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Danganronpa: Another Episode Import OT | *Unmarked DR 1 and 2 Spoilers*

Only just cleared the prologue because I'm going super slowly, but impressions, nonetheless!

First of all, while there's some jank here or there, specifically in the animations during dialog scenes, there's waaaaay less jank than I expected. The game looks great, and the gameplay portions have been pretty tight thus far. Pretty crazy how all of the dialog so far has been voiced, and there's a lot of it, even during gameplay portions. Also the music is rad of course.

Delving into some more character/story based impressions:

I'm liking the Warriors of Hope a lot more than I expected. I didn't think much of them going into the game, but they're all charming and interact well. Monaka owns.

On the other hand, Komaru... is kinda boring, to be honest. Her monologues are fine, but it seems like 90% of her spoken dialog is "W-what's going on?" "W-what do you mean?" or "I-I don't understand!". Maybe as the game progresses she'll get better idk. I know there's been a lot of talk/concern about fanservice-y stuff in the game but so far it's kept things pretty classy aside from the general fact that Komaru's skirt is crazy short but w/e

Byakuya being super cool and Nagito? being super creepy right off the bat. Really want to see what's the deal with all the returning cast.

Also all the animated portions with execution music keep throwing me off when nobody actually dies! They can't just throw the music around like that! But I dig the production values in the game in general.

I wanna keep playing and playing and get to all the crazy stuff people are talking about but I go so slowly and I don't have all that much free time D:

edit: Starting Chapter 1

holy fuuuckkkkk toko is even better in this game~ SO GOOD

wow a certain gaf member sure is gonna have fun voicing some of this

edit2: fuck i'm loving this game's theme, it's so smooth
Is it the song that plays on the Vita menu when you use the DR theme? If so, I gotta get that...

rip asahina already? ehhhh i don't buy it

edit4: ok battery dying that's enough for today
I'm kinda bummed that a lot of the optional reading material is a bit too dense for my skill level, though maybe after I finish the story i'll take a crack at them. I just really want to get through the story, heh.

edit5: alright guess it's time to continue and

so with the bike key joke i think i just realized that komaru is SUPPOSED to be really thick. now i feel kinda stupid not picking up on that sooner, heh

edit6: Okayy, finished up Chapter 1 and watched the opening cutscenes of Chapter 2.

So... uh... was that an execution? I guess whether or not Masaru died was intentionally left unclear, because Monaka was trying to convince everyone he died and Shingetsu said that they didn't know for sure. Either way, between... whatever it was that happened in that cutscene and Masaru beating himself up beforehand, this is some awfully brutal stuff to subject an elementary schooler too. They're certainly not pulling any shots. Based on the cutscene at the beginning of Chapter 2, I'd imagine that Masaru's fate is going to be shared by Kotoko and Jatarou. Nooooo idea what Shingetsu and Monaka's deals are, though.

Well, hopefully I collected everything I could during Chapter 1. Replaying chapters in a game where you actually have to pay attention the whole time and can't speed things up to get missed collectibles seems like it'll be a pain. Surprised I haven't met the rest of the cast they've introduced on the website yet, but I guess that'll be coming up soon.

Anyways the game is rad so far and I'm eager to see what crazy stuff lies beyond.


Been taking it slowly due to school, and I think I'm nearing the end of chapter 2. Really enjoying everything so far. My favorite things are definitely the Monocman puzzles and the Monokuma Kid puzzles. I liked the slight spin on 11037 in the first chapter
with hELL
. Looking forward to them getting more devious later on.
Oh god oh god oh god.
Very nice surprise in the mail tonight as I go home, a package in my mailbox! Finally I can dig in <3 Tonight is despair night!

I'm actually really glad, it was in a small packet/envelope so it fit in my mailbox. No need to go fetch the package at another date at the post office, and no customs to pay.


Finished a few days ago but haven't had time to type up my thoughts until now. Braindump time!

The one-sentence: it's not the world's strongest game, but it's helped a lot by its heritage (even if that's what's holding it back sometimes).

For slightly more detail: it's absolutely a Dangan Ronpa game, and that works both for and against it. On the 'for' side, it means the game is absolutely dripping style; almost everything about the visual presentation is eye-popping, the music is appropriately bonkers, the story is absurd.

On the 'against' side, it turns out there's only so much you can do to adapt a Dangan Ronpa game to TPS. While I liked AE's plot, the game absolutely suffers from pacing issues as a result. In both the other DR games, there was the overarching major plot, which wouldn't really start to show its hand until chapter 4 or so, and then the per-case plots. All AE has is the overarching plot, and for the first three chapters or so you feel like you're making very little progress in it.

The game also relies on the DR tradition of loud and crazy casts - and like the story, it doesn't quite work as well in TPS as in a VN. AE has no issue throwing a litany of colorful characters at you (and sometimes killing them off immediately after), but the TPS gameplay requires Komaru and Fukawa to keep moving, generally on their own. The end result is that while Komaru and Fukawa get plenty of room to develop, much of the side cast feels a little thin. This was an issue in the original DR games, but they were able to help alleviate via Free Time. The closest to that AE has is documents left by characters, and while that helps, there's only so much you can do to give depth to people you hardly see.

All that aside, the plot itself is pretty good, and the characters the game does take the time to focus on mostly work well. I'll go into more detail in the spoiler section below, but suffice to say the team still has a knack for writing legitimately disturbing villains when they need to. The overall plot, while slightly predictable (though maybe that's just the crazy of DR1 and DR2 catching up), is pretty interesting and engaging, with a climax that knocks it out of the park. The game also has some legitimately unsettling scenes - I can see why it was rated D.

Since it doesn't fit anywhere else: yes, there's still gratuitous fanservice stuff this time. The game makes some effort at deconstructing and parodying it at times (one character's last-second "I'm actually 18!!!!!" did get a bit of a chuckle) but that doesn't change the actual fanservice stuff. (Just once, I'd like a Japanese Vita game that avoids some form of the "touch girl with panel" minigame.)

But beyond all the plot, what about the game? Well... it's not bad. In fact, it's a perfectly serviceable third-person shooter, with some nice elements (puzzle-solving, etc.) thrown in. (I could have gone for just a little more variety in level design - while the environments change, what you're doing in each area rarely feels super unique.)

The trouble is the game's plot and dialogue tend to undercut the parts you actually play. Cutscenes are fairly frequent, and if you take the time to search out hidden items, you'll probably be getting stopped to listen to Komaru and Fukawa discuss a random book they found every couple of minutes. There are also occasionally just really long cutscenes - near the end of the game, you're given a save point after a boss and then treated to a solid hour of dialogue/cutscenes before play picks up again.

That's not the worst thing ever! DR is a story-based franchise with its roots in VN gameplay, so I know a lot of people won't really mind. But as it stands the balance makes for a weird half-VN half-TPS experience at times that doesn't always flow well.

Overall, if you're a DR fan, absolutely play this game. It fills out the world and its backstory, and it applies the series' signature style to create an absolutely vivid setting and atmosphere. You're also the most likely not to mind the large chunks of dialogue (and to be honest, I probably would've been a little more favorable to them if Japanese was my native language). If you've never played DR... well, first of all, pretty much every main plot point for DR1 and quite a few for DR2 are spoiled in this game, so you'd probably want to play those first anyway, but in any event it's harder to recommend then. (Not mentioned above - the game leans on its connections to the rest of the series pretty heavily at times; a lot of references/jokes only work knowing what's come before.) The core gameplay isn't bad, but it's not inherently strong enough to outshine the flaws imposed on it by the story.

Spoiler thoughts!

What the fuck Monaka what the fuck what the fuck. Congrats DR team, you've given us someone to match Junko and Komaeda. While Junko's a fun villain, she always feels a little unreal, both in how over-the-top she gets and in that she hides behind Monokuma for so long. Monaka, on the other hand, is in-your-face horrifying. The scene where she 'seduces' Shingetsu is just extraordinarily uncomfortable, and her wheeling out the video of Komaru's parents is just so much more visceral than Junko's "I made you all despair mua ha ha"!

Speaking of Komaeda, he's on top form here in spite of his non-central role (and lack of name) - the scene with him in chapter 4 where he gets to let loose on Komaru is a great reminder of just how creepy this guy is, and it was nice to get a little more of a glimpse into why he went to work for SHSL Despair. His words in the epilogue (and some DR2 stuff) make me think that even if DR3 says "the DR2 crew survived", he won't be around for it, which is a shame, but it was good (sort of) to see him again.

The ending was appropriately ridiculous. I don't think anyone could see the giant Monokuma and not think "yep, final boss", but there was something poetic about Komaru and Fukawa leaping fifty feet into the air to the DR theme for a "NO, THAT'S WRONG" dual cut-in to deliver the final blow. And I guess AI Junko did take over the giant Monokuma in a sense, haha.

Character-wise, I do wish Yuuta and Taichi had gotten a little more to do before biting it, but I guess DR wouldn't be DR without some sudden deaths. Ditto for Daimon and Juntarou. Kotoko, Shingetsu, and Monaka all worked well, though. Haiji wasn't that interesting, unfortunately, and Shirokuma and Kurokuma were kind of one-note even with the reveal. And Hiroko is basically Wikipedia.

Komaru and Fukawa did make a pretty good team, and it was a lot of fun seeing how Fukawa had changed since DR1. Komaru laid the "just an ordinary girl, what can I do" on a little too thick early in the game, and spun around from that to "therefore, we can kick ass" pretty quick, but she was still a fun character. I loved some of the gags in the side dialogues with her, like listing off all her totally ordinary interests and then having her favorite foods be tuna eyes and kangaroo.


Chapter 4 spoilers:

If anyone has time, can someone explain what Nagito was saying to Fukawa and Komaru? Thanks in advance.



Read it and I'm hyped. Want to play this game so badly right now. Do you think they used this game as a precursor for DR3? Got a feeling this game was used to create possible scenarios for the third game whenever it comes.


Read it and I'm hyped. Want to play this game so badly right now. Do you think they used this game as a precursor for DR3? Got a feeling this game was used to create possible scenarios for the third game whenever it comes.

There are some things near the end that will probably come back into play in DR3


There are some things near the end that will probably come back into play in DR3

Thanks. Wooo, DR3!!
I know some of the story bits but I can't say anything certain without context. Guess I'll have to play to know for myself.


Chapter 4 spoilers:

If anyone has time, can someone explain what Nagito was saying to Fukawa and Komaru? Thanks in advance.

Assuming you've gone through that entire scene.

If memory serves, Nagito starts off by asking Komaru if she's really alright leaving like this, and how it wouldn't fit the "game". He also chases Shingetsu off by taunting him about his apparent 'betrayal'. After that he goes full hope-mode and explains he's been the one setting up things for Komaru/Fukawa (item drops, kids giving you weapons, etc.) because the idea of totally-ordinary Komaru defeating the kids would be incredibly hopeful.

He also reveals that he's the one who 'hired' Fukawa to escort Komaru through the game, by offering to trade that for Byakuya's freedom. Fukawa admits this, goes Genocider to try and chase Komaru away, and then loses on purpose so she can escape without feeling guilty. Nagito tells Fukawa that if she lets Komaru go, Byakuya's life is forfeit, so Genocider almost kills him (noting that she can't remember everything going on, but she can 'feel' that Komaru's a friend and Nagito a foe.)

Komaru stops her because of her promise to Byakuya not to kill anyone, and decides to stay and help Fukawa rescue him. Nagito encourages them to go finish the 'game' by defeating the 'last boss' at the children's headquarters. He also reveals he has a partner helping him, but refuses to divulge who it is or why they're helping him.


Assuming you've gone through that entire scene.

If memory serves, Nagito starts off by asking Komaru if she's really alright leaving like this, and how it wouldn't fit the "game". He also chases Shingetsu off by taunting him about his apparent 'betrayal'. After that he goes full hope-mode and explains he's been the one setting up things for Komaru/Fukawa (item drops, kids giving you weapons, etc.) because the idea of totally-ordinary Komaru defeating the kids would be incredibly hopeful.

He also reveals that he's the one who 'hired' Fukawa to escort Komaru through the game, by offering to trade that for Byakuya's freedom. Fukawa admits this, goes Genocider to try and chase Komaru away, and then loses on purpose so she can escape without feeling guilty. Nagito tells Fukawa that if she lets Komaru go, Byakuya's life is forfeit, so Genocider almost kills him (noting that she can't remember everything going on, but she can 'feel' that Komaru's a friend and Nagito a foe.)

Komaru stops her because of her promise to Byakuya not to kill anyone, and decides to stay and help Fukawa rescue him. Nagito encourages them to go finish the 'game' by defeating the 'last boss' at the children's headquarters. He also reveals he has a partner helping him, but refuses to divulge who it is or why they're helping him.

Nagito believing Komaru can provide hope contradictory to his DR2 belief that the Ultimates are the ones who need to provide hope and those that either have no talent or a worthless talent like his own are trash and can't be beacons for hope?


Nagito believing Komaru can provide hope contradictory to his DR2 belief that the Ultimates are the ones who need to provide hope and those that either have no talent or a worthless talent like his own are trash and can't be beacons for hope?

He does go into the whole 'normal person' thing a bit, but the analogy he uses is how people love to root for the underdog, and that seeing something pathetic overcome great challenges is a way to grow hope.


Hey GSR, I heard that *ending spoilers*
the Warriors of Hope all survive. That's what the final CG shows at least, all of them damaged but alive and Monoka wearing Junko's hairbands.


Hey GSR, I heard that *ending spoilers*
the Warriors of Hope all survive. That's what the final CG shows at least, all of them damaged but alive and Monoka wearing Junko's hairbands.

However, Daimon and Juntarou are still essentially MIA from the plot after their 'executions', so I lumped them in as "could've used more development".


Thanks, GSR. It was the one part I couldn't understand from the characters' actions.

Chapter 4 spoilers:

I blame Nagito for the confusion lol .
Got to the end of Chapter 3 a few minutes ago. Loving it!
I also got a weird sound bug, where the boss sound would continue to repeat after its death - including in the following cutscene, dialog and save menu.

Restarting the game fixed it of course.

edit: I'm now at Chapter 5, near the end I think
I'm about to enter the Excalibur Helicopter
. There are some pretty effed up things in this game :D I'm actually quite impressed they put so many heavy subjects or suggest them a lot.
Anyway, I'm really itching to know what the big ending reveal is going to be, because they hint at something for a while now and I don't have a clear picture yet. I can only assume it's going to be good!

edit2: yay, I'm at the Epilogue now :) I'll see what the ending is this evening after I'm done eating and other stuff.

edit3: done, now to farm for my 15 last levels and a truckton of monokuma coins to buy/upgrade everything and that would make my platinum trophy!
Ahhhhhhhhhh! Too many black bars! I need to leave the thread before I get too spoiled. One quick question before I go; how is length? I know many of you are still knee deep, so I do not need nor expect a response right away, but was curious about how the jump from VN (known for 20ish hours) to TPS (known for 10-12ish hours) affected this title. Either way, please bring to US (or at least Korea^^).
Took me 22 hours to get to the epilogue (normal difficulty). And if I didn't get some of the minigames right, I'd reload my save so as to not spend retries, so you can also add a bit more to that number.
Of course I'll also spent a few hours farming to get my platinum trophy and read the files and bonus things that I've left.
Took me 22 hours to get to the epilogue (normal difficulty). And if I didn't get some of the minigames right, I'd reload my save so as to not spend retries, so you can also add a bit more to that number.
Of course I'll also spent a few hours farming to get my platinum trophy and read the files and bonus things that I've left.

Wow, That's fairly long^^ Thanks! Now the wait begins...


Gematsu has written an pretty extensive review of Amazon Japan reviews for this game, lol

Very spoilers light, so if you don't care/mind about hearing what direction Toko and Komaru's character development goes in this game, it's a pretty good read.
Beat me to it. =P
It's neat to see how the game was received overall. Kind of disagree with the camera being too close thing, since items usually glow on the ground like stuff in RE4, or they're far enough away on approach that it would be hard to miss them.


Finally finished the game a few days ago after putting it aside due to recent releases. Took me about 20 hours to finish the story, no idea how long a platinum would take.

Long story short, I loved it. This is 100% a Danganronpa game. The gameplay is functional, though I found it pretty fun in trying to keep the Nice Shot chain going, and there's enough variety in the bullets and Monokuma types that encounters are never really dull. I'm probably going to go back and perfect all of the Monocman puzzles, probably one of the best parts of the game.

Going to going to get into some endgame spoiler stuff here.
From a gameplay perspective, the final boss was by far the most fun fight in the game, I wish there were more like that. You could pretty much spam through most of them, though Shingetsu's fight was much more involved compared to the other kids.

Disturbing-stuff-wise, Another Episode probably has the most. More people dying in front of you, Monokumas tearing people apart in cutscenes, all 5 kids' backstories, Monaka's antics during the game (holy shit), and some of the notes you find. The other games just kind of imply things, or don't show anything vivid. But they do here~ Also even more disturbing implications.

GSR covered most everything else, so this should be good for now.

Edit: Whoa, didn't realize this was in community now.


Started a new game plus to grab a few screenshots, got greeted with this:



I think I'm more weirded out that your battery is low than that glitchy in-game stuff lol. The Vita's battery never gets low for me lol.


Something's weird with mine. It tends to randomly say the battery's almost dead and then jump back up to a normal charge. Usually it doesn't matter but once in a while it lasts long enough to bump the Vita into sleep/low-power mode.
Asked this in the Danganronpa community thread, but I figured this is a better place since more people would have played it.

Those that have played the Japanese version of AE, is there no way to turn on subtitles during the anime/CG cutscenes? There's no option for it in the game options and it's a pretty big deal for me.
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