never saw it. do they cross streams in the movie?
i was disappointed II never did that.
No. They do shoot
a giant version of the Ghostbusters logo in the dick
never saw it. do they cross streams in the movie?
i was disappointed II never did that.
"Paul Feig made a good movie and had a superb cast and plenty of money to do it. We just wish he had been more inclusive to the originators. It cost everyone as it is unlikely Kristen, Leslie, Melissa and Kate will ever reprise their roles as Ghostbusters which is sad
it was still more fun that part 2
Mmh... a Ghostbusters movie set in the historic East End headlined by Mickey Flanagan, Jimmy Carr, Rachel Riley, and Sarah Solemani. Proper. (Just proper...
Bonus card, replace Carr with Nick Helms:
No. They do shoota giant version of the Ghostbusters logo in the dick
You're having a joke on us, right?
part 2 was dreadful but the statue of liberty scene with higher and higher was great
there were no redeeming qualities for the 2016 version
You're having a joke on us, right?
It was kinda shitty, I mean had some good things about it, but it's nothing higher than mediocre.Movie was definitely not shitty at all
as it is unlikely Kristen, Leslie, Melissa and Kate will ever reprise their roles as Ghostbusters which is sad
Movie was definitely not shitty at all
Sucks it didnt make budget for Sony & the actresses/actors
Melissa McCarthy was terrible, the villain was terrible, lots of jokes weren't that funny besides some, the script needed work, was fun, characters were enjoyable
GB2 was a disappointment tho
Nope, they even knock out ghosts and leave them sprawled on the ground somehow
never saw it. do they cross streams in the movie?
i was disappointed II never did that.
Melissa McCarthy was terrible, the villain was terrible, lots of jokes weren't that funny besides some, the script needed work, etc.
I would even put GB2 above it.
Melissa McCarthy was terrible, the villain was terrible, lots of jokes weren't that funny besides some, the script needed work, etc.
I would even put GB2 above it.
Melissa McCarthy was terrible, the villain was terrible, lots of jokes weren't that funny besides some, the script needed work, etc.
I would even put GB2 above it.
It made me less frustrated at least and doesn't have Melissa McCarthy.Whoa lets slow down there.
I actually did like Vigo.disagree with most of that, but the villain was indeed terrible - Vigo was way better than that guy
The court scene is honestly better than anything in GB 2016, and more memorable too.yeah ghostbusters 2 freaking sucked but it was a more enjoyable movie than this one certainly. that court scene with rick moranis alone....
The court scene is honestly better than anything in GB 2016, and more memorable too.
I mean, he's not wrong. Feig fucking ruined any potential the movie had. It's a shame because the concept of four female Ghostbusters was cool.
The director and the script is the problem.
Short comings aside...the 3D on this film was the best I'd ever seen. Done in a way it had never been done before and has yet to be done since - that I've noticed, anyway.
What in the hell are you talking about?
People only hated it to keep female centric movies from succeeding. Oh waitWith Wonder Woman being a critical and commercial success, you guys can now stop pretending that Ghostbusters '16 was good.
People only hated it to keep female centric movies from succeeding. Oh wait
The court scene is honestly better than anything in GB 2016, and more memorable too.
That's probably GB'16 worse offense that it's completely forgettable.Bobby Brown asking for a proton pack for his kid brother was more memorable than anything in the piece of shit reboot.
And Vigo was awesome. There aren't people who don't like him, are there? The villain was the one area the sequel improved on the original. He was legit scary as a kid, and having him be an actual physical pressense throughout the movie was great.
Has that EVER happened? Legit question. I can't think of any time a movie property has been rebooted only to go back to the original continuity later on.Haven't seen the movie but damn, I'm kinda glad this wasn't a direct sequel so they could still do one for the original movies in the future.
Uh, or, he is in real life completely obsessed with the paranormal and it kind of a whack job about it and it's actually a major passion of his and that's why he championed the 3rd movie so much. Cause he legitimately wanted to do it. Some people do things for more than just the money.Dan was shameless about trying to get Ghostbuster 3 made for years, not because he creatively felt the need for it, but because he has a stake in it. He publicly hounded and shamed Bill Murray for years until Harold Ramis' death.
Now he's frustrated with Feig, not because the movie wasn't good enough or anything, but because it wasn't financially up to snuff to make more similarly bad movies to help line his pockets.
Even when he's technically right, it's hard to respect how creatively bankrupt he is.
Yes, they do. They cut the sequence, but it's in the extended version that came out on Blu-Ray. The extended version is a LOT better than the theatrical version. I'm sure people will shit on it no matter what but even if you think it's shit, the extended version is better shit. There are entire plot lines and characters they cut from the theatrical version. One of which is that they try to cross the streams at the end of the movie to close the portal into the ghost realm, but it doesn't work, so they have to come up with a different idea. In the theatrical cut it just goes straight to them doing the new idea with no set up or explanation at all.never saw it. do they cross streams in the movie?
i was disappointed II never did that.
What in the hell are you talking about?
Sorry Dan, but I believe they contributed a good portion to why people disregarded the movie in the first place.
Uh, or, he is in real life completely obsessed with the paranormal and it kind of a whack job about it and it's actually a major passion of his and that's why he championed the 3rd movie so much. Cause he legitimately wanted to do it. Some people do things for more than just the money.
He tried to get it made without a script, without Bill Murray, without Harold Ramis and when he couldn't do any of that, was a champion of the reboot.
This is pretty transparent here. His career is basically over and he owns a big chunk of Ghostbusters. He doesn't criticize Feig for making a bad Ghostbusters movie, he criticizes Feig for ruining the chance at more sequels for him to profit from.
It was kinda shitty, I mean had some good things about it, but it's nothing higher than mediocre.
The memorability of GB2 is quite impressive.
I'm bemused at people saying it's a bad movie. Nowhere near the classic of GB1, but I've not seen GB2 in probably three or four years yet can still recite dialogue, scenes wholesale and recall most of the details.
GB'16 I saw at Christmas and honestly, outside of the Times Square bit, I couldn't tell you all that much.
He tried to get it made without a script, without Bill Murray, without Harold Ramis and when he couldn't do any of that, was a champion of the reboot.
This is pretty transparent here. His career is basically over and he owns a big chunk of Ghostbusters. He doesn't criticize Feig for making a bad Ghostbusters movie, he criticizes Feig for ruining the chance at more sequels for him to profit from.
Someone should tell Dan Aykroyd that if Sony had wanted him to write and direct a Ghostbusters movie they would have hired him.Dan just tweeted an additional comment. Seems to suggest that feedback from the original creators was probably ignored often