The difference between not voting and a placed vote isn't that we can't notice it, but that it does not leave a hard record of your opinions from day to day. This in turn makes it harder to have a case built against yourself if you're scum.
Why did we lynch Blarg again? Or Bronx? Voting records right? What about nin's voting records makes him scum then.
My issue came in the contradiction between "scum had an FA investigator so clearly they benefit from knowing them, hell they know all of ours!" and "Hey everyone tell me your FA". Do you not think the posts I pointed out seem at the very least a bit ironic?
What is the irony in saying that if they know ours then so should the rest of town? I was saying that from the perspective that I believe that the people that haven't claimed are scum. And one actually was and I believe you could be too.
I've already offered to claim multiple times. You're the only one that actually pushes for it though, when a majority want me to reveal mine I will. It's as simple as that.
Why do you need anybody's approval? And don't forget I also pushed for Bronx's too, I don't get the reluctance about claiming. Because you getting NK is obviously not on scum's to-do list as we've seen so far.
I'd be curious to see your arguments for each of us. I hope you decide to share them. I still encourage everyone to because right now there's not much discussion and more talking will only help us in the long run.
I'll get to that in a bit.
Oh boy. Well, I think I caught up, but some of the Natiko and OA back-and-forths are kinda making my head spin.
If I'm getting this right, this essentially boils down to the fact that OceanicAir stayed mum concerning Bronx's contradiction under the premise that he was scum hunting. Then the philosophy behind such a decision was discussed at length.
Even without that, OA was the second player in my list who I was leaning scum towards in the previous day phase, and I can't say that's changed. I don't care that it's your playstyle to not vote, the fact of the matter is you haven't voted. You haven't used the most powerful tool we have to lynch scum, with the excuse that you're "very careful" when it comes to voting. Again, you like to talk about
who you would hypothetically vote for, but you never do. You never make that jump. Like there's a certain risk to you, personally, associated with voting.
vote: FluxWaveZ
vote: Sorian
vote: OceanicAir
vote: StarSketch
vote: Nin1000
vote: StanleyPalmtree
vote: Ty4on
vote: Natiko
Nope, no risk at all. Also, I ended the previous day with a vote on you so it can't be that either.
You've been the player who's tried to get others to claim their FAs the most throughout the game. Now that it seems we're pretty late into it, revealing FAs doesn't seem to have been too much of a detriment, but I still have to wonder exactly why having this information all available to you was that important. On the surface, FA claims don't typically hint at an alignment, and scum could probably come up with whatever they wanted for theirs.
Because I'm curious, think it could help catch scum, and nothing bad has occurred from it? And the last time a scum came up with a claim, it went splendidly right? Especially with nearly 2 weeks to come up with at that lol, Just admit it, more scum deaths have occurred than outed PRs from my prodding, especially since PRs had outed themselves for some reason or another (or died without claiming)
And, once again, there's the part where your FA conveniently discourages voting for you. So people have avoided placing votes on you, because of this.
What people have been discouraged from voting me? Was it D1 when I really wasn't up for discussion? D2 when Blarg was making life miserable for anybody town aligned and Bronx was another candidate? D3 when Bronx made his slip and crash and burned? Or today when people seemed all gungho on nin? Your own FA made it easier to get yourself lynched and also gave you a reason not to end the day with an incriminating vote.
What I've seen of your arguments today haven't convinced me otherwise. Nah, I'm doing this, and I doubt I'll be changing who I vote for.
Vote: OceanicAir
Also, reading back, I find that you barely ever mentioned or interacted with Bronx. I guess that's several people, since Bronx wasn't all that active, but I believe the first time that Bronx even mentions you is this post,
going out of his way to question why someone would vote for you. Why would Bronx even care, based on all of his other comments? This stands out, for that reason:
The only other time you, OA, mention Bronx is as a null read, here:
After that, you start arguing against him way more when he's caught in his lie.
Heh, and I came across this Blarg post. It stands out to me, for some reason:
And here you admit that I like many others didn't interact with Bronx Then you say that because Bronx asked Blarg why he did a random out of thin air vote for me is suspicious, because it couldn't be that Bronx was trying to play concerned town like when he was "raging" about Terra's suicide? There's plenty of other people that I've made minimal contact with since this game has started, I've pretty much only engaged you, Natiko, Sorian, Ty, Stan, and Royal.
Also of note, Natiko had a slight town read for Bronx on D2 where as far as I can see it was mainly nulls for everyone else. Also came to his defense
here later at that. But I'll go into this more a bit later.
I find OA scummy obviously but the staying hushed on Bronx's role claim isn't really my main concern. It's more the bigger issue of what Natiko is pointing out. There isn't a consistency to him throughout out the game. A lot of what he says does not mesh with his view points from earlier in the game. I point to the example that I notice a lot more because it's about me (his reactions throughout the game to my claim) but you see it in other areas as well like what Natiko is harping on. The easy answer of him also lacking votes all over the place is still glaring as well.
Putting the cart before the horse, I think for better or worse, nin was on the chopping block today (notice his stalling by the way, wasn't he going to come chat us a bit?) and both OA and Flux have off voted him. I guess it really means nothing because if nin is scum then one of them is town anyway but it struck me as odd when OA did it.
I'm aware I'm not contributing much today but I'm in a position where I think I have scum narrowed down to 2 out of 3 and assuming no role fuckery (which at this point it would take exactly a vote thief), we have two mislynches so math has it. I'm convinced of Natiko, I'm convinced of Stanley (Natiko put it into words better than I could but Stanley's questions yesterday to Bronx were just too real, that wasn't scum posturing to scum). I'm convinced of Star. That leaves Flux as my only eh feeling so I'm kind of falling on meta there to say he is town.
My viewpoints have been as consistent as yours on my FA apparently.
I don't care at the moment, it makes sense as a forbidden action, I'm just hoping it isn't a constant topic through the day.
Assuming Bronx is scum then Star and KK are both town, if he isn't scum then just Star. With the flow of this game, I expect two more obvious scum and one that's more hiding in plain sight. nin seems clearly scum to me and then I think it's between OA and Stanley for another but my money is more on OA. Neither has posted a lot but Stanley seems more comfortable with his points. Not to mention, I never really trusted OA's FA claim to begin with. Flux is an odd case to me but he was the one person I was forgetting before I had to go look at the player list but this just doesn't feel like his scum game. He's not into it enough. That leaves the last scum between you and Natiko and I'd vote you just on the basis of today. You were both doing fine up until this point but Natiko's responses to things still feel pure, you're scum game tends to get more frantic as time goes on and that is how I would define your prods on people today.
So which is it now? This is a far bigger difference between what I've said about your roles. I said it was awfully convenient and went to skeptical, so I don't see a major jump. You say it makes sense as an FA and now you never really trusted it? And I don't want to hear about convenient FAs and claims that discourage Sir Commuter, when your entire game has revolved around a convenient claim. Especially when you bemoan the fact that you die early and happen to get an role that gives a reason to stay alive for a while.
If I had the ability to override two people nin, I'd probably do Sorian and Natiko since it's the only way they'd die apparently and my gut is telling me quite clearly that it is one of them
And here I go mega-posting again after I said I wouldn't in Gods ¯\_(ツ
