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Cyberpunk 2077 | Recensione, un'opera straordinaria
Cyberpunk 2077 è finalmente arrivato... e dopo 8 anni di attesa è pronto a stravolgere il genere dei giochi di ruolo open world.

Up to 90 on OC now.91 on Meta
89 on open
90 average
oh yes!
Anyone doing a blind playthrough of this?
Agreed 100%. I mean, best game ever is super subjective in the first place. Better worded "my best game ever" but those clicks are needed, brother.Ok, cool. Seems a little bit dramatic though "Best game ever made"
Did that a long time ago lol. They just LOVE handing out 7'sEveryone should do the game industry a favour and not click gamespot review and unsubscribe from their YouTube channel.
It’s gets annoying. Can’t even talk about this game without being blasted over thereSo game reviews these days are ruined by woke lunatics too? What a world we live in.
Yep, that's the reason I don't mind waiting for an Enhanced or Goty or whatever edition. Give me the unbugged experience.A reminder to people that New Vegas only got an 84% at release on MetaCritic, mostly due to bugs. Yet people still play it 10 years later and call it one of the greatest RPGs ever.
I'm not worried if bugs are dragging down the score. It'll be fine over time.
Even better!Up to 90 on OC now.
The ads are one of many, many aesthetic choices in Cyberpunk 2077 that are grating with no real point. There's one ad in particular that was the topic of much discussion pre-release; it features a feminine person with a giant, exaggerated, veiny erection in their leotard and advertises a drink called Chromanticore with the tagline "mix it up." It is everywhere. And while the "purpose" of it may be to show what a sex-obsessed, superficial, exploitative place Night City is, there's nothing in the main story or any of the side quests I did that gives it even that much context--I found just one message on one of the many computers I logged into that commented on how low-brow Night City culture is. The result is that there's a fetishization of trans people at every turn, in a game with only one very minor trans character (that I found, at least) and no way to play as an authentically trans character yourself.
Cyberpunk 2077 review — A look at the present, not the future
Cyberpunk 2077 is a massive game with fascinating quests and characters, but it feels a lot more like gaming's past than its
Sure are a lot of "Chock full of bugs, and gltiches" 4/5 posts. Do these reviewers even give lower than 4s? Guess they too afraid of being blacklisted by developers.
Ok, cool. Seems a little bit dramatic though "Best game ever made"
I give her a 6/10 but that's good enough for the thirsty nerds at gamespot to give her a job she is not capable of doing. Oh well, makes for good entertainment though, laughed a bit when reading her review."Crunch is bad!"
"Why wasn't more time spent working out the bugs!"
She's hot though so I'll allow it
The Crazy/Hot scale is an unbiased tool that will stand the test of time.
Seems like the game is doing really well overall so eh.
With all these bugs, I feel it's best to wait until next year to play it. Sounds like we will be playing a very unpolished and incomplete game this week.
I'm sure they have a bunch of updates lined up in their roadmap going into next year.
Lmao of course the GameSpot review is from Kallie Plagge. I found that she underrated Days Gone, so it wouldn't shock me to see that being the case here.
Alright I read through this review and it doesn't complain about anything offensive but it does complain about something I was really worried, the verticality of the world being fake. All the latest videos have shown me that they steered away from indoor exploration and just went with some cybepunk GTA and this reviewer confirms that. Most of the city is basically an exterior showcase and while you can go up, exploring interiors like in Deus Ex is not what the game offers, at least not much. Instead it just gives you quests and you go there and complete them. He says they dont feel natural, connected and the guy weirdly says that there are no options to complete quests without violence which I'm pretty sure CDPR confirmed you could but I guess they lied? Not sure what to believe now but I've skeemed through some of the other low scores and they all say the same things, besides the usual "blablabla offended". Guess CDPR did bite more than they could chew and promised a lot they couldnt deliver. It will still be a great game no doubt but I really wanted a cyberpunk game where I could explore vertically and inside buildings. No idea why I have this weird fetish but w/e.
And it's not like the game is trying to say "kill trans people"0.3% of people identify as transgender in America. Why are reviews obsessing over not just a minority, but an extreme minority?
Lmao of course the GameSpot review is from Kallie Plagge. I found that she underrated Days Gone, so it wouldn't shock me to see that being the case here.
Is there any valid reason whatsoever for CDPR not to have the day 1 patch live for reviewers?
Loads of people reading about bugs that won’t be present when they play the game.
They delayed it because of the bugs, but are getting judged on the final product with the bugs? Seems weird.
Too much water and not enough blacks, i still don't understand if she talk about videogames or coffee reviews...Is the too much water lady?