this cringey. Warren is going to have an easy road in 2018.
he had a follow up with Chris Matthews on the same subject
Donald Trump supporter and aspiring Massachusetts senator Curt Schilling asked CNN's Jake Tapper Friday how Jews can support Democrats, prompting the host to twice insist that he doesn't "speak for Jews."
Schilling a former Red Sox pitcher who plans to challenge Elizabeth Warren for her senate seat in 2018 was on CNN'sThe Lead when he said he assumed Tapper would vote for Hillary Clinton, and not for Trump. Tapper replied that he doesn't vote in presidential elections, prompting Schilling to pose a question to "a person who's practicing the Jewish faith and has since you were young."
"I don't understand, and maybe this is the amateur, non-politician in me, I don't understand how people of Jewish faith can back the Democratic Party, which over the last 50 years has been so clearly anti-Israel, so clearly anti-Jewish Israel," Schilling said.
After Schilling continued for a moment longer, Tapper responded.
"Well, I don't speak for Jews," he said. "And I don't support the Democratic Party or the Republican Party."
Trapper, who is Jewish, went on to speculate that "one of the reasons many Jews are Democrats has more to do with Democrats' support for social welfare programs and that sort of thing."
"Again, I don't speak for Jews," he added.
he had a follow up with Chris Matthews on the same subject
Later, in a separate interview with MSNBCs Chris Matthews, Schilling this time in a suit and tie forcefully defended his question to Tapper. I'm apparently an anti-Semite, because I had the gall and the audacity to ask someone of the Jewish faith why or how they believe people of Jewish faith vote Democrat, he said, laying on some thick sarcasm. God forbid I listen to someone of the faith, rather than the media, who clearly are not biased and don't have an agenda.
I don't need Chris Matthews to tell me why people of Jewish people vote the way they do, he continued. And I don't have a problem asking people questions like that, because I'm not trying to be offensive or racist.
In response, Matthews explained to Schilling that it may not be wise to ask a person of a religious faith or a race to speak for that religious group and ask them to sort of account for it.
Not true! Schilling shot back, once more channeling Trump. Liberals do it to Christians all the time. As a white male Christian, he complained that people just assume hes a racist," adding, I'm tired of hearing the media tell me what I should care about.