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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]



Good news and impressive they figured out they needed to lower lockdown measures on logistics workers then did something about it so everyone didn't starve and die without medical supplies.
Some connection still with normalcy in getting things like that KFC should have been at the start.


Safest COVID-19 country until now?....
Well North Korea announces its first COVID-19 cases in May 2022 :messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_tears_of_joy:

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I said it multiple times before - China's numbers are rubbish, and they were since the beginning of the pandemic. This is a country of 1.3bln registered citizens + another 300mln that are not, there is statistically absolutely no way the infection toll is not well above 100 000s cases per day for long period of time. But totalitarian regime gonna totalitarian.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

One in five adult Covid survivors under the age of 65 in the United States has experienced at least one health condition that could be considered long Covid, according to a large new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among patients 65 and older, the number is even higher: one in four.

In an indication of how seriously the federal health agency views the problem of long Covid, the authors of the study — members of the C.D.C.’s Covid-19 Emergency Response Team — recommended “routine assessment for post-Covid conditions among persons who survive Covid-19.”

What a bastard of a virus.


Seeing the harsh lockdowns in Shanghai puts into perspective how easy we had it here. There was never a time people had to stay indoors. There were gathering limitations, masking rules, and as we came out of the pandemic vaccination passes, but nothing ever like that. And a portion of our citizenry got enraged over that soft touch. I don't feel it's hyperbole to say there would be serious civil unrest if that Shanghai approach was tried here. I even question the viability of the Australian lockdowns here since they were mentioned in that video.

It's so weird seeing countries with mask policies now. It's not completely abandoned here as a personal practice. Besides legislating masks at obvious places like retirement homes and medical those with medical conditions and older people usually shop in the morning and many are masked. Employees even seem more prone to be masked in the morning too. Informal local thing maybe, haven't really checked around. No one complains one way or the other in those places.

Covid deaths have picked up a bit in the last few weeks in the province. Accepted informal speculation circulating that hospitals aren't being overwhelmed with the current wave due to better vaccination/treatments and faster placement to hospice. No one is feeling the need to reintroduce restrictions.

Some official news

As some businesses in British Columbia report staffing shortages and operational challenges due to COVID-19, the province's health minister says he doesn't expect restrictions to return anytime soon.
On Tuesday, Health Minister Adrian Dix told The Early Edition host Stephen Quinn that he didn't think restrictions would return any time soon, but said we need to prepare for cold and flu season come the fall.
"Inevitably during such seasons, you see a resurgence of COVID-19 and other kinds of respiratory illness," he said.


Gold Member
Seeing the harsh lockdowns in Shanghai puts into perspective how easy we had it here. There was never a time people had to stay indoors. There were gathering limitations, masking rules, and as we came out of the pandemic vaccination passes, but nothing ever like that. And a portion of our citizenry got enraged over that soft touch. I don't feel it's hyperbole to say there would be serious civil unrest if that Shanghai approach was tried here. I even question the viability of the Australian lockdowns here since they were mentioned in that video.

It's so weird seeing countries with mask policies now. It's not completely abandoned here as a personal practice. Besides legislating masks at obvious places like retirement homes and medical those with medical conditions and older people usually shop in the morning and many are masked. Employees even seem more prone to be masked in the morning too. Informal local thing maybe, haven't really checked around. No one complains one way or the other in those places.

Covid deaths have picked up a bit in the last few weeks in the province. Accepted informal speculation circulating that hospitals aren't being overwhelmed with the current wave due to better vaccination/treatments and faster placement to hospice. No one is feeling the need to reintroduce restrictions.

Some official news

As some businesses in British Columbia report staffing shortages and operational challenges due to COVID-19, the province's health minister says he doesn't expect restrictions to return anytime soon.
On Tuesday, Health Minister Adrian Dix told The Early Edition host Stephen Quinn that he didn't think restrictions would return any time soon, but said we need to prepare for cold and flu season come the fall.
"Inevitably during such seasons, you see a resurgence of COVID-19 and other kinds of respiratory illness," he said.
Thankfully Doug Ford opened up everything here in April.

No more masks, stadium capacity limits or any other BS aside from a few exemptions.

It seems zero stores mandate it too. Technically, they could still keep it up for sake of health and safety or have their employees put up the image of safety by having them wear masks serving food, but no business owner gives a shit either. I believe some places still require it I think like hospitals and public transit. Which doesn't even make sense if Skydome at 40,000 people packed like sardines is allowed.

Some people still wear masks (skewed to older folks). But I'd ballpark 80% of people dont care anymore. Go to a Jays game with packed house (I went on opening day sell out) and like 99% of people didn't wear one. Public transit is supposed to require masks too, but we took the subway down to the game and hardly anyone on the train were wearing masks and no TTC workers came around hassling people either.

Unless someone wants to wear masks on their own peroggative, most people have got back to normal life. And if covid germs are still swirling in the air, they'll take the risk of normal life over being bedridden.


Thankfully Doug Ford opened up everything here in April.

No more masks, stadium capacity limits or any other BS aside from a few exemptions.

It seems zero stores mandate it too. Technically, they could still keep it up for sake of health and safety or have their employees put up the image of safety by having them wear masks serving food, but no business owner gives a shit either. I believe some places still require it I think like hospitals and public transit. Which doesn't even make sense if Skydome at 40,000 people packed like sardines is allowed.

Some people still wear masks (skewed to older folks). But I'd ballpark 80% of people dont care anymore. Go to a Jays game with packed house (I went on opening day sell out) and like 99% of people didn't wear one. Public transit is supposed to require masks too, but we took the subway down to the game and hardly anyone on the train were wearing masks and no TTC workers came around hassling people either.

Unless someone wants to wear masks on their own peroggative, most people have got back to normal life. And if covid germs are still swirling in the air, they'll take the risk of normal life over being bedridden.
BC and Ontario were pretty similar to the same pace on opening. Starting in mid-January with April after spring break assessment being the final one. There was some speculation being kicked arond we'd keep vaccine passes until September(LOL), but I think that was just to encourage tourists to be vaccinated.
Group of us have avoided it the whole time, but we went to Megacon in Orlando which had almost 100k people attending, and yea we all got it a couple days later. So many folks I know who were there got covid too, several of the guests also tested positive. Thankfully it wasn't bad, vaxxed and boosted so wasn't worried but basically was real sick for one day then just lingering head cold so far.


Gold Member
I cant believe it. I'll give Trudeau a big brownie point on this one. The gov is going after people who got CERB payments during covid which they shouldn't have. For you guys who dont know, during the pandemic the Canadian gov react fast and literally gave anyone who applied $2,000/mth for like 6 months. Even if you were a CEO making millions, if you applied you got it. They didnt verify anything because people were losing jobs so fast on lockdowns they just let it become the wild west of applications and payouts.

Now lucky for them, no interest penalties or anything. So looks like getting CERB payouts was a fail safe application. Get free money, or get caught any just pay back the principal with zero penalty.

Get a read at these sob story deadbeats.

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Some somewhat funny COVID news for once. So, valid information campaigns tend to not work on the vaccine-hesitant because of their conspiracist nature and general anti-intellectualism and distrust of valid sources of information. But funny memes ridiculing anti-vaxxers works on them by appealing to their emotion, and likely aren't perceived as something meant to be persuasive. It's funny the way the human mind can work sometimes. To break through to the stupid or misinformed, use humor.
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Some somewhat funny COVID news for once. So, valid information campaigns tend to not work on the vaccine-hesitant because of their conspiracist nature and general anti-intellectualism and distrust of valid sources of information. But funny memes ridiculing anti-vaxxers works on them by appealing to their emotion, and likely aren't perceived as something meant to be persuasive. It's funny the way the human mind can work sometimes. To break through to the stupid or misinformed, use humor.

Unfortunately 90% of our best and brightest were lost in the battlefield here, otherwise could've given it a test.


Gold Member

Shocked Oh No GIF by Yêu Lu


My experiences thus far:

- Caught covid for the first time in October, after attending a White Sox playoff game. Not vaccinated. Shit brought me to my fucking knees. Had all the symptoms except difficulty breathing. Two weeks of hell (routinely 101°+ fever, body aches, shivers, profuse night sweating, loss of taste & smell, isolation & depression), followed by four weeks of heck (still no taste (but I could smell), lesser night sweats, rapid heartbeat). Full recovery after six weeks.

- First dose of Pfizer vaccine in February. Fucked up my weekend. Intense chills and sweats for two days. Then nothing. Never went back for the 2nd shot.

- Caught covid again 8 days ago. Not much worse than a bad cold this time, to be honest (searing sore throat, coughing, sneezing/runny nose), except with the addition of headaches and mild sweats for three days. Temperature never broke 100. The worst of it lasted about 4 days, and I'm completely recovered now.

For whatever that's all worth.


Gold Member
Is the pandemic over yet? I feel like the last man on earth still wearing a mask and taking it seriously
Are you currently having covid, severely immunocompromised, or around fragile people? If not, I don’t see the point of a mask. Even for non-vaccinated normal people, Omicron is pretty benign and everyone will get it, masks or not.


That’s a different mater .. people can decide not care .. about anything really .. but viruses don’t care either way .

The scare of covid is over, its seen as a new cold at this point for the people that get it and for everybody else it simple doesn't exist anymore even people that are not vaccinated.

Gyms are full again, massive festivals are open again, and jobs returned to normal again.


Is the pandemic over yet? I feel like the last man on earth still wearing a mask and taking it seriously
You’re one of the good ones. I’ve been wearing one religiously until this past week and sure enough I caught COVID the one time I didn’t wear a mask all week on vacation at Disneyland. I’m wearing a mask again for the foreseeable future it’s kicking my ass but I have enough other conditions that I qualified for monoclonal antibodies.

The scare of covid is over, its seen as a new cold at this point for the people that get it and for everybody else it simple doesn't exist anymore even people that are not vaccinated.

Gyms are full again, massive festivals are open again, and jobs returned to normal again.

Agree the scare is over but the threat is not see above: I was negative the entire pandemic but now that no one takes it seriously including myself regrettably I got it and it is not a joke.
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This surge may be finally peaking. It’s funny how nobody has been paying any attention to it but I’ve had so many people in my circle catch Covid in the last month, more than anytime before combined.

Everyone has recovered just fine thankfully.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
This surge may be finally peaking. It’s funny how nobody has been paying any attention to it but I’ve had so many people in my circle catch Covid in the last month, more than anytime before combined.

Everyone has recovered just fine thankfully.
Well that is the difference, death rates are nowhere near what they were thanks to a combination of vaccination and the omicron variant.


The scare of covid is over, its seen as a new cold at this point for the people that get it and for everybody else it simple doesn't exist anymore even people that are not vaccinated.

Gyms are full again, massive festivals are open again, and jobs returned to normal again.
sure . But people still get long COVID even after vacation or having caught another version . People do what they like . Good for them, I do the same, still haven’t got COVID 🤓


°Temp. member
sure . But people still get long COVID even after vacation or having caught another version . People do what they like . Good for them, I do the same, still haven’t got COVID 🤓
Yeah that's what scares me - not just having covid but having long covid afterwards


Gold Member
I am spending the new year with a prominent virologist. He told me that, like many labs, they have been trying to grow omicron on lung cells and it just doesn’t grow, whereas it grows really well in the nose cells.

The hypothisis is that much like a common cold, Omicron has adapted to strive in 33C, not 37C.

He is reluctant to put out a definitive statement until they can repeat the tests and verify everything, but he said that if this holds, ‘it’s the end of the pandemic - it has mutated to a common cold’.

Happy new year!
Nothing defeatist about not bunkering in for years, because this virus is so infectious nothing less will keep you from eventually getting it. It’s literally the most infectious pathogen on the planet.

While a number of people will not get it, it is because of chance afforded them by mathematics, not because of their own actions - unless said action is a complete withdrawal from human contact.

Also, I don’t see why people should even be existentially concerned of getting omicron, unless they have a severe comorbidity.

I doubt anyone thinks it’s “defeatist or unhealthy rhetoric” to be certain you will get a cold in your lifetime.

Regarding the discussion of ’is the pandemic over’, I am reposting what I wrote here late last year. It seems less controversial now.
Maybe that virologist cannot grow omicron in lung cells in the lab but 350 Americans die every day due to covid and that's not because of a minor nose cold. If anything has been shown by this pandemic it's the huge gap between lab testing on cells in a petri dish and reality.


Maybe that virologist cannot grow omicron in lung cells in the lab but 350 Americans die every day due to covid and that's not because of a minor nose cold. If anything has been shown by this pandemic it's the huge gap between lab testing on cells in a petri dish and reality.
Ssst don’t come in here with sensibility.. /sarcasm , pretty high number still , but now with a war there is money needed , just like in war , these deaths are canon fodder.
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2 and a half years avoiding it and now my vulnerable wife has it.

went to a home decoration excibit last week. it has dropped her on her fucking arse and that is with 4 jabs.

thank god she has them cos i dread to think what would happen if she didnt


My almost 2-year-old son got COVID at daycare last week. Three other kids in his class have it. He was miserable Friday night and all of Saturday, feeling much better yesterday, and is 100% back to normal today. But with a positive test, kids can't go back to daycare until 10 days after their first symptoms. Honestly wonder how long that will last. He's had other random illnesses that made him sicker and for longer periods of time than COVID.


Yeah that's what scares me - not just having covid but having long covid afterwards
I'm on week six of feeling the fatigue of long haul Covid. It sucks, especially when the doctor has virtually no advice after determining my blood levels come back normal. I don't feel 'normal' and who knows how long it will last.
Welp, I may have COVID. Sat next to someone for 6 hours in a meeting on Friday that had it. Awaiting test results which should be in tomorrow. My at home test says negative, as of now, I just have a scratchy throat, slight cough, and some congestion.
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Welp, I may have COVID. Sat next to someone for 6 hours in a meeting on Friday that had it. Awaiting test results which should be in tomorrow. My at home test says negative, as of now, I just have a scratchy throat, slight cough, and some congestion.
Might be negative. Symptoms might get worse for a few days before they get better.
If you know your body, you know when you have it. I first tought i have it, but didn't. the real thing a few weeks later was different.

It's hindsight, but I would know now if i have covid or just some other cold / illness.
MY GF also was very different, when she really had covid or just some coughts.


Gold Member
covid is over honestly, see absolutely nobody caring anymore.
It's over. At least here it is. Everything has been totally open for months. No masks anymore etc.... There might be a few lingering places you have to wear a mask (I know at one time public transit and hospitals were still on the list), but I think even those are gone now too.

You still see some people wearing mask (including store workers), but I'd say 90% of people dont wear one anymore. And people that do skew to old people.

Basically back to normal. On my local CP24.com news site, there used to be endless covid news and tracker updates. Gone.


Here everyone is getting sick 🤒 my neighbors bark like dogs all day and are unable to work and feel terrible .. ba.4 and 5 are circulating fast .. even with 25 degree temps outside .
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