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Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.5 | Satisfied?

Are you satisfied with this update?

  • Yes

    Votes: 223 35.3%
  • No

    Votes: 129 20.4%
  • It's a first step

    Votes: 279 44.2%

  • Total voters
It's a bummer this doesn't have RT reflections. It still says "rt reflections and shadows" in the video settings btw. Man, now that would've made this fidelity mode worth playing (more of; still would suck for gunplay).

I can't think of a game that is better suited for RT reflections other than Control and this would be more impressive imo in the cityscape. I wonder what happened because clearly they were aiming for rt reflections in the next gen versions of the game.

What a letdown it was to see it say rt reflections and shadows only to find out nope, just shadows ...and only indoors ..

Seriously cd project? I know it would've been a difficult task for these systems but what did you spend all this time working on it for? Yeah, it looks better now but not THAT much better than before. The main difference I can see is npc count and resolution. Frankly, if I was a Series X owner I'd be very disappointed because they already had a fidelity mode that was a higher res than this at 30 fps.

Does anyone have a list of the specific improvements for this fidelity mode? Is it possible it's actually a downgrade on Series X sand the RT shadows?


The game still sucks as far as I'm concerned. Core mechanics are the same, below average story, world still doesn't feel alive, just crowded.

I had a blast but nothing really stands out. I largely forgot about it already. Story is average, NPC's are just there, variation is nonexistent, world is window dressing with actually nothing to do in it. Gameplay does get better after some tweaking, but its nothing memorable either.

Cyberpunk is much worse than Witcher in pretty much every possible way, but for those few bucks I had a fun time. I went in with low expectations.


I had a blast but nothing really stands out. I largely forgot about it already. Story is average, NPC's are just there, variation is nonexistent, world is window dressing with actually nothing to do in it. Gameplay does get better after some tweaking, but its nothing memorable either.

Cyberpunk is much worse than Witcher in pretty much every possible way, but for those few bucks I had a fun time. I went in with low expectations.

I think people who say that Cyberpunk has average story did not really "get" the story. There really is some deep stuff they are exploring, like what is a soul? What really makes you, you? Exactly as Cyberpunk setting demands.

In comparison Witcher 3 is just typical hero's journey from POV of a person who is not the hero. I guess its more emotionally engaging and feels more familiar, but thats about it.

Is execution in Cyberpunk the best it could have been? No. But any story that is attempting to explore deeper themes like that is instantly better then 99% of stories in other videogames.
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Imo the game kinda desperately needs more open world activities, the world is pretty and looks alive but it feels dead when you actually start exploring ( also locked doors are a meme ).
The game is really more of a Far Cry game than it is an actual open world RPG.

I think people who say that Cyberpunk has average story did not really "get" the story. There really is some deep stuff they are exploring, like what is a soul? What really makes you, you? Exactly as Cyberpunk setting demands.

In comparison Witcher 3 is just typical hero's journey from POV of a person who is not the hero. I guess its more emotionally engaging and feels more familiar, but thats about it.

Is execution in Cyberpunk the best it could have been? No. But any story that is attempting to explore deeper themes like that is instantly better then 99% of stories in other videogames.

Imo I just found a lot of the writing and voice acting to be kinda cringe.
Johnny literally sounds like a child at times ( like when he's mad that you don't got cigarettes, the voice acting actually sounds like a toddler ).
And I dunno about male V but I play female V and she sounds like she's overcompensating and trying way too hard to sound '' badass and cool ''.
I do think male voice actors do this a lot too but it's more obvious with female voice actors who do it imo, I think they put extra effort into it because they're women and have to try harder not saying I don't get it but it also makes it come across as very fake and a bit cringe.
I just have a hard time taking anything female V says seriously I probably would much have prefered a non-voiced protagonists with more dialogue options, the dialogue options for the most part feel like fluff than anything that actually matters.
Usually you only have one option to progress and the rest are additions.

But yeah her voice acting sounds to me like it belongs in a Life Is Strange game or something, she sounds like an edgy teenager trying really hard to come across as intimidating and I don't believe people would take her seriously.
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I jumped back in on my base ps4. It is better and worse. The fidelity of details and npc's is greatly improved. I can read the text on paper plastered to walls and I can see where one poster is meant to appear plastered over another. The title screens work better, so you can see the video playing through the tv. Atmospheric effects are way better, walking through hallways contribute to immersion.
That said the automobile traffic has been reduced quite a bit. There are fewer npc doppelgangers in close proximity to each other but they have not been eliminated. There are still stupid bugs but nowhere near as plentiful and game breaking.
It is a good start but this is where the game should have been on release.
So I was holding of playing this for when the next gen update arrived. It did. I played it and after I witnessed the god awful shooting mechanics (in the tutorial) on a controller…I feel … cheated in a way.
Who came to the conclusion that this is good or even acceptable?


Finished the game last night. Enjoyed it a lot and was pretty hooked on it.

Driving wasn't that good but I got used to it being floaty or whatever. Only the ending was somewhat disappointing. Regardless of the type of the ending, I would've wanted it to be a bit bigger, more spectacle like the heist was. Now it just... was. Also, I felt the epilogue I got went on a bit too long.

But I'm happy I waited for the next-gen patch and I liked it more than I thought I would. Did a lot of side quests too.


Gold Member
Finished the game last night. Enjoyed it a lot and was pretty hooked on it.

Driving wasn't that good but I got used to it being floaty or whatever. Only the ending was somewhat disappointing. Regardless of the type of the ending, I would've wanted it to be a bit bigger, more spectacle like the heist was. Now it just... was. Also, I felt the epilogue I got went on a bit too long.

But I'm happy I waited for the next-gen patch and I liked it more than I thought I would. Did a lot of side quests too.
Driving really depends on which car you use. Some of the cars, particularly the nomad version of the sports cars, are tight as hell. As for endings, there are many of them and one in particular (
You go in alone, no help, but need 70% with Silverhand to unlock
) is very intense, particularly now with the nerf to armor mods and dmg mods.


those mantis blades are absolutely brutal. I went back to a cyberpsycho (he uses a katana) I had a really tough time with at the start and I just diced him so fast with the mantis blades he just couldn't respond. So satisfying.
Got a little over 2 hours in on the xbox free trial and decided it wasn’t for me. There were a couple weird bugs but nothing to put me off, it just doesn’t seem like my kind of game.


Neighbours from Hell
I started this for the first time as I waited for the PS5 version. I'm finding Cyberpunk incredibly freaking boring. The world is gorgeous and really well designed and looks so interesting and inviting to explore, but so far I haven't found any real reason to explore it aside from questing. Just bins and lockers and boxes to loot. And I find the missions really boring. They're putting me to sleep. And I read that it's best to save all the side content til after the main story, which IMO is kinda dumb. I like pausing between quests in open world games to explore and the best way to explore is to go to and from quests and see what's in between, but so far most of my quests are out of my level range or can't be done at the moment. And I don't like the menu systems. They're hard to navigate and confusion. It took me a while to even figure out how to equip a new shirt. It was in my inventory but for some reason didn't pop up under my list of clothes. It was odd.

I'm not sure if it'll pick up or not. Is it worth just going out and exploring aimlessly in this game? Can you stumble upon anything unique or interesting? Like secret areas that have unique weapons or whatever? Or is all the good stuff acquired from quests?

Should I worry about "messing up" quests? I'm OCD with getting all the best stuff doing the right choices, and I've been peaking at guides, but it's really taking me out of the experience to do so. Pausing every so often to see if I messed something up is driving me nuts. And I already messed something up on a quest where a character died I didn't want to. I don't want to miss any great weapons or whatever by goofing on a quest.


Love what I see so far. I’m very excited for a second play through but I think I’ll wait until we have all the DLC as well.

Also some stuff I really don’t give a crap about. I couldn’t care less about being able to eat food. That is not fun or interesting. Same with customizing my apartment. My goal is to spend as little time in my apartment as possible when playing this game.
Just bought the corpo appartment and thought to myself "why?"

Never go back unless i have a real reason. Thats been like twice so far.


I started this for the first time as I waited for the PS5 version. I'm finding Cyberpunk incredibly freaking boring. The world is gorgeous and really well designed and looks so interesting and inviting to explore, but so far I haven't found any real reason to explore it aside from questing. Just bins and lockers and boxes to loot. And I find the missions really boring. They're putting me to sleep. And I read that it's best to save all the side content til after the main story, which IMO is kinda dumb. I like pausing between quests in open world games to explore and the best way to explore is to go to and from quests and see what's in between, but so far most of my quests are out of my level range or can't be done at the moment. And I don't like the menu systems. They're hard to navigate and confusion. It took me a while to even figure out how to equip a new shirt. It was in my inventory but for some reason didn't pop up under my list of clothes. It was odd.

I'm not sure if it'll pick up or not. Is it worth just going out and exploring aimlessly in this game? Can you stumble upon anything unique or interesting? Like secret areas that have unique weapons or whatever? Or is all the good stuff acquired from quests?

Should I worry about "messing up" quests? I'm OCD with getting all the best stuff doing the right choices, and I've been peaking at guides, but it's really taking me out of the experience to do so. Pausing every so often to see if I messed something up is driving me nuts. And I already messed something up on a quest where a character died I didn't want to. I don't want to miss any great weapons or whatever by goofing on a quest.
Theres one part (which is apparently an addition with the 1.5 update) where you see someone in a situation that seems like you can help. No dialogue, just context (where shes standing, what shes doing) and you find something for her based on that. Shes stood quite far out. But ive only had that once. And it felt like something that they are possibly going to expand upon. But exploring to find unique things usually just feels like stumbling on an area intended to be explored as part of a quest.

And i also dont like to finish to main story too early. Even if theres stuff to do after, the world feels dead and pointless (in most games, i havent finished cp2077.)


I put 60 hours into doing all the gigs and side jobs on the map, just started the Panam quest line.. (more side jobs unlock as you progress??)

So far I haven’t tired of it. I get the criticisms - “lifeless” is one - but I don’t know what the game needs - it’s not like tasting soup and diagnosing it “more salt” - bc you can break the aesthetic and design balance that are working.

But the fixer stuff is shallow - writing for each gig is ok, they get repetitive. Writing in deeper relationships and plots with the fixers so they’re not just sending you UberEats orders could be good. Like, turns out one is working for x, another puts out a hit on you..

Some of the gigs give you choices about letting people go but they’re simple preference - what was shocking about TW3, given the shortcomings of most game writing, was the greater moral complexity and choice of side quest decisions. Probably an effect of the source material, but I miss it here.

Combat, I’m way overpowered at this point but I’m enjoying it that way and I earned it. 20 INT, stealth hacks.

What are games that do city “life” significantly better? NPC scripts, behavior..

Got to a couple quests with River I like but wish they were more baked into the game - NCPD activities and “quests” have the same problem as the fixer gigs. There’s not a precinct you visit so far, you haven’t built a relationship with the commissioner or whatever..

They had that early quest with.. Meredith, I think.. in Act I with the police and corporate intrigue. Just wish more of it were fleshed out. The Panam side quests do a much better (not perfect) job of world building with the nomad clan..

Best case there’s a more confident sequel with an Arkham Asylum to Arkham City leap in design.


Or, it is like tasting soup - but the only easy “more salt” calls are the side writing and the city atmosphere. It shifts the aesthetic a ton if you suddenly throw in, like, Yakuza style batting cages.

I guess more/more complicated brain dance investigations would be an easy call.

And some kind of Gwentish variant consistent with the aesthetic. Tarot card hunting doesn’t seem to be it. But a moderately deep side game - holochess or something.


The AI is really something else with 1.5... Several fights were semi-bugged and now flow much better with the improved combat AI.


So the irony for me is that I bought it for PS4 upon release, shelved it after like 5 hours and in between then and now built a dope 3080Ti PC rig and picked it up on steam to just now be playing it again. Wow this game is GORGEOUS with maxed out settings on my 65” OLED C1. I’m having a lot of fun and I haven’t fallen through the world 1 time haha

On launch I couldn’t go 15 minutes without something insane like full crashes happening and stopping me from progressing.

It’s awesome for me now
I’m definitely getting a little sick of the gameplay loop after 40 hours. The RPG elements are engrossing, I find myself ready to just finish the story but I can’t stop managing all my shit.


Is there any "Post endgame activities" right? I mean, I can complete the sidequest after finishing the game? or not?

IIRC, the game puts you back before the final quest but you get to keep a reward or 2 from the final quest, so you'll be able to do whatever you want afterwards.


Neighbours from Hell
I'm enjoying it more, but I still find it tedious. I wish you could just fast travel from anywhere, not travel to fast travel points. Like, wtf is the point of that? If you're going to use fast travel, just allow the player to do it from anywhere. Having to walk somewhere to do it defeats the whole purpose.

I find most hacking options useless unless using stealth. Which is fun sometimes, but often I don't have the patience for.

Hate the sound effects that come out of the controller. Annoys the fucking hell out of me.


No idea how close I am to the end, but liking the "world building" a lot more now with the River quest line and the Voodoo Boys/Brigitte one. Wish there were more of that with the side jobs and gigs.

Thought for a sequel: getting some gigs through phone calls is a nice layer. Could also have "neighborhoods" or hubs within the city - a marketplace, a gang hangout, an office complex or whatever - where you have more character immersion and a concentration of quests.


I'm enjoying it more, but I still find it tedious. I wish you could just fast travel from anywhere, not travel to fast travel points. Like, wtf is the point of that? If you're going to use fast travel, just allow the player to do it from anywhere. Having to walk somewhere to do it defeats the whole purpose.

I find most hacking options useless unless using stealth. Which is fun sometimes, but often I don't have the patience for.

Hate the sound effects that come out of the controller. Annoys the fucking hell out of me.

I hate that from CDPR's design. Same shit in Witcher 3. I bet I could have saved quite a few hours if fast travel was available anywhere.


Neo Member
I feel it made things better - and I say 'feel' because like most people I picked up the game day #1, finished it and didn't touch it again.
Yes, you will encounter the occasional, non-game breaking bug and this all comes to where your tolerance for these things lie. As a matter of fact I didn't encounter that many, just your typical "sitting in the air" Night City citizen.
The activities feel at time repetitive but that's part of the RPG leveling-up/loot system. Besides all that, yes, I would recommend Cyberpunk 2077 for its fantastic story, overall ambience and at times odd gameplay builds.
More things are coming for Cyberpunk but the consensus is that they are arriving a bit too slow. Hope CDPR will follow up with more and not give up on Cyberpunk, which is for me a flagship in the genre.


I'm playing mostly Cyberpunk (and I bought Elden Ring, Gran Turismo 7, and Sifu), the game is awesome.
I'm thinking that Cyberpunk it's somehow a modern Fallout 3 or FO:NV. Those games when got released, and you played them, you knew that they were not perfect, in fact, they had a lot of issues, but they were gems anyway. Cyberpunk, in modern consoles with the new patch, is like that. Sure the game has issues but I'm enjoying it like no game in a looooong time. In fact, I want a new Deus Ex, badly.


Fallout 3 comp is interesting.. but Bethesda has a different kind of bugginess.. Cyberpunk pre 1.5 sounds closer to AC Unity.. The hacking combat is sort of VATS-ish and the regular combat is sort of.. about Bethesda quality. Better, nothing to write home about, just a good loop.

I'm like 95 hours in stopped at the point of no return - all these side quests keep trickling in, there are like two dozen I would've missed if I hadn't waited for phone calls and texts. They kept trickling in, Judy, Kerry, the Alvarez(?) one (the politician and his wife), Ozob, the cyborg pop star.. I read there's an issue with how the game queues up those notifications..

Quality of life issue: opening texts should open the character's text list at the top of the menu, not all the way down the page.

Side writing is good - River's quests esp... just want more of it, differently distributed. Main quest is like the trunk of the tree, side quests are the branches (way too few), piles of leaves all over the ground (gigs, NCPD, shallow stuff).


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I just started playing yesterday and while some parts of the game look good there are still glitches. Like I am shooting guys that have no guns that have loaded in. Also the shooting doesn't feel good in this game. But other than that the game is pretty cool.
I’m loving this game on series x looks great now love the atmosphere,I just wish they had animals like in the out skirts,maybe some humans with cyber enhanced pets.


I’m loving this game on series x looks great now love the atmosphere,I just wish they had animals like in the out skirts,maybe some humans with cyber enhanced pets.
I've seen one animal off the top of my head, it was considered extremely rare, the feeling i got was 99.9% of animals were extinct.

So thats probably why you don't see any.
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I’m about 100 hours in, about to finish the last side quests, but odd quirk, I‘m right before the point of no return mission and I had to wait in game for side quests to trickle in.. if I hadn’t seen that warning online I would’ve missed at least a dozen..


Tbh I am in love. I bought it for like $14.99 physical deluxe during the whole backlash era. Didn’t touch it u til they launched the free ps5 upgrade. Beat Elden ring so I started this as a palette cleanser, and what a game so far. Fallout 3 meets GTA in the future is what I’m experiencing with the game so far. Really good story.


I played it in December 2020, had no issues on XSX. Still play it from time to time but I think it would have been much better with space cut in half, way more verticality and better graphics for next-gen. Another example when quantity doesn’t mean quality.

I also do not remember any quest as memorable as Baron’s in W3.


Gold Member
I played it in December 2020, had no issues on XSX. Still play it from time to time but I think it would have been much better with space cut in half, way more verticality and better graphics for next-gen. Another example when quantity doesn’t mean quality.

I also do not remember any quest as memorable as Baron’s in W3.

Peralez quest was top notch, that shit was crazy sinister.


I’m about 100 hours in, about to finish the last side quests, but odd quirk, I‘m right before the point of no return mission and I had to wait in game for side quests to trickle in.. if I hadn’t seen that warning online I would’ve missed at least a dozen..
You can get back to complete them afterwards.


As far as I can tell, graphics and framerate got better, but the open world itself still leaves a lot to be desired. It feels empty and pointless, outside of a few good side quests. Story also still has very few branching choices, which is a shame for a RPG. Starting path still doesn't matter.

Main story and characters are still great. This game is a very good action adventure game, but not a very good open world RPG. So no I'm not satisfied. Now they need to make the open world deeper and richer.
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Decided to start my second playthrough just the other day on XSX after having completed the main story back in January of 2021 on an X1X. Besides the noticeable improvement in framerate from 30fps to 60fps, the visual upgrades are sparse. I was surprised at the amount of pop-in that still happens when driving around the city or when you turn your player character too quickly to look at scenery. I enjoyed CP2077 for what it was despite all it's original flaws, but even with the many updates since launch I can't help but feel its still a noticeable step back from Witcher 3. Hopefully the change to Unreal Engine 5 will help CD Projekt RED take their next game project to a new level and hopefully a return to more hardcore RPG elements instead of the RPG-Lite experience of Cyberpunk.


Gold Member
I just started up a new game. Didn’t get into this when it first came out. Throws a lot at you early on, but getting my feel. Enjoying what I see so far.


I played it in December 2020, had no issues on XSX. Still play it from time to time but I think it would have been much better with space cut in half, way more verticality and better graphics for next-gen. Another example when quantity doesn’t mean quality.

I also do not remember any quest as memorable as Baron’s in W3.
Dream On.
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