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Creepy image thread.

Summary Man said:
This looks so familiar, but I can't quite place it. Rugrats? If so, anyone remember the context?
It's Rugrats when Angelica is apparently going to have a baby brother, but doesn't for some reason.
Altazor said:
the only scary part of the movie, IMHO. That whole section with the ruined house... *shivers*

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Even if you were to remove all the "supernatural" elements from the movie, I would still find the Blair Witch Project to be creepy. Just imagine yourself in these peoples' position: getting lost in the forest, slowly running out of food, and being constantly tired, confused, and frustrated, and knowing that you're probably going to die.

Just a position I would never want to be in myself.


eso76 said:
i believe this wonderful piece of animation is what inspired those Garfield strips


not sure if it can be considered creepy but it's like the most depressing thing ever.
beautiful though, you should watch it

that was beautiful. I can definitely see that short inspiring the Garfield strips, the premise is almost the same
except for the ending, which is happier on the Garfield one of course.
Max Armstrong said:
That's pretty awesome actually. Is there more?

I have no idea! I don't even remember what forum I found the image on, I just came across it years ago and liked it a lot, so saved it. If anyone knows where it came from, I would be very interested.


Mama Robotnik said:

Somehow reminds me of this.


Some pics from my trip to Paris' Catacombs and Amsterdam's Torture Museum few years ago, which I think fit the theme of the thread. I also visited Bergen-Belsen concentration camp (or what's left of it) and Wewelsburg Castle in Germany, but don't have very interesting pics from there.






The Inquisitor's Chair


Iron Maiden



Saw this at the Guggenheim last summer:

Self-Portrait at Three Years Old (2004)

This is artist Gillian Wearing wearing a mask to mimic a portrait of herself from her youth. It's one of the pieces that really stayed with me from the entire exhibit.


G.O.O. said:
You can watch the final scene on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYOXS2dZhG4

The said shot is at 3:40, but it won't do much taken out of context.

EDIT @ Jill Sandwich => don't spoil, just post a link. People who want to see it will click it.
I haven't seen the movie, but i don't understand what i should see at 3:40 (i've seen the whole video)
there's the dude standing by the wall, and? Maybe it make sense watching the whole movie?


I could answer that it's kind of explained at the very beginning of the movie but I didn't notice until I re-read the synopsis, and that was after i sent my post.

So I found it insanely creepy for some reason, or the reason being that I didn't know what it was (actually, knowing makes it worse, so good job guys).
There is no reason for this guy to be here standing silently, while his friend (and himself, minutes ago) is screaming at the top of her lungs, so you can only assume that it's for something genuinely horrible. And as I said earlier, the rest of the movie makes it work really well.
UrbanRats said:
I haven't seen the movie, but i don't understand what i should see at 3:40 (i've seen the whole video)
there's the dude standing by the wall, and? Maybe it make sense watching the whole movie?
The premise of the movie is that a group of film students traveled into the black hill forests of Maryland to shoot a documentary about a local urban myth/legend, the Blair Witch. The legend, which you hear in the very beginning of the movie told by some local hillbillies, revolves around a man who lives out the woods. He would abduct children and then take them down into the basement two at a time - he was paranoid though and thought the children could see into his soul, so he'd make one of them stare into the corner as he tortured and murdered the other one. He claimed he did it because a witch from the 1700s was possessing him.

Eventually the students get lost in the woods, one of them randomly goes missing, there's a famous scene where one of them starts sobbing into the camera apologizing to the family of the other students, the whole time they think a ghost or witch is chasing them, etc, etc... eventually they find this old shitty abandoned shack in the woods and this scene takes place at the end.


The 1000 Arms Buddha and the Nurarihyon in Gantz are probably the two most creepy enemies in manga. The Nurarihyon's transformations are especially disturbing. Too bad I can't post pics of him.
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