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David Bowie attacked by a lollipop

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works for Gamestop (lol)

"David Bowie got a lollipop impaled between his eyeball and eyelid during a concert performance in Oslo after a 'fan' threw it at him"





Considering that punk bands used to get bottles and shit thrown at them, and spit upon, and that country singer was pelted and injured by quarters being thrown at him, it's not really surprising, imo.

I always liked to go to a show to hear the music and see the show, but I guess some folks want it to be interactive.

john tv

Wow. If that's real, that's just... crazy. He's unbelievably lucky that it didn't poke his eye out or something. Lord.


holy shit

how could you do that to the bowie? i hope the crowd lynched the motherfucker that threw that

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Was Bowie the headliner? Why would you pay to see him and then throw lollipops at him?

Now I'd understand if he wasn't the headliner, take the example of yesterday at the RHCP concert in Hyde Park.

These ass hats Chicks on Speed (along with Jaaaaaaaaaames Brown) were the special guests. And they were so shit we booed and pelted them off half way through their set. But they called us fucking wankers so they deserved it.


It hit his bad eye, so it could've been worse (he injured his left eye during a fight in school when he was 13 years old).
He wasn't too happy about this either, starting shouting things like "You fucking wanker! You little fucker!" to the crowd.

It seems like it was a woman who threw the lollipop by accident. She tells about how she was holding the lollipop in her hand when she was heavily pushed by someone standing behind her, causing her to lose grip of the lollipop sending it flying towards David Bowie's left eye.
She was feeling very bad about it since she's a big fan of David Bowie. She also wanted to put her hands up in the air when he asked who had done it, but she was too afraid.


Wow. What a lucky bastard. It looks like his eye is ok for the most part, but i'm not sure of that either.

Nice throw though. I'll give him/her that much.

Oh. Well... accidental or not, still a good damn toss.


oh man, i hate when assholes turn out to be good people in bad circumstances :/

they still should've lynched her.


Kiriku said:
It seems like it was a woman who threw the lollipop by accident. She tells about how she was holding the lollipop in her hand when she was heavily pushed by someone standing behind her, causing her to lose grip of the lollipop sending it flying towards David Bowie's left eye.
She was feeling very bad about it since she's a big fan of David Bowie. She also wanted to put her hands up in the air when he asked who had done it, but she was too afraid.

You're kidding me right? She said someone pushed her and somehow it flEw diagonally probably 8 feet right into Bowie's eye? LOL
Diablos said:
Why would he do that??

I wouldn't think it's quite that simplistic - More likely just a bad personality clash. We all know that it doesn't take much to get on the wrong side of Moz, to say the least. ;)

Bowie & Morrissey = Both great.



Here's the story of the girl who did it :) She says that she found a lollipop in her pocket (it was someone else's jacket), and held it in her upstreched hands when a big guy suddenly smashed into her from behind and sent it flying. She's very sorry, of course, being a huge Bowie-fan (this was her 8th gig with him) and was shitscared of people finding out that it was her. Her big brother stood beside her, ready to defend her if someone should rough her up!

Also, she says that a few songs after the accident, Bowie throws his guitar pick out over the crowd, sarcastically shouting "Oops, I hope I didn't hit you in the eye! I guess I'll go hide among my five bandmembers now!". She was the one who caught it :)
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