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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


I dont remember what info or claims were flung during the covid era, but I got 3 shots of vaccine. A starting one, then two boosters. I rarely get sick, but earlier this year I got pretty sick and even took a day off work (which I almost never do). Then I chilled out half bed ridden for a few days with chills and shit. I didn't do a covid test so I dont know if that was covid or just a random standard fever, but I got hit with something.

One of my corowkers had to go to the hospital for a few days because it was that bad. And she took vaccines too. Vaccines didnt prevent it. It can be argued perhaps the vaccines helped fight it off and minimized an even worse attack. But there was no prevention.

If I remember correctly, all the vaccine marketing by government kept plugging go get it. And when people hear the word vaccine they think cure or 100% prevention like a polio vax. But in reality, it might had helped a person's system, but it definitely was no miracle cure or Mystic Plate Mail +10 armour. Reports would even say a portion of people registering with covid already had vaccine shots. So it's not like only non-vax people got affected. It seems just about anyone vax or not could get nailed.
Against Delta, studies showed ~90% effectiveness against symptomatic infection, and ~95% effectiveness against hospitalisation, with these figures falling over time. Against Omicron, there is minimal effectiveness against infection and ~50%+ effectiveness against hospitalisation with 2 doses, rising to 75%+ when boosted.
(https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0264410X22005230-gr1_lrg.jpg, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22005230)

The reduction in fatality rates is due to a combination of vaccination, the inherent mildness of Omicron and population immunity from prior infections.
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Fools idol

That's horrible. Cystic fibrosis is a horrible disease. Can I ask how old they were and if they were vaccinated? (Surely they were)

yeah, he was vaccinated. He was on the front of the lung transplant list too, but the past months had to pause due to another unrelated health issue (he had a knee replacement surgery) which meant he had to fully recover from that. He was 46, which admittedly is quite old for someone with CF, unless lucky enough to get a transplant, most do not live outside of their 30's even with great medication and care. Despite his illness though he was in relatively good shape for someone with like 60% lung capacity, it's a damn shame. He was active in the charity scene for CF sufferers and they are all devastated too. Some of them posting about their lifestyles now is hearbreaking shit.

Most of the CF community is now prisoners in their own homes for fear of getting covid. Given that their lungs are already very handicapped, the risk of blood clotting and inflamation caused by covid is extremely high and extremely deadly. He basically has been in full lockdown since this thing started... its tragic.

They basically live in fear of this shit, as one by one their friends with the disease are gradually getting it.
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Fools idol

Sorry to hear. They couldn’t get him remedies fast enough like paxlovid?

it moved so fast the last 3 days that he went from being able to do his home gym workout to barely being able to lift his eyelids. Doctors basically didn't know what to do for him, none of the medications they tried had any effect. He was in ICU for the last 12 hours but passed early hours. I told my buddy he can stay at my place to get his kids out of their house cause all of the oxygen tanks etc are there and it's just brutal being around it all while grieving.
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I dont remember what info or claims were flung during the covid era, but I got 3 shots of vaccine. A starting one, then two boosters. I rarely get sick, but earlier this year I got pretty sick and even took a day off work (which I almost never do). Then I chilled out half bed ridden for a few days with chills and shit. I didn't do a covid test so I dont know if that was covid or just a random standard fever, but I got hit with something.

One of my corowkers had to go to the hospital for a few days because it was that bad. And she took vaccines too. Vaccines didnt prevent it. It can be argued perhaps the vaccines helped fight it off and minimized an even worse attack. But there was no prevention.

If I remember correctly, all the vaccine marketing by government kept plugging go get it. And when people hear the word vaccine they think cure or 100% prevention like a polio vax. But in reality, it might had helped a person's system, but it definitely was no miracle cure or Mystic Plate Mail +10 armour. Reports would even say a portion of people registering with covid already had vaccine shots. So it's not like only non-vax people got affected. It seems just about anyone vax or not could get nailed.

The biggest claim going around was that if you got the shot, you won’t get covid. There were media outlets everywhere saying as such, and even the president said so. This is what started discriminatory practices against those who don’t have it. Even today I can find apartment rentals saying “must be vaccinated.”

But to my point. When people see something as simple as that is being lied about, of course they will wonder what else is too. Trust is fickle. And you’re right, that’s another thing currently hashing out in courts, how the public was misled by saying vaccine when it’s actually a therapeutic.

Loathsome. I've had moments of disgust regarding the polarization pushed by modern media, but this was on a whole different level.

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Rodent Whores
If you're unsure of whether or not RFK is accurate about his wariness regarding vaccines, this video is a good way to demonstrate that RFK is not accurate at all.



On a little sidenote, turns out that remdesivir works wonders for feline corona virus, FIP. It is usually a death sentence, but if you can find it, it stops it dead in it tracks. Still not approved in most countries for pet usage, so there are social networks all over that help people out.

FIP prognosis is grave: over 90 percent of cats with FIP will die from the disease. Affected cats usually do not live more than a few weeks after diagnosis, so there is little possibility for long-term care. Cats with FIP treated with remdesivir typically improve clinically over the first 2-3 days. The anecdotal evidence of cats treated with remdesivir and GS-441524 says that around 80-95% of cats are successfully treated. It is still too early to know how many will recur.

Personally, had to put down tons of cats, usually strays rescued, who turned out to have FIP, this is a godsent find. Hope they quickly can get it to vets.


Rodent Whores
How do you know they're not?
You said these are people you know. You're more familiar with their situation than I am. You made the claim that vaccines are causing their problems. It's your responsibility to demonstrate that. Asking me "how do I know they're not" is not how logical reasoning works.


On a little sidenote, turns out that remdesivir works wonders for feline corona virus, FIP. It is usually a death sentence, but if you can find it, it stops it dead in it tracks. Still not approved in most countries for pet usage, so there are social networks all over that help people out.

FIP prognosis is grave: over 90 percent of cats with FIP will die from the disease. Affected cats usually do not live more than a few weeks after diagnosis, so there is little possibility for long-term care. Cats with FIP treated with remdesivir typically improve clinically over the first 2-3 days. The anecdotal evidence of cats treated with remdesivir and GS-441524 says that around 80-95% of cats are successfully treated. It is still too early to know how many will recur.

Personally, had to put down tons of cats, usually strays rescued, who turned out to have FIP, this is a godsent find. Hope they quickly can get it to vets.

Taylor Swift Hello GIF by Cats Movie

Though seriously, that's great news that it works so well.
How do you know that those problems are vaccine related?
I literally told you my father got tinnitus the day after he got his second? booster, and you said the same thing.

If you're unsure of whether or not RFK is accurate about his wariness regarding vaccines, this video is a good way to demonstrate that RFK is not accurate at all.

The media, government, and pharma industry has no one to blame for the massive hit they've taken to their credibility other than themselves. I'm done with "debunking" at this point. Either debate the guy or stop talking about his vaccine concerns.

If anything, I think the media is giving him loads of attention based on their opposition to him and everything he does, which in turn just gives him more credibility. If he's actually wrong about everything related to vaccines, it's a rather unfortunate situation, and again they only have themselves to blame.
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You said these are people you know. You're more familiar with their situation than I am. You made the claim that vaccines are causing their problems. It's your responsibility to demonstrate that. Asking me "how do I know they're not" is not how logical reasoning works.
Father inlaw, no heart problems, had two jabs and a booster, now needs to check in with the doc for irregular heart beat everyday. Mother inlaw, has MS, got worse after second booster. The wifes arm she got the second jab in was numb for two months. My father, went into a London hospital for an op in November 2020, went into a rehabilitation home in Jan 2021, had the jab, was meant to come home, went down hill fast, died early february that year, nothing came of it, everyone brushed it under the carpet, even my shitty lawyer didnt want to know. I have all the records, nothing showed he should have died..

Worked in a care home ward all through the pandemic, zero PPE. Government sent all and sunder into the home, didnt give a shit about us. No one died, vaccine came out, everyone on the ward had it, 13+ died on the ward within months. Downstairs below my ward was majority respiratory, no one died during the first year, many did after the vaccine..

This is before I talk about other friends who have had people die or contracted issues..

I'm not saying dont have it, i'm not saying my own experiences determin outcome but all i'm saying is I worked in the worst hell hole you could at the worst time of all this and seen some of the worst you can from both sides..

I'm still here, I never had it, and that'll do for me.
Father inlaw, no heart problems, had two jabs and a booster, now needs to check in with the doc for irregular heart beat everyday. Mother inlaw, has MS, got worse after second booster. The wifes arm she got the second jab in was numb for two months. My father, went into a London hospital for an op in November 2020, went into a rehabilitation home in Jan 2021, had the jab, was meant to come home, went down hill fast, died early february that year, nothing came of it, everyone brushed it under the carpet, even my shitty lawyer didnt want to know. I have all the records, nothing showed he should have died..

Worked in a care home ward all through the pandemic, zero PPE. Government sent all and sunder into the home, didnt give a shit about us. No one died, vaccine came out, everyone on the ward had it, 13+ died on the ward within months. Downstairs below my ward was majority respiratory, no one died during the first year, many did after the vaccine..

This is before I talk about other friends who have had people die or contracted issues..

I'm not saying dont have it, i'm not saying my own experiences determin outcome but all i'm saying is I worked in the worst hell hole you could at the worst time of all this and seen some of the worst you can from both sides..

I'm still here, I never had it, and that'll do for me.
So basically you worked with the elderly, without protection or vaccination, and a lot of people died?

The Fartist

Gold Member
If you're unsure of whether or not RFK is accurate about his wariness regarding vaccines, this video is a good way to demonstrate that RFK is not accurate at all.

The fact that everyone's making hit piece, after hit piece, after hit piece, just makes me come to the conclusion that: "Wow, the establishment really doesn't want this guy anywhere near the white house" If it came down to it, they'd rather have Trump in there, that's how bad they don't want RFKJR. So, he has my vote. First time I'll ever be voting in my 39 years of being alive.
They’re an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory site run out of China.
Okay, and? Are you saying that they're the ones to report about the FDA thing, and now everyone else is picking it up, and there's no merit to it, meaning it's a completely fabricated story with no element of truth to it?
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Gold Member
Okay, and? Are you saying that they're the ones to report about the FDA thing, and now everyone else is picking it up, and there's no merit to it, meaning it's a completely fabricated story with no element of truth to it?
They’re about as a legitimate news source as InfoWars.


lmfao, doctors can prescribe whatever they want to patients, or rather use devices and drugs off-label. That’s not the FDA admitting anything other than long-standing policy in that regard. It doesn’t mean ivermectin is suddenly a legit effective treatment for shit.

Source: my 13+ years in med device quality regulatory affairs
They’re about as a legitimate news source as InfoWars.
Is that a yes? I don't care who is reporting what, I care if there is accuracy behind it. Are they the only ones who reported this, and everyone else is picking it up, and it's completely made up. It shouldn't be hard to find the truth about an FDA ruling. I ask basic questions, and you keep coming back to me with "you can't trust that site" when they're not even reporting .....

lmfao, doctors can prescribe whatever they want to patients, or rather use devices and drugs off-label. That’s not the FDA admitting anything other than long-standing policy in that regard. It doesn’t mean ivermectin is suddenly a legit effective treatment for shit.

Source: my 13+ years in med device quality regulatory affairs
THANK YOU! Someone finally answers my actual question and explains the situation. Got me to stop tying up the above.


They’re about as a legitimate news source as InfoWars.
I pretty much read that article as little more than an court saying what doctors could or couldn't prescribe. (IE it's a legal view not a scientific one and in no way is saying there is scientific evidence this works. I could point out the legal system can believe in fantasy that doesn't match actual science.)


THANK YOU! Someone finally answers my actual question and explains the situation. Got me to stop tying up the above.
A few things are true: FDA lost on appeal on the question of if their social media post constituted interference in the practice of medicine by saying “stop it.” Also, people were buying and ingesting horse medicine and it can arguably be said that’s what they were saying to stop doing, which wouldn’t be interference in the practice of medicine by physicians. Finally, that article is a joke in all the conclusions it draws from that ruling because it’s a tabloid level rag/propaganda outlet, and people were buying horse medicine. Also, ivermectin has a human variant, which is not effective against COVID.
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A few things are true: FDA lost on appeal on the question of if their social media post constituted interference in the practice of medicine by saying “stop it.” Also, people were buying and ingesting horse medicine and it can arguably be said that’s what they were saying to stop doing, which wouldn’t be interference in the practice of medicine by physicians. Finally, that article is a joke in all the conclusions it draws from that ruling because it’s a tabloid level rag/propaganda outlet, and people were buying horse medicine. Also, ivermectin has a human variant, which is not effective against COVID.
No kidding. The main reason why the drug got a lot of press in the first place is because Joe Rogan took it, among other things, and got over Covid in a few days. And a sane and rational response to that would have been "yeah, that drug is perfectly safe and has been given to millions of people to treat other illnesses, but it doesn't really seem to work with Covid. Joe Rogan probably got well quickly because he's in great health. If you're not in great health, and especially if you're at risk for covid, you should get vaccinated"

That would have been a sane, rational response. Instead we got "HORSE PASTE! This idiot Rogan is taking horse paste! Dangerous livestock poison when given to humans! Stay away. Everyone should get the shot! Give your children the shot! Give your toddlers the shot! Saying that this might have come from a lab makes you a racist conspiracy theorist!"

When the "real news" is acting like that, the harm that does to society and the mistrust that creates unfortunately leaves the door wide open for something like the Epoch Times. Thankfully it also creates room for considerably better independent journalists as well, but it's sad when people can't tell the difference and just end up listening to anyone telling them what they want to hear.
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No kidding. The main reason why the drug got a lot of press in the first place is because Joe Rogan took it, among other things, and got over Covid in a few days. And a sane and rational response to that would have been "yeah, that drug is perfectly safe and has been given to millions of people to treat other illnesses, but it doesn't really seem to work with Covid. Joe Rogan probably got well quickly because he's in great health. If you're not in great health, and especially if you're at risk for covid, you should get vaccinated"
In a world where people can accurately judge their health it would be. Unfortunately that's not the world we live in, we saw what happened when the hospitals started filling up with extremely unhealthy people 'trusting their immune system' and taking useless snake oils until they were nearly dead.


No kidding. The main reason why the drug got a lot of press in the first place is because Joe Rogan took it, among other things, and got over Covid in a few days. And instead of a sane and rational response of "yeah, that drug is perfectly safe and has been given to millions of people to treat other illnesses, but it doesn't really seem to work with Covid. Joe Rogan probably got well quickly because he's in great health. If you're not in great health, and especially if you're at risk for covid, you should get vaccinated"

That would have been a sane, rational response. Instead we got "HORSE PASTE! This idiot Rogan is taking horse paste! Dangerous livestock poison when given to humans! Stay away. Everyone should get the shot! Give your children the shot! Give your toddlers the shot! Saying that this might have come from a lab makes you a racist conspiracy theorist!"

When the "real news" is acting like that, the harm that does to society and the mistrust that creates unfortunately leaves the door wide open for something like the Epoch Times. Thankfully it also creates room for considerably better independent journalists as well, but it's sad when people can't tell the difference and just end up listening to anyone telling them what they want to hear.
Rogan himself wasn’t taking horse paste obviously, it was stupid (and a lie) of anyone to say that he did. But it’s not a stretch to say his promotion of ivermectin got people to buy horse medicine. People did buy horse medicine and took way too much and harmed themselves, or didn’t seek actual effective treatment and harmed themselves. I can’t blame FDA for being alarmed and saying hey quit doing that shit. I feel like the lawsuit (which was initially dismissed) was probably brought in bad faith tbh. FDA’s Twitter is not like some kind of explicit direction overriding a physicians ability to practiceZ.
Rogan himself wasn’t taking horse paste obviously, it was stupid (and a lie) of anyone to say that he did.
I agree. But the media did say that. Which bring me to my next question:

But it’s not a stretch to say his promotion of ivermectin got people to buy horse medicine. People did buy horse medicine and took way too much and harmed themselves, or didn’t seek actual effective treatment and harmed themselves.
This is the issue with lying. How do you know any of that is true? Because the media told you that? The same media you just said lied about Rogan? Even if it was true, how true was it? How common was it, using actual numbers and real reporting? Was it a genuine concern, or was it a handful of idiots that the media was focusing on to sell a story?

Again, this is the issue when you continuously build mistrust. It's also the issue when you're taking money from the same companies you're reporting on. Have you fully realized how much harm this whole situation ultimately did to trust in our media and institutions?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I agree. But the media did say that. Which bring me to my next question:

This is the issue with lying. How do you know any of that is true? Because the media told you that? The same media you just said lied about Rogan? Even if it was true, how true was it? How common was it, using actual numbers and real reporting? Was it a genuine concern, or was it a handful of idiots that the media was focusing on to sell a story?

Again, this is the issue when you continuously build mistrust. It's also the issue when you're taking money from the same companies you're reporting on. Have you fully realized how much harm this whole situation ultimately did to trust in our media and institutions?
Misinformation is going to just get worse, not better. People have to have the tools to follow events with more sophistication and nuance. The people that can't figure out how to sift through this sea of information and arrive at the truth now are just going to be lost in the coming decade, and no one is coming to save them.

There's no point in grouping everything together as "the media." Even if we just discuss CNN alone, you have to be able to look at multiple sources and the actual facts of the event in question to look at each thing differently. CNN exaggerates or lies sometimes, but you'd come away wildly misinformed about the nature of the world if you try to live your life pretending everything CNN says is a lie. As for ivermectin use, people definitely tried to take it. You can find stories in national news, local news (which usually only uses direct sources and has almost no bias), and even health departments and hospitals issuing multiple statements.

It's pretty easy to do some minor digging and find out that thousands of people were trying to take this stuff all over the country.
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I agree. But the media did say that. Which bring me to my next question:
"The media" is not some monolithic entity and it shouldn't be treated as such. A person at CNN told a sensationalist lie/misrepresentation, that doesn't mean everything the media reports can't be trusted.

This is the issue with lying. How do you know any of that is true? Because the media told you that? The same media you just said lied about Rogan?
Again, "the media' is not monolithic. Some outlets are more reputable than others; some are more entertainment and commentary than straight news. Throwing everything out because one outlet got something totally wrong doesn't make sense. Nor does it make sense to throw it out for reporting what was originally what we knew to the best of our knowledge at the time, then changing later down the road when more facts about the nature of COVID came to light.

Even if it was true, how true was it? How common was it, using actual numbers and real reporting? Was it a genuine concern, or was it a handful of idiots that the media was focusing on to sell a story?
See Punished Miku Punished Miku 's post above

Again, this is the issue when you continuously build mistrust. It's also the issue when you're taking money from the same companies you're reporting on. Have you fully realized how much harm this whole situation ultimately did to trust in our media and institutions?
I think the biggest issue is there are bad faith actors actively trying to build mistrust by taking every instance of individuals in the media getting things wrong or seemingly contradicting themselves, and then turning these into deliberate acts of malfeasance in every instance by some monolithic entity trying to keep you down. That's just simply not how it works. COVID gave a prime opportunity to these bad faith critics because we were learning new information about a constantly mutating virus in real time. Every time the story changed as we gathered more info, it was easy for these luddites to point and go "AHA! See! They've been lying to you!!" when really we just kept learning more as time went on.
Sorry to bump this, but I got this shit for the 3rd time.

Head covid sucks ass. Dizzy, same metallic taste and smell, ear hurts, and double pink eye. Fuck this shit.
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Sorry to bump this, but I got this shit for the 3rd time.

Head covid sucks ass. Dizzy, same metallic taste and smell, ear hurts, and double pink eye. Fuck this shit.
I remember seeing something about a report in the lancet. The expectation is people will get it once about every 16 months on average. Oh boy.


Had it two weeks ago. Fairly light symptons but i cannot shake the cough. Not even a bad cough. But when i start talking i feel like gasping for air and i have to cough. Other than that, all good.
I agree. But the media did say that. Which bring me to my next question:

This is the issue with lying. How do you know any of that is true? Because the media told you that? The same media you just said lied about Rogan? Even if it was true, how true was it? How common was it, using actual numbers and real reporting? Was it a genuine concern, or was it a handful of idiots that the media was focusing on to sell a story?

Again, this is the issue when you continuously build mistrust. It's also the issue when you're taking money from the same companies you're reporting on. Have you fully realized how much harm this whole situation ultimately did to trust in our media and institutions?
I'm not going to try to change your mind, but a lot of my rancher patients took ivermectin. I can name several off of the top of my head. I am unaware of any of them overdosing.

If we want to talk about sensationalism, I would point towards concerns about pediatric male covid vaccine concerns, and a lot of misstatements in the media saying that the vaccine would prevent transmission, there was also this huge infant scare right off the bat that annoyed me and I think was done to intentionally scare the parents into taking covid seriously.

A much more accurate statement would have been you have essentially no chance of dying if you're vaccinated unless you're immunocompromised and decrepit. Their statement was really only accurate for a small amount of time during the original strain.

In my experience, I put 4 unvaccinated people per week on oxygen in 2021, and one person, during the entirety of the last 3 years, who got the JJ vaccine (which sucked), on oxygen.

I'm a mountain biker, and my spatial perception has been semi shot ever since I had covid, quite mildly, last year, and both of my infections following covid have been miserable. When I do downhill rock gardens I have to walk things I've done 50+ times, and it feels like I've learned it all over.

I will happily take another vaccine in a month. Thankfully I'm no longer concerned if others don't from a criticality perspective, but I'd rather try to limit a covid induced dementia as I age.
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I'm sure all of those mass deaths from the covid vaccine will be along any time now.

Bored Cabin Fever GIF
Lmao. Man, all I know is that, after waiting a bit and observing how the vaccine was affecting people in the short term, I got the vaccine a few times and the booster...same with my daughter...and I'm STILL masking up when I go out...and I have not caught COVID yet. I've tested myself every once in a while, always shows up negative. Haven't had a damn cold since the pandemic started either.

My daughter did catch COVID but it happened during a weekend where her mother took her to New Orleans and had her walking around the bustling French Quarter without a mask on. I was pissed. I had to quarantine my daughter and care for her while she missed school and I still didn't catch it, fortunately.

My mom got a few shots but no booster and she eventually caught COVID but she kept wearing an oversized cloth mask that would slip off her nose. I got onto her about that all the time. The vaccine did help her though, she would've died had she not had it because she was already dealing with health complications leading up to her catching it and the vaccine at least helped keep the symptoms a bit less intense.

Personally, the people that I know IRL who caught it multiple times and had the worst fucking time with it were my former supervisor who despised wearing a mask at work, laughed at others for wearing one, and talked trash about the vaccine so he never got it and made sure everyone knew that fact. Told me he caught it when he went on vacation to Florida and didn't mask on the plane or during his trip. He ended up getting his wife and kids sick too. Meanwhile, I shared an office with him every single day (the two of us made up the entire IT department) and didn't end up catching it from him. I made sure I was always wearing my mask, always washing my hands or using hand sanitizer, and always keeping my distance from co-workers.

The other person was an online friend of mine who caught the shit three damn times! He was down and OUT each time, pretty hardcore. He still refused to get the vaccine but I never gave either of those people shit for it. Their bodies, their lives. Grown men. It's not my job to get on someone's case for that shit, I make my choices in life and let other's make their own choices in life.

I'm a former USAF medical lab tech and microbiology was my specialty (alongside transfusion services) so I don't play around when it comes to catching shit regardless of whether the vector is fomites, airborne, other people, etc. I'm certainly no expert on viruses and diseases but the knowledge I do have is what led to my decision to get myself and my daughter vaccinated.

I fortunately have not experienced any negative side effects that I'm currently aware of and if continuing to wear my KN95 mask is just a placebo, it's a damn good one because I live in Mississippi and literally nobody else has worn a mask in ages anytime I've been out but I've remained sick/cold-free. Either the mask is helping or the placebo effect has given me mind-over-matter powers and I've willed airborne droplets and shit to vanish in my presence lol. No clue what the possible long term effects of the vaccine are but I've had countless fucking vaccines in my life already and I'm still here. I even got a cocktail of needles shoved in me in boot camp, so...yeah.

Getting the vaccine was a risk I was willing to take because I could either skip out on the vaccine and increase my chances of catching full-blown COVID and face the wrath of that shit (and possibly lose my life) or get the vaccine to lower my chances of experiencing the full symptoms if I catch COVID while maybe, possibly, potentially, perhaps having to deal with side effects at some undetermined time in the future.
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Getting the vaccine was a risk I was willing to take because I could either skip out on the vaccine and increase my chances of catching full-blown COVID and facing the wrath of that shit (and possibly lose my life) or get the vaccine to lower my chances of experiencing the full symptoms if I catch COVID while maybe, possibly, potentially, perhaps having to deal with side effects at some undetermined time in the future.

I think the main point here is that there was no risk to getting the vaccine, or if there was, it was vanishingly small.

Funnily enough though, all the gullible fools screaming about how people were going to die, and millions would suffer horrible side effects, have all shut up now. You’d like to think they would have exercised some sort of self reflection, and come to the conclusion they had been lied to… but I won’t hold my breath.


Rodent Whores
Lmao. Man, all I know is that, after waiting a bit and observing how the vaccine was affecting people in the short term, I got the vaccine a few times and the booster...same with my daughter...and I'm STILL masking up when I go out...and I have not caught COVID yet. I've tested myself every once in a while, always shows up negative. Haven't had a damn cold since the pandemic started either.

My daughter did catch COVID but it happened during a weekend where her mother took her to New Orleans and had her walking around the bustling French Quarter without a mask on. I was pissed. I had to quarantine my daughter and care for her while she missed school and I still didn't catch it, fortunately.

My mom got a few shots but no booster and she eventually caught COVID but she kept wearing an oversized cloth mask that would slip off her nose. I got onto her about that all the time. The vaccine did help her though, she would've died had she not had it because she was already dealing with health complications leading up to her catching it and the vaccine at least helped keep the symptoms a bit less intense.

Personally, the people that I know IRL who caught it multiple times and had the worst fucking time with it were my former supervisor who despised wearing a mask at work, laughed at others for wearing one, and talked trash about the vaccine so he never got it and made sure everyone knew that fact. Told me he caught it when he went on vacation to Florida and didn't mask on the plane or during his trip. He ended up getting his wife and kids sick too. Meanwhile, I shared an office with him every single day (the two of us made up the entire IT department) and didn't end up catching it from him. I made sure I was always wearing my mask, always washing my hands or using hand sanitizer, and always keeping my distance from co-workers.

The other person was an online friend of mine who caught the shit three damn times! He was down and OUT each time, pretty hardcore. He still refused to get the vaccine but I never gave either of those people shit for it. Their bodies, their lives. Grown men. It's not my job to get on someone's case for that shit, I make my choices in life and let other's make their own choices in life.

I'm a former USAF medical lab tech and microbiology was my specialty (alongside transfusion services) so I don't play around when it comes to catching shit regardless of whether the vector is fomites, airborne, other people, etc. I'm certainly no expert on viruses and diseases but the knowledge I do have is what led to my decision to get myself and my daughter vaccinated.

I fortunately have not experienced any negative side effects that I'm currently aware of and if continuing to wear my KN95 mask is just a placebo, it's a damn good one because I live in Mississippi and literally nobody else has worn a mask in ages anytime I've been out but I've remained sick/cold-free. Either the mask is helping or the placebo effect has given me mind-over-matter powers and I've willed airborne droplets and shit to vanish in my presence lol. No clue what the possible long term effects of the vaccine are but I've had countless fucking vaccines in my life already and I'm still here. I even got a cocktail of needles shoved in me in boot camp, so...yeah.

Getting the vaccine was a risk I was willing to take because I could either skip out on the vaccine and increase my chances of catching full-blown COVID and face the wrath of that shit (and possibly lose my life) or get the vaccine to lower my chances of experiencing the full symptoms if I catch COVID while maybe, possibly, potentially, perhaps having to deal with side effects at some undetermined time in the future.

Good on you for doing what you can to keep you and your loved ones safe based on a reasonable line of thinking. It's only anecdotal evidence, which might be good enough for some, but it's impressive how you still acknowledge that aspect of your data as strongly supportive but not 100% airtight conclusive. Personally I only ever mask up anymore if I'm in a poorly-ventilated area with lots of people, or if I am feeling cold symptoms myself. So far no positive test of COVID ever for me, but that doesn't mean I'm invincible. The vast majority of people in my orbit are vaccinated and have been for a long time, so community spread has been only a minor worry for me. Within my close circles of friends and family (around 100+ people) only a handful have been sick with COVID in the last 2 years.

Funnily enough though, all the gullible fools screaming about how people were going to die, and millions would suffer horrible side effects, have all shut up now. You’d like to think they would have exercised some sort of self reflection, and come to the conclusion they had been lied to… but I won’t hold my breath.

Unfortunately many have doubled down on the vaccine FUD, probably for internet clout. Pretty sad.
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