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David Aldridge leaving ESPN

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Friday 10:18 PM EST

ESPN's headquarters in New York has confirmed to us tonight that David Aldridge will be leaving the network after his contract expires on August 28th. At the moment no reason was stated for his departure.

This news has been circulating around the Internet for the past few hours as it came as quite a surprise to most. Aldridge is generally considered to be the top basketball analyst in America today, or at least the most trusted, with the most trustworthy sources around. His calm and professional style of reporting will surely be missed on the worldwide leaders in Sports next year.

TNT has already been rumored to be interested in his services.

The 39 year-old David Aldridge was hired by ESPN as an NBA reporter in February of 1996, after working for the Washington Post.

With Aldridge leaving ESPN next month, Steven A. Smith now appears to be their top basketball analyst. Smith is very popular amongst the younger viewers and therefore even more popular amongst potential advertisers, but his personality and style of reporting has rubbed many basketball fans the wrong way countless times over the past year.

-Jonathan Givony (RealGM/DraftCity.com)



Smith is an annoying turd who has no real sources, Aldridge has better sources and breaks the big stories.


I wonder if Screamin A. will try to tone it down now that he's basically the voice of ESPN when it comes to basketball.


impirius said:
I wonder if Screamin A. will try to tone it down now that he's basically the voice of ESPN when it comes to basketball.

As long as he pulls out the "Slllllaaaaavvvaaa MedovooooDANKooooo"


Damn younger viewers, its because of them ESPN made Stuart Scott head anchor because he keeeeeps it rreaaaaaaaaal doogggggg, and his knowledge of cool hip hop street lingo.


ESPN Basketball and SAS both suck.


DA should join Ernie, Kenny, and Charles. That way all the decent basketball TV analysts can be in one place.


Pity, I always liked reading Aldridge's stuff on ESPN.com (ESPN out here doesn't have any of the good stuff, oh how I long for the REAL Sportscenter at the very least). Still, as long as ESPN.com keeps The Sports Guy I'll always be there.
Well, no reason for me to visit ESPN's NBA section anymore. SAS is a complete fucking moron, and his ghetto slang is obnoxious. I don't care if it appeals to the young crowd, it's rude and unprofessional.
I garauntee you that since Steven A's arrival the network has been telling David Aldridge to try and ham it up a little more. I didn't mind SAS when he was an occassional guest on the Jim Rome show back in the day, but it seemed like as soon as he started getting national run, first on BDSS and then ESPN, that his ego just ballooned and his "personality" became some kind of act. I can't imagine being a grown man acting like that..

Anyway peace out DA..


That fucking sucks. Aldridge is the best analyst they got (both on TV and in print) because he is always so calm. Everyone else has this format that's "i'll make a headline grabbing claim, then skew and exaggerate the facts until I can prove it". Aldridge doesn't do that, he just sits there and analyses, and that's why he's good.


Drunky McMurder
People like Steven A Smith?

This is the kind of information that drives me closer to wanting random murder to be legal.


Ripclawe said:
Smith is an annoying turd who has no real sources, Aldridge has better sources and breaks the big stories.


All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Steven A Smith is a fucking moron.
They were talking about the Kobe case once, and he said.

"According to my sources, even if Kobe Bryant is found guilty of the charges against him, he will only get 20 years probation."

What fucking source told him that. If sentences were decided on before trials even started, our legal sustem would be in a shitload of trouble. By "young viewers" they probably mean 3-8 year olds. They love seeing clowns jump, make stupid facial expressions, and all around fools of themselves.


Well, the sentence for the charge is 4 to life or up to 20 years probabtion and a fine so that's how he came up with that.

But like Rip said, SAS' sources are the voices in his head...


This is sad, DA is a class enough guy to find work anywhere.

I really don't like SAS style, and it amazes me after watching Dream Job that ESPN is keeping him around.


keep your strippers out of my American football
DA to TNT would be awesome. He would be a great addition to their pre and/or post game shows. SAS is a jackass with a loud mouth. I never really understood what he did to get in that position other than be loud. I do like what he says usually, but his delivery leaves a ton to be desired.
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