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Darktide: Secrets of the Machine Gods


Gold Member

Just in time for the Steam summer sale Darktide has a "major" update... sort of, they had to delay part of the update (reworking the weapon crafting system to not be shit RNG) until later.

However it still brings a new map (and awesome unique music theme) to the game and 4 new base weapons + 3 alternative specialised weapon marks. Many of the old maps have had slight overhauls, giving them more unique mechanics, or correcting flaws in the design.

Still alongside the last update that added some long term rewards + a few new penancy sets to earn by playing not just paying... I would argue that the game is getting close to being worth the average gamers time.

On sale now, at £20 for the imperial edition that's not too bad if you fancy a new cooperative shooter to try out. Alternatively it's always on Gamepass.

Something to Darktide you over until Space Marine 2.
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Honest question : I know that this was an xbox timed exclusive but, is it ever going to release on Playstation ? It was one of my most awaited games since me and my buddies loved WH: Vermintide 2.
Tried it on my 3050 Ti laptop but it ran like shit, need this on PS5.

Honest question No.2 : i remember the shitstorm around the game the first few months (awful micro transactions/no real endgame/low on content/bad balancing/performance issues etc) - have they actually fixed things ? is the game in a better state now ?

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Gold Member
Honest question : I know that this was an xbox timed exclusive but, is it ever going to release on Playstation ? It was one of my most awaited games since me and my buddies loved WH: Vermintide 2.
Tried it on my 3050 Ti laptop but it ran like shit, need this on PS5.

Honest question No.2 : i remember the shitstorm around the game the first few months (awful micro transactions/no real endgame/low on content/bad balancing/performance issues etc) - have they actually fixed things ? is the game in a better state now ?


Question one, this was added in the most recent update to the gamefiles


So I would say... yes, it's coming.

Two is more a Yes... no... Maybe... cards on the table the cosmetic shop is the worst it's ever been you actually get less and it costs more. Balancing and performance, it's much better than at launch no doubt, I would say it's good enough to not detract from the experience.

As for the endgame, that was partially fixed with the previous update, where you work towards account penancy rewards which give you a slew of new earnable and pretty damn good looking cosmetic rewards. I would argue they should add 4 new cosmetic sets per major update (1 per class) themed on that update (they have no issue adding 10+ new paid cosmetic ones in the same time frame) so that's still an issue. The now delayed part of this update would actually fix the utter BS weapon crafting system that needed thousands of hours to even get a chance of a perfect weapon...but now we know that's coming in the next big release I'm confident enough to say it's worth starting now, because by the time this starts to get annoying, it will probably be released and fixed.
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I think I'd dive back into this if they actually had a decent story attached to it. Talk about squandering a great asset in having Dan Abnett on board to do your story for you.
I played this game on release when most of the progression systems were still barebones and the only thing that seemed finished was the ingame shop....And despite that I still had a lot of fun. The minute by minute gameplay is great and I´d argue it has the most satisfying melee combat in a game right now.
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Gold Member
I think I'd dive back into this if they actually had a decent story attached to it. Talk about squandering a great asset in having Dan Abnett on board to do your story for you.

Oh god I keep forgetting he's involved... I really like the skulls they added to the game the prior update, they gave flashes of some really intresting things when you pick them up. But they just don't seem to have the talent to do anything more meaningful.

Your absolutely right though, it's a travesty how underutilised it is.
Question one, this was added in the most recent update to the gamefiles


So I would say... yes, it's coming.

Two is more a Yes... no... Maybe... cards on the table the cosmetic shop is the worst it's ever been you actually get less and it costs more. Balancing and performance, it's much better than at launch no doubt, I would say it's good enough to not detract from the experience.

As for the endgame, that was partially fixed with the previous update, where you work towards account penancy rewards which give you a slew of new earnable and pretty damn good looking cosmetic rewards. I would argue they should add 4 new cosmetic sets per major update (1 per class) themed on that update (they have no issue adding 10+ new paid cosmetic ones in the same time frame) so that's still an issue. The now delayed part of this update would actually fix the utter BS weapon crafting system that needed thousands of hours to even get a chance of a perfect weapon...but now we know that's coming in the next big release I'm confident enough to say it's worth starting now, because by the time this starts to get annoying, it will probably be released and fixed.

Thanks for the thorough reply Barry, appreciate it friend ;)

How does this fare compared to Vermintide 2 ? It's obviously going to be (much) lighter on content since Verm.2 has been out for ages but what about the replayability ?



Oh god I keep forgetting he's involved... I really like the skulls they added to the game the prior update, they gave flashes of some really intresting things when you pick them up. But they just don't seem to have the talent to do anything more meaningful.

Your absolutely right though, it's a travesty how underutilised it is.

I genuinely thought we'd get some sort of story about about Tertium had become a hotbed of chaos, set sometime around the fall of cadia and the great rift... maybe with a contemporary Abnett character/reference or two popping up. But there's so very little. It's not like 40k canon is tightly written or anything. I know it's a looter shooter, but there's not really much about it for 40k lore fans to get their teeth into, which was a mistake.


Gold Member
Thanks for the thorough reply Barry, appreciate it friend ;)

How does this fare compared to Vermintide 2 ? It's obviously going to be (much) lighter on content since Verm.2 has been out for ages but what about the replayability ?


Ah now that's really intresting, compared to vermintide it's more... meaty in the moment to moment gameplay, depending on your class you will find you are very heavily locked into ranged combat over melee, and that means some of the enemies are as well. It's the same but different, I also feel like this enhances the melee combat because you are much more often switching between the two so your making decisions on if you want to push into a group of ranged enemies to try and force them into melee or if you want to focus on the chaff or perhaps an elite enemy causing issues at range by counter sniping them.

It's certainly lighter on content, and ironically that's being lengethed every update, Vermintide 2 is getting more content and more often than Darktide even now. Why is that? No one knows for sure, but my theory is because Darktide was heavily funded by Tencent, meaning any money made goes back mostly to them (explains why the cosmetics are so expensive) vs Vermintide which was funded by Fatshark themselves. So all money goes back to them, hence the Vermintide focus.

I would however say if you enjoy Vermintide, you will enjoy Darktide, it certainly has one of the best atmospheres in gaming.

I love moments like these... it's why even with all it's issues I keep coming back to it. They happen frequently and feels so good when you push through them.

I genuinely thought we'd get some sort of story about about Tertium had become a hotbed of chaos, set sometime around the fall of cadia and the great rift... maybe with a contemporary Abnett character/reference or two popping up. But there's so very little. It's not like 40k canon is tightly written or anything. I know it's a looter shooter, but there's not really much about it for 40k lore fans to get their teeth into, which was a mistake.

If you haven't heard any of the echos yet, they give small snippets of the fall of the Mobian 6th, but this is like Destiny 1 level story telling. Where the fucking player has to really try hard to get anything out of it.

Such a missed opportunity.
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Every excuse is good to go back, combat in this game is the literal definition of meaty and has no right to be this good.


Gold Member
Being a huge WH40k fangirl Darktide is in a very strange place for me, personally. Art and feel are there. Setting-wise it's magnificient. Soundtrack is Godlike, thanks to Jesper Kyd.

Game? Eh, not so much. even 1+ year after release it still feels like it was cobbled together despite the very satisfying immediate gameplay and great sworplay/gunplay. Too much needless RNG in almost every corner. Balance changes are too frequent and convoluted to actually care about any sort of meta, and progression is spread too thin to have fun too. But despite all that I've still clocked around 80 hours in this game. Best Bolter in the industry by far.
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Gold Member
Being a huge WH40k fangirl Darktide is in a very strange place for me, personally. Art and feel are there. Setting-wise it's magnificient. Soundtrack is Godlike, thanks to Jesper Kyd.

Game? Eh, not so much. even 1+ year after release it still feels like it was cobbled together despite the very satisfying immediate gameplay and great sworplay/gunplay. Too much needless RNG in almost every corner. Balance changes are too frequent and convoluted to actually care about any sort of meta, and progression is spread too thin to have fun too. But despite all that I've still clocked around 80 hours in this game. Best Bolter in the industry by far.

Well the good news is that the next big patch removes the RNG from the loot pool... at least a majority of it. They have announced the now second half of this update (the bit they decided to delay from this) is removing the locks from items. Also you level up your weapons by using them and all the MK's are now swappable varients of a base weapon, this means no RNG blessings as you eventually get them by just using the weapon. Looks like you can up the stats, too removing that RNG on top.

More in depth there. As for balance... dear God this update seems to have undone all the ranged enemy nerfs they had to put into the game over the years because otherwise every class became essentially unusable at higher tiers unless you are running a meta build that stacks Gunner resist. Ranged enemies now all fire faster, take less time to reload and fire more accurately, where not talking small bumps, this is by 25% type shit and it's mental for anyone who's playing.

Yeah their balance is shit.
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Gold Member
Still at 67% user score on Steam and a ton of people complaining about the same issues.
I guess I'm not jumping back in again so soon.


Gold Member
Still at 67% user score on Steam and a ton of people complaining about the same issues.
I guess I'm not jumping back in again so soon.

Me like an idiot didn't find the new penances intresting when they released them like 3 months ago...

Now for some reason iv got the urge to try and get this one after they have literally got everyone on the forums/reddit going "WHY THE FUCK IS THE GAME SO HARD NOW!?"


Let's just say I have shit timing... this is the second time I've got to this stage... last time a barrel at the start of the new map sent me off the edge instantly killing me... fuck barrels.

I have no idea why iv suddenly got the urge to play Darktide, I guess it's the new map... and being a 40k fan, it's certainly not the rest of the game linked to that.
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Gold Member
So a small updated found on the forum here.

Heyo Everyone,
Earlier this month, we released an Introduction to Itemization dev blog. After sharing the first looks of Itemization, we got a lot of messages from players. We collected over 13 pages of feedback, questions and concerns. As promised, we’re following up on them.

While we cannot answer all of those questions yet, as some things are still being decided and iterated upon, we wanted to answer a batch of them today. We will continue to share more answers as we move closer to release! We want to hear more of your feedback and opinions through this dialogue.

Note: All of the questions we’re answering in this are pulled directly from the comments on the Forums, Reddit and Discord. We kept the players’ wording instead of writing our own questions.

Before we dive in, we want to make it clear for those who might’ve missed prior communications: WE ARE BREAKING THE LOCKS WITH THIS REWORK. 🔓

Questions From Players


When StrawHat said that players will begin with a headstart in the new system, does that mean that we won’t have access to blessings we did previously and therefore forcing us to grind for the tiers all over again?


No, the actual blessing sticker book will be translated to experience into Mastery. It does mean that you actually can even learn blessings you didn’t before if wanted.

What if I already have a perfect 550?


Already owned weapons won’t be touched, they’ll remain intact.

(Note: We are doing some blessing tweaks and balances with this update to accommodate for the new system, so some numbers might change.)

Soooo… my old weapons don’t just disappear right? Guys, it took me 500+ hours to get all the stuff I want through your RNG casino, so that would be more than just a little bummer. Will already unlocked weapons be converted 100%?


No, they won’t disappear and they will stay 100% intact as they are. You will keep the entire arsenal of weapons that you have acquired previously.

(Note: We are doing some blessing tweaks and balances with this update to accommodate for the new system, so some numbers might change.)


How does Mastery XP work? Do you get more for higher difficulty missions? What if you fail a run?


The amount of Mastery XP is based on what difficulty the player plays. The higher the difficulty, the higher amount of XP is awarded. Experience gained will remain the same, no matter the weapon you use the most during a mission.

If you fail a run, you will be awarded a portion of the XP just as with normal Experience and Ordo Docket rewards.

Mastery is not tied to a specific weapon in your inventory. It has its own progress per weapon family that includes all marks, that unlocks blessings and perks for that weapon family. Do I have that right?


Yes. Playing with any weapon (different marks) within a weapon family will progress that entire weapon family’s Mastery. Note: There can be several weapon families within the same school of weapons, such as Lasguns and Autoguns. They each have multiple weapon families, containing a number of Marks (e.g. Infantry Autoguns and Braced Autoguns).

TL;DR - If you play with a Lasgun Family A Mark X, you will progress your Mastery into Lasgun Family A. So every other weapon mark in Family A will benefit from the Mastery progression into Mark X.

There’s no farming blessings at all anymore. You just directly unlock the ones you want with the Mastery points. At full Mastery you’ll have all blessings at all levels unlocked. (Yes or no?)


Yes. As you gain Mastery with a Weapon Family you unlock blessing points (among other things); these points can then be freely used to unlock any blessing of your choosing: the more blessings you unlock, the more powerful versions of blessings you are able to unlock. When you have reached full Mastery with a weapon family you will have unlocked all the blessings available for that family. Moreover, in the new system, you’ll be able to freely swap out any blessings and perks on any weapon, at any level of Mastery, without them becoming locked after two changes.

So every weapon we buy/earn has a random-ish stat cap, and our Mastery of that weapon’s family (so autoguns, shotguns, etc) lets us build that up via expertise?


Yes. We are still working out the finer details of this system. But in essence, as you gain Mastery you will unlock more Expertise within that weapon family. You can then choose to invest into that weapon and increase the stats of the weapon while keeping the predetermined stat distribution the weapon was created with.


This system is the anti-choice system, it’s the system that forces you to grind every single weapon family before you can try a build.

The Mastery system is an addition to the existing crafting system that allows players to steadily unlock every Blessing for a weapon family, instead of relying exclusively on RNG to obtain them.

True, there will be some grind to fully unlock all the blessings at their most powerful tier for a weapon family. The system however lets you have full freedom in which blessings you unlock, and in what order, so being able to unlock a specific blessing for a build should be a manageable time investment. We are still experimenting with the exact time investment needed to fully unlock all blessings for a certain weapons family. We are also adding more tiers to most blessings, making previously higher tier blessings available at lower tiers.

Also, loot is still part of the system. The fact that we are still keeping the RNG loot system in place (Emperor’s Gift, Sire Melk’s Requisitorium, The Armoury Exchange, and the ability to Consecrate weapons at Hadron’s Shrine with random upgrades, etc) will allow players to get to weapon builds that they have not unlocked in their Mastery before they actually get there. The loot system will be able to shortcut you to things that you have not yet unlocked.

If the only way to upgrade a weapon is to use it, players won’t want to try new weapons because of the marked drop in power they’ll have to put up with for as long as it takes to grind out the upgrades.


Powerful weapons will still be distributed through stores/Emperor’s Gift. You can start with already high tier weapons to grind the Mastery, similar to what the game proposes at the moment.

Mastery will just open the toolbox to the player for them to experiment.

Mastery doesn’t “gate” a person from acquiring a weapon with a given blessing, it only gates you from freely being able to add it to any weapon of your choosing. The loot system can still allow players to shortcut to a more powerful blessing before they unlock it in the Mastery.

Is ‘weapon potential’ a new stat? Is it tied to the base power level? If it is a new unrelated stat does that mean a 371 power weapon with a low weapon potential rating has less possible power increase than a say 342 power weapon that has a high weapon potential rating? Please give us examples with actual numbers to compare.


Weapon Potential just refers to the stats distribution. For any weapon in the game, they actually have the potential to be maxed out. Every weapon now has the potential to reach a 380 stats rating. Note that maxing out does not mean reaching 80% on each stat: every weapon is created with a pool of stat points that have been distributed in the different stat buckets, and every weapon has the same potential maximum number of stats that can be distributed.


Sorry if this has been asked, but with this itemization rework, will characters that can use the same weapon archetypes have a shared inventory to those weapons? So no more fancy lasgun that only my Psyker can enjoy, now my Veteran and Zealot can too? This has been one of my biggest gripes.


No, it will remain as it is today, where any item is unique to the character that has it.

However, we can say that we’re opening up more weapon families to be shared between all classes. It’s still case by case, but for example, shotguns will be available for all classes.

Given that blessings are currently shared across characters, it’d be a massive step back if progress was silo’d.


The Mastery / blessings unlocked are shared by account. However, any applied Expertise is at an item level and character level.

Essentially, if you have the Infantry Lasgun weapon family at 100% unlocked on Character 1, when you go to Character 2 and find a new Infantry Lasgun, you’ll have all the blessings unlocked on the new gun. But you’ll need to spend the materials to apply any Expertise changes on Character 2.

Alright, that answers the first batch of questions. We will answer more! If anything in this post is unclear, please let us know below. This will help us collect more feedback and ensure we answer them in our future posts.
Thank you!

Honestly it's what this game needs...

I just spent 750 hours finally earning this set.


So I think iv won the game at the moment, but damn if I couldn't farm for some perfect weapons.
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Me like an idiot didn't find the new penances intresting when they released them like 3 months ago...

Now for some reason iv got the urge to try and get this one after they have literally got everyone on the forums/reddit going "WHY THE FUCK IS THE GAME SO HARD NOW!?"


Let's just say I have shit timing... this is the second time I've got to this stage... last time a barrel at the start of the new map sent me off the edge instantly killing me... fuck barrels.

I have no idea why iv suddenly got the urge to play Darktide, I guess it's the new map... and being a 40k fan, it's certainly not the rest of the game linked to that.

I've been stuck at 39/40 kills in a single Scriers Gaze for months and I really want that green tunic :messenger_grinning_sweat:

So a small updated found on the forum here.

Honestly it's what this game needs...

I just spent 750 hours finally earning this set.


So I think iv won the game at the moment, but damn if I couldn't farm for some perfect weapons.

Having never bothered with Vermintide, so no reference before going into Darktide, I've never really seen the major issue everyone has with the crafting. I've got awesome weapons with all my characters, what else is there to spend Plasteel & Diamantine on besides weapon upgrades, and Tier IV blessings can be had from Melk to boost them further.Seems like most are expecting perfect weapons for little effort judging by the threads complaining on reddit daily about it


Gold Member
I've been stuck at 39/40 kills in a single Scriers Gaze for months and I really want that green tunic :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Find a diffculty 3 with an up arrow for more enemies (or 4 if you want) take a recon lasgun with high RoF low damage, and a fast attacking melee like knife or duelst sword. Wait for a horde or event with large amount of enemies, the fan on hourglass... I think TR-150 coms relay is the name, is very good. (Sand level where you turn the dish)

Pop scriers, fire all your mag from the recon into the horde of wreches/pox walkers. Don't reload, switch to sword and swing as much as you can, kill kill kill.

How I got it, and I did die again on the 4/5, so it's reset back down lol.
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Crossplays has been in for awhile now. Although you don't see it too often, the give away is the icon next to there name has a little mesh globe vs a steam sign when you play.
I haven't played the game for a hot minute...
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Gold Member

Small update, they have renamed the second half of the update they delayed for some reason into late September.

I suspect to try and pretend it's a new update... effectively they have split a single update into two to I guess claim they update more frequently.
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I put some serious time into this game when it was released, but the devs failing to address serious issues and lack of updates, actual meaningful patches, soured me so much that it prevents me from returning.


This game gave me several blue screens of death and crashes months ago when I tried to play it.

Hope its in a better state now.


Gold Member
This game gave me several blue screens of death and crashes months ago when I tried to play it.

Hope its in a better state now.

It's much better than it was... but it still crash heavy for a game that's almost into it's 3rd year. I believe it's to do with memory, once a computer hits its cap it just crashes the program. I need to restart every 5+ runs as any more could crash my system.

It's very playable for people who arnt going to sit down for 3+ hours for that to happen in a single sitting, but it still happens.


Gold Member
Loving Space Marine 2. Is this worth playing?

honestly, yeah, I would caution however in terms of a live service game, this is much less rewarding than Space Marine 2, its trying to make you spend time so you buy their magic money and buy an outfit in the cash shop. It is however if you can ignore that pull, some of the best 4 player PvE coop since Left 4 dead. I would wait until Sep 26th (so ten days from now) as they have a big update to crafting. Normally the game is on sale during these updates so would wait and see if you can pick it up at a knocked down price.

It does show you a different side to the Imperium than space marine though, there is no power fantasy here, your not a space marine. Your a reject, a prisoner on their way to either death or worse on a throw away charge, that through some miracle manages to end up in an inquisition warband. You don't have a rank, your an expendable asset until you die. But man does it feel good when the people on board slowly begrudgingly accept you when you keep coming back alive.

There's no epic campaign like space marine, but there are plenty of operations to go on. I think it has one of the best combat loops in any game, and the best melee in first person. But would pick it up on sale if you can.

gameplay looks like this.
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Loving Space Marine 2. Is this worth playing?
It has both better shooting and better melee than sm2 (played both), so at least gameplay wise you can't go wrong.

Music is also outstanding and the graphic is great for a cheap AA.
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