He told me that, like many labs, they have been trying to grow omicron on lung cells and it just doesn’t grow, whereas it grows really well in the nose cells.

The hypothisis is that much like a common cold, Omicron has adapted to strive in 33C, not 37C.

He is reluctant to put out a definitive statement until they can repeat the tests and verify everything, but he said that if this holds, ‘it’s the end of the pandemic - it has mutated to a common cold’.

Happy new year!


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I am spending the new year with a prominent virologist. He told me that, like many labs, they have been trying to grow omicron on lung cells and it just doesn’t grow, whereas it grows really well in the nose cells.

The hypothisis is that much like a common cold, Omicron has adapted to strive in 33C, not 37C.

He is reluctant to put out a definitive statement until they can repeat the tests and verify everything, but he said that if this holds, ‘it’s the end of the pandemic - it has mutated to a common cold’.

Happy new year!

I hope he's right. It will be like the Spanish Flu all over again - we're still living with its descendants now, but at least it is held at bay with annual vaccinations (that much of the population don't even bother with).

I do think we're going to beat this thing sooner rather than later. Despite all of the vaccine hesitant people and those who outright reject science, humanity as a whole is developing vaccines and treatments so quickly that unless some truly vile variant with insane immune escape springs to existence, societies the world over should be able to handle this virus now. Just need to keep on keeping on until we reach that dawn.


I am spending my new year with someone high up at Nintendo, they tell me Switch pro is coming .
I am spending the new year with a prominent virologist. He told me that, like many labs, they have been trying to grow omicron on lung cells and it just doesn’t grow, whereas it grows really well in the nose cells.

The hypothisis is that much like a common cold, Omicron has adapted to strive in 33C, not 37C.

He is reluctant to put out a definitive statement until they can repeat the tests and verify everything, but he said that if this holds, ‘it’s the end of the pandemic - it has mutated to a common cold’.

Happy new year!
nice story , but next year could very well produce a offspring of delta and Cron .. or even another , but it’s nice that this version seems to be milder on people .. yet even for this version measures are needed! Happy new year ! And try to live a little even with restrictions. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
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I am spending the new year with a prominent virologist. He told me that, like many labs, they have been trying to grow omicron on lung cells and it just doesn’t grow, whereas it grows really well in the nose cells.

The hypothisis is that much like a common cold, Omicron has adapted to strive in 33C, not 37C.

He is reluctant to put out a definitive statement until they can repeat the tests and verify everything, but he said that if this holds, ‘it’s the end of the pandemic - it has mutated to a common cold’.

Happy new year!
Uh huh
I'm spending the new year with a prominent member of a gaming forum. They told me that Sweden got it right, vaccine mandates are fascism and they make a human version of horse paste.
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M. Crassus

I am spending my new year with someone high up at Nintendo, they tell me Switch pro is coming .

nice story , but next year could very well produce a offspring of delta and Cron .. or even another , but it’s nice that this version seems to be milder on people .. yet even for this version measures are needed! Happy new year ! And try to live a little even with restrictions. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

Lol, coronaviruses aren't like influenza, they can't exchange genes so no. The reason omicron is so succesful is the same reason why it's mild, so no, we're probably not going to see a more severe version after this. The pandemic is over.

Also, there aren't any restrictions required for omicron, but most governments won't realize this until a few weeks from now.


I know someone who still can’t taste properly after they caught it in late summer 2020. He’s used to it now, but I know he’s struggled with it. Long Covid can be a right bitch. Fingers crossed you’re luckier.

…though I’d still encourage you all to get vaccinated, obviously.
Thanks, I read a bunch of stuff about it yesterday but you always have these cases that lasted months so now I try to avoid to read about it now and just surf it.
Hopefully this is encouraging: my best friend got COVID-19 in Feb of 2020, you know before it was fashionable, and lost his senses of taste and smell for only five days. It came back in stages - first he could only taste strong flavors like salt and vinegar, so if we were eating french fries all he could taste was the ketchup on them. few days after that sweets came back, and a few days after that, he could finally taste all kinds of savory things again.

So give it two weeks and if it still ain't back maybe see a doctor. They don't yet know why this is the cause - could be neurological, as we know covid can do that (people losing their sense of balance, feeling disembodied, that kind of thing, all point to the virus getting into brain or nerve tissue), some think it's viral shedding in saliva, etc, but I do remember my friend saying the doctors gave him things to try and even prescribed something for him though I forget what. I just shot him a text to ask but he's off galavanting around Europe right now on a vacation so he probably won't answer for days. But if/when he does I'll let ya know what his doctor told him.
Thanks! The only thing I'll try which I've read from yesterday is that some used some kind of scent therapy to get it back at 100% when it shows up (if this works is all up in the air) but basically you smell a few strong things you remember daily and try to remember the smell while thinking about it

Scent and taste is so underrated, im feeling really good now but it's weird not smelling or tasting anything.

I'm making myself a feast when it comes back


Gold Member
It’s not like what I heard is anything new or novel, the same lung cell tests have been done all around the world since Omicron appeared. They have been posted repeatedly in this thread too.

Of course his interpretation of the implications is more noteworthy. He is not an optimistic guy. In late January or early February 2020 he alerted us about a virus in China while were on a holiday in French Polynesia. We thought he was being overly dramatic in saying it will be global, and bad. We were more interested in Boris speech on Brexit.

From what I gathered, once viruses adapt to 33C they don’t tend to backtrack to 37C because they are much more successful in spreading at 33C.

So Omicron edging out Delta would be the dream.


Lol, coronaviruses aren't like influenza, they can't exchange genes so no. The reason omicron is so succesful is the same reason why it's mild, so no, we're probably not going to see a more severe version after this. The pandemic is over.

Also, there aren't any restrictions required for omicron, but most governments won't realize this until a few weeks from now.
Right because there can’t mutate a version of delta 🤣

M. Crassus

Right because there can’t mutate a version of delta 🤣

Delta is disappearing rapidly as we speak. The only way it could outcompete omicron would be to evolve to target upper respiratory system more specifically to increase infection rate, which is both unlikely and would lead to a milder form like omicron as lung cells are targeted less efficiently.


Delta is disappearing rapidly as we speak. The only way it could outcompete omicron would be to evolve to target upper respiratory system more specifically to increase infection rate, which is both unlikely and would lead to a milder form like omicron as lung cells are targeted less efficiently.
They should hire you .. but just as last year right ? 2021 the year the pandemic should end . Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I am spending the new year with a prominent virologist. He told me that, like many labs, they have been trying to grow omicron on lung cells and it just doesn’t grow, whereas it grows really well in the nose cells.

The hypothisis is that much like a common cold, Omicron has adapted to strive in 33C, not 37C.

He is reluctant to put out a definitive statement until they can repeat the tests and verify everything, but he said that if this holds, ‘it’s the end of the pandemic - it has mutated to a common cold’.

Happy new year!
Last time I checked the common cold doesn't kill thousands of people and hospitalize thousands of others.

But hey I'm no "prominent virologist" lol
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Rodent Whores
Lol, coronaviruses aren't like influenza, they can't exchange genes so no. The reason omicron is so succesful is the same reason why it's mild, so no, we're probably not going to see a more severe version after this. The pandemic is over.

Also, there aren't any restrictions required for omicron, but most governments won't realize this until a few weeks from now.
Yes they can. Influenza does it better through reassortment because of its segmented genome, but coronaviruses can do it to, albeit less efficiently, via recombination.

M. Crassus

Yes they can. Influenza does it better through reassortment because of its segmented genome, but coronaviruses can do it to, albeit less efficiently, via recombination.

Thanks, I stand corrected. It'd still be very unlikely for a variant to emerge that is more effective than Omicron while still having the systemic invasion attributes of Delta.


Thanks, I stand corrected. It'd still be very unlikely for a variant to emerge that is more effective than Omicron while still having the systemic invasion attributes of Delta.
It doesn’t need to be as effective .. you can have multiple strains circulating at ones .. it would only need immunity escape ..

As with corona virus that give us the common cold , you can get infected multiple times a year . You can even be infected simultaneously with multiple strains ..
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
It doesn’t need to be as effective .. you can have multiple strains circulating at ones .. it would only need immunity escape ..

As with corona virus that give us the common cold , you can get infected multiple times a year . You can even be infected simultaneously with multiple strains ..

Actually it would require not only immune escape but no cross-reactivity with ancestral strains and relatives.

If a person is infected with both Omicron and Delta current research indicates the T-Cell and B-Cell response would react identically. Immune escape in the case of Omicron is only of the neutralizing antibodies which prevent cellular invasion. Infected cells are still detected and then eliminated by the "killer" T-Cells.



Covid is surging. So why is intensive care bed usage falling?​



Rodent Whores
Show me the data where Omicron has killed thousands of people.
We're still in the early days of Omicron spread. Give it time. These numbers are small now but they add up eventually. For all the signs that omicron is less severe than delta, it's still SARSCOV2 at the end of the day.


Authorized Fister
So people that are asymptomatic that work in the healthcare industry can continue to work... Huh? (Quebec)
Quebec pandemic's response has been a joke from the start. They now have a lockdown and kerfew because they have less than 2000 hospital beds and no they didn't plan for more after 2 years into this.


Gold Member
Quebec pandemic's response has been a joke from the start. They now have a lockdown and kerfew because they have less than 2000 hospital beds and no they didn't plan for more after 2 years into this.
The hell are we supposed to do with 2000 beds lol...


Quebec pandemic's response has been a joke from the start. They now have a lockdown and kerfew because they have less than 2000 hospital beds and no they didn't plan for more after 2 years into this.
But then they would be some how prepared and not be able to freak out every time an increase come up.

This way they can continue to do lockdowns and mandates.

The fact is there never were many ICU beds in hospitals.
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