Unless you face an enemy resistant to fire....PVE is ok except for ceaseless, centipede, queelag, ....perhaps a few others ...firesage? ......but for PVP most players have fire resistant armour vs. lightning repellant....I may be missing it, but is there really a good armour that both stops metal and lightning?...not really unless I missed it. So it is a tougher decision than just max power potential. Easy fix...carry a maxed lighting and maxed chaos at all times....and it is possible to get a non elemental maxed as well id you get lucky farming (or glitch ovf course)... but most don't have much game left at and feel powerful enough without perfection by that point.Chaos is stronger if humanity is not an issue for you.
Rare drop (only three chances to get it per playthrough and I was lucky enough to get it while trying this myself...... so keep it and consider doing an AUTHENTIC Kirk toon character......I eventually rose both the sword and the shield to +4 lightning and break role for fights like Orn and SMU where my chaos great scythe is the boss shit (an sort of still prickly) but its fun to do co-op and get multiple bows for at least wearing the ENTIRE thorn outfit wen summoned.Just fought someone in The Depths (NPC Invader), Knight Kirk, and he dropped a Barbed Straight Sword. Looks and feels sweet, might upgrade it a bit, although I wasn't intended to get any embers other than the Large one to create all the boss weapons for the final trophy in NG++
I am still tempted to start the game again afterwards and going for a 50 INT build, some of the magic is awesome and I haven't used it at all.
Yeah gottahave a go at magic at least once....the great sword of moonlight/moonlight greatsword is the signature sword for FROM software...they even have "moonlight packs" for their other non-sword games(AC5)...but you can tell where their heart is.
lol your opinion is not unpopular, and it is an opinion that is allowed, I just like to throw alternative possible reactions out there.....;pUpdate: Warning profanity incoming.
Yeah I guess I can't rag on you becuase I bought the hardcover guide and although used it sparingly, that, plus being a multiple playthrough demon's nut made me impervious to all these complaints....did I feel like throwing my controller at times...yes, but because this was expected it really wasn't worth swearing over, and certianly not worth wrecking expensive equipment...I really wanted to go too fast and could have perfected my strategy....Blighttown is a breeze if you do it right:
listed in orderof importance:
- get the mosses both purple kinds up to at least 10 for purple, 3-4 for blooming purple....surely if you explored enough at the start of the game coming accross these items and reading their use would enable you to figure out what they are for....of course blighttown swamp is next to impossible( if you have no experience) without these...this is FROM pretty much demanding that you try their "open world" idea and explore at the start. This is not unforgiveable....this is what die hard fans of demon's asked of FROM when they wanted feedback aboutwhat to do for Dark; to make it even better.
- get the rusted ring from Firelink revisited (that crow reminded me of the one from Demon's so I made sure to go back ASAP and did this immediately after gargoyles my first playthrough.) The ring allows you to roll in water.
- Wear good poison resist gear...your pyro gear isnt't bad....but you can find good poison gear to change into while exploring.
- wait until you kill queelag to search the swamp whihc measn using the mater key and goign backward through the ass of blighttown.........it enables you to acquire better gear..... see below...that set enables you to do many things, high poison resist is one of them.
the gold hemmed set is one quick run through the first fog door in demon's ruins. Enter fog and when you take the item at the endof the path you will be faced with a decision to fight for your life, run, glitch, or simply homeward out....bring a homeward bone...I did, got cheap and decided to run, (only so that I woudl be closer to the door when I died in order ot get my souls back) stumbled on a glitch and saved a bone, and cleared the pre-boss. This in turnenabled me to get a couple embers way earlier than I would have noramlly on a first game experience by doign similar tactics
Most say it is impossible ot figure out all this stuff yourself without guides etc. I disagree...the only thing that stopped me from holding back and doing it myself was the community aspect here...wanted to keep up to speed..which was lightning....yoshi stayed up three days did he not? ;p The next souls game will be done by me with virtually zero help (glitch and mechanics stuff excepted)....and I will discover these things on my own...its just too fun part of the game......love the community here, like guides....... love the thrill of virgin runs MORE.