Your card is actually only being charged once. When you purchase a pre-order from the FUNimation Shop, your card will be pre-authorized, which means that it will appear as if you have been charged for the title. The pre-authorization should drop off of your card a few days after you have sent in your pre-order. The timing of this depends on your financial institution. The full purchase amount of the pre-order will not actually be processed and charged to your card until your pre-order has been shipped.
If you believe that you have been charged twice for the same pre-order, please check your full banking or credit card statements and confirm whether the full amount of your pre-order was actually deducted twice. You should see that the funds were only deducted once overall while the earlier charge was only a pre-authorization and was debited back to your account later. Note: Some banks will place a hold on your payment and then return the funds after approximately 10 days. In this case, please check your statement to see if the bank has removed the hold from your account after your pre-order has shipped.
If the full amount of your pre-order was deducted twice, please visit and choose "Shop - Orders" as the reason for contact.