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Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Asks for Feedback on the Game's Quests


Quests in the game are amazing.

I especially loved the ones where you find yourselves in a dialogue with an opponent and you can decide at any step to shoot him / flee etc.. in a totally natural manner. Since you are always in control and the game does not lock you into "dialogue phase" where all you can do is to pick a choice ala Fallout, everything feels much more organic.

i love it


Gold Member
Quests themselves were often ranging from okay to great, nothing really stood out as legendary but also nothing really sucked. If any, the sidequests were the best [Peralez questline was amazing].

My biggest gripe with Cyberpunk's quests is the overarching theme of limited time. Because of certain circumstances you as the player character have finite time before something terrible happens. So your instinct when playing is to hurry. Hurry that main quest, get this problem resolved. Everything you do has this overarching shadow of impending doom.

Yet pretty much everything in the game is designed around taking your time. You wanna drive around the city to collect some stuff? Go right ahead. You wanna do some bounties? Sure why not? Level up and gain more renown? Go for it! Even though it makes no narrative sense to do so.

The disconnect between the urgency of the main story and the laidback attitude of pretty much everything else clashes from beginning to end and hampers enjoyment of either.
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There's a mix, I think Xbox One/Ps4 users have a genuine right to be pissed off - they were basically scammed by a company who weren't willing to lose the cross gen launch money.

Yeah, I have to admit you have something of a point there - but the main reason I got CP2077 on PC was precisely because I figured that CDPR are basically a PC games company and the PC version was likely to offer the best playing experience. Which turned out to be correct, although I didn't expect quite as drastic a level of disparity as ended up existing.


Any quest Panam gave me I tended to drop whatever the fuck I was doing and run to help her, so I guess have more bangable characters for shallow people like me to try and fuck.


No, there are lots of people that like the game despite it's flaws. The problem is that there are also large numbers of fucking brain-dead autistic cunts that are incapable of forming their own opinions and just parrot the shit spewed by clickbaiting morons on YouTube.
That is the most accurate and well worded description of Resetera I've ever read.


The Gig structure could have been a bit better. The quests themselves can be quite interesting little bite sized pieces, but the introduction via a call and "deets attached" text doesn't set the stage well enough. Would have liked a structure where V would have to visit the fixer in question, have an actual conversation about the Gig, go over a plan of action etc.
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Gold Member
If the devs don't know what up with their game then you know to avoid any pre-orders from this outfit in future.


The story and characters are fine for the most part. It's the core-gameplay, mission structure, AI, level design, environment interactivity, and lack of RPG elements/choices that needs reworked. Good luck to ya!


What is there to work on? It’s a copy and paste job? Like are you fucking serious? I’m sure Bluepoint just copy and pasted shit too. And you think they’re using UE5 as well?

stop, seek help, get off the internet, return to school.

I dont think you understand words like originality, creativity, and mods. Try to picture a team with a blank piece of paper vs a team who is handed a completed game and says, do that.


you can't compare cdpr to the guy who said "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."


Do you know of Tarantino, Spielberg or other great directors who asked their fans for help, because they couldn't quit figure it out?
I thought the main quests and meatier side quests were all pretty good - there just needed to be more of them. The quality quests where you're interacting with the really detailed NPCs. That stuff was great.

I never think games are too short, especially in this day and age, but Cyberpunk was too short.
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I thought the main quests and meatier side quests were all pretty good - there just needed to be more of them. The quality quests where you're interacting with the really detailed NPCs. That stuff was great.

I never think games are too short, especially in this day and age, but Cyberpunk was too short.
Yet it is still 50 to 70 hours if you focus on main and side quests only and roam around a little bit in the city.

SF Kosmo

Ive heard Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk has some of, if not the best side quests design wise.

Id like to know what makes them great?
It's mostly that care has been put into giving even the smallest and most trivial quests a story, and not to just copy paste the same shit over and over.

Cyberpunk had marvelous quest design, 99% of the criticism is the lack of or low quality of simulated/dynamic elements in the open world and the general bugginess. Sadly these two criticisms are probably a bit at odds with each other in that fixing one makes it hard to fix the other.


Its kinda good the game tanked

Hopefully we will see witcher 4 quicker then.

Majority of the devs are still working on next gen versions and trying to improve the game on current gen consoles. A lot of people are also working on expansions so if anything, it just made TW4 happen way later than intended.

I think the best parts of the game were in the side quests, there were so many cool missions with River, Peralezes, Kerry, Judy and Panam. They all had really good side missions which I enjoyed probably more than the main missions. The smaller gigs were nothing noteworthy though.

I don't think they are gonna go back to change missions but are asking for feedback for future titles, what missions people enjoyed and didn't.

Jack Uzi

I dont think you understand words like originality, creativity, and mods. Try to picture a team with a blank piece of paper vs a team who is handed a completed game and says, do that.
You think Cyberpunk was a blank piece of paper? Also why are you still replying to me when I told you to seek help and go back to school?


Majority of the devs are still working on next gen versions and trying to improve the game on current gen consoles. A lot of people are also working on expansions so if anything, it just made TW4 happen way later than intended.

I think the best parts of the game were in the side quests, there were so many cool missions with River, Peralezes, Kerry, Judy and Panam. They all had really good side missions which I enjoyed probably more than the main missions. The smaller gigs were nothing noteworthy though.

I don't think they are gonna go back to change missions but are asking for feedback for future titles, what missions people enjoyed and didn't.

Expansion i can see, next gen console version not a chance.

That next gen console version is going to be a dirty pc port and that's about it, maybe they update something extra in it for people to double dip but if its a free upgrade then what's the point. I could see them have a skelleton crew on that, same for patches of the current cyberpunk.

The real team could be on expansion indeed, but that will be done sooner rather then later i would assum. witcher 3 didn't took them that long to create. So i could see them already orientating for witcher 4 at this point and starting things up.

But who knows tho.

I just think that we dodged a gta 5 repeat where cyberpunk could be there game IP for the next decade. It's also probably the reason they wanted to make a game like this to move into the gta 5 cash cow of online solutions. As the witcher would never bring them that.


Fuck me, when devs look for help from the "community" it's an automatic fail.
This is such a weird take. QA is an important part of development and a lot of great games has used the community for feedback.

... Baldurs Gate 3 automatic fail confirmed?
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Quest are fine not at the level of The Witchers 3 but above average on this kind of games.

They should focus on PS5 version and not on quests...


This is such a weird take. QA is an important part of development and a lot of great games has used the community for feedback.

... Baldurs Gate 3 automatic fail confirmed?

Its early access and they are not asking, how do I write a quest, they are asking about bugs and systems that are in place. Proper QA stuff. They are not asking hey Im apparently not good at my job, could you give me free advice on what i could do better.


isn't it a little late to improve quest design at this point? you had to do this before releasing the game!
Quests themselves were often ranging from okay to great, nothing really stood out as legendary but also nothing really sucked. If any, the sidequests were the best [Peralez questline was amazing].

My biggest gripe with Cyberpunk's quests is the overarching theme of limited time. Because of certain circumstances you as the player character have finite time before something terrible happens. So your instinct when playing is to hurry. Hurry that main quest, get this problem resolved. Everything you do has this overarching shadow of impending doom.

Yet pretty much everything in the game is designed around taking your time. You wanna drive around the city to collect some stuff? Go right ahead. You wanna do some bounties? Sure why not? Level up and gain more renown? Go for it! Even though it makes no narrative sense to do so.

The disconnect between the urgency of the main story and the laidback attitude of pretty much everything else clashes from beginning to end and hampers enjoyment of either.
That’s pretty much true of all open world games, though. I’ve had the same thought while playing the GTAs & RDRs, for example
I played through the entire main quest with a "corpo" backstory and completed maybe about 60% of the major side missions. Very few of the characters or stories I engaged with came close to what was offered by The Witcher 3. I don't know if the change from third-person to first-person just made the experience less engaging for me or if the change from one well-characterized protagonist (Geralt) to a player-made one was too much for this team too handle, but I just didn't enjoy Cyberpunk as much. Overall, the game was a huge step-down and no amount of DLC expansions or content updates will change that for me.


some quests were visually pretty impressive like the parade they ripped off from ghost in the shell 2 but other than that... i really can't remember any cyberpunk 2077 quest being very memorable in terms of gameplay or even story. so basically just do the opposite of what you've been doing before but keep the great visuals would be my advice.
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This is such a weird take. QA is an important part of development and a lot of great games has used the community for feedback.

... Baldurs Gate 3 automatic fail confirmed?
These type of Q&A sessions relating to story structure/content usually happen in the early stages of development. None of the answers they gain from people this late in the cycle will make it to the DLC, all that has already been written.


Pretty clear they're putting some internal presentation together that relates to the development of the expansions. I had a good experience with Cyberpunk and really look forward to the expansions next year, especially given the nature of a couple of the games endings and locations/events alluded to throughout the narrative.
I've been holding out for the "next gen" update. Is this still coming?


Its a failure on their part. Do you think Miyamoto would ever say, hey community what should I do here?
They didn't ask what they should do.
They asked for feedback in order to identify "what worked well and what didn't".
The specific question was "Write what #Cyberpunk2077 Quest has really stayed with you?"
That is absolutely not the same as "What should I do?"

And by the way, I think Miyamoto SHOULD have asked for feedback during the Wii generation.
The failure that was the Wii U could have been prevented or least mitigated if he had done so.


Its early access and they are not asking, how do I write a quest, they are asking about bugs and systems that are in place. Proper QA stuff. They are not asking hey Im apparently not good at my job, could you give me free advice on what i could do better.
Neither is the guy in OP's tweet; it's a retrospect.
... and just because it's early access doesn't mean Larian aren't asking the community to help improve the game, which includes how they design the quests. You remember what you wrote, right?


These type of Q&A sessions relating to story structure/content usually happen in the early stages of development. None of the answers they gain from people this late in the cycle will make it to the DLC, all that has already been written.
And? That has nothing to do with the point I was making.
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Since when they did asked for fan feedback about quests?

Like...how that correlates with Cyberpunk "past" errors? I though Cyberpunk was a failure because of it's cruciating bugs and performances issues, not exactly because of it's quests.

That might be sign that they're playing safe. I mean, all the hype and fan relationship was lost with Cyberpunk fiasco.


Now, just to be upfront, I did not really have tech issues with the game, played from day one on a Series X and everything was fine, games runs 60 fps-ish on performance mode, looks great to my eyes, etc in comparison to other Xbox One games, etc -I'm very interested in seeing the series x specific build later and if that truly improves much.. I don't mean to invalidate complaints about the game running on PS4/Xbox One hardware- this was obviously an abysmal thing for these people, and their ire is a very just thing, but it wasn't a part of my experience.

That said, Yes, i generally greatly enjoyed this game as an RPG, its quests, dialogue, elements of choice that led to different paths/endings, etc. I actually had very little problem there, I found CDPR to be among the best in the biz in this regard, and Cyberpunk didn't disappoint me there. Great characters (IMO Judy Alvarez is an all time great character in gaming, her story in game, the romance if the go that road- all stupendously wonderful. Its a shame her game wound up getting the rep it did which overshadowed all things done right in the game).

Yes, other aspects of the game, were less good. The gameplay/battle systems were OK- decent, playable, nothing remarkable- I expected this, as it was the same with The Witcher games. In the end, it was.. fine.

Where the game was ultimately very sus, was with its "open world". Yeah, compared to the big boys (ie rockstar)- lets be frank- it sucked. Laughable, really. The driving, much of the physics behind it all, and all systems around it (other traffic AI, bystanders, the joke of a police system) was laughable. But again, personally, I wasn't really pissed about it, because I went in all along expecting an rpg with dialogue, quests, etc, not the next great GTA game where you can just drive around, do crazy shit and enjoy the "sandbox". The games open world mostly only worked to basically let you drive from one locale to the next as you worked through quests and have the world be this singular space rather than zones with loads between them. - it was functional in that regard, and there wasn't really much else to do in it (a handful of inoffesive races, and the sidequest line finding those certain taxis coming to mind). I probably would have probably been just as fine with the game letting us just fast travel between smaller point of interest zones, though honestly. As such, they probably didn't need to go to the effort there, but they did, and here we are.


This is such a weird take. QA is an important part of development and a lot of great games has used the community for feedback.

... Baldurs Gate 3 automatic fail confirmed?
In the case of BG3 it's mostly about give us your money upfront, in exchange you can

- play with the halfdone elements,
- playtest for us,
- we zero your saves now and then.

In the end you can smile.

Early Access is a virtual satisfaction device, a fucking abomination that makes devs lazy as fuck and gives them the upper hand to never release their fucking game. So when you should play that fucking EA game? After release, 1 year later or when?

At least Larian knows its shit and only whore out the first chapter of the game.
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ChatGPT 0.001
Cyberpunk isn’t going into anyone’s top 10 games of all time. It’s a decent game with the way it’s talked about it’s taking advantage of by reviewers.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Sorry, I know this isn't on topic, but is anyone else worried that CDPR is going to take back their promise of a free current gen update when it launches? I've seen brand new copies going for $7 in retail stores... I bought one when best buy had it for $10, but haven't opened it yet.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Quests were fine. It's the bugs/glitches that are the problem. If anything I'd like quests to have more meaningful choice some do but most don't. If anything it's the lack of choice or outcome in the endings of the game that need work.

I very much prefer the Witcher Series over Cyberpunk though. I do like the open world questing sort of games they do and hope they can make more like it but I would also like for their games to work and not take after Todd Howard.


- The story is fine
- The sub Quest is fine
- The artwork is awesome
- The voice acting is superb
- The designs are marvelous
- Gameplay is ok

- Just fix the game graphics, inconsistence, bugs, glitches
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