Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Shut down a global economy for years, tanked markets.
Working from home and kids having the learn from home.
REALLY effective.
World is still in a recession due to it.
I suppose you forgot how before the vaccines many people were dying daily, how many are now debilitated for life after narrowly recovering, how our healthcare networks kept being overwhelmed, and the effects of longhaul COVID-19 that doctors and other scientists are still learning about but already afflicts tens of thousands. The world has been through pandemics stretching back to the Dark Ages - quarantines and, once we understood germ theory, other public safety measures like masking have been the norm in successfully combating them.
Working from home has been a boon that uncovered a lot of flaws, needless wastes of time, and detractions in the quality of life of many white collar workers who were forced to commute to an office. It transformed work for tens of millions for the better.
Children learning from home was a small sacrifice and inconvenience for saving lives - including some of their own. Besides, I didn't see people who now complain about pandemic measures complaining about home schooling prior.
Yes - it was all REALLY effective. It saved countless lives and allowed us to get out of the worst of the mess earlier than we would have without them. Let's not start going through radical historical revisionism just because you didn't like some of these things or benefit from them yourself. We are all in this together, and sadly it isn't over. We still have tens of thousands in the US being hospitalized each month, thousands in the ICU, and hundreds dying.
It's disappointing I even had to type this out. It feels like I'm back in late 2020 again.
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