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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Regardless of your personal opinion and I am asking purely out of curiosity : How do you guys think the next few months and maybe years are going to look like in regards to vaccinations and the extreme polarization of vax vs anti vax, the government, protests, herd immunity etc. ?
I think the current Anti Vax vs Establishment is just temporary phenomenon, but it's a manifestation of the bigger dichotomy of our time, the Trumpists vs Liberal Elites, the Brexiteers vs British Political Class, The Yellow Jackets vs French Government, etc etc, which all sort of echo a 'common (i.e. not especially smart) people' vs 'intelligentsia' pattern. (note: this is a huge generalization, I know there are exceptions) Really if you ask me, it's just proletariat vs bourgeoisie all over again, like my great-great-uncle Karl used to write about, but in a new wrapper. The Vax stuff will fade, the polarization will continue unless something is done about spiralling inequality between these classes.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

There it is again... starting with January or even further back to make the numbers look huge. It's pure propaganda.

73% of the deaths in New York City from January 1, 2021 to June 1, 2021 took place in January, February, and March (with 51% occurring by the end of February). On April 1st, only 19% of the state population was fully vaccinated. On March 1st, it was just 9%.

Today, in New York City, some 41% of the population is still unvaccinated and they are seeing close to 0 deaths per day. Did they acquire some kind of magical herd immunity that other highly vaccinated locations simply could not?
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How does it affect you exactly? Do you not trust the 90%+ efficacy they claim it has? Care to explain?
Well, the unvax can and will cause thwe virus to mutate even further. The war appear to be won befoire the Delta appear. It is in everyone best interest to try to avoid the virus to evolve even more. And depend on which expert you believe, the effectiveness of the vaccine againist Delta is between 45-90%
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The Vax stuff will fade, the polarization will continue unless something is done about spiralling inequality between these classes.
See, I could believe that in a country such a US, but in France people have fuckton of support when it comes to reducing inequality e.g.

Tax on your wealth assets (abolished now, some want it back)
You pay for things e.g. childcare or school lunch in proportion of parents revenue
Inheritance tax
Donation tax

At some point you have to wonder why people can’t succeed despite all the support they get.
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See, I could believe that in a country such a US, but in France people have fuckton of support when it comes to reducing inequality e.g.

Tax on your wealth assets (abolished now, some want it back)
You pay for things e.g. childcare or school lunch in proportion of parents revenue
Inheritance tax
Donation tax

At some point you have to wonder why people can’t succeed despite all the support they get.
Liberal mentality.... you’re welcome.

America's problem isn't really the minority of anti-vaxxers - but your broken, god awful, third world, greed driven healthcare system.

...oh, and slavish devotion to outdated religious belief systems, but that's another story.
Our government and media are also heavily to blame. The corruption and double standards are so apparent, many people can't even be bothered to trust something as simple as a vaccine to save your life and your family's lives.


It seems like everyone in my life who’s vaccinated including have been catching delta variant. The shit is spreading like wild fire. Got all the symptoms going through right now with probably the worst being no taste or smell.
All is fine , vaccinating is our savior! Don’t change our way of life !


I just tested positive for coof. Had a bit of a headache and fatigue yesterday morning, and a 100 degree fever developed in the evening. Didn't sleep very well and the fever was up to 103 this morning. I popped 1000mg of ibuprofen and went over to urgent care, fortunately the fever was down to 99.5ish. I'm not feeling too bad, just some fatigue. I'm mainly stressed because this is a bad time to be out of work.
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Gold Member


I just tested positive for coof. Had a bit of a headache and fatigue yesterday morning, and a 100 degree fever developed in the evening. Didn't sleep very well and the fever was up to 103 this morning. I popped 1000mg of ibuprofen and went over to urgent care, fortunately the fever was down to 99.5ish. I'm not feeling too bad, just some fatigue. I'm mainly stressed because this is a bad time to be out of work.

So sorry, bro.
I just tested positive for coof. Had a bit of a headache and fatigue yesterday morning, and a 100 degree fever developed in the evening. Didn't sleep very well and the fever was up to 103 this morning. I popped 1000mg of ibuprofen and went over to urgent care, fortunately the fever was down to 99.5ish. I'm not feeling too bad, just some fatigue. I'm mainly stressed because this is a bad time to be out of work.
You’ll be fine. Take care of yourself for the rest of the week. Hydrate. Keep your fever down. If you have a pulse oximeter, use it. You can get a cheap one at any decent pharmacy for like $30. Just kind of monitor your symptoms.


I am sure that there are enough smart brains in the world to come up with something..

For a species that is flexible we are handling it poor imo ..

Fast fast back to it all was ..
The issue would be that a lot of those smart brains will also consider things such as freedom to be important.
So it's not really something that people will be able to be robotic about. There are ethical concerns etc.

You could even look at completely unrelated issues such as the death penalty etc to see how it's tough to balance these kind of concerns.

How can we ever really know if we handled it poorly or not? We don't have any way to really contextualize everything that's happened since March 2020. We definitely reduced the number of cases and deaths to some extent but we'll never really know.

How do we even begin to understand the moral rights and wrongs of mandatory lockdowns and vaccines etc?
Meanwhile in Canada...


"there are no good reasons not to get vaccinated". This is a great example of why you should wait, policies are being made up on the fly and you could be punished for getting a vaccine. Watch the video at the top. I worked as a cruise musician before and plan on getting back into it as more ships return to service. If I followed our "experts" here in Canada who told us it was safe to mix vaccines (which the WHO advised against btw) there's a good chance I would be ineligible to go back to work.

Travel is going to be a pain in the ass for the foreseeable future. What happens if countries decide to not recognize AstraZeneca as an official vaccine?


The latest from Clown Country

Thanks for this. I posted a couple of pages ago about the level of hypocrisy from the media that's been on display in this country when it comes to what your 'allowed' to protest, but the video illustrates it much better.

Slightly related note, this also happened at the protests.

A journo, who doesn't comply with msm narratives, had his security guard, who was there working and doing nothing wrong, forcefully detained and arrested. This countries really going to shit.


Lil’ Gobbie
I have a relative dying on a ventilator this morning because they believed a pastor who told them the vaccine was the mark of the beast and not to take it.
I've found that the "do your own research" mantra is largely just a dog whistle for "shop around for the information that you want to hear." sorry about your loved one
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Meanwhile in Canada...


"there are no good reasons not to get vaccinated". This is a great example of why you should wait, policies are being made up on the fly and you could be punished for getting a vaccine. Watch the video at the top. I worked as a cruise musician before and plan on getting back into it as more ships return to service. If I followed our "experts" here in Canada who told us it was safe to mix vaccines (which the WHO advised against btw) there's a good chance I would be ineligible to go back to work.

Travel is going to be a pain in the ass for the foreseeable future. What happens if countries decide to not recognize AstraZeneca as an official vaccine?

the only difference between Canada and the US on this is their stance toward how overwhelming the evidence needs to be about efficacy of mixed. If you are in Canada you should be able to get two of the same vaccine anyway


Meanwhile in Canada...


"there are no good reasons not to get vaccinated". This is a great example of why you should wait, policies are being made up on the fly and you could be punished for getting a vaccine. Watch the video at the top. I worked as a cruise musician before and plan on getting back into it as more ships return to service. If I followed our "experts" here in Canada who told us it was safe to mix vaccines (which the WHO advised against btw) there's a good chance I would be ineligible to go back to work.

Travel is going to be a pain in the ass for the foreseeable future. What happens if countries decide to not recognize AstraZeneca as an official vaccine?
Always risky being an early adopter. As far as consequences go it's inconvienient and seemingly fixable. Supplies were low early on. Understandable necessity would've made some hurry. Quebec is giving out or planning to third doses of an mRNA to those that got an AZ mRNA combo.

Availability of mRNA with high likelihood of getting the 2nd dose exactly after recommended 21/28 days plus talk back in late June of the borders opening in the fall got me to my first shot. Still thinking of getting Moderna for my 2nd rather than a repeat of the Pfizer. Will probably just take whatever mRNA is available.
the only difference between Canada and the US on this is their stance toward how overwhelming the evidence needs to be about efficacy of mixed. If you are in Canada you should be able to get two of the same vaccine anyway

I think at this point you can but as recently as a couple of weeks ago they were still advising people to take whatever they could get for the second shot and labeled those who walked out of appointments as selfish when they couldn't get the same dose.


David Fuller of Rebel Wisdom literally doing god's work here, on the ivermectin issue:

Main problem: most of their audience has not done enough research to make a minimally informed decision about who is more credible, and many comments hang on mere appearance of credibility (which unsurprisingly is colored by what they believed already going in). I didn’t see any comments from people grappling over relevant details (in that document he posted) and entire idea of the rebel wisdom skeptic sense making yadda yadda as if it could stand in for science is a farce. Laurie, Korry, et al have what are considered fringe positions for good reasons and dumbasses who can’t even understand it think they can adjudicate it. If their arguments were persuasive ie not riddled with errors and bad reasoning it wouldn’t be the fringe position.


sport kiss GIF by Equipe de France de Football
Here we go baby - hospitalizations and ICU admissions are going up, fuck yes, let’s lock down and drink French wine because fuckers do not want to get vaccinated!
Can’t wait to get a tax bill for this once next year elections are over.


Authorized Fister
Always risky being an early adopter. As far as consequences go it's inconvienient and seemingly fixable. Supplies were low early on. Understandable necessity would've made some hurry. Quebec is giving out or planning to third doses of an mRNA to those that got an AZ mRNA combo.

Availability of mRNA with high likelihood of getting the 2nd dose exactly after recommended 21/28 days plus talk back in late June of the borders opening in the fall got me to my first shot. Still thinking of getting Moderna for my 2nd rather than a repeat of the Pfizer. Will probably just take whatever mRNA is available.
I got the Pfizer and Moderna combo so hopefully it'll get accepted worldwide.


There were 2,208 people on the Titanic.
1,503 of them died.

Maybe you'll reflect on the crassness and simple mindedness of your analogy but you probably won't.

Not to mention the almost psychotic philosophy undergirding this dopey meme.

"imagine a world where the state has access to your bloodstream at all times, or you can't participate in society"

Creepy stuff! It's almost like nobody learned from Nuremberg :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And ... for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate! LOL
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Main problem: most of their audience has not done enough research to make a minimally informed decision about who is more credible, and many comments hang on mere appearance of credibility (which unsurprisingly is colored by what they believed already going in). I didn’t see any comments from people grappling over relevant details (in that document he posted) and entire idea of the rebel wisdom skeptic sense making yadda yadda as if it could stand in for science is a farce.
It has to stand in for science because science has shown itself to be untrustworthy in the face of huge financial incentives. People turn away from mainstream sources because they've lost trust in them. Throwing a tantrum and demanding that they trust anyway will not change the situation.
Laurie, Korry, et al have what are considered fringe positions for good reasons and dumbasses who can’t even understand it think they can adjudicate it. If their arguments were persuasive ie not riddled with errors and bad reasoning it wouldn’t be the fringe position.
...because in science, no fringe position has ever become the accepted position given time.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
...because in science, no fringe position has ever become the accepted position given time.

Especially rich considering how mRNA vaccines originated...

Why would your body consider proteins its own cells are creating as foreign invaders and trigger an immune response?! That's preposterous. Your arguments are riddled with errors and bad reasoning!


It has to stand in for science because science has shown itself to be untrustworthy in the face of huge financial incentives. People turn away from mainstream sources because they've lost trust in them. Throwing a tantrum and demanding that they trust anyway will not change the situation.

...because in science, no fringe position has ever become the accepted position given time.

there’s nothing to say about the first point. It’s just vague conspiratorial thinking.

second point is conflating what happens in normal science with what happens on the scientific frontier. Epidemiology of drugs like ivermectin is within the paradigm and the people who have excessive confidence in it don’t have good evidence. the position of credible experts has been to wait for higher quality evidence, although there are reasons to think it’s not especially promising and not a replacement for a vacccine


there’s nothing to say about the first point. It’s just vague conspiratorial thinking.
I've beaten this point about the recent history of the opioid crisis into the ground now, but it servers as the best example of why pharmaceutical companies are thought not to be trustworthy. Anyway, that whole debacle is documented fact, not vague conspiratorial thinking.
second point is conflating what happens in normal science with what happens on the scientific frontier. Epidemiology of drugs like ivermectin is within the paradigm and the people who have excessive confidence in it don’t have good evidence. the position of credible experts has been to wait for higher quality evidence, although there are reasons to think it’s not especially promising and not a replacement for a vacccine
... and those reasons wouldn't be financial reasons by chance? Look, we can play this game all day, but at the end of the day I am not obliged to trust your (or anyone else's) 'credible experts', in fact, I choose not to. Many others agree with me, and this seems to irk you. Maybe you should try to understand the reasons, instead of acting like all this anti-pharma sentiment just popped out of a hole in the ground. Have you looked at the vaccine booster thread? I'd say you have your work cut out for you...
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