Let's say in the year 2010, scientists have discovered a way to capture and transfer the essence of 'life' in conjunction with a machine they developed.
For example in capturing life, if the machine is set to 'capture mode' and 40 years is the number entered, when it's used on a 30 year-old man, it will suck away 40 years off his total lifespan; so where this 30 year-old might of lived to be 80 years old, he will only live 10 more years because the machine sucked 40 years off his life.
For example of transferring life, if you take someone who only has 10 years to live, then apply the machine to them while it's set to 'transfer mode' for 40 years, using the 40 years of life it captured previously from the 30 year-old man, the person who only had 10 years to live would now live 40 more years.
OK, so when this machine first came out, they claimed it would only be used to save lives. People were even allowed to donate days off their life much the way you can donate blood, organs, and marrow today. Then 10 years later (2020), they started using it as means for punishment for a crime;e.g. instead of giving a guy 30 years in prison, they suck 30 years off of his life or instead of giving a guy life in prison or the death penalty, they just suck ALL his life away using the machine.
Another 10 years go by, it's now 2030 and things have really changed in the usage of this machine. The government passed laws that allow people to actually sell or buy life if they want. For example, if you wanted to sell a couple years off your life to make a down payment on a house, you could do that or if you wanted to buy some years so that you might be able to see your great grandson reach 50 years of age, you could do that. The sale of life has become the leading business for any country.
Now, around this point in time, reports start creeping in that people are having their life sucked away unwillingly.. people like the homeless, prison inmates, illegal aliens, etc. Basically people who don't have a lot of rights on their side that will be respected. There's even rumors floating around about politicians and world leaders having 'baby mills' where babies are created for the purposed of having their life harvested. You don't totally believe the rumors, but when the cost of life is generally so expensive that any large quantity of it is beyond the reach of all but a select few billionaires, and you see Bill Gates reach his 150th birthday, you begin to wonder....
OK, so I pose the questions..
1. Knowing what you know, if you could afford to, would you buy a couple of years of life for yourself? (even though it might of been acquired from some poor Joe who was clubbed and dragged into a dark alley?)
2. Would you consider selling some years off your life, if the going rate was like... maybe $2 million for one year?
OK, and let me clarify. When you have life added on in the amount of 40 years and you're already 80 years old, that doesn't mean you'll stay 80 years old for another 40 years. It means you'll go back to the same body you had when you were 40 then it will start to age all over again until.
For example in capturing life, if the machine is set to 'capture mode' and 40 years is the number entered, when it's used on a 30 year-old man, it will suck away 40 years off his total lifespan; so where this 30 year-old might of lived to be 80 years old, he will only live 10 more years because the machine sucked 40 years off his life.
For example of transferring life, if you take someone who only has 10 years to live, then apply the machine to them while it's set to 'transfer mode' for 40 years, using the 40 years of life it captured previously from the 30 year-old man, the person who only had 10 years to live would now live 40 more years.
OK, so when this machine first came out, they claimed it would only be used to save lives. People were even allowed to donate days off their life much the way you can donate blood, organs, and marrow today. Then 10 years later (2020), they started using it as means for punishment for a crime;e.g. instead of giving a guy 30 years in prison, they suck 30 years off of his life or instead of giving a guy life in prison or the death penalty, they just suck ALL his life away using the machine.
Another 10 years go by, it's now 2030 and things have really changed in the usage of this machine. The government passed laws that allow people to actually sell or buy life if they want. For example, if you wanted to sell a couple years off your life to make a down payment on a house, you could do that or if you wanted to buy some years so that you might be able to see your great grandson reach 50 years of age, you could do that. The sale of life has become the leading business for any country.
Now, around this point in time, reports start creeping in that people are having their life sucked away unwillingly.. people like the homeless, prison inmates, illegal aliens, etc. Basically people who don't have a lot of rights on their side that will be respected. There's even rumors floating around about politicians and world leaders having 'baby mills' where babies are created for the purposed of having their life harvested. You don't totally believe the rumors, but when the cost of life is generally so expensive that any large quantity of it is beyond the reach of all but a select few billionaires, and you see Bill Gates reach his 150th birthday, you begin to wonder....
OK, so I pose the questions..
1. Knowing what you know, if you could afford to, would you buy a couple of years of life for yourself? (even though it might of been acquired from some poor Joe who was clubbed and dragged into a dark alley?)
2. Would you consider selling some years off your life, if the going rate was like... maybe $2 million for one year?
OK, and let me clarify. When you have life added on in the amount of 40 years and you're already 80 years old, that doesn't mean you'll stay 80 years old for another 40 years. It means you'll go back to the same body you had when you were 40 then it will start to age all over again until.