He's talking to some people here. The posters here being so militant about vaccines were the same ones advocating for strict lock downs since the beginning:
He says:
"Many folks whose jobs are unaffected by lock downs talk down to the masses about what is right"
on NIH Director Francis Collins' e-mail exchange with Fauci to smear The Great Barrington Declaration and its authors:
"These words from Francis broke my heart. I could steel man them, but at best to me they showed a failure in leadership"
His talk from two months ago with Francis Collins:
Regarding the content of these videos, I
try to stay out of lockdown discussions for a few reasons myself. The main reason is because I know there's a good chance I could come off as dismissive and insensitive to those who haven't had the luxury of working from home since March 2020. Comfort can breed ignorance and all. I am sometimes reminded of that when I have discussions with coworkers who are care providers, technicians, orderlies or materials management, etc (I.E. frontline).
The secondary reason is that as an American in a state that only very briefly and truly locked down once, I have no earthly idea what it must be like to live under the kind of harsh compulsory quarantines of other countries that I only catch glimpses of in the odd news articles I may come across, or via the brief sharing of opinions by reporters and the like in news podcasts.
In depressing news, Maryland and Ohio set records for daily hospitalizations in their states this past weekend, and here just days later, broke them. Well, Ohio has been setting new hospitalizations records every day since December 26th, actually. Both California and New York are now trending that way as well (hell they may already have set new daily records but the data just hasn't been published yet). This all while we haven't even reached the peak for major cities across the nation (the usual suspects at the outset of each wave), let alone the impending
national peak (major cities should peak in a week and change, the entire nation by the final week of the month, if the patterns of the previous four waves repeat themselves).
I really hope omicron is setting a new trend for mutations, and the next is even less severe.
Vaccinate the entire population, keep up on boosters, then adjust mask policies based on current risk factors. That seems to work well enough without draconian lockdown measures.
It would be really nice if we could get everyone who could be vaccinated vaccinated already - the world over preferably. I remember being so optimistic way back when the Trump administration came up with Operation Warp Speed, and then even more optimistic when the vaccines actually - by some miracle - were developed so quickly and proven effective. I may have even gushed here on these forums about hopes that the entire nation could be vaccinated by 2022 (I am fairly certain I did elsewhere, perhaps social media) like an event right out of the movie Contagion. Well, we see how that unfortunately played out.
Here's to hoping that we at least get there in the US by summer. Even 80% with two shots would be extraordinary. Australia is at 90% double vaccinated, right? I realize they have a fifth or so of our population but still, we're the big greedy rich pig in the room hoarding all the vaccines. We could do it I think. I hope anyway.