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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Shut down a global economy for years, tanked markets.

Working from home and kids having the learn from home.

REALLY effective.

World is still in a recession due to it.

I suppose you forgot how before the vaccines many people were dying daily, how many are now debilitated for life after narrowly recovering, how our healthcare networks kept being overwhelmed, and the effects of longhaul COVID-19 that doctors and other scientists are still learning about but already afflicts tens of thousands. The world has been through pandemics stretching back to the Dark Ages - quarantines and, once we understood germ theory, other public safety measures like masking have been the norm in successfully combating them.

Working from home has been a boon that uncovered a lot of flaws, needless wastes of time, and detractions in the quality of life of many white collar workers who were forced to commute to an office. It transformed work for tens of millions for the better.

Children learning from home was a small sacrifice and inconvenience for saving lives - including some of their own. Besides, I didn't see people who now complain about pandemic measures complaining about home schooling prior.

Yes - it was all REALLY effective. It saved countless lives and allowed us to get out of the worst of the mess earlier than we would have without them. Let's not start going through radical historical revisionism just because you didn't like some of these things or benefit from them yourself. We are all in this together, and sadly it isn't over. We still have tens of thousands in the US being hospitalized each month, thousands in the ICU, and hundreds dying.

It's disappointing I even had to type this out. It feels like I'm back in late 2020 again.
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I suppose you forgot how before the vaccines many people were dying daily, how many are now debilitated for life after narrowly recovering, how our healthcare networks kept being overwhelmed, and the effects of longhaul COVID-19 that doctors and other scientists are still learning about but already afflicts tens of thousands. The world has been through pandemics stretching back to the Dark Ages - quarantines and, once we understood germ theory, other public safety measures like masking have been the norm in successfully combating them.

Working from home has been a boon that uncovered a lot of flaws, needless wastes of time, and detractions in the quality of life of many white collar workers who were forced to commute to an office. It transformed work for tens of millions for the better.

Children learning from home was a small sacrifice and inconvenience for saving lives - including some of their own. Besides, I didn't see people who now complain about pandemic measures complaining about home schooling prior.

Yes - it was all REALLY effective. It saved countless lives and allowed us to get out of the worst of the mess earlier than we would have without them. Let's not start going through radical historical revisionism just because you didn't like some of these things or benefit from them yourself. We are all in this together, and sadly it isn't over. We still have tens of thousands in the US being hospitalized each month, thousands in the ICU, and hundreds dying.

It's disappointing I even had to type this out. It feels like I'm back in late 2020 again.

Dude, thrice I was in hospital thanks to it.

Don't believe me, I posted every visit.

Worst thing wasn't being there (although that sucked).

It was watching the deaths of good people you had yesterday.

I Posted this at the time.

Post history, all there.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Dude, thrice I was in hospital thanks to it.

Don't believe me, I posted every visit.

Worst thing wasn't being there (although that sucked).

It was watching the deaths of good people you had yesterday.

I Posted this at the time.

Post history, all there.

Well you seemed to be downplaying things. Sorry for your troubles.

As a healthcare IT worker I lived and worked through the worst of it while seeing things happen in real time that some still seem to pretend never happened. Those 50-60 hour work weeks while seeing trucks being loaded up with bodies outside of my old office in 2020 and 2021 left a mark.


I suppose you forgot how before the vaccines many people were dying daily, how many are now debilitated for life after narrowly recovering, how our healthcare networks kept being overwhelmed, and the effects of longhaul COVID-19 that doctors and other scientists are still learning about but already afflicts tens of thousands. The world has been through pandemics stretching back to the Dark Ages - quarantines and, once we understood germ theory, other public safety measures like masking have been the norm in successfully combating them.

Working from home has been a boon that uncovered a lot of flaws, needless wastes of time, and detractions in the quality of life of many white collar workers who were forced to commute to an office. It transformed work for tens of millions for the better.

Children learning from home was a small sacrifice and inconvenience for saving lives - including some of their own. Besides, I didn't see people who now complain about pandemic measures complaining about home schooling prior.

Yes - it was all REALLY effective. It saved countless lives and allowed us to get out of the worst of the mess earlier than we would have without them. Let's not start going through radical historical revisionism just because you didn't like some of these things or benefit from them yourself. We are all in this together, and sadly it isn't over. We still have tens of thousands in the US being hospitalized each month, thousands in the ICU, and hundreds dying.

It's disappointing I even had to type this out. It feels like I'm back in late 2020 again.

Learn to read, i literally said I was for them.


Well you seemed to be downplaying things. Sorry for your troubles.

As a healthcare IT worker I lived and worked through the worst of it while seeing things happen in real time that some still seem to pretend never happened. Those 50-60 hour work weeks while seeing trucks being loaded up with bodies outside of my old office in 2020 and 2021 left a mark.

I ain't downplaying being on a tourney and watching people die.

The hell is wrong with you?

Sorry being in a hospital and seeing it happen bugs you.


As I previously posted, I posted while watching it.

It's not something anyone with any decency would brag about.

It was heartbreaking.

That guy you used to chat with ...


Well you seemed to be downplaying things. Sorry for your troubles.

As a healthcare IT worker I lived and worked through the worst of it while seeing things happen in real time that some still seem to pretend never happened. Those 50-60 hour work weeks while seeing trucks being loaded up with bodies outside of my old office in 2020 and 2021 left a mark.

Dunno why i'm being jumped on.

The nurses were Angels.

I was in 2-3 last year. So I know well. Had me stuck on a walking aid as I was in the bed for so long.

I'm young enough that was important.

Nurses were angels. Yet not everyone were lucky enough to leave.

EDIT: Not a compeition. You'd understand if you were in one, you don't want to be there.
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The history, science, and statistics speak for themselves, you can google it Nush. I'm not going to bother retreading well-known facts here in late 2022.

We can both Google it and find links that support our positions. When you ask me to throw out basic science 101 from high school of having a control subject to support a position I'm calling it out.

Here are two identical plants, one we water every day and one we don't. Conclusion, plants die if you don't water them.


Neither of us has a control group. Unless you count the only vax that was available to me in China that the west said didn't count as being vaxxed if you wanted to travel and still the most common vax in China. But hey check my links, covid zero policy is being walked back right now.


That's a pretty simplistic way of looking at things. Ultimately, BC's lower death rate was not that much lower and almost entirely due to it missing the first wave from the good fortune of having a late spring break.
The post wasn't intended to be exhaustive. Putting the cause of lower death rate entirely on spring break sounds even more simplistic and like something a rival health authority might say to justify their higher death rate from poor management. "It's just luck", they say pouting. Timing of Spring break was one factor that travel of a demographic was restricted before they could carry the virus and one that was shared by most provinces. Care homes was a bigger difference in the first wave. All jurisdictions may have shared staff between facilities but those with higher standards and a better response kept the death rate lower among this most vulnerable group.
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We can both Google it and find links that support our positions. When you ask me to throw out basic science 101 from high school of having a control subject to support a position I'm calling it out.

Here are two identical plants, one we water every day and one we don't. Conclusion, plants die if you don't water them.


Neither of us has a control group. Unless you count the only vax that was available to me in China that the west said didn't count as being vaxxed if you wanted to travel and still the most common vax in China. But hey check my links, covid zero policy is being walked back right now.


Just to add briefly to my previous post above:
Travel wasn't banned for spring break 2020 in Canada. That is a federal thing anyhow, not provincial. People could leave. There was just news alert of the virus and federal recommendation against non-essential travel and that all international travellers return. Most people took the hint.

But moving on to looking at the now instead of the then:
85% vaccination rate was given at one time as a needed number for herd immunity.

According to data gathered by CTV news as of December 9th, 2022

Compare with hospitalization numbers by province, it shows the rate might have contributed, but there appears to be other factors making numbers fluctuate. There's population distribution to consider, but perhaps public investment in strategies to curb spread is stronger and uninhibited in some places.

Fortunately, now where there's higher numbers there's approved treatments for those hospitalized, but cost much more than a vaccine or simple prevention.
17 died of covid in BC last week and 46 in Alberta reported by CBC.

In lighter news on challenges to tickets during the reopening phase.

Over the course of an hour and a half last month, Judicial Justice Brent Adair shredded Northern Health's prosecution of Lambda Cabaret — rejecting public complaints as hearsay, questioning the relevance of video showing a lineup of unmasked people, and asking how he could be sure someone hadn't hacked the Facebook account of the nightclub in Prince George, B.C.

Lambda Cabaret, now known as Club 1177, identified itself as a "safe space" for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and two-spirit community in northern B.C.

The business made headlines last winter after Northern Health issued a series of Public Health Act violation tickets to the nightclub for ignoring mask requirements, failing to check patrons for vaccination status and ultimately refusing to shut down in the face of a closure order.

The case appeared to be a slam dunk — not just a smoking gun, but the social media equivalent of someone firing the weapon, giving their name and address and then explaining why they did it. Repeatedly.

The cabaret posted videos on Facebook of large groups of unmasked people dancing and drinking and put up a sign saying they weren't following B.C.'s vaccine passport policy: "Open with zero mandates 2 weekends in a row," one post declared, "The media is the virus."

The CBC has now obtained audio of the hearing, which took place in a courtroom full of people who travelled from far and wide to watch Lambda challenge the tickets. They witnessed a crash course on the rules of evidence.

Environmental health officer David Creighton — who is not a lawyer — acted as the Crown. And his only witness was another environmental health officer named Joey Cheng.

They had hoped to try eight violation tickets all at once, but Adair said he wanted to go one by one — starting with a ticket related to Facebook posts that Cheng testified showed unmasked activity at the club on the weekend of Feb. 5.

"Hang on, hang on. What is a social media post?" Adair asked.

"These are posts that Lambda cabaret made on Facebook," Cheng answered.

"How do you know they made them on Facebook?" Adair responded.

"Ummm ... it was on their Facebook page," Cheng replied.

Adair went on to say he wasn't a "technical person" but did know that accounts could be hacked. He asked how he could be sure the defendant posted the video.
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The post wasn't intended to be exhaustive. Putting the cause of lower death rate entirely on spring break sounds even more simplistic and like something a rival health authority might say to justify their higher death rate from poor management. "It's just luck", they say pouting. Timing of Spring break was one factor that travel of a demographic was restricted before they could carry the virus and one that was shared by most provinces. Care homes was a bigger difference in the first wave. All jurisdictions may have shared staff between facilities but those with higher standards and a better response kept the death rate lower among this most vulnerable group.
The death toll in BC was higher than the rest of the country once you exclude the initial death tolls from the first wave. Covid hit Canada mid March 2020, by which time Ontario and Quebec were ending their spring break. BC was still a week away from starting its spring break, so didn't get hit by a wave of returning travelers from Europe carrying the virus.

"Rival" health authority? This isn't a sports league. You seem like a bit of a homer. I have no dog in the fight - I'm actually a health care practitioner in B.C., but have spent time recently doing locums in Ontario. The system here certainly didn't appear to be any better off than Ontario.


The death toll in BC was higher than the rest of the country once you exclude the initial death tolls from the first wave. Covid hit Canada mid March 2020, by which time Ontario and Quebec were ending their spring break. BC was still a week away from starting its spring break, so didn't get hit by a wave of returning travelers from Europe carrying the virus.

"Rival" health authority? This isn't a sports league. You seem like a bit of a homer. I have no dog in the fight - I'm actually a health care practitioner in B.C., but have spent time recently doing locums in Ontario. The system here certainly didn't appear to be any better off than Ontario.
That it was higher than the rest of the country after taking out initial counts isn't true since it definitely wasn't higher than Alberta during the later waves on their own. I was keeping track of those in daily/weekly tolls in this thread. They were regularly higher, sometimes much higher, even with their smaller population. Unsure if you are unaware, misled or lying about the statistics.
Even now their weekly tolls are higher. 17 for BC, 46 for AB last week.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
We can both Google it and find links that support our positions. When you ask me to throw out basic science 101 from high school of having a control subject to support a position I'm calling it out.

Here are two identical plants, one we water every day and one we don't. Conclusion, plants die if you don't water them.

You very clearly do not understand how any of this works. To start, this isn't an experiment, so there's no need for a control group. There's also no "positions", you either accept facts and science or you don't.

I am kind of afraid to even ask more of you because it sounds like you fell down some misinformation rabbit hole that I want nothing to do with nor explore. So, ending this conversation here.


Ionian Ionian

Go tell that to a doctor or nurse. If they weren't better people, they'd smack you for being irresponsible idiot.

Unfortunately, though fortunately for you, they're almost all too good to do that.


Ionian Ionian

Go tell that to a doctor or nurse. If they weren't better people, they'd smack you for being irresponsible idiot.

Unfortunately, though fortunately for you, they're almost all too good to do that.


Of course I did. (constant nurses and doctors).

The answer was 'you need to walk'. Not like I didn't do laps outside every chance.

Congrats on making yourself look stupid.

Being stuck in a bed, well ... join the dots. I posted from the bed here at the time.

Now you smart ass, look it up.

Here I'll save your precious time;

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sounds like you fell down some misinformation rabbit hole that I want nothing to do with nor explore. So, ending this conversation here.

Because of course I'm unable to think for myself and need some alt right shithole to tell me what to think and ignore applied observations and science that I've learned throughout my life that thus far have worked for me very well (I didn't die).

You live in America, I live in China, I'm British so tell me who the fuck I should be listening to?

Right now China are walking back Covid Zero policy.

So what, next month Chinas going to be Omega land country?


I really, really would not want you to walk in my shoes because I've been living with Covid measures for much longer than you have.


You know why I haven't posted much about this in three years? Because my situation isn't relevant to your situation and I'm not a bitch playing the "Well, I've got it harder than you" card. However It's the same damn virus. Think on that.



Of course I did. (constant nurses and doctors).

The answer was 'you need to walk'. Not like I didn't do laps outside every chance.

Congrats on making yourself look stupid.

Being stuck in a bed, well ... join the dots. I posted from the bed here at the time.

Now you smart ass, look it up.

Here I'll save your precious time;

It sounds like they should have given you a good beating, not just a slap.

Of course they didn't do either though, as they are good people and keep to the Hippocratic Oath. Even when people like you abuse that good will.

I'm not sure what you being told to walk when in hospital has to do with anything. Them telling you that was literally their job and what you needed to do. It's almost like they know what they are doing when it comes to health or something...


It sounds like they should have given you a good beating, not just a slap.

Of course they didn't do either though, as they are good people and keep to the Hippocratic Oath. Even when people like you abuse that good will.

I'm not sure what you being told to walk when in hospital has to do with anything. Them telling you that was literally their job and what you needed to do. It's almost like they know what they are doing when it comes to health or something...

LOL, who pissed on your cornflakes? How did I abuse the hospital, what is your problem?

Hospitals aren't free either, I don't live in the UK.

You have serious issues.


It sounds like they should have given you a good beating, not just a slap.

Of course they didn't do either though, as they are good people and keep to the Hippocratic Oath. Even when people like you abuse that good will.

I'm not sure what you being told to walk when in hospital has to do with anything. Them telling you that was literally their job and what you needed to do. It's almost like they know what they are doing when it comes to health or something...

/simple lol
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Get some help.
LOL wtf is your problem?

You're being a cunt, why target me?

I laugh as it as an internet warrior is after me. What is your problem?

Think you're new Avenger of GAF, you sad sad little virgin. :D

Keep them coming please, needed the laugh this year.


Got a control group for that?
It’s not 100% controlling for everything but if you look at excess deaths in the US in areas with high vaccine rates vs areas with lower rates, the difference is statistically significant. The US vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective by every methodology we have


Damn, flattening the curve was idiotic? The west has nothing to learn from asian countries on how to deal with health emergencies? Wow, such surprise.
There's still two other massive pills to swallow. We'll (eventually) get there.
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Seems to be constantly in the news again the last few months. ER getting overwhelmed again, should have learned from GRR Martin, "A Dream of Spring" ain't gonna be out for a loooong time.

Honestly though hospitals getting overwhelmed again for both here and the UK.

Simple fact, for those who are whining, just read at least both respective countries are doing to curb spread. (Ireland , UK).

It's ignored by the generally population, not like I was ever a proponent in the first place but you'd have to bury your head in the sand with the reports this year. It's still here, just no one wears masks as it isn't mandated so spreads (whatever varient) , hopefully with the millions of vaccines it will be less severe. It's all you can hope for.

At least we made it past winter, that's a good sign. (No Zombies though is bound to have pissed people off).


- There won't be another lockdown
- There won't be another work-from-home
- There won't be kids home from school

Again. I no doom-monger but it got worse in winter and for here anyway, was expected and everyone is more educated and vaccinated.

I'd hate to see any tombstone 'Here lies xyz, someone snotted on he".


Our region(province) completely flattened the first wave, like most in North America. Few people went out their homes that didn't have to except for work, supplies and hoarding. Essential in person business only. After that wave, zone specific gathering places/events from tracing known problems were closed during waves before vaccines, added with other minor health measures to flatten without closing out every similar business in all provincial zones. Target problem spots. After vaccine introduction the passes were a transition as mandates lifted. No one was locked in their homes. Didn't have to wear masks outside. Zero covid was never a thing here. Too isolationist. Too much goings on, tourism, import/export, travel corridors and only so many deputized resources and personal civility to go around to manage it. Could only mitigate.

The latest wave seemed to show that while a high percentage of population with vaccine or exposure anitibodies helps fighting covid and lowers hospital admission, fighting covid does appear to take a toll on the body and lower immune response to other things.


Our region(province) completely flattened the first wave, like most in North America. Few people went out their homes that didn't have to except for work, supplies and hoarding. Essential in person business only. After that wave, zone specific gathering places/events from tracing known problems were closed during waves before vaccines, added with other minor health measures to flatten without closing out every similar business in all provincial zones. Target problem spots. After vaccine introduction the passes were a transition as mandates lifted. No one was locked in their homes. Didn't have to wear masks outside. Zero covid was never a thing here. Too isolationist. Too much goings on, tourism, import/export, travel corridors and only so many deputized resources and personal civility to go around to manage it. Could only mitigate.

The latest wave seemed to show that while a high percentage of population with vaccine or exposure anitibodies helps fighting covid and lowers hospital admission, fighting covid does appear to take a toll on the body and lower immune response to other things.

You're damn right. People are mostly vaccinated BUT those don't last forever, we're better equipped with an understanding medicinally to halt it.

It didn't go away, dunno if I had it but having a nurse (the unform) shove a swab up your nose, groin, ass just kinda kinky. So in two minds about getting that done again. Just on the news over the last few months, it's more controlled and nations were prepared. People think it's gone.

People ain't gonna go back to losing years without a fight, that's for sure.

Dunno how noone has not done a 'Realease the COVID!', GIF yet.

I found it hilarious with all the people complaining about having to leave the house again for the outside.


I found it hilarious with all the people complaining about having to leave the house again for the outside.
It was after the first wave that our provincial health officer said there was no data showing transmission of covid outdoors. People took that as gospel. That loosened a lot of people up after that first month. Maybe there was some contrary evidence later. Might have been some people management. Keep health and sports activities outside going. Socializing. Worth the exposure risk for those taking it. It was known there was unknowns. It would have been impossible to make people walk back without heaps of clear lines of evidence of worthwhile risk anyway.


The west has nothing to learn from asian countries on how to deal with health emergencies?
I don’t think you should use Asian countries as an example, given what is happening in China. Looks like the West approach past the first lockdown (when nobody thought if we will live or die) was the sensible one, whereas China continues to fuck up in a futile attempt of zero Covid.


I see that the pile of cunts that is the CCP have definitely decided that all the sickness and death are worth it to get their production back up and running properly again. Let's see how well that goes for them, given how many people will be out of work, due to having it.


British government introducing restrictions. Australian government still holding out, because the country has sucked on China's teat too much. Embarassing.


Gold Member
It's sad that China is facing this terrible surge. It seems like despite any government's best efforts at controlling it this virus proves time and again that nature is always stronger than we are.


I feel sorry for your loss and you will hate me. But for many people covid is nothing. My dad was put a half year away because he got a stroke at the end of 2020 and my mom was allowed to visit 7 times in that half a year. He was treated like a prisoner all in the name of his savety. I was not allowed to visit him at all. This is the thing that made reject all covid stuff, because all the rules were made without consideration of other diseases and human needs. If you didnt die of covid or were sick of it all other things didn't count back then.

He is now paralyzed half sided for more then 2 years.

His current weight is 120kg from laying around was 80kg before the stroke and 3 weeks ago as a so called high risk person he caught covid unvaxxed in the nursing home and survived. Fever 2 days and throat ache. So yes for a lot of people it's nothing. So based on your tragedy you can not assume anyone who says from his experience is lying. I myself do not know a single person who died of covid nor got seriously sick from it. I myself had 3 time direct contact to infected people and didn't get it. So I can only make the assumption a lot of people who die from it would have also died from currently circulating diseases and covid is not to blame since no one blamed the flu for every death of very old or very sick people like it's done with covid non stop.

But covid is the holy cow for many or for the other group its currently a cold.
I don't think both sides can ever be renconciled. I myself will not change my stance on covid and so will most likely you based on your experience with your mum.

Edit: see funky
Gunther your reaction proves my point. Laugh all you want in the end we hate each other now wish each other the death ever by covid or the vaxx and all of us showed the worst in humanity but at least some big pharma assholes got rich and some people who claim to love democracy could finally live the dream of autocracy for 2 years. Happy late new year to this 😊
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Edit: see funky
Gunther your reaction proves my point. Laugh all you want in the end we hate each other now wish each other the death ever by covid or the vaxx and all of us showed the worst in humanity but at least some big pharma assholes got rich and some people who claim to love democracy could finally live the dream of autocracy for 2 years. Happy late new year to this 😊

nah I don’t hate anyone, you just spent this thread favouring every piece of contrarian bullshit that actively went against any policy that would have helped your dads situation…instead you’re a lost lamb that learned nothing from the last two year and are stuck in a loop where it’s something you don’t understand’s fault


But covid is the holy cow for many or for the other group its currently a cold.
I don't think both sides can ever be renconciled. I myself will not change my stance on covid and so will most likely you based on your experience with your mum.
You can think about it in orders of magnitude. A disease with a 10% fatality rate that is sufficiently contagious would basically be catastrophic. A similar disease with a 0.1% fatality rate (like the flu) would be tolerable. COVID was basically right in the middle with a ~1% fatality rate. So much worse than the flu, but not the end of society.

With the vaccines, population immunity and mildness of Omicron, we're back to COVID being about as deadly as the flu.
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