this doesn't work without Arrowhead, right?
edit: I see, it needs Combined Operations.
Nope, sorry.
My first time playing yesterday was interesting, I spawned way up north a few towns away from the north west airfield. After circling a town for a bit scouting to see how many zombies it has I started hearing gunshots way off in the distance and decided to go check it out (I know, not the best idea).
I ended up near a town behind a nice patch of trees on a fairly steep hill. I saw two guys moving through an army camp (had two long rows of tents) clearing out walkers. I lost sight of them after I saw them running up the hill I was on. I kept still for a few minutes trying to locate the guys but I couldn't so I decided to head towards where I last saw them.
I kept crouch running on the hill skirting the town and coming up to a farm where I entered a barn to drink some water and look for supplies, after I finished drinking I heard a loud moan right behind me and saw a walker with a yellow shirt had entered the barn from the other side. I did one more quick scan of the barn to see if I missed any supplies and sneaked out of the barn without alerting the walker. Engaging walkers when you're alone is a really bad idea, best to avoid it unless you absolutely have to.
At this point I had absolutely no idea where I was and since I didn't have a map or a watch and the sky was cloudy I couldn't tell what direction I was heading in. I ran up to a paved road near another small village but decided against entering since it seemed to be crawling with walkers. I basically picked a random direction from the road and started walking up a hill towards a thick forest. Not long after walking I reached a crazy wide wall in the middle of the forest. The wall was first covered by a layer of chain link fence and behind it a layer of concrete wall. The wall was wide enough that I couldn't see where it ends on either side.
I found a hole in the chain link fence and shortly after a hole in the bottom of the concrete wall and crawled through. after looking at the wall I saw some guard towers far away and figure this was some kind of military complex. I walked up a small hill and discovered I had stumbled upon an airfield. I slowly made my way towards the row of hangars in hope of finding supplies but as I got closer I noticed the place was crawling with walkers in military and police uniforms.
After about an hour of crawling I managed to avoid the walkers and enter one of the hangars to be rewarded by almost nothing useful on the ground, I picked up a smoke grenade since I heard you can distract the walkers with it. All the ammo I saw on the ground wasn't for the pistol I had so I left it on the ground.
As I was about to exit one of the hangars I started hearing gunshots outside. I slowly moved to the hangar doors and looked out to see a dude dressed like a desert storm sniper with a shotgun running straight at me. When he reached me he stood in front of me for a moment as I was expecting a buckshot in my face only to salute me a few seconds later. As I was fumbling about trying to find the salute key (had been ages since I played arma) he kept going and looked through the loot in the hangar I exited.
When I discovered the salute key I ran back up to him over a runway and did a salute towards him, shortly after he did a salute back at me. I guess this meant we were friends or at least he wasn't going to kill me yet. This desert storm guy I was with wasn't saying anything in chat which was a little unnerving but not long after we met between the two runways someone in chat asked if the two guys on the airfield are friendly.
I typed in to chat "I'm friendly and I think this guy next to me isn't going to shoot you straight away either" and waited for an answer. While I was glancing at my friend with the shotgun we received an answer in the chat "well I'm not!". Oh shit!, both of us hit the ground after seeing that and started to scan the area trying to find him. I crawled up the edge of a runway to get a better look and just as I saw the guy in the treeline he typed "just joking, want to team up?" in chat.
For some reason I was doing the talking for the two of us even if the shotgun guy seemed to know what he was doing a lot better than I was. We joined up and killed quite a few walkers leading up to the airfield control tower and a fire house. When we reached the firehouse we started attracting a lot of attention and the place was starting to get swarmed from the large garage doors. My buddy with the shotgun was doing a good job keeping them out and I found an AK47 in the building with a few mags of ammo so I went down stairs to help him. The third guy we met was following behind me.
After dealing with a couple more waves of walkers or runners in this case we were trying to make a push out the doors. I was on point with the AK and as I reached the door I heard a gunshot and a scream. I turned around just in time to see my desert sniper buddy fall down and to see that third guy point his rifle at me and shoot.
We got swarmed by walkers and the traitor also died in that firehouse. After I respawned the shotgun guy actually started using the chat to ask what the hell happened. Everything went down so fast so neither of us was absolutely sure what did happen at the time, but after talking we confirmed that the third guy murdered us and found out his name.
If you meet a "Ken M" (I think that was his name) beware, he might shoot you in the back when things get hairy.
This time I respawned right at the shore of a sea, but that was a whole other story with me running for 30 minutes without ammo and an angry walker behind me at the end.
Phew, that was a longer story than I expected. Maybe someone is bored enough to read it
