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Damn you Doom you basterd...

I am getting absoultaly sick and fucking tired of this. Every single time I play Doom 3, I play for a while, than the game crashes to the desktop, for no apperant reason either. It isnt limited to happening only when there's a lot of action on screen either, hell sometimes I'll just be running down a corodor and 'BAM' screen goes black and 6 seconds later I am staring at my desktop. It even happend one time while I was in the pause menu just clicking on a save to overwrite it.

I am running on medium detail with all but lAA on, oh and I also dont have on vsync, does this make a major performance hit? I just left it off when Doom didnt rurn it on after scanning my system.

My PC specs are as follows:

AMD Athlon XP 1800+ (1533 MHz)
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum

I know my RAM is shit, and I know my processor isnt exactly as fast as it could be, but the game runs stable when it does run, so my big question is WTF? It just completaly randomly crashes, sometimes after playing an hour, and others after 5 to 10 minutes. I am making this topic after it crashing 3 times today alone.

Oh, and also when it crashes, sometimes (not all thems) it cranks the brightness WAY up on my deskjtop, and it almost looks like it would if you booted in safe mode, kinda like it's set to 16 bit. But I can susaly correct thing by just simply launching Doom 3 again and than quiting. sets the color/brightness back to normal

And lastly, I just noticed this today while playing, I am seeing this strange graphical effect, it just kinda started, it's like I am seeing these flashing white picels all over the screen, ALMOST like seeing texture seeming, but not that apperent. and as I said, it just started. It's also in the pause menu, so that rules out it being an effect of the level (although I was 99% sure of that already). Anyone have any idea what this might be? If it happens again, I'll take a screen.

~Black Deatha
I havent overclocked it, and you guys could be right, maybe I just need to clean out the fan, although I dont have a can of compressed air unfourtinaly. Any other way I can do it? I kinda think it would be a bad idea to blow on it.

And I havent updated my video drivers for a while, maybe that would help too. What are the lastes ATI drivers?

Doom_Bringer said:
"Damn you Doom you basterd..."

haha this title scared me lol

LMAO I didnt know quitw what you ment untill I read your name and than LMAO, Maybe I sould have added a disclamer like at the end of TV shows. "Any similarities of cherecters or events are purley quincedental"

~Black Deatha


Dunno. They are beta.

However, I really doubt it. I'm using them and am having no problems. There usually isn't a huge difference in ATI beta drivers and regular versions. Just small tweaks. In fact, I'll keep these until the official 4.9s are out (For official drivers ATI is still on 4.7 :/ )
Mrbob said:
Dunno. They are beta.

However, I really doubt it. I'm using them and am having no problems. There usually isn't a huge difference in ATI beta drivers and regular versions. Just small tweaks. In fact, I'll keep these until the official 4.9s are out (For official drivers ATI is still on 4.7 :/ )

Oh ok, cool, what kind of performance increase do these drivers give you? I just downloaded them, but before I install them I want to play the game again and check my fps. ALthough that firngs me to my next question, how DO I check my fps, what's the command?

~Black Deatha
Or you can check it ingame, fraps and the ingame counter seem to be very close to each other.

com_showfps 1

type that in the console.

Or you can run a timedemo

timedemo demo1

then look in the console when it's done and you'll see your average fps.
Wow, I just played with FRAPS on, and I was suprised to see I am getting much better fps than I would have thought, in this one huge room I am in on Alpha Labs Sector 4 it does drop below 20, but in smaller areas it was stable at between 30 and 50.

Time to install 4.9's and see the difference.

~Black Deatha


Also, if you're willing to wait for a couple of days, the new non-beta drivers (4.8) should be going up either tomorrow or the day after (worst case is by friday this week, but is doubtful that will occur).


Its PC gaming, what do you expect? Thats one of the primary reason why PC gaming is increasingly unpopular these days......


When i jsut walk around in DoomIII i have 40-60 fps but with enemies it drops back to 20-30. Thats not bad right, i mean i shouldnt run on a lower res.?

P4 1.6
512 mb
radeon 9800 pro


shibbs said:
When i jsut walk around in DoomIII i have 40-60 fps but with enemies it drops back to 20-30. Thats not bad right, i mean i shouldnt run on a lower res.?

P4 1.6
512 mb
radeon 9800 pro

20-30 fps is pretty good. I played the game at 1024x768 medium settings and I got worse framerate than you but it was still pretty OK.
ElyrionX said:
Its PC gaming, what do you expect? Thats one of the primary reason why PC gaming is increasingly unpopular these days......

Hey in SPITE of some issues like this I can't help but love playing games like they were ment to be ON PC, unlike there shitty counterparts, like Max Payne 1 and 2, Hitman 2 and Contracts and many others I am sure will pale in comparison (like D3 and HL2 for example, and I am sure Far Cry will be no where as grand on console). Plus, consoles are no where near perfect in ragards to freezing/crashing, I cant even count how many times Vice City has frozen on my on XBox (surpisingly I never had the issue on the PS2 version).

shibbs said:
When i jsut walk around in DoomIII i have 40-60 fps but with enemies it drops back to 20-30. Thats not bad right, i mean i shouldnt run on a lower res.?

P4 1.6
512 mb
radeon 9800 pro

You should be fine, I drop in frames with enemies on screen too, but 20-30 is not enought to hurt gameplay, especaly since (at least on) my PC it jumps up again quickly.

~Black Deatha
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