I'm sure all of those mass deaths from the covid vaccine will be along any time now.
Lmao. Man, all I know is that, after waiting a bit and observing how the vaccine was affecting people in the short term, I got the vaccine a few times and the booster...same with my daughter...and I'm STILL masking up when I go out...and I have not caught COVID yet. I've tested myself every once in a while, always shows up negative. Haven't had a damn cold since the pandemic started either.
My daughter did catch COVID but it happened during a weekend where her mother took her to New Orleans and had her walking around the bustling French Quarter without a mask on. I was pissed. I had to quarantine my daughter and care for her while she missed school and I still didn't catch it, fortunately.
My mom got a few shots but no booster and she eventually caught COVID but she kept wearing an oversized cloth mask that would slip off her nose. I got onto her about that all the time. The vaccine did help her though, she would've died had she not had it because she was already dealing with health complications leading up to her catching it and the vaccine at least helped keep the symptoms a bit less intense.
Personally, the people that I know IRL who caught it multiple times and had the worst fucking time with it were my former supervisor who despised wearing a mask at work, laughed at others for wearing one, and talked trash about the vaccine so he never got it and made sure everyone knew that fact. Told me he caught it when he went on vacation to Florida and didn't mask on the plane or during his trip. He ended up getting his wife and kids sick too. Meanwhile, I shared an office with him every single day (the two of us made up the entire IT department) and didn't end up catching it from him. I made sure I was always wearing my mask, always washing my hands or using hand sanitizer, and always keeping my distance from co-workers.
The other person was an online friend of mine who caught the shit three damn times! He was down and OUT each time, pretty hardcore. He still refused to get the vaccine but I never gave either of those people shit for it. Their bodies, their lives. Grown men. It's not my job to get on someone's case for that shit, I make my choices in life and let other's make their own choices in life.
I'm a former USAF medical lab tech and microbiology was my specialty (alongside transfusion services) so I don't play around when it comes to catching shit regardless of whether the vector is fomites, airborne, other people, etc. I'm certainly no expert on viruses and diseases but the knowledge I do have is what led to my decision to get myself and my daughter vaccinated.
I fortunately have not experienced any negative side effects that I'm currently aware of and if continuing to wear my KN95 mask is just a placebo, it's a damn good one because I live in Mississippi and literally nobody else has worn a mask in ages anytime I've been out but I've remained sick/cold-free. Either the mask is helping or the placebo effect has given me mind-over-matter powers and I've willed airborne droplets and shit to vanish in my presence lol. No clue what the possible long term effects of the vaccine are but I've had countless fucking vaccines in my life already and I'm still here. I even got a cocktail of needles shoved in me in boot camp, so...yeah.
Getting the vaccine was a risk I was willing to take because I could either skip out on the vaccine and increase my chances of catching full-blown COVID and face the wrath of that shit (and possibly lose my life) or get the vaccine to lower my chances of experiencing the full symptoms if I catch COVID while maybe, possibly, potentially, perhaps having to deal with side effects at some undetermined time in the future.