Kai Dracon
Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
This game is pretty fun.
How is Darksiders 1 in comparison?
Can you still level up your character in the same way? How about weapons and loot?
What has really surprised me about Darksiders 2 is how fun the combat is. I'm enjoying it a lot. Don't like the fact we get the same shitty music playing in the background over and over again. The music in the introduction was epic. Instead I keep hearing the same boring soundtrack that will put me to sleep if I hear it again in the game(!)
I don't think I am any where near the end of the game but it's such a same THQ went bust. I would have liked a Darksiders III, and I think it could be amazing on the next-gen consoles.
Darksiders 1 is very different in a lot of ways. It is more a very direct Zelda-like. You go from major dungeon to dungeon with a smaller, though detailed, overworld connecting them. You collect much more Link-style gadgets to aid puzzles and unlock traversal. There is no loot to collect, just the primary dungeon tools. You do level up the several main weapons by using them. And you still buy new combat moves with collected souls. There is some climbing and such but not the wild acrobatics and scrambling up walls Death does.
It is an excellent game, one of my favorites of the last generation. It's just that DS1 and 2 are similar but different games. It's good, each one remains a unique experience.