Neighbours from Hell
That's not how it works. He and his fans are right to criticize the horse paste thing. It's bullshit. If you want to call him out on having people on his show who talk about the effectiveness of Ivermectin, then say that. Don't be disingenuous about the horse paste thing. Publications chose to frame it that way because they wanted to make him look bad. They need to be criticized for it. Sanjay Gupta even admitted it on his show.Yeah, no again. The “error” is about a disclaimer “I dont know if it really works” which is seized on to negate everything else said, but in context of many statements he and his guests made is not inaccurate to say the criticism was in error. The “horse paste“ thing is another good example, he and fans obsessively ranted about that and ignored insane, scientifically illiterate errors he and guests made about ivermectin and vaccines that were debunked over and over. And he’s continued to platform those people making elementary errors that in the eyes of qualified experts completely discredits them as a source of information - and yet Rogan is repeating their dumbass talking points (e.g. about monoclonal antibodies being suppressed, uttar pradesh destroyed Covid with ivermectin, etc) on multiple episodes with random guests
Like I said, if you want to criticize him, then criticize him for something legitimate.
And you have to understand that when it comes to errors and misinformation, it's hard to figure out what is true and what isn't. It's essentially one doctor's word against another's. Two things can be true. There's both a lot of misinformation out there on the vaccine and alternative treatments... and legitimate institutions and doctors/experts have really hurt their credibility either through lies, misleading, or purposely distorting information.
It came out the other day that hospitals have been blurring the lines between people hospitalized because of COVID and people hospitalized for another ailment, but happened to have COVID. These are the types of things that have everyday people question everything. You have to understand that Joe's show is basically his own journey to try and discover truth about COVID. And just because people are shouting "Don't listen to Dr. X!" he's going to use his show to listen to them and make that decision for himself. And frankly, for that I can't blame him. You don't take someone's word on something just because.
Even someone like me who is very pro vax and pro masking, I can't fully trust data when it first comes out. I have to wait days, sometimes weeks to see if it holds up via several sources I personally have come to trust over the last couple years. But that's me. You have to put yourself in someone else's shoes and ask yourself, what are they to do if they don't have anyone they trust? Then who are they to believe? Or are they going to listen to every side of every story and try to make a decision on what you believe?
Do I think Joe has some biases? Sure. I think him being driven out of LA has made him really bitter and blinds him on some certain things. But I also know for certain he's not some nut like Majorie Taylor Greene. He genuinely just wants to understand the truth, even if there are some bumps along the way. It's why he's had Peter Hotez and Nicholas Christakis on his show... twice.