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Creepy image thread.


Dascu said:
You didn't like Martyrs? Hmm. I'm conflicted on it. I don't think I ever want to see it again, but I was compelled enough to watch it all the way through. I'm not sure if I can call it a good film, but I definitely wouldn't call it a bad film.
The plot was shit, but man the film was a good punch in the gut and, as an horror, it was damn effective.
The directing, the editing, the photography and even the acting were very good, imo.. not forgetting the special effects (except for the over the top ending?).
The only thing really bad was the plot, i would've liked better no explanation at all, than the one given, oh well.


Misterinenja said:
Is the bottom one you?

=D Nope.

UrbanRats said:
The plot was shit, but man the film was a good punch in the gut and, as an horror, it was damn effective.
The directing, the editing, the photography and even the acting were very good, imo.. not forgetting the special effects (except for the over the top ending?).
The only thing really bad was the plot, i would've liked better no explanation at all, than the one given, oh well.

I loved the ending.
It was left for the viewer to decide whether the old woman killed herself because all her beliefs were proven false, or because it was the opposite and she wanted to get to the other side quicker.


Melchiah said:
=D Nope.

I loved the ending.
It was left for the viewer to decide whether the old woman killed herself because all her beliefs were proven false, or because it was the opposite and she wanted to get to the other side quicker.
I liked that too, i meant more the
"martyrs" explanation, since they don't hint at it in the whole movie, and it pops out like a complete deus ex machina.
Also i found the beating on the girl at the end, a little anticlimactic.. not that creative of a torture.


DangerStepp said:
This is the Six Flag Theme Parks mascot and I can't see how anyone would ever find this cute or appealing.





Anyone ever watch The Outer Limits? It's was like The Twilight Zone with more sci-fi, and less fantasy.


Some of those episodes terrified the ever-loving shit out of me.


Sielys said:
Anyone ever watch The Outer Limits? It's was like The Twilight Zone with more sci-fi, and less fantasy.

Some of those episodes terrified the ever-loving shit out of me.

I've only watched the newer ones, and I enjoyed them. Especially the Sandkings episode, and the one with the guy transforming into an alien.
Melchiah said:
I've only watched the newer ones, and I enjoyed them. Especially the Sandkings episode, and the one with the guy transforming into an alien.

Didn't every Outer Limits episode end with someone transforming into an alien?


Neo Member
Melchiah said:
Do you by any chance have bigger versions of those? =)

I edited my post with the biggest ones I could find of the pics. Some are a little larger. All of the original pics are there just click on the links cause I do not know why they are not showing, and added some new ones.


I found all of the pics there, and it has many many more!


Nassimoluc said:
I edited my post with the biggest ones I could find of the pics. Some are a little larger.

Thanks! Just what I wanted, bigger versions of bunnies and nylons hanging from the ceiling. =)








Imbarkus said:
I spent a dark period of curiosity reading up on medieval torture devices. All it takes is a picture of the device now, and the knowledge that many hours of thought and effort were devoted to developing the method of torture, to creep me out.

Spotted this thing at Amsterdam's Torture Museum

This surely must have been terrible


Dave Inc. said:
That Black Swan gif really is too much for me. There's a difference between "creepy" and "nauseating gore" and people really need to learn not to post that shit.


having or causing a creeping sensation of the skin, as from horror or fear: a creepy ghost story.

People need to realize that their narrow idea of what is creepy isn't what defines the term. There are as many definitions for creepiness as there are people.

If you can't take the material on this thread, perhaps this is not a suitable place for you.
Melchiah said:
People need to realize that their narrow idea of what is creepy isn't what defines the term. There are as many definitions for creepiness as there are people.

If you can't take the material on this thread, perhaps this is not a suitable place for you.
Yeah sure I'll just leave this thread because certainly there weren't any rules laid out by the OP.

OP said:
I want that spine chilling sensation, so lets get the horror rolling!
Try and keep gore to a minimum people, I want my scary classy


This is a thread about creepy stuff. There's nothing at all creepy about peeling back the skin from your cuticle, it's just gore.


Dave Inc. said:
This is a thread about creepy stuff. There's nothing at all creepy about peeling back the skin from your cuticle, it's just gore.

From my point of view, there hasn't really been much of gory material on this thread. Then again, our view on that might differ as well. What you might find gory, I might find anything but, and what I find gory, well... let's just say I've withheld posting such material.

As for stuff like the recently posted kiddie food drawings, it's beyond me how they're supposed to be creepy. It's just drawn kids. Different strokes for different folks.



Did serial axe monster murder FIVE women? Detectives use his macabre artwork to try to establish fate of other 'victims'

A suspected serial axe killer is feared to have murdered up to five women, police revealed yesterday.

But as the psychopath faced the prospect of dying in prison, Scotland Yard launched an urgent appeal to trace three other women who previously had relationships with him.
Detectives are ‘particularly concerned’ about one of three missing former girlfriends, who was referred to in some of around 300 macabre drawings, wood carvings and poems by the Liverpool-born killer.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...n-dumping-body-parts-canal.html#ixzz1Ibc0pfi1
Ashes1396 said:

Did serial axe monster murder FIVE women? Detectives use his macabre artwork to try to establish fate of other 'victims'

A suspected serial axe killer is feared to have murdered up to five women, police revealed yesterday.

But as the psychopath faced the prospect of dying in prison, Scotland Yard launched an urgent appeal to trace three other women who previously had relationships with him.
Detectives are ‘particularly concerned’ about one of three missing former girlfriends, who was referred to in some of around 300 macabre drawings, wood carvings and poems by the Liverpool-born killer.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...n-dumping-body-parts-canal.html#ixzz1Ibc0pfi1

Good lord that is disgusting.


The story is set to be published in all major papers later today. Feel perfectly free not to visit the Daily Mail website. It was the first thing to pop up for me on google.


I dont have anything to post (I'm at work)

But I am crazy scared about pictures or video with the "large open jaw" thing going on. You know the mouth that looks like its going to eat you. (Nassimoluc posted one, but I'm too chicken to quote it.)

Does anyone have pics or a link to what kind of horror/effect that is?
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