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COVID Masks in Movies/TV Shows


Gold Member
This is something that's starting to happen, and I think it kind of bothers me because it's going to seriously date these movies (and TV shows).

So far I've seen COVID masks show up in three things: an episode of LOKI that was obviously reshoots done during COVID where all the extras were masked on an alien planet, the post credits scene of SHANG-CHI were some of the people training were wearing COVID masks, and now the MATRIX RESURECTIONS trailer:



TV/Movie productions are supposed to have COVID protocols, so why are people still masked while on-screen? Again, it's going to terribly date these movies.


Gold Member
Wearing a mask is basically visual media suicide so I don't expect anyone to really embrace it. I don't watch a lot (or any, really) network TV or commercials that are topical enough to even incorporate masks in their production.

It's mostly just films with like 2 people per scene.


Immediate turn off for me. I watch movies to escape the problems of real life. Not be reminded of them.

I’d be okay if they never ever make a movie or a tv show set in 2020-2021 so I’ll never see another fucking mask ever again.

I refuse to even take a picture with someone if they have a mask on. What a dumb thing to do. “Let’s take a picture with 2/3rds of my face covered.” So dumb. Are you really protecting yourself from COVID for the few seconds you’re taking a picture in your minivan with your family by wearing the face diaper?
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Season two of “for life” was mostly with mask as they also were experiencing COVID outbreak.
Still I could feel how they had to change the story to fit the new indoor production


This is something that's starting to happen, and I think it kind of bothers me because it's going to seriously date these movies (and TV shows).

So far I've seen COVID masks show up in three things: an episode of LOKI that was obviously reshoots done during COVID where all the extras were masked on an alien planet, the post credits scene of SHANG-CHI were some of the people training were wearing COVID masks, and now the MATRIX RESURECTIONS trailer:



TV/Movie productions are supposed to have COVID protocols, so why are people still masked while on-screen? Again, it's going to terribly date these movies.

so few and on the side I hardly noticed. could pass as normal because things will not go back to pre-COVID %100. in pre-COVID Japan you can see several medical mask wearing people per-day in public.
Some countries wear masks around cold and flu seasons to prevent spread. It's been going on for decades before covid and could possible become the norm now worldwide.

Are these mask appearances in entertainment really that bothersome?


Lil’ Gobbie
Some countries wear masks around cold and flu seasons to prevent spread. It's been going on for decades before covid and could possible become the norm now worldwide.

Are these mask appearances in entertainment really that bothersome?
I had to stop watching Dr death because one scene containing a roundtable of people wearing masks triggered all my sensibilities. I need you to take those face diapers off when I am trying to escape reality, I just can't ლ'`(>▂<ლ)´¯`·.
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They're not filming a documentary or film within recent times. It's not a stylistic choice and doesn't make sense in the world. Films are not targetting a specific year so people find it jarring. Escapism includes not having mundane reminders.

They are filming for a movie which is not about or related to Covid-19. Even for background characters, it is stupid. Matrix is about computer coded people in a digital world. Unless director is going for allegory of a computer and real world virus in a heavy handed way but even then it's stupid.

Tom Hardy had a mask cos he was imprisoned in Mad Max (later removed) and mainly silent and with Bane. Makes sense from character and in the world. Imagine a lead character like Dredd, Batman, Ethan Hunt, John Wick, Jeff Bridges in Tron etc. in PPE. Background characters are part of the world building.
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Haven't found it bothersome. Didn't even notice actually. Maybe their presence reflects their normalizing.
As noted earlier in the thread, masks aren't an uncommon preventative health practice elsewhere. Others unused to it have found the benefit of it over the past 18 months. Easier and economically sensible to wear a mask in some circumstances to keep from getting sick with colds and flus not just covid.
Still very interesting that it's at that stage where it's possibly a creative choice to include it for the most part. Like there's an assumption that not masking at all before is going to go completely back to unmasking even without mandating.


Bloody hell. Some folks really need to broaden their horizons. Asians have been wearing masks for decades. I’ve seen many people wearing masks in polluted cities across the world for years.

Shit, I’ll glad it’s socially acceptable now. I get far less black shit up my nose after a day on the tube… and will be keeping my mask on for the future just for that!
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