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D.C. sniper asks for new sentencing in light of Supreme Court rulings on juveniles


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Ever since the Breivik case, I've firmly believed thats the way the world should be handling these people

And for goodness sake, serial killers arent war criminals or genocidists. Stop with that disingenuous bullshit.

could you elaborate further on this? From what i've seen his prison cell is nicer than the private university dorm i stayed in my freshman year.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Everyone wants rehabilitation in our prison system

Until it's hard

rehabilitation for white collar crimes, drug dealers, armed robbery, stuff like that. Train them, allow them to actually get jobs by not holding it on their record forever. Murdering people? Murdering multiple people? Thats where it transitions from rehab to punishment.
If he is properly evaluated and can be rehabilitated then go for it. No point in just letting him rot in prison for 70 years if he can be a net positive to society at some point.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
So he deserves a harsher punishment because you couldn't get into a better university?

i was asking him to elaborate, as i understand it Breivik will be allowed to walk free at some point, which is what i actually disagree with it.

Ron Mexico

From purely a judicial standpoint, I think his attorney has a point about the need for a new sentencing hearing.

I also think that sentencing hearing would and should return consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole.

There's a distinct line between the procedural grounds of due process and an attorney using it as an end around for his client to one day be free.


If you actually think that the death penalty should be on the table for people who commit crimes as a minor I'm not even going to bother arguing with you.
Putting words in my mouth.

I disagree that death penalty should be abolished.

I also think he should die in jail.

The two are independent of one another.


Unconfirmed Member
From purely a judicial standpoint, I think his attorney has a point about the need for a new sentencing hearing.

I also think that sentencing hearing would and should return consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole.

There's a distinct line between the procedural grounds of due process and an attorney using it as an end around for his client to one day be free.

Agreed on all counts. He should get due process, but said process should rightfully return a life sentence.

I can't imagine a scenario where a human being who willfully murderers over a dozen people over the course of weeks is able to become fully rehabilitated. I don't even know how you would certify the rehabilitation of someone like that.
Yeah, I can understand why people want to give him a second chance. He was just a kid when it happened.

I mean, imagine you’re only 17 and someone tells you that it’s a good idea to murder lots of innocent people. Why, I’ll bet you’d drop your juice box and wee all over your Osh Koshes.

I can picture this poor kid, watching the latest episode of Barney and Friends when his father figure walks into the room with a loaded sniper rifle and says, “Let’s blow off some heads.” This kid probably couldn’t string two words together because he was so scared. But he did it anyway, because that day’s episode of Barney was about helping your family.

Now I’m just left to wonder how the poor little tyke was able to squeeze the trigger with such tiny little hands. Must’ve had some modifications done to the rifle to allow him to brutally murder and injure all those people.

Poor little fella. He’s the real victim here.
And again I would be 100% fine with that.

So you would be fine with this person who committed crimes as a minor being put to death, but I'm putting words in your mouth when I say that you support the death penalty for people who committed crimes as a minor.

I feel like I'm talking to Donald Trump's Twitter account.


So you would be fine with this person who committed crimes as a minor being put to death, but I'm putting words in your mouth when I say that you support the death penalty for people who committed crimes as a minor.

I feel like I'm talking to Donald Trump's Twitter account.
I'm just saying that there are a lot if ways to die. Ask the families of his victims.

He is not worth the air he breathes.
On one hand, I don't disagree with the judge's assertion that Malvo's sentencing should be reviewed in light of the SCOTUS ruling.

On the other hand, I feel like a lot of the posters here talking about rehabilitating prisoners didn't live in the DMV during this time and are placing their moral compasses in ivory towers. It was fucking scary to know that you could get popped at any time for no reason, just minding your own business. There was a palpable environment of fear at the time that I had never experienced before, and I hope no one ever does again. As a result, I disagree with the idea of Malvo being paroled on a personal level.


More weasel words. Just say it if it's​ what you believe.

I would rather have him spend many long years in jail until death comes for him.

Would I have been upset if he met a bullet on capture? No.
Would I care if he met his end some other way? No.
Do I support the death sentence of minors? No.

Clear enough for you?
Anybody who thinks this guy should be released is a fool.

There are somethings you don't get 2nd chances for.

Yup. He can stay in jail. Not giving him a second chance to gun more people down. You don't come back from that. Fuck rolling the odds on him not to reoffend. Not giving him the chance.

He can rehabilitate himself in jail if he's so inclined but he should never walk free again. Sorry. 17 is old enough to be held accountable for murdering 17 innocent human beings.
It's been a trend for a while now. Defense forces for the worst monsters. I don't get it

This is why there is a defense force for the worst monsters:

Tell you what kid, I'll give you the same chance you and your "father" figure gave your victims.

We're going to release you in an open field near a wooded area. If you can run across that field, you are a free man.

Except a Marine sniper and his spotter will be concealed in the brush and will be doing their level best to shoot you dead.

Cruel and unusual? Maybe, but I'm big on irony.

Keep him locked up. He isn't sorry for what he did and is just using a legal precedent to try and weasel out of his punishment.

He should have been executed with his dad.

They killed people for sport.

Let him rot in jail till he dies. He deserves nothing.

Life in prison is nuts, i agree. For killing 17 people they should have been executed.

Always have to shake my head reading threads like this.

He shouldn't be breathing at this point. Give him a new sentence that is harsher.

Never seen it, but reading the synopsis I see where you're coming from. Like I said keep him locked up. Or execute him.

There are people who think that minors deserve the death penalty. That's not the kind of world I want to live in.


Reading his testimony about their multi-part plans, keep him locked up.


So I don't know much of the context here (I'm... not sure I'd heard of this before now?) so I don't feel comfortable saying much, but... I'm confused to why people in this thread looked at this and immediately acted like he made this plan? Unless I'm missing something, it wasn't he who came up with any of this, right?

Like, not trying to say anything about him or his willingness to go through with it. I'm just confused why people reacted as if it was his plan.


if he is rehabilitated I'm all for it.

also reading this thread is depressing. america is so different when it comes to ethics.. it's all connected this culture of vengeance, fear, punishment, guns and corruption, I think it's going to take a very long time for things to change.


For you.
could you elaborate further on this? From what i've seen his prison cell is nicer than the private university dorm i stayed in my freshman year.
So? The system over there actually works, which, you know, is what actually motherfucking matters, not you crying about your university dorm. Btw, fun fact: they also have a better, more affordable education system too.


I'm all for making prison as humane and productive as possible and keeping him away from society.

That first part will never happen since prisons are big business now. Rehabilitation isn't the objective (Or ever really was to be honest) so much as it is exploitation of prisoners.

As for this guy, I'm on the fence about it. He killed so many people but at the same time he was a juvenile and under the influence of a psycho for a long time, which is a huge contributing factor. I think almost everyone deserves a second chance, but I'm just not sure if being in prison so long couldn't have fucked him up even more than he already was.
The slope is slippery.

Should he say in jail for the rest of his life? Yes

Is there now a legal case that he should get a chance for parole? Yes

You wouldn't be a good defense attorney if you didn't at least try.

For the slippery slope part, can we pick and choose which juvenile life sentences are unconstitutional or valid?

I'm speaking as a kid (at the time) who lived in the area where these shootings took place. My mom was terrified for me and had me making a B-line to the house after the bus let me off for the day.


Yeah, I can understand why people want to give him a second chance. He was just a kid when it happened.

I mean, imagine you’re only 17 and someone tells you that it’s a good idea to murder lots of innocent people. Why, I’ll bet you’d drop your juice box and wee all over your Osh Koshes.

I can picture this poor kid, watching the latest episode of Barney and Friends when his father figure walks into the room with a loaded sniper rifle and says, “Let’s blow off some heads.” This kid probably couldn’t string two words together because he was so scared. But he did it anyway, because that day’s episode of Barney was about helping your family.

Now I’m just left to wonder how the poor little tyke was able to squeeze the trigger with such tiny little hands. Must’ve had some modifications done to the rifle to allow him to brutally murder and injure all those people.

Poor little fella. He’s the real victim here.

Seriously. All the people saying he was brainwashed or under the influence of a guy terrify me. If people think one person being an influence on someone enough to become a mass murderer is normal or an excuse then I don't know what to say. 'Brainwashing' isn't magic the guy was 17 you know what the hell murder is when you're 17.
How about this.

This person, who comitted mass murder as a 17 year old, call it a child if you must, should be put to death.

You're like the 6th person in this thread asking for juveniles to get the death penalty so I don't know why you are acting like it's a brave stance.


I really don't get the "he was just a kid" defense. He was 17 and killed 17 people. He knew what he was doing. If he was 18 when this happened, then the punishment would match the crime? Please.

Let him rot for the crimes he committed.
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