He's worried about people spilling the beans on who they pass in the hall and outing all of our power roles. I think he's right.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting for EVERYONE who has that list to spill the beans. But Czartim claims he has a one shot power. He's now just a regular townie. Why not post all the names he got during the one night he used his power?
I don't think I should say, considering CzarTim is directly across from me.Makai, quick question: Did you see anyone, yes or no?
Considering I saw salva, and he had a non-1-shot PR, how does this help?
Nevermind I'm a moron.
That's fine, by let me just say this: If for example you, or any other hope power role were to have walked across the hallway of you CzarTim and myself the last two nights, and never even touched the the top above hallway, then that name would theoretically be confirmed hope, RIGHT?I don't think I should say, considering CzarTim is directly across from me.
That's fine, by let me just say this: If for example you, or any other hope power role were to have walked across the hallway of you CzarTim and myself the last two nights, and never even touched the the top above hallway, then that name would theoretically be confirmed hope, RIGHT?
...I don't follow. Why would not going to the top row be confirmed town? Scum almost assuredly have non killing roles.
Succinct is good. We're all tired of reading through novels. Bereft of reasoning? Go on.
Huh? 10 people voted for Crab yesterday. I have a single vote and you think that means I am so distrusted that I should reveal my role? My death will be proof and you're not getting any more than that.
I'll read them if you link or quote them. If there's a way to put those posts numbers in the url, I don't know it.
Anyway, this is my favorite post of yours:
Scumtell, of course. If you are town, you are a weirdly obsessed fan. You literally said Crab is your mentor and you were scouring Crab's posts to make sure you didn't fail him again.What did you take it as?
Crab made a very strong impression on me. I scoured over his posts and I immediately try not to fail him further.
In summary, I see Crab as a guiding mentor...
Scumtell, of course. If you are town, you are a weirdly obsessed fan. You literally said Crab is your mentor and you were scouring Crab's posts to make sure you didn't fail him again.
So, you want Crab to tell you what to do because you're a new player and don't want to make any more misakes. Oops! Crab flipped and he's scum. But you were only following his lead because you were impressed with his experience, right?
You mean his extensive moaning about how we're all idiots and should just do what he says? He convinced one person, at least.I believe Crab is Hope, though. His extensive analysis helps Hope side a fair bit, in my opinion. Do you disagree?
You mean his extensive moaning about how we're all idiots and should just do what he says? He convinced one person, at least.
...First letter of each sentence is AB NS (not suspicious).
Actually this seems a little fishy... How does Debater translate to one shot cop? What's your flavour text like?I'm Super High-School Level Debater, I had a one-shot cop which I used on AB night one.
The flavor texts haven't made that much sense. Franconp was ultimate pancake flipper, kgtrep was affluent progeny and Salva was troublemaker. Only one of those is in the Danganronpa games.Actually this seems a little fishy... How does Debater translate to one shot cop? What's your flavour text like?
Yeah but troublemaker switching name tags makes sense. I can't see much connection for Debator - CopThe flavor texts haven't made that much sense. Franconp was ultimate pancake flipper, kgtrep was affluent progeny and Salva was troublemaker. Only one of those is in the Danganronpa games.
FYI, I'm making up the ordinary student names when they die.
I get the feeling you're making up more than that as you go along![]()
I'm retconning everything tho
Wait, then who is Super-Duper Level High School Hayden Christensen?
FYI, I'm making up the ordinary student names when they die.
I was actually just about to ask that as I saw Hagi was the "super high-school level martial artist"
Interesting... I'm assuming that's all the information out of those names that you will give us right? That you are making them up when we die?
The exchange between Goshu and Makai was not only very entertaining (seriously, this is why I love Mafia, you two are such different people, you had me in stitches!) but, it also makes me more sure about my vote on Makai. He has pegged two players as Despair that I think are Hope, for now anyway (Goshu and Crab).
That doesn't really make him Despair.
Especially since his reasoning isn't bad at all.
Before I head out myself, I just want to bring up something that just came to me from looking at the map. Say for example Pau went to Kalor for some reason, and Makai did the same to king kitty. Because we know that someone will always the the shortest path, they would never notice that they left their respective rooms, right?
Paraphrasing but essentially I can choose one person to argue with, and I'm so amazing at it they break down and reveal their true colors. I just assumed this was a game thing, I have no idea.Actually this seems a little fishy... How does Debater translate to one shot cop? What's your flavour text like?
Okay, so, interesting. I think it is almost guaranteed Despair have silent/untrackable/ninja kills. Assuming about a quarter of Hope have roles which target which, while partially Figures From My Ass, is also partially because I tell game designers to do that, the chance that the Despair killer would seen at least once is insanely high, and essentially makes every town PR a sort of watcher, which would be crazy overpowered. If the killer was findable, the logical play for every PR becomes to target the person the furthest away from them and reveal anyone who crossed their path if the person killed that night was on the wrong side of that path. It would become very easy for town very quickly.
However, I would definitely *not* assume that everyone you meet at night is town, because making all the town PRs able to identify and clear each other, even if they can't necessarily be open about it, is *also* crazy overpowered. My guess is that Despair power roles that aren't the killer are indeed visible just so that Hope PRs don't have such strong information regarding alignments of those they meet.
A consequence of that is that Despair can find power roles by bumping into them - which would explain how Salva was found as a target so quickly. Czar, you say you bumped into Salva and a number of other players. Assuming that those players also bumped into Salva, and no group outside of those players bumped into Salva, I think it is *very* probable one of those players is a Despair PR.
I don't think I should say, considering CzarTim is directly across from me.
Paraphrasing but essentially I can choose one person to argue with, and I'm so amazing at it they break down and reveal their true colors. I just assumed this was a game thing, I have no idea.
I drew this conclusion too, but I'm not sure how to handle the info at this stage without outing everyone. It's possible that, because salva was a switcher and visited two rooms, he was on most if not everyone's list. Which is why I was hoping to keep everyone's name a secret for now. Who knows how much the mafia know at this point. I was even hesitating clearing AB since I saw him and didn't want to paint a target on his back as a confirmed townie.
Once again I'd encourage everyone to keep quiet about their role (why do I even have to say this).
Actually, it would make sense for there to be a ninja. That way there would be a guaranteed player we have to vote out using regular means and not rely on the map.I think an untraceable Despair killer for every night makes the room mechanic kind of... useless?If there is an untraceable killer or PR, maybe it's more limited? The idea of different killers every night makes more sense to me, but we'd need more nights to confirm.
At least, I don't think every Despair leaves their room at night so we can still talk about voting for other people. Hope is working off limited information, and there's only so much we can say this early, but I think it's better than trying to kill potential Hope rule breakers/outing their powers or not using a lynch at all.
Of course, now there's a target on three of our backs (and I assume I'm the most likely just because I'm the only one I'm sure is Hope). Hopefully AbsolutBro and CzarTim (and any others) are actually on our team.
I think an untraceable Despair killer for every night makes the room mechanic kind of... useless?If there is an untraceable killer or PR, maybe it's more limited? The idea of different killers every night makes more sense to me, but we'd need more nights to confirm.
Actually, it would make sense for there to be a ninja. That way there would be a guaranteed player we have to vote out using regular means and not rely on the map.
Right, I mean, I don't think every night kill will be done by a ninja/untraceable killer. I could definitely be wrong. Was the AC silent killer able to be used every night? (I don't know why I'm not just asking Kark who's sitting next to me.I think if there is an untraceable killer, it might be a role connected to one despair. Kind of what we had in Animal Crossing mafia, where only one mafia had the ability to send in a silent kill. I don't think the room mechanic is useless, other despair might have their own night abilities which requires them to move around.
I feel like it's also particularly hard for (known) Fight Club members to get that discussion started. :/Yea I mean it's a given the mafia have some sort of way to circumvent that stuff. Until we see a flip though it's hard to say what that is and it's probably too easy to put the puzzle pieces together. I feel like today our best bet is to go back to scum hunting but it's hard to do that when half of town is barely posting.
Was the AC silent killer able to be used every night? (I don't know why I'm not just asking Kark who's sitting next to me.).
Yeah I mean this is why I dislike this kind of mechanic, it adds an extra layer of knowledge that some townies have to dance around while others have no idea what's going on. Since we don't know what the counter is it's hard to say what information we have is important or not. I agree it will probably come into play at some point, but I don't know how.I feel like it's also particularly hard for (known) Fight Club members to get that discussion started. :/
Really, Crab? I refuse to believe you of all people can't surmise the answer. Once again, you're trying to drag out information about my role, but you're not getting it. You get my role name and nothing else. Terrabyte and Crab want to extract a very specific piece of information from me - does my role wander the halls? Of the two power roles who have flipped, one wandered the halls and one didn't. Any answer given would greatly narrow down what my role is, sooo...nope! Not telling.Why does that matter?