Oh man joined the Forest Covenant and it's a blast. As I expected, experiences vary from hounding some poor low-level soul to people who curbstomp me. Being a mage with only the arrow series sucks.
Invasion 1: Someone who was already losing to a forestbro; soul arrow to seal the deal.
2: Think it was an Ornstein/Smough RP duo, lol. Clearly high-level, no chance, think it was WotG the fat guy was using.
3: A Black Knight guy. Hit him with magic as the guy bowed. Waited for him to get off a heal, then restarted, but no dice - died.
4: Same guy, and he bows again, but another forestbro with spear comes in, and guy starts running. For some reason he tries to fight us in the ruined castle letting spear guy get a plunging attack. He runs again, and spear bro catches up with him just as he's opening the Sif door. Got an indictment, but this was prolly because the spear guy kept doing the taunt.
5: A pair with lightning swords - man lightning builds are everywhere. Invade them straight up, get killed easily.
6: Bit tired of being killed, attune the Chameleon and Hidden Body spells. Invade the same guys, but this time sit tight as a tree next to Treants. The host and phantom come in, rolling into bushes lol, checking for me. Just as they come in, phantom gets Great Heavy Soul Arrow in his face, and the treants pounce. Manage to hit the host with another, but just as me and phantom are squaring off, host gets killed by treants.