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Current consoles - Which one has improved the most graphically since launch?


Is it the PS2, XBox, or Gamecube?

Well, I would go with the PS2 as it has been widely known to be so difficult to develop for.

That said, the PS2 has probably had some of the ugliest games of the bunch as well. The quality level goes full spectrum.

Any thoughts?


PlayStation 2. No comparison. It's producing games now that look as good as -- if not better than -- most of the top Xbox games. Games like Metal Gear Solid 3, Silent Hill 3, and Gran Turismo 4 are astounding.

Having said that, new Xbox games do look better than the Xbox launch games, but the difference isn't nearly as dramatic. While Xbox games have evolved, PlayStation 2 games have almost made a complete 180 from the games released in 2000.


snapty00 said:
PlayStation 2. No comparison. It's producing games now that look as good as -- if not better than -- most of the top Xbox games. Games like Metal Gear Solid 3, Silent Hill 3, and Gran Turismo 4 are astounding.

I agree that the PS2 has shown better quality output as of late, but even attmpeting to compare it to "most" of the top Xbox games is going a little too far in trying to prove a point.


Queen of Denmark
snapty00 said:
PlayStation 2. No comparison. It's producing games now that look as good as -- if not better than -- most of the top Xbox games. Games like Metal Gear Solid 3, Silent Hill 3, and Gran Turismo 4 are astounding.
Those games do look very good, but I don't think they're on par with the top offerings of the Xbox, or even the GameCube.


PS2 by a wide margin, though XBox has seen a dramatic push thanks to normal mapping in some games. I'd say GC started out best with Rogue Leader & Luigi's Mansion looking really spectacular.


PS2 easily. It’s first titles basically an inch ahead of DC.

Xbox also had a nice bump in visual quality with Halo2, Jade Empire, RSCII, Ninja Gaiden and many other future titles.

GC has been pretty stagnant.


Junon said:
I agree that the PS2 has shown better quality output as of late, but even attmpeting to compare it to "most" of the top Xbox games is going a little too far in trying to prove a point.
Difference of opinion, I guess. To me, those games really do look on par with most of the top Xbox games. No games have tricked my eyes into seeing photorealism like those games have.
Voting Xbox.

Looking at Riddick, Rallisport 2 and Halo 2... these are all games that are way ahead of both their peers and their prequels.

Xbox is doing new stuff at higher resolutions and with new effects. PS2 is playing catchup to first gen Xbox game technology.

Common examples (MGS, GT, ZOE) are all games with good design, often undeniably better design, but aren't technically impressive.
If you actually look at some early PS2 games, they are no better than average looking DC games. But now, the PS2 is able to compete with the Xbox and GC, as long as a team of good coders is behind it



Common examples (MGS, GT, ZOE) are all games with good design, often undeniably better design, but aren't technically impressive.
Seriously who cares? If a game looks great then it looks great. I couldn't care less about the technology behind it.
Insertia said:
GC has been pretty stagnant.

I agree. I expected much more from Metroid Prime 2 visually, if what I've seen and played so far is any indication... I have no doubts the game will be incredible and offer some of the most atmospheric environments, but I hoped for a bigger jump in graphics from MP.

Resident Evil 4 and Zelda are looking absolutely awesome though.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
buck naked said:
Voting Xbox.

Looking at Riddick, Rallisport 2 and Halo 2... these are all games that are way ahead of both their peers and their prequels.

Xbox is doing new stuff at higher resolutions and with new effects. PS2 is playing catchup to first gen Xbox game technology.

Common examples (MGS, GT, ZOE) are all games with good design, often undeniably better design, but aren't technically impressive.

I do not think you read the question correctly... not which current system looks the best, but which has seen the most graphical improvement from its 1st generation games to its current generation games.


I think GameCube's problem is that NCL's internal teams set a plateau early on they seem happy with, seeing only incremental advancements... unlike N64 which saw continual advancements and rehauled engines/techniques from Nintendo games. Dropping Rare might've hurt also... still there's some third parties who've really pushed the platform forward, like Amusment Vision, Factor 5 or Capcom Studio 4.
You know... the PS2 didn't actually HAVE any good games at launch, unlike the Xbox and GCN.

I guess the PS2 has improved the most since it launched because it was the most underwhelming at launch. I still don't think it has come a long way since its early hits though.

EDIT: Darien, yeah, I didn't follow the question. The early stages of PS2 life had been wiped from my memory.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
buck naked said:
You know... the PS2 didn't actually HAVE any good games at launch, unlike the Xbox and GCN.

I guess the PS2 has improved the most since it launched because it was the most underwhelming at launch. I still don't think it has come a long way since its early hits though.

Oh jesus here we go again....


Newbie said:
If you actually look at some early PS2 games, they are no better than average looking DC games. But now, the PS2 is able to compete with the Xbox and GC, as long as a team of good coders is behind it

It's amazing to me that every time I fire up my DC, I'm blown away at how well the graphics look. To me, most DC games look better than launch PS2 games.

PS2 is definitely most improved for this gen though. Xbox has done a great job too. I read in XBN that B.C. is within 2% of the theoretical graphical limits on Xbox.


buck naked said:
You know... the PS2 didn't actually HAVE any good games at launch, unlike the Xbox and GCN.

I guess the PS2 has improved the most since it launched because it was the most underwhelming at launch. I still don't think it has come a long way since its early hits though.

oh god what a douche
buck naked said:
You know... the PS2 didn't actually HAVE any good games at launch, unlike the Xbox and GCN.

I guess the PS2 has improved the most since it launched because it was the most underwhelming at launch. I still don't think it has come a long way since its early hits though.

EDIT: Darien, yeah, I didn't follow the question. The early stages of PS2 life had been wiped from my memory.

Your so right. I just hated SSX, Madden 2001, Summoner, Tekken Tag Tournament, Timesplitters, ...

oh, wait. :D



On a sidenote. It's funny that some people (around the videogaming community) think Nintendo aren't capable of great graphics in their games. If you look at etc Wind Waker and the new Zelda (new pikmin 2 looks nice also) they ooze atmosphere and beautiful graphics. Atleast EAD is capable visually as any other top notch developer.
DarienA said:
Oh jesus here we go again....
Razoric said:
oh god what a douche
adelgary said:

*sigh* Guess I put my foot in it. By 'good', I meant 'good for comparison'. Games like Rogue Leader and Luigi's Mansion, for example, were almost tech-demos for the GCN hardware.

I don't think any early PS2 games represented that same focus on graphics and production.

The games that finally did (Onimusha, ZOE, MGS, GT3) definitley weren't 'launch', but not much before it was particularly memorable, graphically.
SantaCruZer said:

On a sidenote. It's funny that some people (around the videogaming community) think Nintendo aren't capable of great graphics in their games. If you look at etc Wind Waker and the new Zelda (new pikmin 2 looks nice also) they ooze atmosphere and beautiful graphics. Atleast EAD is capable visually as any other top notch developer.

I don't think anyone in this thread is saying that Nintendo aren't capable of great graphics in their games, it's just that GC games have always looked really good since launch, and the jumps in visual quality haven't been that big since then. And as much as I was disappointed with Wind Waker, I can't deny that it's one of the most beautiful games I have seen, but even that game is quite old and shouldn't really be used as an example of "current level GC graphics".


SantaCruZer said:

On a sidenote. It's funny that some people (around the videogaming community) think Nintendo aren't capable of great graphics in their games. If you look at etc Wind Waker and the new Zelda (new pikmin 2 looks nice also) they ooze atmosphere and beautiful graphics. Atleast EAD is capable visually as any other top notch developer.
Yeah, EAD can keep up to standards... but last generation they were the standard. EAD just doesn't wow us like they did last gen (Mario 64, WaveRace 64, Ocarina of Time, etc) though the GC Zeldas have been pretty visually stunning so far imo.
PS2 didn't have competition from GC& Xbox the first year... So developers didn't give it there all... as long as it looked better than dreamcast they were satisfied.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I own all the consoles, and the GC has impressed me far more than the XBOX or PS2. But the PS2 has gone from sh!t to sugar in my eyes.


Rallisport Challenge on XBox continues to make my jaw drop.

That said, its not night and day differnt (IMO) than the first game.

Yes, pretty much all of the PS2 launch games were quite subpar graphically.

I did think SSX was good and I felt Ridge Racer V was good despite the, ahem, jaggies.
Scottlarock said:
PS2 didn't have competition from GC& Xbox the first year... So developers didn't give it there all... as long as it looked better than dreamcast they were satisfied.

I wouldn't say that.

I'd say Sony gave sh*t for developer documentation, no high level libraries, and a system design that took a looong time for them to come to grips with. Now that developers have gone through several generations (and SCEI has done much, much better in terms of sharing advancements & info w/developers) , they're finally getting to where they don't have to fight the system to get good results.


jarrod said:
Yeah, EAD can keep up to standards... but last generation they were the standard. EAD just doesn't wow us like they did last gen (Mario 64, WaveRace 64, Ocarina of Time, etc) though the GC Zeldas have been pretty visually stunning so far imo.

Yes, and according to interviews, EAD has spiced up the new zelda graphically since the E3 media reel. :)


I'd say Sony gave sh*t for developer documentation, no high level libraries, and a system design that took a looong time for them to come to grips with. Now that developers have gone through several generations (and SCEI has done much, much better in terms of sharing advancements & info w/developers) , they're finally getting to where they don't have to fight the system to get good results.

I would pretty much have to agree first.

Not so sure if it was that it was so hard to program than it was that Sony had such piss poor documentation and system tools at the time.

Of course, that in turn does make it a beast to develop for me thinks. ;)
buck naked said:
*sigh* Guess I put my foot in it. By 'good', I meant 'good for comparison'. Games like Rogue Leader and Luigi's Mansion, for example, were almost tech-demos for the GCN hardware.

I don't think any early PS2 games represented that same focus on graphics and production.

The games that finally did (Onimusha, ZOE, MGS, GT3) definitley weren't 'launch', but not
much before it was particularly memorable, graphically.

He is talking about the system with the most improved graphics this generation. The PS2 wins this because it has improved overall from it launch games. The PS2 game look a lot better now than back than.
Only Riddick, Rallisport 2 look better than the X box launch games.......I have not seen Halo 2 or Doom 3 in action yet so I cannot say anything about them. but there a lot of PS2 game that has improved.


being watched
All consoles have improved, but Xbox the least. Probably because it was soo easy to develop for in the first place. DOA3 still bitch slaps 99% of stuff out there graphically and that was a launch game.


All consoles have improved, but Xbox the least. Probably because it was soo easy to develop for in the first place. DOA3 still bitch slaps 99% of stuff out there graphically and that was a launch game.
Regardless of it being easier to develop for (which is true), we're talking Team fucking Ninja here. They have a way with graphics (and loading them).


All consoles have improved, but Xbox the least. Probably because it was soo easy to develop for in the first place. DOA3 still bitch slaps 99% of stuff out there graphically and that was a launch game.

That and Wreckless... sure the gameplay was "eh", but it looked fantastic.


Sucks at viral marketing









Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Damn JJ, could you have chosen WORSE pictures to represent newer PS2 titles? :p

I'd say PS2 most certainly saw the biggest leap, which almost stays in line with the fact that it is the most difficult to develop for. I mean, in XBOX's case, stuff like DOA3 and Wreckless came very early during its lifespan and still stand among the most impressive titles on the system. With GC, look at games like Rogue Squadron 2...not many GC games even begin to match that visual masterpiece. GC has been the most constant, as it really hasn't seen a lot of major improvements. It almost feels as if devs were already giving it their all right from the start. Kinda odd...

XBOX has seen improvements, but also continues to falter in regards to framerate. Many newer XBOX games just seem to "give up" on 60 fps and simply accept 30 fps and lower for more detailed visuals. I wish they would continue to strive for 60...


Sucks at viral marketing
dark10x said:
Damn JJ, could you have chosen WORSE pictures to represent newer PS2 titles? :p..
That could be said about any of the systems. My purpose wasn't to show the worst and best for any game. I simply took similar pictures of each game, that demonstrate similar features, that were taken from similar points in development. I even tried to stick with promotional shots from the developer, so that "IGN's poor captures" wouldn't be a reasonable excuse. The only exception was for Tekken 4 because my original image was from the arcade game and not the console; the new image isn't as clean but very similar.

I expected these responces, though. I didn't post my opinion on the subject, so that noone could claim that I was forcing my personal opinion. These reactions happens everytime someone post screenshots in a graphics debate; it conflicts with their opinion, so I must be wrong. I'm suprised someone hasn't complained about the GCN and Xbox pictures I used, too.

I want to know:
How is comparing different games from different developers a valid arguement? (RRV vs. BO3)

How is comparing the jump from 4 year old (4 1/2) games to games that are only 3 and less years logical? We should be comparing last year's PS2 games to upcoming GCN and Xbox games.

If people actually went back and looked at these old games, the jump for every console has been pretty good, and closer to being even than most people think.

And incase you're wondering....
I think the PS2 has had the biggest leap.


"^ Worst comparision shots, ever."

Pretty much. You could've at least obtained a screenshot from the released version of Pikmin, not some textureless beta with a weird looking HUD.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
it conflicts with their opinion, so I must be wrong

That isn't it, though. That MGS2 shot was perhaps the single best promo shot released...while that is one of the worst MGS3 shots I've seen. Are you suggesting that MGS3 -ISN'T- a huge leap?

I do believe that TTT was better looking than Tekken 4, though, as T4 introduced MUCH more complex backgrounds at the expense of character detail.

GT4 looks better than GT3 all around, but they are still very similar.

I have NO idea where you got that Pikmin 1 shot. I don't recall the game ever looking like that (ie - complete shit). That shots almost looks as if there are no textures being used or something. That's possibly the worst shot I've EVER seen of Pikmin. It looks nothing like that.

The rest aren't bad comparisons.

We aren't attacking you, as it seems you were expecting (and prepared a counter attack). We were simply suggesting the truth. Some of your screenshot choices were simply poor, whether intentional or not.
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