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Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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I was hyped for this game, but it is pretty poor on base PS4, I know the tech is old about eight years, but this game was surely made for PS4/XboxOne originally, I'm very disappointed.

DF said it could be patched and optimized, but how long is this going to take, by the time it's done PS5/XboxS will be easy to buy no doubt.
It was originally made for PC they are PC devs.


I just wanna complain about one thing, since I don't have any gaming friends to get this shit off my chest anymore and I need to shout it into oblivion.

The textures look like No mans Sky and dreams in certain lighting. I hate that textures Quality, do anything but that. Have ailsing, have lower resolution, have less FPS but ... not that shite. I mean, the Outer world did the same but that was a budget game.

Anyway, game is still absolutely amazing as was marketed, aside from the graphical shite that starts to show after playing for a while on PRO on the bugs, it's phenomenal. It's exactly what I wanted. Man, just to have a game take back on the Codec system from the early MGS games is great and an open world game at that. Wow.
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The only time I get performance hitches is when driving through a densely populated area. Itll drop from 70 to mid 40's, it's really jarring.

This is on a 3090 and a i79700k. Hopefully a patch will optimize it but who knows when that'll be.


I don't know for me perspective changes everything. If I go see Schindler's list hoping to get a good laugh out of it it's not really the film's fault if I come out disappointed.

But I'm loving the game. I'm not particularly disappointed either. But I would have liked to at least see more shops and businesses being open to the player.
But I'm loving the game. I'm not particularly disappointed either. But I would have liked to at least see more shops and businesses being open to the player.
I mean yeah I would too I'd like for there to be more love interest more endings more dialogue choices I mean I'll always want more. It's why video games are an ever evolving medium unlike say film which peaked in the '80s.


Fun thing, driving into small trees or cactus destroys them.

Most concrete edges are chippable.

You can follow Pam back to her room, and watch her sleep between a needle and a dildo.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Learning how to Tokyo Drift real nice in my big ol' hoopdee. Wheeling this ugly shit all over town to Night FM

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I noticed Metacritic actually is preventing User Reviews out of the gate - I didn't know they could gate reviews that way (I don't object considering how big Cyberpunk is, I just wonder how CDPR managed that, since I wasn't aware of any other game that allowed that).

Guess I'll check back at noon today!

I'm pretty sure MC made an announcement not long ago that from now on there was going to be something like a week or 2 week stand down from user reviews because of the trolls and Last of Us 2.


Looks like a new patch just hit on Steam, 3.5GB.

Time to take a break to download it, I've played 20 hours since launch.
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A USPS delay later, my copy finally came in. I look forward to venturing in Night City alongside everyone!


I think people are forgetting how much The Witcher 3 improved over time. There were some pretty horrendous oversights in that game that were rectified in later patched and DLCs.
Also I think there will be a lot of great modes that will also improve this game massively.
I cannot play Witcher 3 without no level requirements mod for example. I do not understand why is CDPR insisting on level gating loot, cannot wait for similar mod for Cyberpunk.
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Patch incoming for all platforms:

Hotfix Patch 1.04 coming soon

Main goal is improvement of performance and stability
Content translation:
  • Fixed problems with blurriness
  • Optimization of PC Performance
  • Optimization of PC Performance with RTX-GPUs
  • More FPS while driving
  • Lots of crash fixes on PS4 and PS5
  • Optimization of Raytracing Performance
  • Smaller bug fixes and improvements
  • Flatline-Bugs fixed
  • Xbox One and Xbox S crashes fixed
  • Audio, vehicle and vegetation glitch fixes
  • Missing textures fixed
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New hotfix to Cyberpunk 2077 is now live on PlayStation consoles and PC. For Xbox systems, we are working to have the update out as soon as possible. Here is the list of changes:

  • Fixed an issue with completing the final objective in Gig: Freedom of the Press.
  • Fixed an issue with starting conversation with Johnny at the end in Life During Wartime.
  • Corrected a rare issue with NPCs no longer calling V if A Like Supreme quest was abandoned mid-way.
  • Fixed an issue with Nix not going into his default state in Spellbound and KOLD MIRAGE.
  • Fixed issues blocking progress in I Fought The Law if the quest area is left.
  • Fixed inability to find Delamain in Epistrophy.
  • Fixed issues related to remaining in the second phase of the quest after finishing Pacifica fight with Ozob if played after Finals.
  • Fixed an issue with Nomads no longer present if V leaves the quest area mid-combat in With a Little Help from My Friends/Queen of the Highway.
  • Adjusted mappings and re-enabled quest tracker in M'ap Tann Pèlen/I Walk the Line/Transmission.
  • Fixed constraints on freedom to get up and sit down if neither blueline condition is met in Violence.
  • Fixed issues with time and space resulting from leaving the quest area or abandoning the quest in Following the River.
  • Fixed an issue with conversation with Johnny not starting after leaving the hotel in Tapeworm.
  • Fixed an issue with quest being blocked upon leaving the quest area before climbing the hill in Following the River.
  • Fixed the objective “Go into booth 9” not completing if the room’s entered too fast in Automatic Love.
  • Fixed Jackie’s issues with sitting still in The Ripperdoc.
  • Other quest fixes

  • Fixed the preview in weapon crafting.

  • Reduced vehicle appearance pop-in.
  • Speeded up switching first person perspective to third person perspective in a vehicle.
  • Fixed issues with animations missing from important quest NPCs during cinematics.

Performance & Stability
  • Improved stability, including various crash fixes.

  • Modified the flashing effect on braindances to reduce the risk of inducing epileptic symptoms. The effect has been smoothed out and the flashes reduced in frequency and magnitude.
  • Removed copyrighted songs incorrectly present in the game with "Disable Copyrighted Music" feature toggled on.

  • Switching language to default in the in-game settings now correctly sets it to the language of your Steam client.

  • Improved reflections quality on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to eliminate the smudge effect.
  • Fixed “The Wasteland” achievement being stuck on 97% after completing all relevant missions in The Badlands on Xbox.
  • Fixed an issue with missing PT-BR VO for Xbox players in Americas.


Gold Member
that's your problem. the PC recommends SSD for PC. HDD isn't good enough.

Yeah I figured. Weird it was running fine the first two nights. I'm defragging my HDD now, and also updating with the latest patch. Hopefully that'll improve things enough. If not, guess I'll have no choice but to go buy an SSD.


Gold Member
I was just messing with some video settings before the update and after the update I am maybe getting 3-5 fps more than before on my 3090.


Gold Member
Just got past the prologue. 3 crashes so far, and plenty of bugs. Most bugs haven't been anything major.

Characters missing legs, Jackie walking through a wall, cars clipping and glitching out, bodies disappearing, etc....stuff like that.

Only "major" bug was during a mission where it wouldn't activate the next phase so I had to quit to menu and restart from checkpoint. Even then it wasn't too bad. After my last crash, it did reset ALL of my settings in the game though. Nothing more than an annoyance, but hoping it doesn't happen again.

Other thoughts:
-Driving doesn't feel too bad and I prefer it in first person, but switch between occasionally.
-Enemy AI is pretty bad, and usually just stands around getting shot.
-Picking up items can be a bit wonky and unresponsive.
-The kid NPCs look...odd. And they repeat the EXACT same model way too often.
-Music variety and instrumental themes have been great.
-Loot can be a bit messy. Would have preferred less filler loot.
-Clothing items for loot should have been done like Elder Scrolls or Fallout. The outfit they wear should be the outfit you loot from them.
-The hacking tutorial is messy and left me more confused than anything.
-I didn't mind the 3 BD sequences I've done so far. I'm hoping there are more "detective" style quests that use them.


Gold Member
Anyone playing on ps4 hating the controls? like holy shit, if feels so off. It's ruining the game for me so far.

Try turning off all the advance control options like Turn x. I can share my settings using controller soon.

I heard its 580mb on PC and 18gb on console :D Not sure if its true but it wont surprise me
PS4 has been confirmed 18GB for patch.
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Anyone playing on ps4 hating the controls? like holy shit, if feels so off. It's ruining the game for me so far.

Its just buggy, the whole fucking console settings are a bugfest. deadzone slider is bugged, ADS sens is bugged, HDR is broken. They only QA tested this shit on PC i swear


Gold Member
Fin-a-lly installed ( took a day and a half).
First run I always go with "default good guy", so I'm sticking with Nomad. Figured he'd best play with gunslinger + tech build ( self reliant, live on their own in the wastes), but I think I'll go with Cool+Intelligence for stats, Sniper Rifles+Hacking for skills/Perks. Kind of seems a lot of missions would require/reward more stealth approach ( so I don't want to miss any content).
Few questions, choombas:
- Do any of higher tier/level weapons have stat requirements ( like shotguns with high body stat)
- How "tight" is character progression? Do you really need to specialize in two or three stats/skills/Perk trees or it's more like Skyrim ( with enough playtime you can be good at everything). I've read some previews mentioning it's very slow with leveling system ( which I like in rpgs)
- Anyone using nanowire? Seems it's sort of melee weapon for hackers. Does it require any stats/perks?
- Advice on economy, what to spend money on?Should I get lower tier cyberware first or wait for a while to buy something better? Anyone here playing with high end/game cyberware?

I can't answer all of this, but the progression is extremely "tight" to use your word. Its definitely going to be damn hard, if not impossible, to max stuff out unless you specialize. The game seems to be very stingy with the 'ol XP. The game's economy seems pretty much broken, too. Until they rebalance it I have to realize I just will never afford some of the vehicles.
Yeah, I was just on there, and it's a shitshow. Plenty of the complaints are valid, but it sounds like they all had their expectations sky high and are now trying to one up each other in expressing their disappointment.
A lot of people set expectations sky high for this game, but as you can see there is a lot of valid complaints of basic stuff and bad game design.


I can't answer all of this, but the progression is extremely "tight" to use your word. Its definitely going to be damn hard, if not impossible, to max stuff out unless you specialize. The game seems to be very stingy with the 'ol XP. The game's economy seems pretty much broken, too. Until they rebalance it I have to realize I just will never afford some of the vehicles.
supposedly the below.

Hotfix Patch 1.04 coming soon

Main goal is improvement of performance and stability
Content translation:
  • Fixed problems with blurriness
  • Optimization of PC Performance
  • Optimization of PC Performance with RTX-GPUs
  • More FPS while driving
  • Lots of crash fixes on PS4 and PS5
  • Optimization of Raytracing Performance
  • Smaller bug fixes and improvements
  • Flatline-Bugs fixed
  • Xbox One and Xbox S crashes fixed
  • Audio, vehicle and vegetation glitch fixes
  • Missing textures fixed

Btw, great post on era to go out on. Much respect.


Reading things around that I really don't like. The game sounds like it is in a really sorry state.

They aremaking a big pyre with all the goodwill gained with the Witcher trilogy.

It's sad.

AAA, not even once.

Kagey K

Yes I highly recommend going through story until that point... honestly incredible experience after the main Cyberpunk 2077 title card drops. but don't rush it.
Yeah the title card is where the game really starts. I haven’t done any of the main missions since, just been doing a ton of side stuff.


Neo Member
Uhh... my Cyberpunk 2077 folder just randomly doubled in size:


I have a new folder called "!Temp" that's like the size of the game, it's like I have the game installed twice:


Anyone know why that is? Can I delete that Temp folder?

Edit: Oh there's an update, maybe that's why
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Game crashed when the patch hit. Glad to see them working hard to optimize. I have only had a few glitches but god damn this game is good.
Man, this is pretty close to what I've always wanted for a big-production Deus Ex game. It's crazy how far they took all this. I wasn't expecting a lot of the stuff they let you do, like picking up bodies and dumping them in bins.
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