People always want to play the victim these days...
These days?
Entertainment artists getting hosed by contractual obligations isn't new.
People always want to play the victim these days...
Cry me a river Dave. That shitty contract gave rise to where you are today right? Yeah you got paid for your work/job and continue to get paid off the back of that with other works and a brand name for yourself; made a career even.
I developed some software for a client business and they're not paying me royalties on a shitty contract of sale being works for hire where they own the IP. Funny how that works Dave. Negotiate better next time, just as you have done since your HBO days. I'll bet you include royalties in your more recent contracts, how would you like it if other parties actively boycotted your end of the contracts?
I guess Dave needs more money?
Crying about money when you already have tens of millions of dollars, good for your image man.
Didn't he make bank with his Netflix specials? Not like he's hurting for money right now.
Multi millionaire crying to get few more millions
Breaking news. Rich person wants more money ....
I like Chappelle but he signed the contract and he's rich enough.
But the message is literally him not getting money....
You missed the point of his story.But the message is literally him not getting money....
He really is. I loved watching Chappelle show when it came out but even though he signed a bad contract he fucked over so many people who worked on that show.He's a pretty whiney dude, huh?
He's like every other popstar ever, that got a shitty deal from the publisher.
He was in a shit position to negotiate, so he got a bad deal, and now wants to re-negotiate after the fact.
Not fair or unfair per se.And do you think that's unfair?
And do you think that's unfair?
Not fair or unfair per se.
His problem is with his former self.
I think we're in agreement.You are both missing the point, and so is Dave. If he had not taken the first deal he’d never have had the opportunity to lament it.
How many people EVER get that kind of shot? How many would do what Chapelle did for FREE, just for the exposure.
He’s mad because instead of being happy with his immense success all he can do is be angry that at one point in his life someone else made more money on his hard work then he did.
But that’s bullshit. The studio took shit tons of risks, some worked, some didn’t. Chapelle wants to have have it both ways. He wants them to treat him like a superstar without PROVING he is first. That’s nonsense, and it disrespectful to all the fucking people in his life that worked their ass off to help him get where he is today. Including the studio.
People like him disgust me. He has no respect for those around him or what they bring to the table, it’s all him him him.
Even without evoking slavery it’s disgusting. With it? He might be the most self centered, egotistic, narcissistic piece of shit alive.
Think of all the Hollywood jerks he beat out to make that possible.
I also have a bad contract with Evilore and don't get any royalties for my postings.
Dave apparently isn’t a professional either. Because professionals don’t whine and bitch about 20 year old contracts and talk about how unfair life is when they’re sitting on 10s of millions of dollars. Professionals realize the money they have made in the 20 years following that contract are built on top of the first one.yes but clearly your not a professional comedian![]()
Dave apparently isn’t a professional either. Because professionals don’t whine and bitch about 20 year old contracts and talk about how unfair life is when they’re sitting on 10s of millions of dollars. Professionals realize the money they have made in the 20 years following that contract are built on top of the first one.
What Dave is doing would be like if the bank gave you a mortgage on a property, then you found there was gold buried in the back yard so the bank came in and tried to increase your mortgage to get a piece of the value of the gold they didn’t know was there.