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Crackdown 2 demo impressions


Major Williams said:
So, I keep playing the demo with my buddies, and I think we're all gonna get it.

Anyone found a cheaper price than Amazon? ($55 with free shipping)

This isn't a game I NEED on day 1, so I can wait a week for shipping if I can save $10+.

Anyone found a good deal?
Amazon's is the best offer I've seen, and comes with $10 video game credit.
Hugbot said:
Amazon's is the best offer I've seen, and comes with $10 video game credit.

I doubt I'll use the $10 credit, but we'll see I guess.

Edit: Also, when is it appropriate to create a thread for a game before release? Is it one week? or two weeks?
is the unlimited time glitch still working? and if so, can someone explain how to do it?

edit: nevermind, found a post that said an update fixed the glitch. sad face activated.
Major Williams said:

I doubt I'll use the $10 credit, but we'll see I guess.

With that type of attitude, it's no wonder you can't find it any cheaper :D If you preordered something from Amazon in the past 7 months, chances are you would've had a credit/giftcard attached to it to make Crackdown cheaper. You'll be in the same situation the next time you're on the fence about something.

Moral of the story is: ALWAYS BUY FROM AMAZON
seems a majority of the people not liking the demo had their mind made up before they even played it. i personally thought everything about it feels great sans the lock-on.


Trucker Sexologist
Drinking Hatorade said:
seems a majority of the people not liking the demo had their mind made up before they even played it. i personally thought everything about it feels great sans the lock-on.
I just don't think the demo is a great way to experience the game. I personally only played it once and I don't plan on playing it again. I'll stick with the full version.


Is anybody else having issues with getting Crackdown 2 into your cart with Amazon? I had the game in my cart earlier and then my cart got wiped out and you can't even get to the game now.

edit- Amazon.com must just be really screwed up right now...


2 hours ago:
RuffianGames twitter said:
What was that? I think the #Crackdown2 demo wants to fight back. It's feeling more... Ruthless. 2 hours and counting, Agents. Be ready.

edit: hm, maybe something with the third difficulty setting and that facebook game? I hate facebook....


Finally got around to playing the demo a couple of times; so lifeless compared to C1, but I guess that's the point with this one *awaits blue-sky dlc*


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Yeah not that hyped anymore thanks to this demo. I'm going to rent CD2 to see what its really like before I drop the cash now.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Played the full game for ~3 hours tonight! It feels like... Crackdown. For good or bad.

- Collecting agility orbs is still as addictive as crack.
- The missions still feel very repetitive (why not just give the franchise a NORMAL mission/story mode?).
- The first time I came across an agility orb that ran away from me was a nice WTF moment. :lol
- Rooftop races and car races are a little weird. To earn credit and cross them off the list you just have to... finish. In any amount of time. There is no way to fail them short of dying.
- Some of the new weapons are really great. I'm especially digging the UV grenade and the new force shotgun thing.
- Game is tough. I've died several times trying to clear out gang strongholds.

All in all, it is not the most impressive sequel. The game still feels pretty much the same. The map is even the same, albeit very reworked.

This impressions come off as a little negative, but the truth is Crackdown 1 was the shit, and so is its sequel. I'm just happy to have more orbs to hunt. GIVE ME MORE ORBS. 163/500 and counting.
GDJustin said:
Played the full game for ~3 hours tonight! It feels like... Crackdown. For good or bad.

- Collecting agility orbs is still as addictive as crack.
- The missions still feel very repetitive (why not just give the franchise a NORMAL mission/story mode?).
- The first time I came across an agility orb that ran away from me was a nice WTF moment. :lol
- Rooftop races and car races are a little weird. To earn credit and cross them off the list you just have to... finish. In any amount of time. There is no way to fail them short of dying.
- Some of the new weapons are really great. I'm especially digging the UV grenade and the new force shotgun thing.
- Game is tough. I've died several times trying to clear out gang strongholds.

All in all, it is not the most impressive sequel. The game still feels pretty much the same. The map is even the same, albeit very reworked.

This impressions come off as a little negative, but the truth is Crackdown 1 was the shit, and so is its sequel. I'm just happy to have more orbs to hunt. GIVE ME MORE ORBS. 163/500 and counting.

Any co-op included in these impressions? Anything Crackdown related improves 10 fold when someone else (or 3 more people now) are included. I feel like a lot of the negativity people had with the demo was because they were doing stuff singleplayer (also the timer makes people play differently).

Another thing, there IS the option to JOIN a random campaign in the full game right? I would suspect so since there was an option for setting the game to "Invite Only" in the demo, but I want to be sure.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Net_Wrecker said:
Any co-op included in these impressions? Anything Crackdown related improves 10 fold when someone else (or 3 more people now) are included. I feel like a lot of the negativity people had with the demo was because they were doing stuff singleplayer (also the timer makes people play differently).

Another thing, there IS the option to JOIN a random campaign in the full game right? I would suspect so since there was an option for setting the game to "Invite Only" in the demo, but I want to be sure.

Single Player only. Didn't mess with co-op because I don't wanna deal with randoms and there's no one on my friends list playing yet. Yes, there is an option to join a random game from the SP lobby, if I remember right.

And yeah, co-op makes everything better I'm sure. There's 90 co-op only challenge orbs, in fact. You can see them in SP but can't activate them unless you're in a co-op match.

I wanna emphasize that Crackdown 2 is very good. It's just a heck of a lot like Crackdown 1. Most mystifying is that it is still very repetitive. Players do the same two tasks over and over to advance the main story. It hasn't been a problem for me because I've been taking lengthy breaks to complete races, orb hunt, etc.

Jedeye Sniv

Drinking Hatorade said:
seems a majority of the people not liking the demo had their mind made up before they even played it. i personally thought everything about it feels great sans the lock-on.

Not at all. I absolutely loved the first game, but that was a few years ago and better sandbox games have been out since then. When I started Crackdown 2 I was very excited for it, an excitement that soon turned to great disappointment.

The graphics are ugly, the textures look like an old Quake mod and it seems like the great clean style of the original has been muddied up for no good reason and it just doesn't work.

The lock on was just about acceptable when Crackdown was the first sandbox game I'd played on 360. Years later post-GTA/RDR/Just Cause 2/Red Faction etc the lock on system is just utter bullshit. People complain about GTA's system but at least with that you can flick between targets easily and aren't constantly locking onto fucking cars.

The missions I played in the demo were simply boring and old fashioned. Again, at the start of the gen it was forgivable, now not so much. The bar has been raised substantially higher and Crackdown misses it by miles.

About the only thing that is still fun is orb-hunting, but that does not make it a good game. It's a shame, I was really looking forwards to this but I don't think I'm even going to get it cheap. But my point is my mind was very open, eager even, before I started playing.
Drinking Hatorade said:
seems a majority of the people not liking the demo had their mind made up before they even played it. i personally thought everything about it feels great sans the lock-on.

I had no expectations for Crackdown 2 other than "I really liked Crackdown 1."

Crackdown 2 is not a bad game, but:

- Lock-on targeting is absolutely shit and I never lock on to anything I want to, even when I'm already aiming right at it.

- Zombies are a tired videogame trope and thanks to the shitty controls there's not really an elegant way to deal with them besides standing back at a distance and spamming explosives. Getting stuck in the center of a crowd just reveals how janky this game still is.

- There's so many more orbs now that it actually feels like you're grinding, even with the accelerated leveling you get to do in the demo.

- Though there are hints that there might be Kingpins like the original game, it's clear that emphasis on that element of the game has been severely dialed down, and next to getting new powers, that was one of my favorite parts of the original game.

- The new announcer talks too damn much and has a habit of making incorrect, out of date, or repeat comments. He was charming in the original game and in CD2 he's a nag. I shouldn't have to turn him off. HEY WHY DON'T YOU USE THAT TURRET, HEY, THERE'S A TURRET OVER THERE, LOOK AT TURRET AGENT USE THE TURRET! TURRET TURRET TURRET TURRET TURRET

- In the length of time between Crackdown 1 and Crackdown 2, games have done the whole "open world with lots of freedom of mobility" a lot better. Crackdown 2, with its ledge-hopping, feels awfully dated next to Assassin's Creed, Prototype, or even The Saboteur.

- I get the whole "LOL, YOU SHOULDN'T BE DRIVING ANYWAY" but all of the cars still control like ass.

- Melee is feels a lot less effective thanks to the fact you can't lock on to somebody and attack them with your fists, because melee is dependent on movement speed, apparently (locking on forcibly slows you down).

I expected "Like Crackdown 1, but better and crazier" and I got "Like Crackdown 1, but not as immediately fun."


Neo Member
Net_Wrecker said:
Another thing, there IS the option to JOIN a random campaign in the full game right? I would suspect so since there was an option for setting the game to "Invite Only" in the demo, but I want to be sure.

When you start your game you can set it to either:

- Anyone join
- Friends only join
- Invite only

Been joining random people's games on Live has been an amazing experience, it's a bit like a gaming version of chat roulette. Absolutely fantastic :D *

* obviously I'm a tad biased
Played the demo a few more times after being one of those people who just found it ho-hum.
I'm getting into it but fuck do they need to fix/speed up the aiming speed/range/acceleration. So sloppy and slow...

Also yeah, Agency Director isn't as dry this time around and is a bit too self aware.

....and no transforming cars

So yeah, I won't lie, as the dude on GAF who made the original Crackdown OT, it hurts to be this indifferent to it's sequel =(


mescalineeyes said:
where are people getting this? is it out in europe yet somewhere? I really need something this weekend to take my mind off of stuff.
The pirated version leaked yesterday...


AgentOtaku said:
Played the demo a few more times after being one of those people who just found it ho-hum.
I'm getting into it but fuck do they need to fix/speed up the aiming speed/range/acceleration. So sloppy and slow...

Also yeah, Agency Director isn't as dry this time around and is a bit too self aware.

....and no transforming cars

So yeah, I won't lie, as the dude on GAF who made the original Crackdown OT, it hurts to be this indifferent to it's sequel =(

MrBob didn't make the first Crackdown OT? :p

And the aiming speed/range/etc is gonna be fixed with a day one patch.
MMaRsu said:
MrBob didn't make the first Crackdown OT? :p

And the aiming speed/range/etc is gonna be fixed with a day one patch.

I keep hearing this but do you by chance have a link where the devs mention it?
I absolutely love this game. I had to go buy CRACKDOWN again after playing the demo just to get more while I waited. I had my original copy stolen and just never got around to replacing it so it worked out well seeing how a 360 library minus the original CRACKDOWN is....well...its just wrong.

The thing I love most about CRACKDOWN is that they took what would be a blast to play, put it together, made it crazy addicting and then finally threw together a little story or whatever you want to call it to go with it. In my opinion too many developers are making too many sacrificies to gameplay to appease the story.

With that said, I can't wait to get my hands on the full game. Now back to finding those last few orbs in the original CRACKDOWN.
i've only skimmed over this thread, but does anyone have a problem with the way pedestrians explode when run over?
it really bothers me, it's just stupid!


jizzlobber said:
...does anyone have a problem with the way pedestrians explode when run over?

That sounds kinda awesome.

Just upgraded my Amazon order to same-day shipping (not due to the exploding pedestrians, however.)


Goddamn I can not find that preorder offer with the additional armor colors here. Ah well, getting the normal version then and hoping this is a "code comes with new game purchase" thing and not a real pre-order offer. Hopefully :p



Maybe I haven't been paying attention, or maybe the hype of the game is starting to get to me, but that is some great box art.
I have the feeling that it'll get bad reviews. Honestly, I'm not really hyped for the game. It could have been much more ambitious. Usually I defend sequels against this "1.5/add-on" crap but this time this is what it really seems to be.


leveling up is much slower than it was in the demo... kinda what i figured.

also, the aiming is still a little wonky. it'll target cars in the distance instead of some cell guy right in front of you.


LordPhoque said:
I have the feeling that it'll get bad reviews. Honestly, I'm not really hyped for the game. It could have been much more ambitious. Usually I defend sequels against this "1.5/add-on" crap but this time this is what it really seems to be.

Well, it was made in 8 months. I'm hoping this will be to Crackdown what Super Mario Galaxy 2 was to Super Mario Galaxy. In other words, some changes but more of the same awesome sauce.

Jtyettis said:
Where be the Official Thread yo.

By the way, is anyone signed up for the |OT| yet? If not, I'd be willing to take a crack
at it.


soldat7 said:
Well, it was made in 8 months. I'm hoping this will be to Crackdown what Super Mario Galaxy 2 was to Super Mario Galaxy. In other words, some changes but more of the same awesome sauce.

By the way, is anyone signed up for the |OT| yet? If not, I'd be willing to take a crack
at it.

Do you have a link showing that they made the game in 8 months? Crackdown 2 was announced 12.5 months ago, I assume they finished the game a month ago, even then that gives them 11.5 months to work on the game, assuming they started from the announcement, which would be hard to believe as one would assume that they were working on the game well before it was announced.


Shurs said:
Do you have a link showing that they made the game in 8 months? Crackdown 2 was announced 12.5 months ago, I assume they finished the game a month ago, even then that gives them 11.5 months to work on the game, assuming they started from the announcement, which would be hard to believe as one would assume that they were working on the game well before it was announced.

Ah, you're probably right.

IGN said:
"The last 8 months have been solid crunch," says James Cope, producer on the game. "It was hell," he jokes, "but the end result was really good. We're really pleased with what we've done. We set ourselves some pretty aggressive, ambitious targets, and we've been very lucky. With some great guys and some hard work we've come up with something we're all very proud of."

That's a 'crunch' of 8 months, not necessarily full development time; although, the subtitle to the article on IGN is a bit misleading if that's the case.



I have to buy two copies of this (promised my nephew one for his birthday) rubbish that im on holiday when it comes out in uk :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Maybe this is explained in the thread (but I can't be assed to skim through 900+ posts), but how do you get online co-op in the demo? I downloaded it like two weeks ago and still can't find the damn option in the HUD. Maybe I'm missing the thing and am going blind but that's annoying that I can't try an aspect that they're touting because I'm somehow missing the obvious.
TheSeks said:
Maybe this is explained in the thread (but I can't be assed to skim through 900+ posts), but how do you get online co-op in the demo? I downloaded it like two weeks ago and still can't find the damn option in the HUD. Maybe I'm missing the thing and am going blind but that's annoying that I can't try an aspect that they're touting because I'm somehow missing the obvious.

Demo is invite only.

derFeef said:
Goddamn I can not find that preorder offer with the additional armor colors here. Ah well, getting the normal version then and hoping this is a "code comes with new game purchase" thing and not a real pre-order offer. Hopefully :p

Amazon has 4 pre-order colors.


jizzlobber said:
i've only skimmed over this thread, but does anyone have a problem with the way pedestrians explode when run over?
it really bothers me, it's just stupid!
I thought it was just the Freaks that explode?
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