There are some files in the game that indicate it is being worked on.Give me some transmog
Personally I find transmog stupid. Magical device to transfer properties of one item onto another. Meh.
There are some files in the game that indicate it is being worked on.Give me some transmog
I just saw. Build it into the crafting system and even better.There are some files in the game that indicate it is being worked on.
Personally I find transmog stupid. Magical device to transfer properties of one item onto another. Meh.
So, on a scale of 1 to 10 ...
How improved do you find the PC VERSION today compared to day one, in terms of bugs, QoL improvements and performance?
Guys, this game is insane, wtf is wrong with the haters. A “small” Polish developer made a game that can be put against any other industry-leading game. I have never seen such a detailed city in any game ever. It’s like the hub worlds of Deux Ex Mankind Divided but in an open world where you can get lost easily and have an awesome sense of place. Awesome gunplay, spectacular world and character design, gripping setting, beatiful graphics, very good writing and characters. And I’m amazed how different missions can play out. I feel like this is a nextgen game (even though it is crossgen, like I felt with Destiny lastgen) Seriously, what is wrong with the haters? Okay, it’s not as polished as a Naughty Dog game but that would be a really unrealistic expectation. I waited until this nextgen patch to play it so I don’t have the bugs that were present during launch but did it deserve the hate it got just because of that? I feel like people wanted to hate this game and the bugs were just used as a justification for it.
Exactly! We should be thankful that we can get such a game in times like this where most of the AAA space is a copypaste, focustested, generic GAAS bullshit full of political propaganda.I agree with you. Even at launch I thought gamers were totally insane to hate so much on this game, especially in our current times where we have so many shit GaaS & copy paste open worlds games.
It is really not held to the same standards as other AAAs I think, which is a shame.
I've come across some great passive story telling in Cyberpunk. Here's a great example of a crime scene I walked by. I had to do a double take, "wow"I get the "lifeless" criticism, even now the pedestrians just sort of mill around, some dynamic events could've gone a long way - police arresting people, gang fights, muggings, whatever.. even just more variety and dynamics for ambient sounds.. the NPCs are just scenery. But the city is so dense, there's enough visual interest so far, it feels very inhabited and immersive. Those tricks can obviously get stale after a few dozen hours.. The writing gives the impression there's a well thought out "world"/lore being sketched a little bit in tithe first "act."
I'm in the same boat, just jumping in at the next gen patch and it's so far shaping up to being one of my favorite games ever. I'm only at the start of act 2 and already clocked in more than 20 hours. I'm in no hurry to "to get this game done with", a feeling I don't often have when I'm more than 10 hours in. I'm playing on hard and very much enjoying the challenge it gives me and the combat options, it's challenging (for me) and I have to think how to go about encounters. I'm at a point where I have some pretty cool gear (special iconic katana, some smart guns, double jump) and some of the stuff I can do is so pretty cool. Slicing and dicing gang members, backing away and jumping on roofs, than using the smart gun, going invisible. The fact that his level of combat is in an open world RPG, is nothing short of extraordinary.Guys, this game is insane, wtf is wrong with the haters. A “small” Polish developer made a game that can be put against any other industry-leading game. I have never seen such a detailed city in any game ever. It’s like the hub worlds of Deux Ex Mankind Divided but in an open world where you can get lost easily and have an awesome sense of place. Awesome gunplay, spectacular world and character design, gripping setting, beatiful graphics, very good writing and characters. And I’m amazed how different missions can play out. I feel like this is a nextgen game (even though it is crossgen, like I felt with Destiny lastgen) Seriously, what is wrong with the haters? Okay, it’s not as polished as a Naughty Dog game but that would be a really unrealistic expectation. I waited until this nextgen patch to play it so I don’t have the bugs that were present during launch but did it deserve the hate it got just because of that? I feel like people wanted to hate this game and the bugs were just used as a justification for it.
I didn't start playing until about a year or so ago, so not quite day 1, but I would say about a 7 or so. The QoL improvements are definitely there and performance overall is definitely improved. There really aren't any huge improvements in one area, but a shitload of small fixes everywhere. Only bug I have come across so far in my new file was a physics glitch where a couple bottles in a box just jumped out of the box they were in kinda randomly.So, on a scale of 1 to 10 ...
How improved do you find the PC VERSION today compared to day one, in terms of bugs, QoL improvements and performance?
The few NCPD events have been fun, haven't done "gigs" or side quests. Can see how they'd get repetitive, it doesn't sound like there are branches, or side quest chains.. it'd be easy to have like, a police department quest chain/side plot, a media qc/sp (the Watson fixer used to be a "reporter"), city politics, joining a gang.. but it sounds like the main story just dips briefly into those elements of the world and that the side gigs are mostly one-offs..
I've come across some great passive story telling in Cyberpunk. Here's a great example of a crime scene I walked by. I had to do a double take, "wow"
90 hours on PS4. Impressive sir.I've played it for 90h on the PS4, finished it many times, and I'm enjoying the hell out of this next gen version
But man, some minigames and the ability to sit at a bar and drink something would go a loong way with immersion. Stuff like that.
They put in some police chases with this latest patch, but they are scripted. Making it dynamic would be awesome.
Thanks, sounds good.. but are they one-offs, part of the main quest line, or more self-contained? In Skyrim you could run off and do the Thieves’ guild or the assassins’ brotherhood with a series of quests and plot points..All I can say is keep playing. Those types of quests are VERY much in the game, but they don't appear 'til 2/3 of the game.
Anyone who actually uses that Reddit thread as an argument is a goddamn imbecile. 90% of the shit on that list is just sensationalized headlines from mistranslated interviews with CDPR staff. For example, they interviewed a Cyberpunk UI designer and asked him about the world of Cyberpunk. Among other things he talked about how in their dystopian fiction, the police are, strap yourself for this one, CORRUPT. Que a gazillion media articles about how you'll be able to bribe cops in Cyberpunk just because this USER INTERFACE designer said the cops in 2077 are corrupt. 90% of the shit on that Reddit list is equally misleading or worse.Wrong, 90% of what I said was promised by the developer during countless itw and gameplay trailers. The rest was very strongly suggested to say the least. I suggest you take a look at one of those major Reddit threads like this one and see for yourself.
Again you are the one bringing GTA. I dont care about this game so what's the point? Wanting a strong, intelligent and well made police system ≠ wanting the same police as GTA.
RPG = Role Playing Game. This means you can ACT on the story with different choices, have a REAL impact on the narrative with your own temperament. It's absolutely not the case with CP2077 except during the last hour.
CP 2077 is an action game with a skill tree. That's it. Same goes for AC Valhalla for example.
Sale thing happened to me, 5 hours trial was genius. I could even bring my cloud save i made when playing physical version.Held on until this update to try it and with the 5hr trial, gave it a shot this weekend on XSX and really enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Almost used up the 5 hours so will probably buy it.
As I said earlier with my conversation with Nautilus, he made some fair points. I overexaggerated for sure.In the previous comment you listed The Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate as RPGs... Yet if your definition of RPG is true, then none of those are RPGs. In Skyrim you can't even impact the ending and almost no dialogue options have any impact on the story. Mass Effect has, like, two endings. Baldurs Gate has 1 ending.
Naturally, all of those games have choices with consequences, just like Cyberpunk, but to imply those are somehow more branching is fucking hilarious and a prime example of the ignorance Cyberpunk haters deluded themselves into.
And as for your last comment. No, Cyberpunk is not an action game with a skill tree because there are specific builds you can pursue. In action games with skill trees like Ghost of Tsushima or HZD, there is far fewer combat builds and you eventually unlock all skills just in a different order. Cyberpunk has more diverse combat builds than any big budget open world game ever. Hacking, knives, tech weapons, smart weapons, explosives, stealth, melee, speed based builds, poison builds etc.
They're usually followed up by saying GTA V is a better RPG because you can play tennis.
They pretty much nerfed everything this patch. Especially crit and armor stacking. A lot of weapons also got nerfed.If I remember right the game around launch wasn’t balanced well at all and you could make some crazy OP builds trivializing most of the encounters. Have they updated much in that regard?
Guys, this game is insane, wtf is wrong with the haters. A “small” Polish developer made a game that can be put against any other industry-leading game. I have never seen such a detailed city in any game ever. It’s like the hub worlds of Deux Ex Mankind Divided but in an open world where you can get lost easily and have an awesome sense of place. Awesome gunplay, spectacular world and character design, gripping setting, beatiful graphics, very good writing and characters. And I’m amazed how different missions can play out. I feel like this is a nextgen game (even though it is crossgen, like I felt with Destiny lastgen) Seriously, what is wrong with the haters? Okay, it’s not as polished as a Naughty Dog game but that would be a really unrealistic expectation. I waited until this nextgen patch to play it so I don’t have the bugs that were present during launch but did it deserve the hate it got just because of that? I feel like people wanted to hate this game and the bugs were just used as a justification for it.
Try making sure that all overlays like the Gog one and Nvidia GeForce experience are off. I was having the same issue, but when I shut them off it fixed it.8/10
It's pretty insane, really. There are a TON of improvements. Vehicle AI and suspension physics, pedestrian behavior, a ton of visual upgrades. There's so much new stuff but almost all of it is in the details so hard to even notice unless you know what you're looking for.
Just browse around the subreddit, there are lots of examples there.
That said, performance took a small hit but I'm not sure why. It seems to run less smooth, especially in locations like Afterlife which completely tanks my fps.
Can you link this CPU optimization mod please? I'm getting CPU bottlenecked in quite a few places with my Ryzen 3600/1660ti even with mostly medium settings.Combined with the CPU optimization mod, I’m finally getting a rock solid 60fps at 1080p with an i5 6600k (4threads) and 1070Ti.
10 hours into the game on XSX. LOVING it.
Thanks, sounds good.. but are they one-offs, part of the main quest line, or more self-contained? In Skyrim you could run off and do the Thieves’ guild or the assassins’ brotherhood with a series of quests and plot points..
Thanks for the spoiler....Finished it today on PS5 with the “Johnny takes over V’s body” ending which has a completion percentage of 0.4%. I’m a bit shocked there’s no new game plus or that you can’t continue with the side quests and jobs. It’s a good game despite the infinite number of bugs (I’ve never played a game with so many bugs). Even at the end Rogue disappeared on the elevator on the way to the last boss and I could hear her voice behind the walls. It’s bugs galore.
Too many bugs but the city is immense and gorgeous/10
and you think you are being attacked by some enemy hidden in the shadows or something, or someone is shooting at you and you can't see them...
....I see, I thought it maybe something to do with being in the combat zone the body was over-heating or something...Well, that's because that's what is exactly happening. You're being attacked by a Netrunner, and logically they'll stay back in the shadows more... If you Ping the enemy group Netrunners will have an orange outline instead of the usual red.
....I see, I thought it maybe something to do with being in the combat zone the body was over-heating or something...![]()