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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Rodent Whores
This is already clear to me and I have also expressed it in my post. But many still do not understand that. For this reason, some countries are already administering the 4th booster while having record numbers of new infections (which says nothing at all).
You sure you're responding to the right sentence? I wasn't talking about infections. I was talking about reducing severe illness and death, which decouples that from infections.

No, that is not true, or at least only to a limited extent. To put it very simply, a short and mild duration of illness reduces the chance for the virus to mutate, but the main argument was and still is that infections must be prevented by vaccination.
What's not true? Less circulating virus = less transmission = less opportunities for mutation. Main argument? Who's main argument? That's just part of the argument. Don't miss the forest for the trees.

Aren't we saying the same thing here?

Even simple cold viruses can cause statistically significantly more severe courses of disease if one has had no contact with the virus for 1-2 years (the T and B cell activities decrease). So if Omicron stays and does not mutate in a negative sense, then almost all people will be infected with Omicron every year. This is also exactly what happens and takes place with almost all viruses. In the vast majority of cases, however, people have no symptoms at all or only minor symptoms. Even influenza is completely asympomatic in 50-75% of people.

So it's also like you say. An infection with Omicron is the booster shot and all people also (with or without pre-existing conditions) have the option to get vaccinated for improved protection.
Sort of but not really. If the virus keeps mutating, and we don't have updated vaccines (or maybe even if we do, we don't know yet), then yes, yearly ish vaccinations might need to be a thing, similar to how we have to deal with the flu.

However, under your specific scenario where "omicron sticks around and no new dangerous variants emerge", the antigen doesn't change, and enough people spread it around naturally to act as a type of immune response stimulant in lieu of a booster.
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Edit: Scotty From Marketing has said he'll have to prove what his medical exemption is, otherwise he's back on a plane home:

The only thing that will make it true is if he has some sort of immunodeficiency disorder he doesn’t want others to know and which prevents him from being vaccinated. Slim chance.


The only thing that will make it true is if he has some sort of immunodeficiency disorder he doesn’t want others to know and which prevents him from being vaccinated. Slim chance.

Nah. He's an anti-vaxxer. If ScoMo doesn't want to get completely slaughtered, he'll have to send him packing. It's fucked up an unvaxxed twat like him can waltz in, when handsome, clever, and vaxxed up Australian citizens in other countries haven't been able to for so long. There's an election coming up. This kind of shit sticks.
Apparently London may be past the peak. U.S. probably just needs another week or two. Honestly omicron has been going through more or less smoothly. The doom and gloom “1 million cases in a day” doesn’t paint the picture well. Vaccines have done their jobs. Now hopefully we can get on with our lives after this variant and don’t need to raise new alarms for every new variant - because there will be a new variant every year through end of times
Apparently London may be past the peak. U.S. probably just needs another week or two. Honestly omicron has been going through more or less smoothly. The doom and gloom “1 million cases in a day” doesn’t paint the picture well. Vaccines have done their jobs. Now hopefully we can get on with our lives after this variant and don’t need to raise new alarms for every new variant - because there will be a new variant every year through end of times

London looks like it’s peaked in terms of infections, but definitely not hospitalisations or deaths. UK still hasn’t peaked in terms of infections as far as yesterdays numbers are concerned. USA is still cracking on with Delta so I’ll take your optimism that it’s only a couple more weeks for that whole country.


Here in Ontario, we are entering back in to stage 2 at midnight tonight, which includes indoor dining closed, movies closed, gyms closed, 50% capacity in multiple settings like weddings, church......which makes no sense to me because the indoor limit for households is 5, outdoor 10, yet, you can have 50% of people in a church.
These measures are valid right now for Qc, they had reopened but went back to this two weeks ago.

Can't even do groceries on Sundays now, everything is closed on Sunday as well


We have modified hours.

It’s super frustrating, I’m tired of wearing a mask all day, every day, for 2 straight years, having things open and the slight feeling of “normalcy” returning, and then going almost right back to where we started.

It has impacted people mentally, physically…..exhausting situation.
Welcome to the world in pandemic times, it is what it is, try to look at what you do have. It’s probably 1 in a 100 years ( I do here scientists speak about a century of pandemics) I am more annoyed about deniers or people that think rules don’t apply for them, but what they ignore is that they prolong this all.
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Welcome to the world in pandemic times, it is what it is, try to look at what you do have. It’s probably 1 in a 100 years ( I do here scientists speak about a century of pandemics) I am more annoyed about deniers or people that think rules don’t apply for them, but what they ignore is that they prolong this all.

I certainly look at the positives, like I’m alive and have successfully avoided getting covid in 2 years, but, we also can’t ignore the mental struggles people are having, it’s sad to see.

I just hope the best for everyone and it’s going to be a fantastic day when this is all behind us.


Apparently London may be past the peak. U.S. probably just needs another week or two. Honestly omicron has been going through more or less smoothly. The doom and gloom “1 million cases in a day” doesn’t paint the picture well. Vaccines have done their jobs. Now hopefully we can get on with our lives after this variant and don’t need to raise new alarms for every new variant - because there will be a new variant every year through end of times
US hospitalizations are bad still. Mostly from unvaccinated people. There are people who are struggling to get seen at local hospitals because they are full of unvaccinated ill.
Still a burden on the system. Also, Delta is still a thing. It hasn't gone away. Still accounting for a lot of hospitalizations and deaths in parts of the US.


US hospitalizations are bad still. Mostly from unvaccinated people. There are people who are struggling to get seen at local hospitals because they are full of unvaccinated ill.
Still a burden on the system. Also, Delta is still a thing. It hasn't gone away. Still accounting for a lot of hospitalizations and deaths in parts of the US.
Don’t tell them reality man .. they want to party .


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
US hospitalizations are bad still. Mostly from unvaccinated people. There are people who are struggling to get seen at local hospitals because they are full of unvaccinated ill.
Still a burden on the system. Also, Delta is still a thing. It hasn't gone away. Still accounting for a lot of hospitalizations and deaths in parts of the US.
Yeah, anecdotally I have heard of a few people who have had trouble getting in to a hospital to be seen for major medical problems.

Hari Seldon

I think I have COVID, but who the fuck knows because testing is a god damn disaster right now. If there is not enough testing capacity then they need to temp ban the tests for trivial shit like attending a sporting event and reserve them for people with actual symptoms.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I certainly look at the positives, like I’m alive and have successfully avoided getting covid in 2 years, but, we also can’t ignore the mental struggles people are having, it’s sad to see.

I just hope the best for everyone and it’s going to be a fantastic day when this is all behind us.

Yeah, lets hope.

Because quite honestly the actual worst-case scenario is the one noone in the mainstream is talking about. Its the stuff coming from medical and scientific critics of the current "leaky" vaccines that's the most apocalyptic... Its the sort of thing that's frankly so terrifying I really do not want to think too much about it, even though with the case of Marek's disease we do have a properly studied and documented model of the potential outcome.


Had mild cold symptoms for two days, thinking it was probably omicron. Surprisingly was able to find a testing site so I’ll find out in a couple days. Had a small, short gathering with my parents and brothers family for Christmas and new years, but we were wearing n95s the whole time. Assuming they’re all ok, too, I kinda hope it was COVID. I work in retail and have dodged COVID the entire pandemic so it will be a bit of a relief to know I’ve gotten it and the extra immunity that will give.


Gold Member
I certainly look at the positives, like I’m alive and have successfully avoided getting covid in 2 years, but, we also can’t ignore the mental struggles people are having, it’s sad to see.

I just hope the best for everyone and it’s going to be a fantastic day when this is all behind us.
Yeah, lets hope.

Because quite honestly the actual worst-case scenario is the one noone in the mainstream is talking about. Its the stuff coming from medical and scientific critics of the current "leaky" vaccines that's the most apocalyptic... Its the sort of thing that's frankly so terrifying I really do not want to think too much about it, even though with the case of Marek's disease we do have a properly studied and documented model of the potential outcome.
The thing about the past 2 years of covid is that governments only care about and PR the numbers game of cases and deaths.

I've yet to see one report that has detailed effects on:

- Mental health, depression, suicides from being holed at home
- Effect on children and education and teachers going back and forth between online school and in-class. Even my nephews and nieces are smart enough to tell me and my bro that online classes suck. So it goes to show even they know it
- Stats on serious side effects from people taking vaccines. I dont think I've ever seen any big articles detailing people getting super sick or dying from it aside from some early ones about Astra Zeneca blood clotting. I'm a vax supporter but I highly doubt serious side effects are only 0.0001% of the time. It' funny how every pharma ad has a ginormous amount of government regulation bout stating side effects in print or the narrator saying it on tv. Yet for covid vaccines when was the last time you ever saw the gov or your country's health minister tell everyone side effects? Ive never seen it. Not before and not after

Add it up all up, there could be shit loads of drawbacks from all the lockdowns, yet you barely hear anything.

Even if you exclude all the medical issues and just look at the money part (inflation), it's got so bad due to people hoarding (due to lockdowns), companies jacking up prices to compensate, and insanely low interest rates which are influenced by federal rates making properties skyrocket in value (good for owners, bad for everyone else), that just the monetary fall out from covid is a kick in the teeth for anyone who doesnt own a home and has a stable job.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
- Stats on serious side effects from people taking vaccines. I dont think I've ever seen any big articles detailing people getting super sick or dying from it aside from some early ones about Astra Zeneca blood clotting. I'm a vax supporter but I highly doubt serious side effects are only 0.0001% of the time. It' funny how every pharma ad has a ginormous amount of government regulation bout stating side effects in print or the narrator saying it on tv. Yet for covid vaccines when was the last time you ever saw the gov or your country's health minister tell everyone side effects? Ive never seen it. Not before and not after

Yeah, its hard not be cynical and suspicious when its overwhelmingly obvious how our perceptions are being "managed".

The problem is you go too far down that path and its really easy to tumble down into a conspiratorial rabbit-hole and end up losing sight of rationality.

As I think I've written in an earlier post, its why I try to hang on to the nuggets of hard science among all the socio-political "dirt". Because that's stuff that's at least somewhat straight-forward to verify as factual or not, and we all should recognize that "truth" in politics is always based on what is expedient or sellable.

Its why I find the argument about the evolutionary pressure caused by mass-adoption of "leaky" vaccines so depressingly persuasive. For those unfamiliar with what I'm talking about there's a disease in poultry called Marek's disease. In 1970 when the first vaccine was introduced it wasn't that bad, but after 40 years of selective pressure in vaccinated flocks it has evolved to a state where it is 100% deadly in birds it infects. The end result being that vaccination is now an absolute necessity for commercial farmers and any livestock holder above a small size.

The concern obviously being that were Covid to evolve in the same way... Its a sobering thought especially when you so often hear people decrying the unvaxed as incubators and spreaders of more virulent disease to realize that if you want to lean into the precautionary principle, the science cuts both ways.

Kev Kev

Had mild cold symptoms for two days, thinking it was probably omicron. Surprisingly was able to find a testing site so I’ll find out in a couple days. Had a small, short gathering with my parents and brothers family for Christmas and new years, but we were wearing n95s the whole time. Assuming they’re all ok, too, I kinda hope it was COVID. I work in retail and have dodged COVID the entire pandemic so it will be a bit of a relief to know I’ve gotten it and the extra immunity that will give.
freakin everyone i know has it right now, its crazy. good news is its pretty mild for most people and doesnt seem to be very deadly. im sure the doomers will have you think otherwise tho. youll be fine, and probably better off with your body doing its own thing in terms of building immunities. feel better bud
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freakin everyone i know has it right now, its crazy. good news is its pretty mild for most people and doesnt seem to be very deadly. im sure the doomers will have you think otherwise tho. youll be fine, and probably better off with your body doing its own thing in terms of building immunities. feel better bud
East, central FL here— and it’s running rampant. Many companies having to shutdown due to positives with staff. For the most part, every anecdote I’ve heard is it’s all been mild, at worst….but the positives keep popping up.

We’re all bound to get Omicron at the current rate it’s poised for.


It' funny how every pharma ad has a ginormous amount of government regulation bout stating side effects in print or the narrator saying it on tv. Yet for covid vaccines when was the last time you ever saw the gov or your country's health minister tell everyone side effects? Ive never seen it. Not before and not after.
This is present in every box containing medicine. Covid injections are only to be administered by health personnel. If you have questions ask your doctor.


Yeah, anecdotally I have heard of a few people who have had trouble getting in to a hospital to be seen for major medical problems.
It's not anecdotally, I've left the health system for this. It's fucked up beyond anything else that is COVID centered right now.

I was working in the pharmacy, young people trying to kill themselves with their insulin or tylenol, everyone is under mental stress, it's getting worst everyday but these problems aren't important right now. People not getting their cancer treatments, diagnosis are taking an eternity etc..

I've quit, I can't take this shit anymore, they don't want to help anyone else than COVID patients


I wonder the percentage of people taking up hospital beds for covid right now that don't need to be and went due to panic. I'm sure overall it's a small number but definitely something worth considering.


I wonder the percentage of people taking up hospital beds for covid right now that don't need to be and went due to panic. I'm sure overall it's a small number but definitely something worth considering.
I don't know how it works elsewhere but here where I am, when I left, let's say a woman was giving birth to a child, she had to take a COVID test while hospitalised and if she turned up positive, without any symptoms, she counts as a COVID hospitalisation.

They said this week they're working to differentiate these cases which they account for around 25% of cases so they say, but haven't heard anything about it since
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I wonder the percentage of people taking up hospital beds for covid right now that don't need to be and went due to panic. I'm sure overall it's a small number but definitely something worth considering.
People don't get admitted for that. A doctor has to decide to admit them.




Lil’ Gobbie
I wonder the percentage of people taking up hospital beds for covid right now that don't need to be and went due to panic. I'm sure overall it's a small number but definitely something worth considering.
those people sit in the waiting for room for 12 hours and then told to go home where they can help spread their newly contracted disease to their entire family :messenger_sunglasses:
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Lil’ Gobbie
It's not anecdotally, I've left the health system for this. It's fucked up beyond anything else that is COVID centered right now.

I was working in the pharmacy, young people trying to kill themselves with their insulin or tylenol, everyone is under mental stress, it's getting worst everyday but these problems aren't important right now. People not getting their cancer treatments, diagnosis are taking an eternity etc..

I've quit, I can't take this shit anymore, they don't want to help anyone else than COVID patients
trust me they dont want to help the covid patients either :messenger_downcast_sweat:


Parent both over 70 got it.

Received an IV cocktail and dewormer

One recovered in a few days the other a day or few later. Still early but seem to both be on the end of it.

One has the jab the other did not.
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The thing about the past 2 years of covid is that governments only care about and PR the numbers game of cases and deaths.

I've yet to see one report that has detailed effects on:

- Mental health, depression, suicides from being holed at home
- Effect on children and education and teachers going back and forth between online school and in-class. Even my nephews and nieces are smart enough to tell me and my bro that online classes suck. So it goes to show even they know it
- Stats on serious side effects from people taking vaccines. I dont think I've ever seen any big articles detailing people getting super sick or dying from it aside from some early ones about Astra Zeneca blood clotting. I'm a vax supporter but I highly doubt serious side effects are only 0.0001% of the time. It' funny how every pharma ad has a ginormous amount of government regulation bout stating side effects in print or the narrator saying it on tv. Yet for covid vaccines when was the last time you ever saw the gov or your country's health minister tell everyone side effects? Ive never seen it. Not before and not after

Add it up all up, there could be shit loads of drawbacks from all the lockdowns, yet you barely hear anything.

Even if you exclude all the medical issues and just look at the money part (inflation), it's got so bad due to people hoarding (due to lockdowns), companies jacking up prices to compensate, and insanely low interest rates which are influenced by federal rates making properties skyrocket in value (good for owners, bad for everyone else), that just the monetary fall out from covid is a kick in the teeth for anyone who doesnt own a home and has a stable job.
On the side effects part, here in Australia it has been very clearly explained day in and day out as to what can potentially happen with getting the vaccines or booster. It’s up to the people whether they listen to the actual science or some whack job on Facebook who has a more traditional vaccine coming out and is salty his didn’t get picked for government funding.

I’ve heard it all thanks to my mum, sister and her husband being anti-COVID. Love all other vaccines and will get their dogs vaccinated yearly, but blow me down the fucking COVID is apparently hurting my freedoms. Meanwhile we have been so damn lucky in Australia BECAUSE we locked down hard, and while shit is fucking chaos right now (I now actually know people with COVID and it’s scary) I trust in the experts because they actually know their shit.

I still to this day don’t fully understand why people can just trust in blog posts and Twitter accounts of some whackos talking about loss of freedoms, human rights, #mybody shit when they so clearly are incompetent in delivering factually backed evidence. It’s always using the existing data and just saying “yeah but if you look at it in an alternative way then vaccinated people are dying from COVID more than unvaccinated!” If I look at the sky and state it’s now the colour pink because of alternative facts that doesn’t make them factual. It makes me fucking crazy.

I just hope out of this all we really look back at what our world turned into, and just how prolific literal lies were that persuaded people to ignore logical reasoning. And also the irony of #mybody yet have hard stances against said freedom of body rights when it comes to clothing we wear, how we use our bodies and especially abortions. One of Australia biggest independent senators is fucking nutso racist and hates muslims to the point of wearing a hajib in parliament to claim they shouldn’t wear the outfit. Yet she’s advocating freedom of body and choice right now because COVID vaccines are bad?
Parent both over 70 got it.

Received an IV cocktail and dewormer

One recovered in a few days the other a day or few later. Still early but seem to both be on the end of it.

One has the jab the other did not.
Wait one actually took a dewormer? That’s some crazy shit.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The problem with this is that you would have to boost every person every 3-5 months, because many people and politicians still do not understand the difference between protection against infection (very short/weak) and protection against severe disease (strong and much longer). So this is utopian and not practical anyway right now. In addition, with such a necessary frequency of vaccinations, many more people would certainly "drop out" of this vaccination loop and won't get a booster.

Even if two to three shots offer good protection and have hardly any side effects, it is impossible to say how the whole thing will turn out if you need a booster three times a year for many years.

No, boosters are only a thing because the pandemic is still emergent and because too many people are still unvaccinated. Once everyone is vaccinated and the pandemic is under control, it would transform into the same kind of situation as influenza - annual vaccines that specifically target the prevalent known strains. Just like how current flu shots target the active A, B, C strains of influenza and are only needed during the onset of winter.

Another study regarding the traits of the omicron variant:

Nature said:
Upper airway preferred
Difficulty entering lung cells could help to explain why Omicron does better in the upper airways than in the lungs, says Ravindra Gupta, a virologist at the University of Cambridge, UK, who co-authored one of the TMPRSS2 studies4. This theory could also explain why, by some estimates, Omicron is nearly as transmissible as measles, which is the benchmark for high transmissibility, says Diamond.
Omicron’s course of infection could also have implications for children, says Audrey John, a specialist in paediatric infectious disease at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. Young children have relatively small nasal passages, and babies breathe only through their noses. Such factors can make upper respiratory conditions more serious for children than for adults, John says. But she adds that she has not seen data suggesting an uptick in the numbers of young children hospitalized for croup and other conditions that could indicate a severe infection of the upper respiratory tract.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Wait one actually took a dewormer? That’s some crazy shit.

You do know that Ivermectin is on the WHO essential medicines list, its discoverer won the Nobel prize for it, and its been administered literally millions of times with no adverse results?

You can overdose on almost anything from Vitamin supplements to over the counter remedies for common complaints like indigestion! But that doesn't mean that there's anything inherently wrong with them.

The misrepresentation of Ivermectin was always highly suspect, especially as it was actually considered promising enough to be trialled, albeit at small scale, by reputable medical authorities.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
You do know that Ivermectin is on the WHO essential medicines list, its discoverer won the Nobel prize for it, and its been administered literally millions of times with no adverse results?

You can overdose on almost anything from Vitamin supplements to over the counter remedies for common complaints like indigestion! But that doesn't mean that there's anything inherently wrong with them.

The misrepresentation of Ivermectin was always highly suspect, especially as it was actually considered promising enough to be trialled, albeit at small scale, by reputable medical authorities.
People were forming Facebook groups to give each other tips on which farms to hit up for horse dewormer while believing the vaccine would kill them. It was mass delusion via disinformation.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The misrepresentation of Ivermectin was always highly suspect, especially as it was actually considered promising enough to be trialled, albeit at small scale, by reputable medical authorities.

This is untrue. It all started with a flawed preprint study that was retracted. From there kooks and liars ran with it, and here we are. The only reason reputable research ended up being conducted was out of the interest of public health and safety (I.E. to prove to people that they didn't need to seek out animal grade versions, etc).
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
People were forming Facebook groups to give each other tips on which farms to hit up for horse dewormer while believing the vaccine would kill them. It was mass delusion via disinformation.

Maybe so, but the way the substance itself was demonised as "horse dewormer" was pretty suspect in my view.

If a person is so paranoid about both a disease and a drug that they'd resort to taking veterinary medicines that's a problem! Its a pretty extreme thing to resort to.

My point is not to advocate for its usage, and certainly not as a replacement for vaccination, but just to point out that while the inclusion of generic anti-parasitic pharmaceutical as part of a treatment regime (including vitamin drips and monoclonal antibodies) is to some extent radical, its not an altogether crazy idea especially when the substance itself has been used extensively in humans without major issue.

If the BMA considered it of sufficient interest to consider running small scale trials I'd say that its not simple quackery.
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Lil’ Gobbie
Maybe so, but the way the substance itself was demonised as "horse dewormer" was pretty suspect in my view.

If a person is so paranoid about both a disease and a drug that they'd resort to taking veterinary medicines that's a problem! Its a pretty extreme thing to resort to.

My point is not to advocate for its usage, and certainly not as a replacement for vaccination, but just to point out that while the inclusion of generic anti-parasitic pharmaceutical as part of a treatment regime (including vitamin drips and monoclonal antibodies) is to some extent radical, its not an altogether crazy idea especially when the substance itself has been used extensively in humans without major issue.

If the BMA considered it of sufficient interest to consider running small scale trials I'd say that its not simple quackery.
ivermectin is called "horse paste" to disparage people who are fearful enough of the virus and so mistrusting of "government" that they are refusing to take a highly effecatious miracle drug in exchange for something that is probably bunk, see: plaquenil

it's gotten to the point where doctors are so sick of people telling them what they want, essentially telling them how to do their job, and then picking and choosing what they recommend, and then being the first first to complain try to hold you financially liable. So sick of it in fact that they are no longer willing to give your dumb ass ivermectin when initially they were prescribing it liberally to anyone not already on a ventilator. The drug is not fda approved for covid, so they don't have to give you shit. There was an incident near me recently where a hospital doctor would not resume an order for ivermectin that the patient had been given by their primary doctor.. the patient eventually died and the family is now sueing. I'll let you figure out if it was the lack of ivermectin or not being vaccinated that killed him.

personally i think it's too bad because the drug is largely harmless, and there's a still a chance it could help, even if it's just a placebo for those that think it's a cure, so why not give it to people that want it? it's a shame it got to this point, but here we are, and I totally get it /rant
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Gold Member

Oh ya, I forgot about weight gain, which everyone says happens. That's a fact. I've never heard someone or an article say people lost weight. When any of us talk about it (fam or coworkers), everyone is either stayed the same or gained.

And it makes sense as people are sitting around more, holed at home, and snacking more as WFH people can always go to the kitchen and pig out.

You'll never see government tell that bad side effect of being hold up at home due to covid lockdowns. And many companies (like mine) follow office lockdowns based on government issued lockdowns and bad reports of covid cases.
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