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Damn....You know it's bad when even a Xenosaga fansite rags on you (XS2 review)


I love sending these negative Xenosaga Ep. II articles to my friend. It's so amusing to watch him slowly accept that it's ass.


Xeno will be dead soon enough, I should hope. :)

+1 to the tasteful populace. I have friends that are massive Shenmue fans that won't even play through a Xeno game. Speaks for itself, really.
Dear Xenosaga fans:



Brandon F said:
Well at least Baten Kaitos is worth checking out still right?....??

At least until it gets less than 9.8 from either IGN or Gamespot, then it'll get blasted like everything else around here


works for Gamestop (lol)
At least the soundtrack will provide more entertainment than the game itself...

*puts communication breakdown on loop


Wario64 said:
At least the soundtrack will provide more entertainment than the game itself...

*puts communication breakdown on loop
I actually just bought the OST today. For first pressing and etc, it's comes in a really nice case XD


belgurdo said:
At least until it gets less than 9.8 from either IGN or Gamespot, then it'll get blasted like everything else around here

One person's 9.8 is another person's C-. Nothing wrong with that.


Great Wasabi Man said:
There was gameplay in the first Xenosaga?

I clearly remember being put to sleep while playing XS. It was great. It helped me catch up so many hours of lost sleep. No other game has contributed to my health and well-being as much as XS. Healthiest game ever!


As a big fan of Xenogears, I'll still pick up this game (probably for cheap, just like I did with Xenosaga). At the very least, I want to follow the storyline.

And for all of you elitist snob Xeno haters: just because one game in the series is considered mediocre (not by you, but by fans), that doesn't mean every Xeno fan suddenly "realizes" how "bad" the Xeno series is. Because one miss doesn't make the entire series bad. And it's not bad, and no cynical remarks or witty attempts at "proving" how unplayable the games are will change my opinion. Although I can't speak for Ep 2, since I have yet to play it. :p

If it really as bad as they claim in that review, I really hope the upcoming games in the series will be improved.


It's like I met my evil twin except that the horribleness of the game was so bad that it drove him mad and forced him to agree with me!


BuddyChrist83 said:
I love sending these negative Xenosaga Ep. II articles to my friend. It's so amusing to watch him slowly accept that it's ass.
Hahah, yeah. My friend gets really upset when he hears about a game he likes (X/2 and Killzone (supposedly > Halo)) sucks. "Who cares what IGN and GS thinks!? They're just a bunch of assholes anyway, can't review a game even if they tried.".


As amusing as it is to make fun of games (especially when we have people who are as witty as our forum members), gameplay was actually Xenosaga's strongest point, IMO. The game had tough battles and lots of them, and some acceptable dungeons that had more demanding puzzles than your typical Square game. What wasn't a strong point was creepy character designs, non-existent music, long-ass cut-scenes, and a convoluted story.


Kiriku said:
If it really as bad as they claim in that review, I really hope the upcoming games in the series will be improved.

As one huge Xeno-fan to another, yes it's that bad and possibily worse. And... what upcoming games? :)

Monolithsoft has buthered the entire XS series as far as Takahashi's vision is concerned, I don't see how this will change or if it will even matter. Since XS Ep2 bombed hard in Japan too. Namco is only going to give Monolithsoft so many chances. :p


First tragedy, then farce.
I hate XS. I was a huge Sega fan back in the day and loved my Saturn. Anyway, one of my friends didnt really care for Sega at all, and new that I absolutely adored Virtual On (still one of the best games ever) I even owned two sets of twin sticks for it.

Anyway, he loved XS and forced me to play through it (ugg), and to this day he swears that part of the game where you pick your mech (out of hundreds it seems) and fight other mechs in an action game setting was "much deeper than Virtual On, and most fun to boot". I wanted to kick him in the balls.


StoOgE said:
and to this day he swears that part of the game where you pick your mech (out of hundreds it seems) and fight other mechs in an action game setting

I think what you really meant was "where you pick your mech (out of like six) and fight other mechs in 3 (similar and equally boring) action game settings". :)

Man, that was one of the worst mini-games ever....
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