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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]



Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
COVID seems to be everywhere right now. I just got over it again. Walking into work today, two people were at the mandatory check in with fevers. My girlfriend manages infectious disease at a different site and it's rampant there as well.

Just read that the newest variant has the ability to exceed all expectations in terms of reinfection, with the ability to infect again after just 4 weeks. So that's nice.

Masks at work are back.
i tested positive on sunday morning. symptoms started saturday morning but test was negative. my entire body was sore/cold, had a headache, and light coughing. monday morning the head/body aches were gone but my throat and chest got really bad. lol i remember at the weekend thinking if only the headache would go away then i'll be fine. i can deal with anything except headaches. well the trouble i've went through with my throat/chest has been a fucking nightmare.

my throat felt like it was stinging and burning. any time i tried swallowing i was getting excruciating pain in my throat and both ears. since monday morning until now (1pm on friday) all i've ate is a bowl of tomato soup, a bowl of mashed potato, and ice lollies. i had the soup on monday and over the course of the week i've ate a bowls worth of mashed potato. each time i could only manage a couple spoonfuls. drinking water was too much as well. i have a 500ml bottle and it took me 2 days to drink it. i also couldn't sleep for about 3 days because of the pain and i kept choking if i lay down. i have been coughing up nasty yellow/brown shit.

tried phoning my doctor (6 times...) and they just kept saying that "those are the symptoms of covid. nothing we can do." and i get that but i was in a lot of pain. eventually they gave me some strong painkillers but they didn't do much. one night (can't remember, it's all been a blur) i felt like i was going to pass out (three times it happened) because i was struggling to breathe and both my arms went numb. an ambulance turned up and they checked my oxygen/blood etc which were all fine but they said likely it's an infection. it was only because the paramedics contacted my doctor that i then got some antibiotics.

the antibiotics have made a HUGE difference. i know you cant treat covid with them so i'm thinking my immune system had been weakened and i've also caught a bacterial infection on top of covid ... yey! i'm only a few days into the course and need to take them for another week but wow i feel so much better. i'm still coughing but i can actually drink and eat now! i feel so weak still but now i can eat i should get my strength back :D

i think i should be fine to go back to work on monday as long as i test negative tomorrow or sunday. i never want to go through this shit again. i followed all the rules and always wore a mask but when the restrictions started easing i guess i got a bit too comfortable not wearing them as much. i'm almost terrified/paranoid to go out in public now so i'll be fully masked up and stocking up on more hand gel! i knew covid was serious but now i've experienced it myself it's really making me more cautious. it aint no fucking joke



The control cohort of 590,976 adults with at least one negative PCR and no positive PCR were age- and sex-matched

Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis or pericarditis. We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection
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i tested positive on sunday morning. symptoms started saturday morning but test was negative. my entire body was sore/cold, had a headache, and light coughing. monday morning the head/body aches were gone but my throat and chest got really bad. lol i remember at the weekend thinking if only the headache would go away then i'll be fine. i can deal with anything except headaches. well the trouble i've went through with my throat/chest has been a fucking nightmare.

my throat felt like it was stinging and burning. any time i tried swallowing i was getting excruciating pain in my throat and both ears. since monday morning until now (1pm on friday) all i've ate is a bowl of tomato soup, a bowl of mashed potato, and ice lollies. i had the soup on monday and over the course of the week i've ate a bowls worth of mashed potato. each time i could only manage a couple spoonfuls. drinking water was too much as well. i have a 500ml bottle and it took me 2 days to drink it. i also couldn't sleep for about 3 days because of the pain and i kept choking if i lay down. i have been coughing up nasty yellow/brown shit.

tried phoning my doctor (6 times...) and they just kept saying that "those are the symptoms of covid. nothing we can do." and i get that but i was in a lot of pain. eventually they gave me some strong painkillers but they didn't do much. one night (can't remember, it's all been a blur) i felt like i was going to pass out (three times it happened) because i was struggling to breathe and both my arms went numb. an ambulance turned up and they checked my oxygen/blood etc which were all fine but they said likely it's an infection. it was only because the paramedics contacted my doctor that i then got some antibiotics.

the antibiotics have made a HUGE difference. i know you cant treat covid with them so i'm thinking my immune system had been weakened and i've also caught a bacterial infection on top of covid ... yey! i'm only a few days into the course and need to take them for another week but wow i feel so much better. i'm still coughing but i can actually drink and eat now! i feel so weak still but now i can eat i should get my strength back :D

i think i should be fine to go back to work on monday as long as i test negative tomorrow or sunday. i never want to go through this shit again. i followed all the rules and always wore a mask but when the restrictions started easing i guess i got a bit too comfortable not wearing them as much. i'm almost terrified/paranoid to go out in public now so i'll be fully masked up and stocking up on more hand gel! i knew covid was serious but now i've experienced it myself it's really making me more cautious. it aint no fucking joke
It’s only flu 🤧 sad thing is people need to experience first before they can understand it clearly is not flu ! And then there are people that will always get it mild, those will down play it for ever .. a evangelist that it’s all a joke .. and they make sure you hear them.

And there is a group that is fucked for life with long COVID! Long life sentient smart life 🤣 as for me, I had a virus 22 years ago that fucked me really nicely and took 3 years of my life .. I was basically feeling like. 60 year old.

So I’ll take my change and do everything to not get COVID, it has been pretty easy , I don’t go to really crowded places with the family , like festivals .. the rest is business as usual.

And take care ! Drink enough water !
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Well my fellow gaffers

Redundancy warning this week
Ended a 6+ year relationship
And now COVID has finally got me after managing to avoid it all these years.

Hell of a week 🤢🤮🤧

Oh oh now add "My mortgage application on a house was denied" so now I've a month to find another and do it all over again before I'm homeless or signing onto another rental for a year :D

Finally getting over COVID though, feeling a lot better today and slept like a brick.

My nose is raw with the tissue use.


Well, I just got COVID for the first time, as I tested positive around 6:00 this evening.

I am 52 and vaccinated and had two boosters, the most recent in January.

Right now, I am light-headed, have the chills and have a chest cold/cough. I did a telehealth video call with my PCP, and they don't want me to take Paxodil because of some heartburn medication I have been taking that has been shown to have severe nausea, as a side effect.

So, I am going to wait it out in my house. If I treat this as day one, I take it that I should plan on staying here in the house for 5 days until I am less contagious?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Well, I just got COVID for the first time, as I tested positive around 6:00 this evening.

I am 52 and vaccinated and had two boosters, the most recent in January.

Right now, I am light-headed, have the chills and have a chest cold/cough. I did a telehealth video call with my PCP, and they don't want me to take Paxodil because of some heartburn medication I have been taking that has been shown to have severe nausea, as a side effect.

So, I am going to wait it out in my house. If I treat this as day one, I take it that I should plan on staying here in the house for 5 days until I am less contagious?

My doctor told me to stay home at least three days, or until I tested negative. Took me exactly three days to test negative - completely vaxxed with one booster.

Good luck, hope it doesn't get bad for you.


My doctor told me to stay home at least three days, or until I tested negative. Took me exactly three days to test negative - completely vaxxed with one booster.

Good luck, hope it doesn't get bad for you.
Thanks BadBurger!

Ya, if it ends up being just 3 days at home, I will certainly consider myself fortunate.


Triple Vaxxed, symptoms last Tuesday, runny blocked nose, today clear, caught it from my wife who had it week before, she had same symptoms but had the sore throat part.


Got over it about a month ago. A couple of days of fever and cold sweats, a week of sore throat and coughing. Vaxed and boosted last November, so I'm guessing any effectiveness had probably worn off. Still ested positive two weeks after the coughing stopped. Seems like it's everywhere in the UK. I've only just started running again, not 100% yet.

For me it was worse than a cold but not as bad as proper flu, which I've had twice.


Today was interesting. I slept OK last night, but felt awful when I woke up around 8 AM. I took a nap for about an hour and have felt significantly better since getting up from that nap at 10 AM.

I called my doctor's office for a telemedicine visit, and was passed to a nurse, who was fairly helpful. She advised that I quarantine through Wednesday, since I first started getting symptoms on Friday night. This was already my plan, so it was nice to have that confirmed.

She also explained that even though I am 52, I am not eligible for Paxlovid, as I do not have enough of the risk factors to warrant inclusion in the Paxlovid-eligible population. I see the rationale in this, even though it doesn't rule in my favor.

The only "bad" part of the call was when I asked her about how to watch for symptoms of long COVID, since the research seems to be unclear on this at this point. Humorously, she replied, "You have to watch looking up information on the internet on your own, as it is usually wrong." I replied, "Sure, but I typically form my opinions on medical matters based on things I read in Science and the New England Journal of Medicine" and she changed the subject. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I also decided to extend my "quarantine" to one of my favorite activities that I did during the March/April/May "quarantine" back in 2020. I drove to a nice park with a huge walking track/course about 15 minutes away from my house (first time I have been away from the house since testing positive) and walked for about 45 minutes. Social distancing was really easy, as the course is literally miles long, and any time I would get close to a walker who I feared would end up "downstream" from me, I would run ahead and get out of my direct line to them. I hope to walk that course again tomorrow.

Sorry for all the minutiae. I really appreciate this thread though and have gained assurance reading other people's stories and advice (even though I also read about COVID in Science and the NEJM). :messenger_sunglasses:


Got covid had both of my shots no booster and I did one of those at home tests and both lines came out on c,and t ,I work at Walmart I wear a mask and gloves but it was just a matter of time,the symptoms are mild the dr told me not to come stay home.
Ya, I had a similar test experience on Saturday. It says in the instructions that the test results will take 15 minutes to appear, but that T line on my test started to appear about 30 seconds after I put the drops into the test. The first two days were bad, but overall it has been mild and I am on the road to recovery.
Ya, I had a similar test experience on Saturday. It says in the instructions that the test results will take 15 minutes to appear, but that T line on my test started to appear about 30 seconds after I put the drops into the test. The first two days were bad, but overall it has been mild and I am on the road to recovery.
Yea I did another test just to be sure and it’s the same,now I have to go through the hassle with Sedgwick a Walmart insurance thing we’re they will pay me for the days I’ll be gone.


Yea I did another test just to be sure and it’s the same,now I have to go through the hassle with Sedgwick a Walmart insurance thing we’re they will pay me for the days I’ll be gone.
That is good to hear though that you will get to stay home and quarantine and get some pay for the time off. It would suck to have to go in to work while you are dealing with the brain fog from COVID. I didn't even want to drive until yesterday, as it felt like I was driving drunk on Saturday before I took the test in the evening.


Neighbours from Hell
Has it been officially confirmed if the 4th shot has only a couple weeks of protection? I kept reading that the 4th COVID shot's protection dissipates significantly after about 2 weeks. My doctor wants me to get it because I'm immuno compromised, but if that is true, I'm going to wait to get it until I have something coming up where I'm actually going to be around other people. I'd be wasting it otherwise.


LA bringing back the mask mandate. Get ready to be locked down until mid-November in the US.


Gold Member
So first of all its an anticipation as per your own article, second of all fox news, third of all even if pans out which hey it very well might, you realize the wide chasm between one city putting in a little temporary rinky dink non enforced mask mandate versus your batshit insane claim of the USA going into lockdown until mid November?
It’s not just Fox news. It’s every local LA news.

This is how it starts. LA county is the largest county in CA. They reimpose the mandate and that gives Newsom the OK to do it statewide and then move to another stay at home order.
It’s not just Fox news. It’s every local LA news.

This is how it starts. LA county is the largest county in CA. They reimpose the mandate and that gives Newsom the OK to do it statewide and then move to another stay at home order.
Oh my dear lord dude. Did you read any other part of my reply besides the fox news bit? First of all all of those articles still have it contingent on a projection of hospilizations not an official announcement as of yet. Second of all do you have any idea how huge CA is? The largest country is still relatively minute.

It sounds like you're even dipping into conspiritoralism with Newsom as the emperor from star wars trying to impose lockdowns way past their expiration date. There wont be any goddamn stay at home order and dear GOD my friend you have a better chance at winning the lottery than seeing the entire usa go back into lockdown for as long as you said over an omicron flare up.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Researchers' ability to reliably track the origins of these outbreaks is improving.

Led by University of Arizona virus evolution expert Michael Worobey, international teams of researchers have traced the start of the pandemic to the market in Wuhan, China, where foxes, raccoon dogs and other live mammals susceptible to the virus were sold live immediately before the pandemic began. Their findings were published Tuesday in two papers in the journal Science, after being previously released in pre-print versions in February.

The publications, which have since gone through peer review and include additional analyses and conclusions, virtually eliminate alternative scenarios that have been suggested as origins of the pandemic. Moreover, the authors conclude that the first spread to humans from animals likely occurred in two separate transmission events in the Huanan market in late November 2019.

One study scrutinized the locations of the first known COVID-19 cases, as well as swab samples taken from surfaces at various locations at the market. The other focused on genomic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 from samples collected from COVID-19 patients during the first weeks of the pandemic in China.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Started feeling shitty last Thursday. Did test negative. Sore throat, headache, bit of a cough. Negative Saturday but still no improvements. Tested positive Monday.

Feel like absolute shit still. Throats okay during the day, terrible at night. Cough is annoying but not continuous. It’s the headaches and all the joints in my body that won’t stop aching. This is where it feels more like flu except you cannot get out of bed with flu (my experience)

I can’t fucking sleep, my eyes keep watering.

So yeah, scratchy throat and sneezes last Thursday was the start. Wednesday now. Don’t want to waste a test if I’m still positive. Done my bit by staying in and avoiding others.

Have had main injection and 2 boosters.
the last couple days ive not been feeling great. i had covid (for the first time) about a month and a half ago. wasn't the best experience i've had so i've been terrified that i caught it again. so far no tests are positive. my throat is being a bitch and last night i felt a bit sore and achey. feeling a bit better today so hopefully it's nothing.

honestly since i got my covid vaccines i just haven't felt right. i've never been one to act all like it's a conspiracy. i've always supported that people get their vaccines if they can. when i caught covid that's the first i've been truly sick in the last couple years but i don't know... i keep getting these odd days where i'm not 100% and feel like somethings working on me. not quite sick but not quite myself.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
My whole family and I got Covid the week after our second child was born, wife as pretty bad back in March. I am triple vaxxed. Are we all lining up for more vaccines in the winter then?

It was rough but I am young, healthy and vaccinated. I can imagine it would have been so bad without all of those factors on my side.

Seems to have just dropped out of the news completely with the war in Ukraine and cost of living crisis now, flavour of the month for the mainstream media.

Hopefully it will continue to deteriorate and weaken over time, I have not been keeping up with it a lot lately on purpose.


Early July my elderly parents (who I am staying with until my apartment opens up next week) got the new BA.5 variant.. luckily it seems it does not spread to the lungs so while it sucks it's no longer life threatening.
I had just started dating my current girlfriend and the weekend after they got it she was like.. we are not going out this weekend.. we are staying in the entire time (took me a minute to realize what she meant because I was still in that gentleman mode)..

Fucking dad just kept coming downstairs to talk to me while he's sick with covid, I'd go to pick him up some food and the fucker would follow like 3 feet behind instead of waiting for me to drop it and go.. like I was desperately doing anything I could to not catch that shit.. and he seemed determined to covid cockblock me.

Luckily I came out unscathed and still have not been infected by it yet.

My Son caught it from them and his symptoms were literally nothing more than.. I'm tired and I don't want to eat.
Parents had sore throat, severe sinus headache (mom said she could not even raise her head of the pillow it hurt so bad), mild but annoying cough and some feverishness. (also not wanting to eat anything).


I finally got it, we basically tried to not get it . About 24 years ago I got a pretty bad virus it rocked my life as I was out of the running for 3 months, my immune system was destroyed, slept for almost whole days for 3 months and felt like a old man for 3 years , when I became 21 I felt almost like myself, now age 42, I didn’t want to encounter this again .

I had 2 shots of Pfizer a year ago, with the second shot I had small COVID like symptoms, me and my girl both. We were pretty sick. We didn’t take any more boosters .

Fast forward to now , I got COVID , but I didn’t know, had mild symptoms but before I got it I had blisters on my feet for days , after a couple of days I didn’t trust it so I tested for COVID and I was positive.

My immune systems reacted so fast that it also attacked my own cells COVID didn’t had a chance. Blisters on my feet with puss (COVID feet) It’s like immunotherapy for cancer that can also give blisters. People who test PCR seem to test negative, didn’t try that myself, as I did have antigens , that test was positive. I did need pretty hefty ibuprofen from a doctor. Only a small percentage of people like me develop these blisters before COVID symptoms.

It went in at the top and out the bottom.. 🤡

I always knew my body would react differently, that’s why I did everything not to get it, had a good 2,5 year run.
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Gold Member
BA5 is pretty nuts for heart rate. Sitting with friends chilling with a glass of wine, suddenly get a notification from my Apple Watch that my heart rate is consistently over 120bpm

Pretty much every day:


BA5 day:


Took a nap after the first warning, hence the dip
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