Did I say that on D1? You should go check
I'm the Ultimate Cheater
Wait so what was the whole deal earlier about having to kill Kark, or was that just an assumption people made when they heard 'Got Faddy's role power'
Did I say that on D1? You should go check
I'm the Ultimate Cheater
oh, and *Splint; I'm touched that between me and Faddy, you chose to take out Faddy
I heart you too <3
speaking of Faddy:![]()
meaning: I have to kill you Tonight, Kark
I'll even let you vote yourself out
Would it have been in my best interests Today to keep that ambiguous? Yes.
I am open to Starsketch using the override today, because that seems more exciting. as long as it's just 1 death.
the override victim could be whoever loses this grand chess tournament:
are you all excited.
Nin, why is your conclusion on people that you see as flying under the radar to be PRs? Wouldn't it be the first thought to place them as Scum? And even if you have real reason to believe they were PRs, why would you announce it in public?
how does everyone feel about lynching an inactive today?
anyway, ill take that as a probably.
semi related, how do people feel on kingkitty and OA.
i keep forgetting that they are even in this game.
Is this a work or a shoot?
btw StarSketch, you should Override me
It's the logical move
my reads are dank
nin has suddenly posted a lot more, but i have very little faith that this trend will continue.
perhaps the override could be used 30 mins before deadline is up. the victim could be whoever is vote leader at that time.
Getting tired of being told my FA is lame when Star's FA is just to use her power. Please send all criticism to I just play the hand I was dealt.
Tired right now, and I want to post more once I wake up, but what does "Override" entail? Does it just mean that a lynch doesn't take place if that command is invoked? Do we want to go another day without lynching anyone?
Also, I'm liking the idea of lynching Blarg more as time passes.
Tired right now, and I want to post more once I wake up, but what does "Override" entail? Does it just mean that a lynch doesn't take place if that command is invoked? Do we want to go another day without lynching anyone?
Also, I'm liking the idea of lynching Blarg more as time passes.
I guess you need to be in a game where an override unexpectedly saves you first.I find it hard to believe that you haven't seen an override role in any of the games you've been in?
Basically, if Star is telling the truth then she has a day command that allows her to say fuck the vote one time during the game and whoever she wants lynched is lynched. It's a town role 99% of the time (or neutral, nothing really stopping that) and the one time we had a scum overrider, the only appropriate balance was the person got mod confirmed as scum after they used the role.
Lean Scum
AbsolutBro Who? No seriously though, just about no opinions shared whatsoever this game. Im not going to just ignore people that seem to be cruising by without at least sharing opinions. I can understand not posting much if youre busy, thats fine, but when you do post you should be contributing.
Lean Scum
brb for Ultimate Reads List Debut and naming of names
BELIEVE it or yada yada
Or you could look at the context at that time. AB had posted nothing of value at that point. He had contributed the least of everyone and I just saw him as scum in Zelda in which he did that exact thing. I know you're annoyed I keep pointing out your contradicting claims but you're just further proving my point that you're throwing out accusations in every direction hoping some stick.On Natiko's D1 pre-"Terrabytes the dust" reads list:
Royal_Flush (???)
*Splinter (Night-flipped as Hope Vigilante)
Terrabyte20xx (self-flipped as Hope Cop)
absolutbro (Night-flipped as Despair FA Cop)
I've a hunch that Natiko is D e s p a i r, and his listing of absbro in his Lean Scum quartet is a premeditated throwaway naming of a real scum. If one is scum themselves, it is a common trick practice to name one of your real scum teammates in your public reads list, accusing them of being scum as a "hee hee, secret truth" psychological play.
Thus, I'm inclined to BELIEVE that Royal_Flush is Town, because from my surface read of Natiko I don't think he's got the brazen to name 2 real scum (mates) at once.
brb for Ultimate Reads List Debut and naming of names
How are you, Ty
💀brb for Ultimate Reads List Debut and naming of names
Just wondering, what do you think of Nin's FA? Also, do you think we're the only ones with this type of FA?I think we should have Star use the override on either Blarg or Flux/OA. Blarg has been continuing to lie, ignores criticism, and further twists things to fit his narrative so clearly there is something amiss there. Flux/OA have the connection of their FAs and have each felt off at times. Flipping one will give us insight on the other and help clear up some questions.
Hey SS , what are you waiting for with your Override ? Do you need more spectators ? Or do you just want to wait until 1 hour of the day end ?
No, I can use it whenever.Can you clear that up for us Star or are you withholding that information until the end of the day ?
StarSketch, if you had to use it override right now who would you use it on?
You guys finally realized taking anything Blarg says as truth is a pointless endeavor? Better late than never.
VOTE: Blargonaut
Just wondering, what do you think of Nin's FA? Also, do you think we're the only ones with this type of FA?
TownHow are you, Ty
I'd rather see Kitty lynched. Blarg is solving a bit. His theories are outlandish, but there's something to them. He picked out your read of AB which I agree can look scummy tho I read it as slightly townie (short read).I think we should have Star use the override on either Blarg or Flux/OA. Blarg has been continuing to lie, ignores criticism, and further twists things to fit his narrative so clearly there is something amiss there. Flux/OA have the connection of their FAs and have each felt off at times. Flipping one will give us insight on the other and help clear up some questions.