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DayZ - zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival Arma II mod


Hit escape for the options screen, press abort to return to the lobby screen. Then enter the server again to create a new character.

That is something I hope gets changed soon. Being able to respawn in-game would be awesome.
I finally stocked up while carefully sneaking around zombies to find a rifle, ammo, flashlight, and tons of water and food. Then some guys from the city nearby speed through and, apparently, bring a bunch of zombies and cause a fuss by shooting and I got swarmed. There was only a handful of zombies when it was just me. I made it to the field hospital in the nearby city with blurry, black and white vision but once I got there I couldn't get in and died trying to climb the ladder. All my loot, gone!


And defeat the tension/scared of what's around the corner feeling. Respawning is a horrible idea

I think he meant mostly restarting a new character from inside the game screen. Right now, you need to disconnect and reconnect in order to reload the character data.

If he actually meant respawning with all your stuff, that would instantly kill any enthusiasm for the mod. The entire reason the mod is good is because you are never truly safe. Between the Zeds and PKers, it doesn't matter that you are rolling with NVG and an AK. You will bleed and die like the newbie with a Makarov. You need to be careful, survey a town, watch your surroundings, plan a raid on a town and always watch your back.
I think he meant mostly restarting a new character from inside the game screen. Right now, you need to disconnect and reconnect in order to reload the character data.

If he actually meant respawning with all your stuff, it would be the thing that would kill the mod. The entire reason the mod is good is because you are never truly safe. Between the Zeds and PKers, it doesn't matter that you are rolling with NVG and an AK. You will bleed and die like the newbie with a Makarov.

yeah, nm then. Disconnecting from the server with so few servers up would be a pain in the ass


What am I doing wrong here? I can't even get into the server and it always gets me back to the lobby. I have the Steam version and all the files and mods seems up to date. Need help!


show some balls, man
What am I doing wrong here? I can't even get into the server and it always gets me back to the lobby. I have the Steam version and all the files and mods seems up to date. Need help!

Does it stop during "receiving" if so I posted this earlier:

I had this same problem yesterday. I think I solved it by reinstalling battleye. I also copied the Battleye folder from the arma 2 location to the OA location. You can get the battleye dlls from the guide here:


anyone down for meeting up in-game? gimme a server and place and we can party time on the corpses of a thousand zed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What am I doing wrong here? I can't even get into the server and it always gets me back to the lobby. I have the Steam version and all the files and mods seems up to date. Need help!

Same problem brah. No idea. It's frustrating.
Not sure about what the default key is, but for me, it's the numpad "Enter" key.

Some server has third person and crosshair disabled though.

That must be it...I must be playing on a hardcore one. No crosshair, no 3rd person, lol...

I somehow managed to stay alive for 20 minutes on there. I was basically roaming the woods, had no idea what was going on. So fucking intense though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Christ. Just did a first session. Spawned at midnight on a beach. Terrifying.


Some tips for everyone. WIP!

Basic Survival. Life is hard in the zone.

Here is how the "health" mechanic works.

Blood - This is your HP. It starts at 12k and once it reaches zero, you die. Under 8-7k, a "white" filter is applied. No more colors for you!

Regaining blood -
1- Eat one can of food. 200HP
2- Eat one cooked meat. 500HP
3- Ask a player to apply a Blood Pack on you. Blood Packs are found is hospitals and give you around 3k Blood I think.

Hunger and thirst - Both diminish at a constant rate. The more active you are, the faster they go down. Logging off and not playing for a few hours will cause the Hunger meter to reach zero. You will need to eat one "food" object. Once both icons are flashing red and you don't eat or drink for a while, you start losing a small amount of blood each second. Usually not something you need to be constantly concerned about.To reset the Hunger/Thirst meters. Consume one food and one "liquid" object. One of each will completely reset the corresponding timer.

Injuries - Use morphine(grave injuries) and painkillers(minor injuries). Broken legs will prevent you from standing up. Always keep one painkiller and morphine.

Bleeding - Is the consequence of Zeds hitting you or getting shot. Use a bandage in order to stop the bleeding. You are immobile and cannot use your weapon during the application. Bandages are common items and take one pistol clip inventory space.

Food and Drinks. It's good for you.

There are two types of food.

-Canned: Sardines, Pasta, Beans. You gain 200 blood.
-Cooked food: You gain 500(?) blood. You need to acquire Raw Meat from dead animals. Those unsually wander the countryside and will not attack you. So far, I've seen chickens(2 raw meat), rabbits(2), cows(8) and a boar(5). You need a hunting knife in order to gut the animal. Then, you need to find a matchbox to make a campfire and cook the meat.

Keep your friends close but your beans closer.


Soda-Pepsi-Coke: Resets the thirst meter. You do not gain blood for these items.
Water bottles: Permanent item. Can be refilled at water pumps and in the ocean.

Weapon types.


Makarov - Everyone starts with one.8 rounds. 3 shots for zombies. Really bad, ditch as soon as you can fine anything else.
Revolver - 6 rounds. 1 body shot for zombies. (ammo is not very common).
M1911 - 7 rounds. 1 body shot for zombies.


Enfield - 10 rounds per clip - Incredibly loud, will often attract the entire zed population of the surroundings. Good accuracy, slow ROF. I don't recommend it for zed hunting.

Crossbow - Bad weapon. Bolts are somewhat rare and 2 are required for 1 kill. You can pick up bolts but only if they are visible on the character model. You need to directly aim at the bolt in order to pick it up(thanks cr_blah_blah). Only advantage, 100% silent weapon.

Winchester - Best weapon for zed killing. 15 shells per clip. Shots and Slug. Ammo is very common. Great accuracy with Slugs. Shots are good for packs of zombies.

AKS with red dot - Rare ammo. Good accuracy. Loud. Prefered weapon for PKers. High ROF. Ammo is too rare to be effective when hunting zeds. Technically, you will be able to kill 30 zeds with one clip. I still don't recommend it, it's too loud and you should save it for really dire situations.

AKM - Rare ammo. Terrible iron sights. Somewhat the same as the AKS.

M4 - America. Better sights, okay accuracy, rare rounds.

CZ 550 - Sniper Rifle. Effective to about 1000m. Can only zero up to 800. Ammo is rare. Should be reserved for hunting players. Too loud and the bolt action makes it ineffective in CQC.

DMR - I haven't actually seen one. I think it has a holo sight. Ammo is really rare, it's also extremely loud. Effective PVP weapon, no good for zed hunting.


Does it stop during "receiving" if so I posted this earlier:

I had this same problem yesterday. I think I solved it by reinstalling battleye. I also copied the Battleye folder from the arma 2 location to the OA location. You can get the battleye dlls from the guide here:

Can someone confirm what the actual link is here? I'm having the same issue but clicking on the abbreviated link does nothing...


seriously considering building a pc to play this game!!

wow ive been waiting for this kind of game


seriously considering building a pc to play this game!!

wow ive been waiting for this kind of game

It's really something special. Quiet funny the amount of attention it's getting. Game is clearly in the alpha stages... so many obvious things are missing. But damn. This thing is intense.


It's really something special. Quiet funny the amount of attention it's getting. Game is clearly in the alpha stages... so many obvious things are missing. But damn. This thing is intense.

Seriously wonder if a developer will pick them up with the amount of attention they are getting right now.


My main complaint with it, is it's virtually impossible to meet up with somebody, especially if you dont know where you are.

Unless I'm missing something.

And anybody you come across would really rather try and kill you, than team up and try to survive together..

really awesome mod though.
You can pick up a bolt after you fire it into a zombie using a crossbow, but you have to hope the zombie falls in a way that it is visible. You have to be able to pointat the bolt and "Take bolt" as opposed to general corpse looting. I have no idea if you miss though. It's basically only good for sneaking up in a room 1 on 1 then hoping you can retrieve the bolt back.


My main complaint with it, is it's virtually impossible to meet up with somebody, especially if you dont know where you are.

Unless I'm missing something.

And anybody you come across would really rather try and kill you, than team up and try to survive together..

really awesome mod though.

There is a map item, but you need to find it first. When you open it, there is no arrow telling you where you are. You need to figure that out on your own by looking at the town layout/terrain and comparing it to sections of the map.

Also, since you are in Chernarus, all the town signs are written in Cyrillic. The map is in English. Let's just say that I can now read some Cyrillic letters and translate them into a latin based alphabet.

Hardcore yo'.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
My main complaint with it, is it's virtually impossible to meet up with somebody, especially if you dont know where you are.

Unless I'm missing something.

And anybody you come across would really rather try and kill you, than team up and try to survive together..

really awesome mod though.

Umm thats sort of intentional.
There is a map item, but you need to find it first. When you open it, there is no arrow telling you where you are. You need to figure that out on your own by looking at the town layout/terrain and comparing it to sections of the map.

Also, since you are in Chernarus, all the town signs are written in Cyrillic. The map is in English. Let's just say that I can now read some Cyrillic letters and translate them into a latin based alphabet.

Hardcore yo'.

Live in Russia instead of playing post-apocalyptic RPGs.
I was stalking a few people that seemed to be just standing there. Crawling, rolling; I finally got close enough and realized that they were just motionless. Not sure if they are a glitch but they didn't even have names. I shot both. One guy had nothing but the other had a treasure trove of goods and weaponry. Strange, but now I have food, map, watch, compass, ammo and health stuff. I'm loving this but now I have to stop playing for a whole bunch of time. I hope my character doesn't die.
I mentioned it earlier, I think the community in general has been pretty great so far, at least in the games I've been in. As soon as you see someone or they see you they ask if you're friendly. It's easy to lie about if you are but most that weren't made it pretty clear that people should try to find out.

Though I have seen in the chat survivors coming across bandits and the bandits letting them go by because they said they didn't have anything of value and didn't want to waste ammo on them. Once you get past the initial spawning I think you have a better chance of not being randomly killed by a dude because you can ask about bandits in chat or because they don't want to risk their work unless you have something they want. There can always be random trolls but to be a powerful one you need to live long enough.

(I've only run across a handful of people though, so YMMV of course)


Been stuck on creating character for almost a good 10+ minutes now. :(

Yeah. Really inconsistent. Sometime it takes second... other times minutes. After creating character you have to wait for server response which can take forever too. :(
I had the issue before of being stuck on creating character and had to exit the server and try again. It's really inconsistent. It can take a few seconds or minutes.

Do you actually get to create a character?

No, it's more retrieving your character if you've played before or creating a generic one if you haven't.
I had the issue before of being stuck on creating character and had to exit the server and try again. It's really inconsistent. It can take a few seconds or minutes.

No, it's more retrieving your character if you've played before or creating a generic one if you haven't.

OK just making sure I didn't miss something.


Do you actually get to create a character?

No. It's just the server creating one for you. Happens the first time you start up and after you get killed. If you managed to survive and the next time you start up it will be "retrieving character data" which can take just as long. :/


Hope they add melee weapons in the future, have it linked to fatigue & stamina, so that you can't just go Babe Ruth on whatever zed you find. Your arms can become fatigued, which could in turn affect your aim with a gun.

Having a melee weapon is the most logical thing in a world overrun by zombies.
Hope they add melee weapons in the future, have it linked to fatigue & stamina, so that you can't just go Babe Ruth on whatever zed you find. Your arms can become fatigued, which could in turn affect your aim with a gun.

Having a melee weapon is the most logical thing in a world overrun by zombies.

Yeah, just any kind of melee would help. Even gun butting. Once you're out of ammo and draw a crowd, you're doomed. Even if they don't want melee kills, have it incapacitate so you can make an escape.


Just one of the dev.

I asked one of the dev during a live QA and mentioned that they were 14-15 overall.

Ok well if thats the case he needs to get the other 14 or so people that worked on the mod a job and release this as a stand alone game asap.
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