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Creepy image thread.


TopHatCuddlefish said:

I hate dolls especially when I see broken ones on the streets at night.

Why, is that common around where you are? Just random broken dolls lying around at night?
I agree about the last shot of Blair Witch, the film is kind of shit but it still makes me feel uneasy seeing the guy stood in the corner ready to die.

I think it being the first film of its kind that I saw is why it freaked me out.

For some reason I can't explain I find the girl with the pearl earring freaky.





"I am so beastly tired of mankind and the world that nothing can interest me unless it contains a couple of murders on each page or deals with the horrors unnameable and unaccountable that leer down from the external universes." - H.P. Lovecraft
I've been hooked on Phineas & Ferb on Netflix and watched this episode where I both cracked up and was scared shitless by...




You know, I was thinking of Blair Witch the other day and realized it was scary only because I was told how fucking scary it was.

So I spent every minute of the movie going "oh my god, is the scary part coming up next?" and I'm all tense.

When I left, the tension released and I was extremely disappointed.


Gooster said:
I've been hooked on Phineas & Ferb on Netflix and watched this episode where I both cracked up and was scared shitless by...



Balloony reminds me of Ricardio from Adventure Time.







Auto-appendectomy in the Antarctic: case report

“When Rogozov had made the incision and was manipulating his own innards as he removed the appendix, his intestine gurgled, which was highly unpleasant for us; it made one want to turn away, flee, not look—but I kept my head and stayed. Artemev and Teplinsky also held their places, although it later turned out they had both gone quite dizzy and were close to fainting . . . Rogozov himself was calm and focused on his work, but sweat was running down his face and he frequently asked Teplinsky to wipe his forehead . . . The operation ended at 4 am local time. By the end, Rogozov was very pale and obviously tired, but he finished everything off.”


lethial said:
Why, is that common around where you are? Just random broken dolls lying around at night?

I live near a kindergarten/daycare and toy store. I think the worst was when the toy store threw out a bag of dolls and the contents just spilled out.

I also live near a clothing store that throws out their mannequins and a lot of them have faces.


G.O.O. said:
So I found it insanely creepy for some reason, or the reason being that I didn't know what it was (actually, knowing makes it worse, so good job guys).
There is no reason for this guy to be here standing silently, while his friend (and himself, minutes ago) is screaming at the top of her lungs, so you can only assume that it's for something genuinely horrible. And as I said earlier, the rest of the movie makes it work really well.

yeah, that image is burned in my mind. Of course,
knowing that it was Rustin Parr's (the owner of the house) method of killing children while possessed by the Blair Witch, makes it fucking creepy as fuck too, even more than the image itself of a guy standing in the corner, staring at the wall and doing nothing while his friend is screaming out of her lungs. Ugh.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Auto-appendectomy cools the thread. I bump!


I spent a dark period of curiosity reading up on medieval torture devices. All it takes is a picture of the device now, and the knowledge that many hours of thought and effort were devoted to developing the method of torture, to creep me out.



As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Melchiah said:
That paints an unsettling mental image of how long it may have taken until death ends the agony, and the excruciating wait for those next in line.

And the prolonging of suffering was the point, and was actively contemplated and refined, as a profession. Ech.


Melchiah said:
Jacob's Ladder
Session 9
The Nameless
Grimm Love

I thank you sir. Some of these look really interesting. For tonight I'll make a choice between Session 9 and The Nameless.
Melchiah said:
The Nameless

Claudia (Emma Vilarasau) and Marc's beloved six-year old daughter Angela disappears and is later found dead under mysterious circumstances. Five years later, Claudia is still unable to get over the death of her child. Inexplicably, the presumed dead daughter Angela calls her mother, saying that she is still alive and needs her help. Claudia calls an ex-cop, Massera (Karra Elejalde), to investigate the matter. Massera teams up with tabloid journalist Quiroga (Tristan Ulloa) and the two begin to uncover a bizarre cult that sacrifices children.

Sounds like the novel that this movie was based on was a HUGE influence on Silent Hill. Didn't they include a Campbell street as a homage to the author?

Is this a genuinely creepy movie? From what I've heard it sounds like torture porn...
I personally love Session 9, and it was a great first attempt for Brad Anderson (I think it was his first feature length). He went on to make some more great movies, ie The Machinist and Transsiberia. Still working to this day, and has done a bunch of Fringe episodes too I believe.

Something about forests really creep me out when the lighting/atmosphere is right.

Man, some creepy stuff in here.

When I was little, I used to freak out whenever I saw Janice from the Muppets. Am I alone in this? She still kind of terrifies me. She's sort of human-looking, but she's got that weird hair, sealed eyelids, weird gangly limbs, and those lips...


Jill Sandwich said:
If women being skinned alive is your bag, it hits the spot.

Not really... I don't mind violence but excessive gore like that puts me off a lot of the time.
I gave up reading American Psycho in disgust... although I find written gore more disturbing than visual.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Something about forests really creep me out when the lighting/atmosphere is right.

I used to go on midnight rambles through the woods near where I live, it was quite peaceful apart from the occasional owl. One time though I heard a low gutteral growl about 12 feet away off the path, something big was there that I couldn't see. Never ran so fast in my life.


Apple Sauce said:
Is this a genuinely creepy movie? From what I've heard it sounds like torture porn...
It's not. There's barely any physical torture and the flaying scene at the end is mostly off-screen. Very grim film though. It's difficult to watch, not because of the imagery, but because of what it implies.
Jill Sandwich said:
I used to go on midnight rambles through the woods near where I live, it was quite peaceful apart from the occasional owl. One time though I heard a low gutteral growl about 12 feet away off the path, something big was there that I couldn't see. Never ran so fast in my life.

Man, sounds horrifying. Whereabouts do you live? Country is fine, I'm just curious because there are certain places, at least in the States, that just have that mystique about them. New England, here in New York, especially...


Dries said:
I thank you sir. Some of these look really interesting. For tonight I'll make a choice between Session 9 and The Nameless.

You can't go wrong with either one of them. =)

Apple Sauce said:
Is this a genuinely creepy movie? From what I've heard it sounds like torture porn...

It has that kind of stuff in its latter half, but it's not as simplistic, and without meaning, as torture horror flicks usually are. I for one loved the ending, and the fact it left something to think about.

As for The Nameless... it belongs to my top ten favorite horror films, and sparked an interest in Jaume Balaguero, who's also directed Darkness, Fragile, and [REC], of which Fragile is the weakest (and featuring Calista Flockhart). I love how all his films seem to center around the same theme; evil. If you're interested I recommend to google his earlier short films, Alicia and Dias Sin Luz (A.K.A. Days Without Light). They should be found on YouTube. Be warned though, Alicia may be too much for many. I'd link them here, but I think that kind of material isn't looked favorably around here. ;)

Apple Sauce said:
This guy is actually an toy/model based on something written by Clive Barker and made by McFarlane toys:


Didn't know that. I always thought it was a part of some art piece, or film.

Jill Sandwich said:
I used to go on midnight rambles through the woods near where I live, it was quite peaceful apart from the occasional owl. One time though I heard a low gutteral growl about 12 feet away off the path, something big was there that I couldn't see. Never ran so fast in my life.

I used to do so as well, when I lived in the northern Finland, where there's a plenty of woods and uninhabited places. Nighttime visits to cemetery were also something I enjoyed doing. One of my favorite places was a 5x5 metre wide cave, which continued 200-300 metres below ground, and had two metres long ice formations in the bottom, even in summer.
BlueTsunami said:
Is the photo not shopped? To me it looks like a bunch of tentacles have been photoshopped into the wave. If its just seaweed then Jesus Christ thats even creepier to me.
So, as a person that has spent his entire life around water, oceans, beaches, seas and lakes... its not scary for a few reasons. In a lake particularly, people get freaked out by mill foil and other growth. I have a ski/wakeboard boat water (Super Air Nautique/Correct Craft) and travel to a lot of lakes and near-ocean bodies; and any kind of growth is a sign that we're near the bottom. And we need to be careful. In the ocean, we've got a few boats but all rules apply to all boats (tugboats are the only exception- bizzare little machines) same thing for the most part. Except growth means you're closer to shore than not. You find something like that and it's like thank goodness we're almost there. Growth like that means the bottom is near and not 300ft-1000ft which I find WAY WAY WAY more creepy. Seriously- try it. Super deep water is scary as fuck to swim in. I promise.

Insane Metal said:
I have a heart, I swear. And lots of stuff freaks me out. I posted it in this thread. Some very scary stuff in here...

...but this image - I don't understand the creepy angle. I don't see it as anything but 'sad'.
I don't see this as 'creepy'.

You guys here (and I see it elsewhere too but VERY starkly here) are so quick to call something or somebody creepy. Too often you folks say creepy when I think you're either saddened by something or just don't know how to categorize your emotion. It all goes into that 'creepy' bucket. If you all really thought everything labeled here as creepy, and I don't mean just in this thread here, you'd be the biggest bunch of pussy babies ever.

But I don't think you are.

'Creepy' has to be one of the most used words in the English language on this site.

Props to the first person to quote this as 'creepy'

EDIT: Yes! Blair Witch is an interesting one. TOTALLY agree it was absolutely creepy as fuck. What is strange for me is that the first time I saw it I was mildly frightened but not nearly as much as I expected. From what people were saying at the time it was in the theaters is that I knew 1) it can make you so seasick, and 2) it is one of the scariest movies ever made. So going in I had it on a pedestal. It was the third or forth time I saw it that I realized it deserved that nomination.

There is something about absorbing that movie in 3 distinct chunks...the movie presents them perfectly. As the movie progresses you see, in this order, Excitement - Confusion - Terror.
When you take it in like that... My God... so scary that thing. Especially the end, of course.

A few weeks ago I asked in a thread here on GAF about witches and how scary they are and how much potential there is in witch stufff, and how awesome it would be if there were more terrifying witch movies. A few suggestions were made. Good stuff.

Max Armstrong said:
That's pretty awesome actually. Is there more?
Mama Robotnik said:
I have no idea! I don't even remember what forum I found the image on, I just came across it years ago and liked it a lot, so saved it. If anyone knows where it came from, I would be very interested.
It's just this one comic series from a webcomic. I remember I saw it linked waaaay back, before I even frequented GAF. The webcomic is mostly ok but that mini-series was just too awesome. Here's the link to the webcomic.

Sorry if it's been answered already.


Maxis Redwood
BlueTsunami said:
Is the photo not shopped? To me it looks like a bunch of tentacles have been photoshopped into the wave. If its just seaweed then Jesus Christ thats even creepier to me.

Wait, that shit is real? I assumed it was photoshoped when I first saw the pic as well. Screw that, I'll never go in the ocean again, that looks f'ing terrifying to me... way way worse than shopped tentacles.
awesomeapproved said:
...but this image - I don't understand the creepy angle. I don't see it as anything but 'sad'.
I don't see this as 'creepy'.

You guys here (and I see it elsewhere too but VERY starkly here) are so quick to call something or somebody creepy. Too often you folks say creepy when I think you're either saddened by something or just don't know how to categorize your emotion. It all goes into that 'creepy' bucket. If you all really thought everything labeled here as creepy, and I don't mean just in this thread here, you'd be the biggest bunch of pussy babies ever.


A few weeks ago I asked in a thread here on GAF about witches and how scary they are and how much potential there is in witch stufff, and how awesome it would be if there were more terrifying witch movies. A few suggestions were made. Good stuff.

Well said.

Can you repost the suggestions you got? I know the 3 mothers trilogy from Argento, but no others.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Apple Sauce said:
Is this a genuinely creepy movie? From what I've heard it sounds like torture porn...

It's a genuinely terrible movie, so yeah, I guess that makes it creepy.


awesomeapproved said:
I have a heart, I swear. And lots of stuff freaks me out. I posted it in this thread. Some very scary stuff in here...

...but this image - I don't understand the creepy angle. I don't see it as anything but 'sad'.
I don't see this as 'creepy'.


Some people don't seem to know what creepy means.

creepy [ˈkriːpɪ]
adj creepier, creepiest
1. Informal having or causing a sensation of repulsion, horror, or fear, as of creatures crawling on the skin
2. creeping; slow-moving

So that teeth in the fingers one, is genuinely creepy to me. It makes my skin crawl. The picture you are referring to, is of a dead child. And it gave me nightmares the other day. And I don't get creeped out easily, when it comes to purely scary stuff.

Imagine, painting a dead child. Pictures of children automatically make us more parent like, so I'm not surprised that you are more likely to be sad then creeped out.

edit: On the contrary, this does nothing for me but some people find the following picture scary:

It's the hindu goddess of death and destruction


Standard Religious Education book stuff. And I was surprised that some people found it scary.
PalaceBrother said:
Well said.

Can you repost the suggestions you got? I know the 3 mothers trilogy from Argento, but no others.
I am trying to find that thread, and those posts. The search limitations here make it so hard.
Suspiria was one.
Someone pointed out the Nicholas Cage thing, Season of the Witch - jury is still out on that. I am not sold. I am looking for DARK, scary movies

- Black Sunday (1960)
- Blair Witch Project (still counts)
- Warlock
- Witchboard 1 and 2

I am still looking into this. From 1950-1970 there were a lot, but I am looking for newer, more graphic, more detailed types of scsry stuff. I am still searching.



From the music video for "Rockit" by the Gorillaz. (around 20 seconds in for one frame)
Me and a friend of mine were watching one of my Gorillaz DVDs and spent about 10 minutes trying to pause it on the right frame before we got it.
I'm pretty desensitized to it now but the first time I saw it it really frightened me.


Capybara said:
From the music video for "Rockit" by the Gorillaz. (around 20 seconds in for one frame)
Me and a friend of mine were watching one of my Gorillaz DVDs and spent about 10 minutes trying to pause it on the right frame before we got it.
I'm pretty desensitized to it now but the first time I saw it it really frightened me.



Capybara said:

From the music video for "Rockit" by the Gorillaz. (around 20 seconds in for one frame)
Me and a friend of mine were watching one of my Gorillaz DVDs and spent about 10 minutes trying to pause it on the right frame before we got it.
I'm pretty desensitized to it now but the first time I saw it it really frightened me.



^I was just about to post that.

PalaceBrother said:
Well said.

Can you repost the suggestions you got? I know the 3 mothers trilogy from Argento, but no others.
Avoid the third Argento film in that trilogy, Mother of Tears. I thought it was awful.

- Black Sunday by Mario Bava. Inspired a lot of other horror films. It's old, but it's held up reasonably well if you ask me. The face of the witch (you'll know what I mean) is still incredibly gruesome and repulsive.
- Drag Me To Hell by Sam Raimi. Recent film, and maybe not that great, but it's enjoyable. A bit more lighthearted so it's almost a horror comedy at times. Still, there's a hint of a subtext on xenophobia and social anxiety that makes it more interesting than other contemporary (American) films in the genre.

Edit: Oh, I see Black Sunday has been recommended already.

EatChildren said:
It's a genuinely terrible movie, so yeah, I guess that makes it creepy.
You didn't like Martyrs? Hmm. I'm conflicted on it. I don't think I ever want to see it again, but I was compelled enough to watch it all the way through. I'm not sure if I can call it a good film, but I definitely wouldn't call it a bad film.
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