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Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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Oh and does anyone know how to stop people from using Cyberware attack on you? I read about it in the menu somewhere or maybe in the trophies but I can't find it anywhere now...

The first time you encounter them, you can see a yellow streak while in scan mode coming from their location. You just have to eliminate them.

After that though, I didn't see the streak anymore, but someone pointed out that you have to unlock that ability through the perks system.
My version isn't a toaster. I've ran into 1 bug that I can think of so far and I have been playing for 10+ hours. Can't say the same about hardware that came out when Lebron was on the Heat lol
But I wasn't even talking about the bugs or performance, I made clear, core systems and game design is all the same no matter what version you are playing.
They said NPCs will have daily routines and they don't. Fucking Gothic was doing this 20 years ago, and so did CDPR's previous games.
The police spawn system and vehicle rails are blowing my mind.
I was not expecting this to have a more constrained world than Mafia.
The missions are good though (ignoring the scripted chases where vehicles blow up without me even shooting them).
Somehow I don't think all this fake bullshit can be replaced with working systems in the inevitable enhanced edition...
What version are you playing?


I think the criticisms are on point but there's something to be said about the limited focus giving the setting a bit more immersion.

If CDPR can pull a Hello Games they can take all of this feedback and easily implement new features over the next few years.
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managed to play the game quite a lot due to the weekend.

all in all thus far it seems like a good but not particularly brilliant Wrpg..kind of like a deus ex (modern ones) but without the great level design.

difficulty level seems a bit botched on normal..i just started playing and i'm a goddamn one man army that slaughters dozens of guys without many issues, esepcially due to teh overabundance of healing items.

like many have said, there doesn't seem to be much in teh way of actual roleplay here...very little personalization of the character and interactivity with the city, also since the stats are binded to the clothes you just end up putting on whatever you find, wether it looks good or not.

also, damn there's an HUGE difference between main quests and side ones..one of the selling point of witcher 3 was how good the side quests were, here it's night and day, when you get into a main mission seems like you are in a completely different game.

considering the dev time i can't say i was not expecting much more from the game, especially from the rpg side..it's still a good game, just not a particularly unique or brilliant one, it's a 7.5 thus far.
What systems are you talking about?

Interaction from bartenders...OK, this isn't that big of a deal. You have fixers to give you jobs and the game literally starts with you talking to a bartender. How much info are you expecting from random NPC's? Is that really that important to you?

The life path thing I absolutely agree with. I didn't care for it one bit.

The crime system and AI like I talked about before, as well as character customisation.

I'm not talking about getting jobs, and yes, the mission where we go into Lizzies (I think that's what its called) and the bartender gives you the backstory of the place. That's exactly what i'm talking about, but that's just exclusive to a main mission. You should be able to do things like that in your off-time. The bartender is just one example of many.
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The first time you encounter them, you can see a yellow streak while in scan mode coming from their location. You just have to eliminate them.

After that though, I didn't see the streak anymore, but someone pointed out that you have to unlock that ability through the perks system.
I think I know what ya mean, I thought that was the cameras spotting me when it first happened. I'll look for the ability, thanks man.
What version are you playing?


It's a decent Call of Duty campaign, 7 hours in. It unironically plays like Black Ops 2 or Advanced Warfare but with dice rolls for shooting. Black Ops 2 has a better branching campaign and choice and consequences than many RPGs.


I love this game. Playing via geforce now. One thing most reviews seem way off on is playtime. There are so many side missions and side jobs that shouldn't be missed. I spent the whole day just playing side missions and i've only just got to the end of act 1.

There's some random cop missions that are quite dark, one i had to threaten a couple of peados who were watching a BD of kids getting murdered. I didnt need to kill them but i shot them in the balls
yea but reviewers got the game less then 5 days before release so they rushed the main story and b arely did side content.. But good to hear geforce now is great, might get that!


i think we all have that moment in game where we would like to wear those clothes like now for real, i want those pants and shoes.. so cool .. and helmet .. old samurai style i guess just modern futuristic touch, amazing



just how good those pants are and shoes


i think those main missions have some kinda of level that they give you looy after you beating it.. wasnt sure why but after some main mission i got so low lvl loots that it was just garbage i mean i had those at start of game, since now all my activities just gave me my or better lvl loots, but now i found some main missions gave me shit. maybe i was on exploring city for too long, but game should just adapt to my lvl i think.
or one thing they could change with patch or smt is that you cannot remove mods from clothes like if i put it there then i found better cloth why i cant put same from old cloth to new ? mods stays on clothes which is not ok i think.
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This game was never supposed to a GTA-like experience, but maybe it's CDPR's fault for making people think that it would be, because now people are expecting to be able to cause plenty of emergent chaos in the open world and play cops and robbers and have car chases and NPCs that react to this stuff.

This is a story-driven immersive sim. The open-world elements here basically serve as a backdrop for the stories and quests. They're there to create the atmosphere of a big city. Even the driving is more for atmosphere than the kind of playground for emergent chaos you have in GTA games.
gotta say you put this really well. The open world indeed only serves for the side quest stories and the main quest. The reddit is just nuts, people compare everything to GTA. Even the cop mechanic lol


Hearing so many horror stories that I don't know if I should purchase it.
I want it so much, though!
Would I be fine with a GTX 1080 and 7700K @1080p gsync?
depends what your expectations are, could be ok could be just worse days of your life, im fine on gtx 1060 and 7700HQ, like beraly fine but better then PS4 or even Pro maybe as that has low crowds and im on max crowds.
i mean if you allready have those questions then maybe you wont be ok with results.
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I'm building my character to mainly use handguns, and it's powerful as fuck so far, especially when using a revolver. I'm trying to make my character like a Blade Runner. And yes I know, Avatar checks out lol.
I kinda of wish I went the handgun route. I’m focusing on smgs but play with hand guns mostly because they are so damn good.

I never played The Witcher 3 and the last real RPG I beat was Dragon Age Inquisition. This game has rocked my world. It’s writing is something I didn’t expect to see in a video game
The crime system and AI like I talked about before, as well as character customisation.

I'm not talking about getting jobs, and yes, the mission where we go into Lizzies (I think that's what its called) and the bartender gives you the backstory of the place. That's exactly what i'm talking about, but that's just exclusive to a main mission. You should be able to do things like that in your off-time. The bartender is just one example of many.

Once again you're bringing up stuff that GTA excels at because it's a game based around crime. You have some valid points, but you were mistaken in thinking this would be a GTA clone. It's not and not everything that's open world is. This is way more comparable to the Mafia franchise.
Finally tore myself away from the main quest to do some side stuff; made a lot of $$ very quick & just bought some decent cyberware 😃
what's the best way to make $ ?

i only had about $4,000 and bought a new rifle so down to about ~$2800 now

I must have missed the part where the game explains overheating and enemy hacking. That shit was annoying. Had to google it.
i hated doing that mission the food factory cause the netrunner was overheating me. the enemies were bullet sponges too. i quit and took a different approach. there was still some shooting but not as bad. i wish they done a better job of explaining shit.
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Once again you're bringing up stuff that GTA excels at because it's a game based around crime. You have some valid points, but you were mistaken in thinking this would be a GTA clone. It's not and not everything that's open world is. This is way more comparable to the Mafia franchise.

It's definitley more comparable to the Mafia games, but they marketed this as the next gen of open world games, and it simply isn't.

Forget about GTA. I've never really even made the comparison. The AI and crime system is just bad period. Elder Scrolls, Kingdom Come, Watch Dogs are all other examples, and there's plenty more

I'm not asking for GTA level systems. I'm asking for competent systems.


Neo Member
I'm going to give my take after almost 40 hours playing the game already. (and if you CBF reading, there's a TLDR)

Aesthetically speaking, the world is absolutely stunning and oozes style. It drew me in from the micro second I entered Night City and you cant help but hungrily turn around every corner to see what the next visual feast that awaits you, on a platform that is capable of high graphical fidelity because apart from the story, this is it's biggest sell. No question.

Similarly the soundtrack is also bumpin, and sets the tone really well. Music when you're in combat or at a club makes it something out of blade runner and again compounds the immersion for me.

There is no doubt as an action RPG they put way more effort in the story and characters - which works for the most part. I want to learn more about V, Johnny Silverhand, all the other chars, factions, Night City, Cyberpsychosis, netrunners, braindancers - that shit is fascinating

The sidequests range from good to OK. There is no 'Bloody Barron' side quest(Jeff is right) but some of them really lends itself to exploring the world and some are down right funny. No doubt the main quests is where it's at and the writing/chars do a really good job.

The gameplay ranges from very good to meh. Gunplay is decent, the stealth is OK. What saves it for me are the perk systems and fun additions you can augment yourself with. The game is buggy, however in my experience (PC) on 1.03/1.04 I barely experienced any major game breaking bugs, only a bunch of minor ones. Maybe I was lucky. I found the AI in combat pretty good actually, taking cover. NPC and traffic AI is braindead.

The loot though is simply not satisfying enough. As is the customisation. All too often you find the best shit off dead bodies than quests. As for my character, well when you're in first person view, that pretty much answers your question. Cant see shit which makes all that effort and customization unnoticed. There's also way too much uesless loot, and the upgrades are also near useless. It's all about perks you equip in conjunction with the weapons you find.

As I kind of alluded to earlier, it is crystal clear that unlike virtually every other game in the past released on multiple platforms, this game was built for the PC first and foremost and trying to go backwards to last generation hardware simply DOES.NOT.WORK. If I owned a PS4/XBOX I'd refund the game. That is a true disgrace and how in all this holy this got past the investors, testing, marketing -whatever is a joke.

And that is worth noting given 41% of pre-orders were on consoles. CDPR are gonna have one hell of a time supporting/refunding/fixing that mess. Never should have done it.

I played this on an RTX 2080TI high end PC and I had an absolute blast. The problem is I'm a minority and that is a shame given when the game has the hardware to support its ambitions, its fucking amazing. It really is. Even with some of the dumb, buggy shit aside. It's addictive as hell.

TLDR: Play this on a good PC or wait for next gen update for PS5/XSX. Refund your ps4/xbo copy and play how it was 'intended'
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I'm building my character to mainly use handguns, and it's powerful as fuck so far, especially when using a revolver. I'm trying to make my character like a Blade Runner. And yes I know, Avatar checks out lol.
yeah revolvers + headshots and high crit is very powerful, also revolvers8pistols seem to have generally lower level requirements, I already bought a legendary one and i'm barely at the mission where you meet Judy the first time


Gold Member

Yeah kinda what I figured, though I’m a little surprised by the Series S handling it so well.

Still I don’t get how people were saying they couldn’t spot the difference between performance and quality modes on the SX though...it’s basically 1080p vs 1700p.


what's the best way to make $ ?

i only had about $4,000 and bought a new rifle so down to about ~$2800 now

i hated doing that mission the food factory cause the netrunner was overheating me. the enemies were bullet sponges too. i quit and took a different approach. there was still some shooting but not as bad. i wish they done a better job of explaining shit.
You can thin them out with stealth and each area starts you anew with their agro, it's not run and gun to the exit. Idk, I particularly like that one cause it improved my ability with the shooter mechanics considerably, I found it to be the best tutorial in the game cause it required me to pull out every things available to me including food buffs and netrunner hacks. I'm now playing the game in fire fights like a more attention demanding and more difficult to control version of Titanfall 2. Apart from the boss at the end, which was laughably easy compared to some of the Cyber pyschos, that area is worth shooting through if you still have a save file for it.
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what's the best way to make $ ?

i only had about $4,000 and bought a new rifle so down to about ~$2800 now
side missions give a lot of money, if you are playing on normwl don't be scared about the level requirement for some of them, AI is dumb as bricks and really exploitable


IS this game like fallout? I enjoyed 3, and New Vegas btw if that helps. I have a ps5 so was thinking about maybe picking it up but IDK just yet.


Neo Member
ahh that was it: but is it normal for all my desktop and all things to go very dim when HDR is just allowed in settings? I'm used to how it works on PS4, just turning on when required (using a KS8000, the TV then adjusts to 20 backlight by itself).
Yes it is completely normal. I wish there was a toggle widget for HDR on the Home Screen. I have to change mine all the time.


Darkness no more
Still I don’t get how people were saying they couldn’t spot the difference between performance and quality modes on the SX though...it’s basically 1080p vs 1700p.

I said that a few days ago. After turning off the crappy filters and adjusting the HDR settings I could spot the difference. It looked pretty bad when initially turning to quality mode until I read about those adjustments.


Neo Member
Haven't been this sucked into a game in a while, where I accidently stayed up way too late playing and then got up early to play more.

Playing on hard and now that I'm in my rhythm of which quickhacks to use and having a really good pistol I'm tearing stuff up and it feels great.
Playing on ps5, haven't had many in-game bugs, but it has crashed 5 times, 2 of them after the patch. Now I just quicksave a lot.


IS this game like fallout? I enjoyed 3, and New Vegas btw if that helps. I have a ps5 so was thinking about maybe picking it up but IDK just yet.
no, it's more like a deus ex (human revolution & mankind divided, not the originl one)minus the good level design but with a bigger world, just not really dense with content or interactions to have.
if you go in there expecting cyberpunk fallou (like i did) you will be left disappointed
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That depends what you liked about Fallout/New Vegas

The world, progression, looting, pretty much everything really.

no, it's more like a deus ex (human revolution & mankind divided, not the originl one)minus the good level design but with a bigger world, just not really dense with content or interactions to have.
if you go in there expecting cyberpunk fallou (like i did) you will be left disappointed

Thank you, prolly will wait for a sale later then.
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i'm itching so badly for a new V. i don't hate my current V but i'm just having so much fun. i want to create a different build/appearance.

i think i'm gonna do a nomad playthrough. might do a purely stealth/netrunner build instead of my current one pistol/katana build.

point decay

im either having a bad day or some of the mechanics are really poorly explained, I shouldn't have to go to YT to figure out Braindance


IS this game like fallout? I enjoyed 3, and New Vegas btw if that helps. I have a ps5 so was thinking about maybe picking it up but IDK just yet.
It's very much like fallout but more deep in almost every aspect and is true open world, no building loading or any of that plus choices seem to have more consequence. It's like a premium version of The Outer worlds without the over the top humour and a waaay higher budget if you played that game from last year and again, true open world, no loading screen in between areas, way better voice acting, writing, game design and even with the bugs and visual hiccups, at least on the mid gen consoles and higher, it's got better graphics. Just don't buy it one the OG PS4 or the Xbox one s, it's not even the same game tbh, it's underneath so much blur, jank and bad performance that it's like wearing someones glasses and trying to read a really good book. Sure, if you squint hard enough, you'll be able to read it slowly and with effort but you're head will be sore and you'll not enjoy it nearly as much.
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what's the best way to make $ ?

i only had about $4,000 and bought a new rifle so down to about ~$2800 now

i hated doing that mission the food factory cause the netrunner was overheating me. the enemies were bullet sponges too. i quit and took a different approach. there was still some shooting but not as bad. i wish they done a better job of explaining shit.
My first thought was I was being hit with explosive or flame ammo. Then after I hadn’t been shot, I thought maybe I’m hacking to much and stopped. No luck.

So I googled and assumed I just didn’t see the message in game. But I am glad to hear we suffered together:messenger_smiling_horns:


It seems the 1.04 patch made the game looking much better on PS5, a lot less blurry. With it seems more NPCs too. Too bad DF published their video just before the patch.

Now, there are a few slowdowns here and there though, while before that was mostly smooth 60. Not perfect but it's getting better.

Still hooked, starting act 2. Story, quests and main characters are pretty good.
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« generous god »
To get a nice experience with everything Max out(average 60 with dip in mid 50) needed to put the resolution at 1080p with a 2080ti and 10700k
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