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David Jaffe sucks at Metroid


It's sad but clear as day what happened to him.

  1. To begin with, he was willfully not engaging with the game the way it's meant to be played by going out of his way to not utilizing 360 free aiming.
  2. He was embarrassed to for whatever reason get stuck in the game during a stream, probably doubly embarrassed that he got stuck on a part that no one else thought twice about.
  3. Once his ego got tangled up in it he had a rather extreme kneejerk reaction swearing on his pride as a former game maker that it was the game's fault and that the game and its designers suck.
  4. Predictably this made people tease him.
  5. He got more embarrassed and tried to double down, but because his position didn't have a good foundation to begin with, his arguments are shaky and he's forced to strawman the logical arguments presented to him, if not outright ignore them. Admittedly some of the arguments thrown his way were not good, such as "if you played other Metroid games you would know", but there was no shortage of arguments based in sound game design either.
  6. He steps away from the arguments and unfortunately does not take time to reflect, instead tripling down incoherently lashing out further on twitter at the expense of his dignity.

At this point his heels are probably dug in irreversibly.
I think you nailed it, but I would add he is actually self-aware of this, but keeps it up to promote his "image". I mean, he LITERALLY blamed the controller, lol. If he isn't doing this intentionally, at least a little bit, then all I have to say is "dayum, lol".


So fucking what ?! Do I need to be 42? What metric is the "correct" one to be able to have an opinion on this grandpa? Or is just everyone younger than you (supposedly) wrong ?
What kind of metric is that ?!
I was not alive when they filmed The Thing but it can be my fav movie.

What is this bs. Who are these people like you ?! I cannot comprehend your stupidity and disrespect. Go play your bs "hardcore" grandpa games
Cope and seethe! 😂 😂 😂


Everyone needs some sort of curator or a improving experience. There is a reason why items improve over time and designs change.
If nothing changed or was never improved you would not be able to write to me now on this forum.

Just because someone made a game, amazing for it's time, it does not mean it's design is timeless. Exact same reason why qte are trash now but many were drooling over fahrenheit.

Whatever you say, going back to the topic, I am still with jaffe on this. The example shown by him is just plain bad. Of course I would probably shoot at the ceiling but I can understand why some wouldn't. There is no crack, no sign, minimap has other entry... Game does not indicate you can do that with this block.
Played 1 Metroid game or all of them does not change this.
It's the same reason why doom 2 levels are hated mazes and key hunts. Because you can get stuck for a long time looking for keycard. It does not mean this is a good thing because a game is old and classic.

I don't see what that have to do with being a Metroid fan or experienced player. Is this game only for 50 year olds who played all these games? NO! It's a switch game for kids!!! Who have never played Metroid!
secrets or deep cuts in it, should be a content for old fans. Not main path
So now Doom 2 is hated? LOL, bussy blasted!


I think you nailed it, but I would add he is actually self-aware of this, but keeps it up to promote his "image". I mean, he LITERALLY blamed the controller, lol. If he isn't doing this intentionally, at least a little bit, then all I have to say is "dayum, lol".
I guess anything's possible, and I really don't know anything about the guy, but it's a little hard for me to swallow that with his background, he decided the best use of his name would be to intentionally debase himself for clicks. That's like the kind of thing a D-level Twitch streamer would do to try and gain notoriety.


Unconfirmed Member
I guess anything's possible, and I really don't know anything about the guy, but it's a little hard for me to swallow that with his background, he decided the best use of his name would be to intentionally debase himself for clicks. That's like the kind of thing a D-level Twitch streamer would do to try and gain notoriety.
Well, I don't think we should raise him to another standard because he did some good games 15 years ago. Being in the industry doesn't disqualify him from saying some BS... and perhaps, he is only as good as his latest game anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
If you have to randomly spray bullets randomly around you in random areas to progress, that is indeed bad game design.
You don't. That's genuinely something that gets misunderstood in this thread a lot. Solving environmental puzzles in order to progress isn't the same as randomly shoot everything. Shooting everything should be your last resort and not your main method of solving puzzles. Metroid gives you a general sense of direction while the player should take clues in the environment to find a way to progress. That's how the game is build. It's quintessential to the franchise and whole Metroidvania genre. It's not random at all and it's absolutely not bad game design.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
IIRC The game literally tells you during the tutorial segments that if you can't find a way forward, you should try shooting the environment. It's about as inherent to Metroid as the morph ball.

I had a few moments where I said "oh, yeah, duh" to myself when I couldn't find a destructible block but it's part of the game.
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Holy fuck balls that video is so funny, he went back to the part in the game to prove his point but he didn't actually check if he was right before broadcasting it live on the internet for literally thousands of people?!??

simon cowell facepalm GIF

I was willing to say it was slightly obscure until I saw that video, I didnt know you were that locked in at that part, its literally 4 rooms and one of them is a save room ffs. Jesus christ I'm flabbergasted that he disproved his own argument in real time so succintly without realising.

Imagine him trying to do one of the speed booster + shinespark puzzles lmao, I had such fun last night doing a few of them, especially working out the one where you have to speed boost and wall jump a few times, crouch and shoot beam blocks, roll in and lay a cross bomb to horizontal ball jump over from crumble blocks, then lay a bomb normal bomb but also ballspark upward before the shine runs out and the bomb has even exploded, the timing was fantastic.

I love all the different ways you can do the optional missile tanks too, going back to the Varia suit areas way later than I could have and being able to use the flash shift to get them easily but seeing how you could've done it way earlier with targetted block shooting and the like.

Its uber satisfying how reliable the shinesparking is as well, the only time I miss it is because the run is really short and the timing is tight and the challenge comes from working out what to do (and do it quickly) after the spark is stored. In Super sometimes I felt like actually performing the move was half the battle.

Maybe I went nuts with the spoiler tags but I don't want to spoil it for anyone lol.
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I just beat Dread yesterday morning, and by the end of the game I had absolutely no problems. I admit, after the first couple of hours I was starting to think, "Okay, some of these controls for abilities and weapons are a bit silly." But eventually I didn't even think about it, and it was fine.

Didn't really have an issue with pacing or back tracking either. There were two points where I missed the SMALLEST thing, but that was on me. But even before receiving the room scanner, I would shot every possible block when necessary to figure out what was passable and not.

I feel like some of y'all are overly hard on Jaffe, lol. If you loved the game, tight. But everyone's got their own opinion, and people play games differently. 🤷‍♂️


Unconfirmed Member
My problem is that he imagines himself to be in a position of authority, basically saying "I'm an acclaimed game designer, so I'm right and you not, bye bye", arguing in bad faith and using terrible examples to explain his position. Meanwhile the vast majority of players don't have any issues with what he criticizes, even point it out positively. Yeah, you can pretty much say that he is objectively wrong here.


Jaffe, if you do come in here I mean you no ill will and fair enough if you didnt work it out or thought it was bad design, each to their own.

This has given me an idea though, a Metroid based escape room/house! You go around with an arm cannon and you have to shoot blocks and such to explore, you could have people in all black suits with flappy flying enemies on poles + string and they swoop them into you and you have to counter them :messenger_tears_of_joy: It sound so funny but also pretty cool too haha.



Man. And when he was here arguing I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was telling the truth about the game not cordoning you off at that part. Now I don't think he was intentionally lying about that, I think he was simply too inattentive to notice.

Another hint that it's the way forward is this part happens soon after obtaining the charge beam, and the door to this room is the only door available that requires the charge beam to enter. That's classic signposting.


To be honest I'm no good at it either atm, i am pissed by how impossible it is to counter emmi bots and I'm playing other games instead.

Still glad i own it.

Probably more interested in Metroid prime trilogy being released for switch sometime

Ahh you know what's really pissing me off? Getting into small tunnels.. like i could easily fucking progress if samus could crawl into a duct, but apparently i haven't unlocked that yet, apparently i guess she needs to be a ball before she can do it.. infuriating
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Unconfirmed Member
Is there a law that demands being a proplayer in all game genres, to like all genres or something?
not liking something or being bad at something isn't the same as not understanding something.
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My problem is that he imagines himself to be in a position of authority, basically saying "I'm an acclaimed game designer, so I'm right and you not, bye bye", arguing in bad faith and using terrible examples to explain his position. Meanwhile the vast majority of players don't have any issues with what he criticizes, even point it out positively. Yeah, you can pretty much say that he is objectively wrong here.
It's kinda funny, actually. In the old days, game designers would make games ridiculously cryptic, with no tutorials, and expect players to effectively read their minds to figure out the solutions.
Modern game designers throw around forced tutorials left and right and call it "Bad design" if the player ever actually has to stop and think, or if the tutorial can somehow be missed, or if a solution isn't telegraphed to the player's face with a visual or audio cue. Now you're seeing the "Evoution" of this mindset; deliberately ignoring the tutorials and guides so one can screw up an easy part, then continue claiming the games are "too hard" and "badly designed" and thus need further difficulty nerfs.


This is petty af.

Not really. It's effortlessly and deservedly annihiliating the man's ignorant, antagonistic, and poorly-made point.

Another hint that it's the way forward is this part happens soon after obtaining the charge beam, and the door to this room is the only door available that requires the charge beam to enter. That's classic signposting.

Precisely. You've just gotten a new ability moments ago, and the game will want you to use it. You've been past that door several times so it's been dangling in your face for a while. And when you finally get to go through it.... "Oh, a dead end. I guess I'll turn back then"
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The Fucking MAN.
My problem is that he imagines himself to be in a position of authority, basically saying "I'm an acclaimed game designer, so I'm right and you not, bye bye", arguing in bad faith and using terrible examples to explain his position. Meanwhile the vast majority of players don't have any issues with what he criticizes, even point it out positively. Yeah, you can pretty much say that he is objectively wrong here.

I don't imagine myself to be anything. That's sounds like a you problem, pal. And I- for one- am getting sick and fucking tired of insecure gamers who act as if they DO know as much as working pros. I've had hit games and failed games but you ain't had ANY games (at least most of you). So I'm sorry if it insults your ego but I know shit you don't; just like YOU know shit I don't about YOUR line of work. It's not a brag, it's just how experience works. It doesn't make my OPINION any more or less valid than your opinion but it DOES mean that when I bring shit up, I have experience to back it up and so I mention that. Deal with it. Or don't. But stop being such insecure bitches about it. Hell, you wanna make games and think you know so much? Nice- it's never been easier to make your own games. Go do it or shut the fuck up about it.

Related: Look, I have a channel about games and game design. I'm not looking to do ANYTHING other than express my views on MY channel. Now, do my views HAPPEN to be based on decades of working in the industry as a designer (and as a director/designer on a few really big games)? Sure, and so I use that knowledge. Just like I'm sure many of you are using YOUR background of someone who may have played every Metroid since the NES version. We all bring our history to our ideas, content, work, and life in general.

As for the multiple room thing, I accepted I was wrong about that and admitted I was remembering it wrong on my last video. I remembered it wrong and instead of the 20-30 rooms I recalled being open there were only 4. And I said I was wrong- which I was. So what? I think some of y'all are projecting when you say 'his ego won't let him lose or change his mind!'...I'm wrong a LOT about shit on my channel and when it's pointed out to me, I take it back and- as needed- apologize. And in this case, I was wrong.

But I still stand by the other complaints. I think it's bad design. YOU DON'T. That's great. Agree to disagree. But I gotta say, I've never encountered such a whiny ass fanbase as I have with Metroid fans. And I say this as a Nintendo fan; a guy who is excited to buy MARIO PARTY next week REVIEW UNSEEN cause I love the series and the characters that much; a guy who bought Metroid excited to get into it as much as I'm into Link and his adventures. Sadly, for me, it didn't work out. But good fucking God, the obsession with defending a game that you didn't design or work on is staggeringly concerning.



I'd probably help alleviate some of your concerns if you ignore your focus on this specific title and realize people are defending an element of gameplay in a genre that they love.

You obviously hate that element but that doesn't mean it's a poor design or that the people who like it are morons. It means you're not the target audience. However, if the creators wanted to put in a separate difficulty where larger breadcrumbs were left to accommodate people like you then I wouldn't complain.


The Fucking MAN.
I'd probably help alleviate some of your concerns if you ignore your focus on this specific title and realize people are defending an element of gameplay in a genre that they love.

You obviously hate that element but that doesn't mean it's a poor design or that the people who like it are morons. It means you're not the target audience. However, if the creators wanted to put in a separate difficulty where larger breadcrumbs were left to accommodate people like you then I wouldn't complain.
Perhaps but at that point we'd still be arguing good vs. bad design. And again, as I said, totally cool if your opinion is different. And totally cool if you love a game that says 'we're not going to bother taking into account Players may get confused at the start by an aspect of the game that is very strange, even compared to other Metroid inspired games'. I support a devs right to aim right for the fan base and to hell with others if those happen to be the consequences. But unless the game makes it clear that's who the game is for- it doesn't- then I would still argue it's bad design.

As for the genre, I love the genre. But other than this game (and, it seems, other Metroids I have not played) I can't recall any successful, well know Metroidvanias that have secrets hidden behind walls that are CRITICAL PATH. Pick ups and power ups and short cuts? 100%. But not critical path.

Anyway, it seems there won't be a meeting of the minds here on this stuff and so best for me to just step away (if I can- I love a good fight). I'm gonna try tho...too much time already spent.

Thx all!



I don't imagine myself to be anything. That's sounds like a you problem, pal. And I- for one- am getting sick and fucking tired of insecure gamers who act as if they DO know as much as working pros. I've had hit games and failed games but you ain't had ANY games (at least most of you). So I'm sorry if it insults your ego but I know shit you don't; just like YOU know shit I don't about YOUR line of work. It's not a brag, it's just how experience works. It doesn't make my OPINION any more or less valid than your opinion but it DOES mean that when I bring shit up, I have experience to back it up and so I mention that. Deal with it. Or don't. But stop being such insecure bitches about it. Hell, you wanna make games and think you know so much? Nice- it's never been easier to make your own games. Go do it or shut the fuck up about it.

Related: Look, I have a channel about games and game design. I'm not looking to do ANYTHING other than express my views on MY channel. Now, do my views HAPPEN to be based on decades of working in the industry as a designer (and as a director/designer on a few really big games)? Sure, and so I use that knowledge. Just like I'm sure many of you are using YOUR background of someone who may have played every Metroid since the NES version. We all bring our history to our ideas, content, work, and life in general.

As for the multiple room thing, I accepted I was wrong about that and admitted I was remembering it wrong on my last video. I remembered it wrong and instead of the 20-30 rooms I recalled being open there were only 4. And I said I was wrong- which I was. So what? I think some of y'all are projecting when you say 'his ego won't let him lose or change his mind!'...I'm wrong a LOT about shit on my channel and when it's pointed out to me, I take it back and- as needed- apologize. And in this case, I was wrong.

But I still stand by the other complaints. I think it's bad design. YOU DON'T. That's great. Agree to disagree. But I gotta say, I've never encountered such a whiny ass fanbase as I have with Metroid fans. And I say this as a Nintendo fan; a guy who is excited to buy MARIO PARTY next week REVIEW UNSEEN cause I love the series and the characters that much; a guy who bought Metroid excited to get into it as much as I'm into Link and his adventures. Sadly, for me, it didn't work out. But good fucking God, the obsession with defending a game that you didn't design or work on is staggeringly concerning.

Perhaps but at that point we'd still be arguing good vs. bad design. And again, as I said, totally cool if your opinion is different. And totally cool if you love a game that says 'we're not going to bother taking into account Players may get confused at the start by an aspect of the game that is very strange, even compared to other Metroid inspired games'. I support a devs right to aim right for the fan base and to hell with others if those happen to be the consequences. But unless the game makes it clear that's who the game is for- it doesn't- then I would still argue it's bad design.

As for the genre, I love the genre. But other than this game (and, it seems, other Metroids I have not played) I can't recall any successful, well know Metroidvanias that have secrets hidden behind walls that are CRITICAL PATH. Pick ups and power ups and short cuts? 100%. But not critical path.

Anyway, it seems there won't be a meeting of the minds here on this stuff and so best for me to just step away (if I can- I love a good fight). I'm gonna try tho...too much time already spent.

Thx all!

Big cringe


And totally cool if you love a game that says 'we're not going to bother taking into account Players may get confused at the start by an aspect of the game
The point is that it's been shown many times that they handle this in a way that makes it extremely clear to first-time players in several ways. Some people get stuck, some people forget they have rockets too, it's not bad design just because a handful of players manage to fail.

Perhaps but at that point we'd still be arguing good vs. bad design. And again, as I said, totally cool if your opinion is different but you have to understand I'm an idiot.


You posted a video saying everyone with a different opinion on this is "just a fucking moron". If you wanna play the victim and say "why are people getting mad over an opinion on a game" go ahead, but you are more pathetic than the people you claim are getting riled up over nothing.

Anyway, it seems there won't be a meeting of the minds here on this stuff
You would need more than 4 brain cells to be allowed in a meeting of the minds.

Mentioning your game dev experience is fine when you aren't doing it in response to people clearly demonstrating you're wrong. It's like a chef talking about their years of training when someone complains that their stake burnt jet black.
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Gold Member
But unless the game makes it clear that's who the game is for- it doesn't- then I would still argue it's bad design.
It is the 15th entry in the series. Although not all entries follow that exact formula, so I guess with this formula it might "just" be the 8th - 10th or so.
At that point, do you honestly think a game still has to go out of its way to make it clear it is for fans of the series?
That's more of a "no shit, Sherlock" kind of situation, really.

And even then, the game straight up tells you about destructible walls beforehand - no doubt meant to teach those who are new to the series.
And yes, there are a bunch of games in which hidden/destructible walls are part of the critical path, that's not some kind of Metroid-exclusive thing.

You can only fail the way you did by not knowing Metroid well AND not paying attention to what the game tells you.
The first is fine, of course, but in the latter case, you really only have yourself to blame.

"The solution to the puzzle is not clear because it is not spelled out for me" is one hell of a weird mindset for gaming.
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You don't. That's genuinely something that gets misunderstood in this thread a lot. Solving environmental puzzles in order to progress isn't the same as randomly shoot everything. Shooting everything should be your last resort and not your main method of solving puzzles. Metroid gives you a general sense of direction while the player should take clues in the environment to find a way to progress. That's how the game is build. It's quintessential to the franchise and whole Metroidvania genre. It's not random at all and it's absolutely not bad game design.

Not saying you should "randomly" shoot everything, but the primary verb in Metroid is "shoot". She shoots to open doors rather than collecting keys, opening them with a use button, or finding hidden switches. The complexity that keeps the game interesting comes from the different tools to shoot with and the number of things to shoot.


I don't imagine myself to be anything. That's sounds like a you problem, pal. And I- for one- am getting sick and fucking tired of insecure gamers who act as if they DO know as much as working pros. I've had hit games and failed games but you ain't had ANY games (at least most of you). So I'm sorry if it insults your ego but I know shit you don't; just like YOU know shit I don't about YOUR line of work. It's not a brag, it's just how experience works. It doesn't make my OPINION any more or less valid than your opinion but it DOES mean that when I bring shit up, I have experience to back it up and so I mention that. Deal with it. Or don't. But stop being such insecure bitches about it. Hell, you wanna make games and think you know so much? Nice- it's never been easier to make your own games. Go do it or shut the fuck up about it.

Related: Look, I have a channel about games and game design. I'm not looking to do ANYTHING other than express my views on MY channel. Now, do my views HAPPEN to be based on decades of working in the industry as a designer (and as a director/designer on a few really big games)? Sure, and so I use that knowledge. Just like I'm sure many of you are using YOUR background of someone who may have played every Metroid since the NES version. We all bring our history to our ideas, content, work, and life in general.

As for the multiple room thing, I accepted I was wrong about that and admitted I was remembering it wrong on my last video. I remembered it wrong and instead of the 20-30 rooms I recalled being open there were only 4. And I said I was wrong- which I was. So what? I think some of y'all are projecting when you say 'his ego won't let him lose or change his mind!'...I'm wrong a LOT about shit on my channel and when it's pointed out to me, I take it back and- as needed- apologize. And in this case, I was wrong.

But I still stand by the other complaints. I think it's bad design. YOU DON'T. That's great. Agree to disagree. But I gotta say, I've never encountered such a whiny ass fanbase as I have with Metroid fans. And I say this as a Nintendo fan; a guy who is excited to buy MARIO PARTY next week REVIEW UNSEEN cause I love the series and the characters that much; a guy who bought Metroid excited to get into it as much as I'm into Link and his adventures. Sadly, for me, it didn't work out. But good fucking God, the obsession with defending a game that you didn't design or work on is staggeringly concerning.

Jaffe, can’t we agree that games can be different from each other and just not reduce it to “bad design”? Like film genres and their stylisation? Think of more brainy art house cinema compared to the very digestible Hollywood productions. They’re clearly different experiences and have different demands from the viewers. None of them is better than the other per se.

Yes, Metroid will always lose an audience because of being a bit esoteric but there is a market for that. Metroid are very clearly stylised games with their own rules and protocols. They are for the fans. If Dread is going to breakout and convince a new audience only time will tell.

But I do think it’s unfair to accuse a successful formula that seduced the Metroid audience as being failed or poor design.
I don't imagine myself to be anything. That's sounds like a you problem, pal. And I- for one- am getting sick and fucking tired of insecure gamers who act as if they DO know as much as working pros. I've had hit games and failed games but you ain't had ANY games (at least most of you). So I'm sorry if it insults your ego but I know shit you don't; just like YOU know shit I don't about YOUR line of work. It's not a brag, it's just how experience works. It doesn't make my OPINION any more or less valid than your opinion but it DOES mean that when I bring shit up, I have experience to back it up and so I mention that. Deal with it. Or don't. But stop being such insecure bitches about it. Hell, you wanna make games and think you know so much? Nice- it's never been easier to make your own games. Go do it or shut the fuck up about it.
The idea that you need to have done a thing professionally in order to understand when it's done correctly is just mindnumbingly wrong.
You don't need to be a chef to know when your food is overcooked.
You don't need to be a car designer to know when your engine isn't running correctly.
You don't need to be an audio engineer to know when something isn't recorded properly.
You don't need to be an architect to know that two doors shouldn't open into one another.
You don't need to be a basketball player to understand the full court press.
You don't need to be a game maker to recognize good/ bad design.

People aren't sitting here debating individual lines of code, or how the underlying systems were put together. THAT'S where your game making experience would come into play. People are discussing the end product, and no, sorry, you don't need to make a game to understand design choices.

Also... calling everyone else "insecure" on this topic is... a take, I guess. (I'm literally wincing when reading that line of your post again).


Resident Cheap Arse

Literally just a minute at the start of the game lol.

Damn, that video was brutal. What a self-own.

His reaction screams of a fragile ego drowning in a sea of insecurity.

Jesus christ, David Jaffe... just let go of your ego, man. As a professional you're embarrassing yourself trying to speak authoritatively on what is an isn't good game design when your own ability to play a game and follow explicit instructions demonstrates such poor comprehension and critical thinking.
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Also... calling everyone else "insecure" on this topic is... a take, I guess. (I'm literally wincing when reading that line of your post again).
For sure. If anyone has ever been so transparent in projecting an issue they have onto other people, this is it. Edit: My favorite part of this whole saga is that the more and more Jaffe tries to prove how this is bad design he just illuminates how well designed it is. In the truly classical way of game design. Where the player doesn't even notice how much care went into the game, because everything is so natural and subtle. Using level design, enemy placement and it's progression systems in tandem to guide the player without them even knowing it.
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Unconfirmed Member
I don't imagine myself to be anything. That's sounds like a you problem, pal.
ah really?

but those of us who actually know the craft and have worked in the craft of design- whatever you think of my various games- know a hell of a lot better and are very aware that you're full of shit.

One of your very own quotes. I spare you the shame of searching up all the arrogant and authoritarian nonsense you've written and said plenty of times. Everyone who doesn't agree with your latest hot take is a moron. Gotcha.
And I- for one- am getting sick and fucking tired of insecure gamers who act as if they DO know as much as working pros.
Nothing screams secure more than getting caught in your own BS. So we should shut up, is that what your are saying? Just consume and shut up? The pros, of who several are not agreeing with you, just by the way, are maybe tired of you acting like your word is gospel. Whats with the devs from MecuryStream? Do they suck, because their game doesn't assign to your words and design ideas? You sure try your hardest to sound like this. Maybe you should stop blaming the devs for your own faults. That would be a great start.
It doesn't make my OPINION any more or less valid than your opinion but it DOES mean that when I bring shit up, I have experience to back it up and so I mention that.
So after acting like an arrogant prick, insulting everyone who enjoyed the game or called you out, misunderstanding the very game you are playing by nature etc., it is time to back pedal? Wow, how dishonest could you possibly be?

Also, as already pointed out, experience doesn't mean you can't be wrong. That's a logical fallacy called appeal to authority. Acting like non game designers can't have insightful takes
is disingenuous at best and asinine at worst.
As for the multiple room thing, I accepted I was wrong about that and admitted I was remembering it wrong on my last video. I remembered it wrong and instead of the 20-30 rooms I recalled being open there were only 4.
Things to do first before you got caught on your BS and admit it:

- insult the fanbase
- let everyone know that "I'm David Jaffe, the alpha and omega of game design" & discredit the non devs
- arguing in bad faith
- not reading the tutorial
- misunderstanding Metroid and the whole Metroidvania genre

But I gotta say, I've never encountered such a whiny ass fanbase as I have with Metroid fans.
huh... ironic.
But good fucking God, the obsession with defending a game that you didn't design or work on is staggeringly concerning.
So better do a review after only seeing the first area of the game, huh?
Shows how much effort and care you put into it.

Perhaps you get all this backlash, because what you consider bad game design is a prime example of an unobservant player playing a game where you supposed to be observant, not because no one can accept your take.


Unconfirmed Member
thank you for making my day feel good , its really a funny video
Thanks. It's not my video though, not to get the wrong impression here. The creator of the video should get the praise.
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