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DayZ - zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival Arma II mod

Other players. they turn into the bandits the more they murder other players. Their character model changes i believe.

That sounds really cool, everything I'm reading in this thread is making me hate that I have to study for the next few days. I'm definitely gonna pick this up as soon as I can.


This sounds absolutely amazing. I love all the stories in here and that video series on YouTube that was posted.

Never even played Arma, not sure if my laptop could actually run it, but I need to look into it for this. Such a cool concept for a game.


I got the Steam version of Complete Ops and it was kind of a pain in the ass to get up and going. From what I've read the game installs differently sometimes depending on which you download and install first? I'm really not sure but I had to manually move things over that aren't covered in the tutorials (the 2nd page of this thread me and someone else mention it, not hard at all, but if you don't know then you don't know). It runs perfect after that though.

Six updater updates it seamlessly. Or it did for me. Just one click and away.
THe only issue is if you have an older game with your own mods and haven't watched that you installed them perfectly the game will kick you out for having a modified common folder. You really have to watch out on installing in ARMA2 anyway sadly.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
i dont know if its a server thing or what but the zombies we were fighting took almost a full clip to bring down they also crawl after you if you dont finish them off scary stuff


i dont know if its a server thing or what but the zombies we were fighting took almost a full clip to bring down they also crawl after you if you dont finish them off scary stuff

They shouldn't do - unless maybe you're on a hardcore server? Locked first person view etc
Six updater updates it seamlessly. Or it did for me. Just one click and away.
THe only issue is if you have an older game with your own mods and haven't watched that you installed them perfectly the game will kick you out for having a modified common folder. You really have to watch out on installing in ARMA2 anyway sadly.

I'd probably recommend going that way for people then. Doing it manually seems to be problematic from the searching I had to do when I had issues. I had to manually move over the addons from Arma 2 to OA addons, and I start the game from "Play Arma 2" instead of "Launch Combined Ops" like the tutorials say. It works but it took looking around on how to do it instead of the updater like you used.


Ok im downloading Arma II that I got for free on GreenManGaming and its like 7GBs...but I searched for the expansion "ARMA II Operation Arrowhead" and just read this:
This product is a stand alone game and DOES NOT require ARMA II to run.

So am I just wasting 7GB of bandwith for nothing? If the expansion doesnt need the base game, why the hell does it say to can get the game + expansion?? Damn it.
Ok im downloading Arma II that I got for free on GreenManGaming and its like 7GBs...but I searched for the expansion "ARMA II Operation Arrowhead" and just read this:

So am I just wasting 7GB of bandwith for nothing? If the expansion doesnt need the base game, why the hell does it say to can get the game + expansion?? Damn it.

You need both for the mod
I just played about an hour of roaming around and finding guns/food/water. Sounds boring but it was a blast.

What does the chain link mean that pops up to the right of player? And does direct voice chat not work? I tried talking to someone through the direct channel and never got a response.


I've been hooked on this thread and the posted videos since it was put up!!

I'm definitely going to have to pickup a copy of ArmaII the next time it goes on sale.

Now to convince my brother that he needs a copy as well!


Just caved and bought it - got the non steam version. It's going to take like 10 hours to download everything, so I doubt I'll get to play tonight.
Just to be sure, Combined Operations is what I want to purchase from BI? I have it on Steam, but to make things as simple as possible I'm going to pick it up on their store...


WOW this sounds and looks fun as hell!!!!!

Need a gaming PC SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, my crappy old laptop can't run much of anything besides WoW. :(

Guess it's about time to build a tower with Diablo 3 and this and...
This mod looks fantastic. I bought Operation Arrowhead from Gamersgate. Now i just have to download the latest patch. Cant wait to play it.


Can't get this mod to work at all. Keep getting stuck at the "receiving data" screen then it just kicks me mack to the server menu every time.


Ok im downloading Arma II that I got for free on GreenManGaming and its like 7GBs...but I searched for the expansion "ARMA II Operation Arrowhead" and just read this:

So am I just wasting 7GB of bandwith for nothing? If the expansion doesnt need the base game, why the hell does it say to can get the game + expansion?? Damn it.

Because it doesn't feature the ArmA II vanilla island, Chernarus - The island which the mod is using.



€24.99 well spent.

I suggest getting the not-Steam version, in case that's the problem here.


Now THIS is the kind of gaming experience I want to be having more of. Downloading now! Thanks for passing the word on!


I just played about an hour of roaming around and finding guns/food/water. Sounds boring but it was a blast.

What does the chain link mean that pops up to the right of player? And does direct voice chat not work? I tried talking to someone through the direct channel and never got a response.

The chain is for conexion problems.


The chain is for conexion problems.

Desync actually, which isn't a 'problem' happens quite often when there's lots going on, AI gets spawned / activated somewhere on the map, stuff like that.

Yellow is moderate desync, red is severe desync - Then you need to worry.


Damn, all the US servers are full... this mod really exploded in popularity.

edit: finally got in a server and nooo, my files are out of date.



€24.99 well spent.

I suggest getting the not-Steam version, in case that's the problem here.

You're trying to launch Operation Arrow and not plain Arma 2, correct?

Also, here's the post from the 2nd page about the issue I had with trying to get the Steam version to work but did:

I had ARMA II already, so I just bought operation arrowhead (non-steam version)

I had to copy + paste the data files from

...\ARMA II - PC\AddOns


...\ARMA II Operation Arrowhead - PC\Expansion\Addons

to get the game working. I still get a single error message but the game seems to play fine. If you don't have ARMA 2 to begin with, just get combined ops.

I had to do the same thing. I also have to launch from "Play ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead" instead of "Launch Arma 2: Combined Ops". If I do the launch one a command prompt shows up, disappears, and it never launches.

So move the data from arma 2 addons to OA > expansion > addons
create the @dayz folder in OA (so OA > @dayz > addons > all the unrared files from the site, should be a total of 14)
Huh, a guy from Bohemia says you can use Arma 2 retail with any form of OA.

Anyone doing this? I already own Arma 2 retail and would probably just buy OA on Steam if this is the case.
re-download of A2 complete, gonna que up the mod files while I'm at work.

Watched all 6 of the Days Ahead vids, fucking amazing.
Can't get this mod to work at all. Keep getting stuck at the "receiving data" screen then it just kicks me mack to the server menu every time.

Same here. Running the steam version. Tried reinstalling. Twice.... This is getting frustrating


I hope more comes of this. A lot of B grade mods decide to make a retail game when they fit better as mods but this is one that deserves a full game with its own mechanics not bound to the ArmA 2 engine. The idea is so simple yet so refreshing and is one of those games where the players make it complex.
You're trying to launch Operation Arrow and not plain Arma 2, correct?

Also, here's the post from the 2nd page about the issue I had with trying to get the Steam version to work but did:

I had to do the same thing. I also have to launch from "Play ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead" instead of "Launch Arma 2: Combined Ops". If I do the launch one a command prompt shows up, disappears, and it never launches.

So move the data from arma 2 addons to OA > expansion > addons
create the @dayz folder in OA (so OA > @dayz > addons > all the unrared files from the site, should be a total of 14)
First two are Arma 2, bottom Arma OA. Arma 2 starts up after I had Steam verify the files, though I still get the second error message. Guess I should try copypasting the other way around.


Just a quick rundown of fast tweaks;

- Use Six Updater. You can use it as a server manager / launcher, you can use it to see when mods are outdated, update them, download a heap of other mods etc. Will also work with ArmA 3.

- Command line parameters ( Can be specified in Six Updater as well, when using it for launching )

-malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -nosplash -world=empty

First is a custom memory allocator which is included with the game, not used. Has increased stability for some, other see a slight FPS boost and in many cases it might not do anything. It made my game more stable back in the day, solved some low performance on certain areas of certain maps.

Second is removing splash intros.

Third is an empty world at the main menu, faster loading to main menu.

- Want FXAA? ( or SMAA ), In-game AA can be very taxing.

In C:\Users\NAME\Documents\ArmA 2 * there's an ArmA2OA.cfg file, edit it and you'll see FXAA. Change that from "0" to a number between 1 and 17

0 - Disabled

Complexity of quality settings are based on default FXAA settings (revision 3.11)
10 to 15 - default medium dither (10=fastest, 15=highest quality)
20 to 29 - less dither, more expensive (20=fastest, 29=highest quality)
39 - no dither, very expensive
NOTE: FXAA can be enabled even if Post-Processing was disabled in advanced video options!

I'm using 5, feels like a sweet spot.

To users who applied the latest Beta patches ( You can still play online with beta patches, there's backwards compatibility )

There's new AA options in here:

PPAA=0; setting not (yet) available in UI. Default is Disabled. Enables Anti-Aliasing technique via post processing: [2]
0 - Disabled
1 - FXAA [3]
2 - FXAA + sharp filter [4] (hard-coded strength of sharpen is now 0.15)
3 - SMAA [5]
WARNING this setting was introduced in 1.61 beta 89223

PPAA_Level=0; setting not (yet) available in UI. Default is Disabled. Values determine for each respective PPAA type used:
WARNING this setting was introduced in 1.61 beta 89223

Beta patches can be downloaded from here; http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php They are installed in a separate folder with a separate .exe, so in case you run into problems, just launch the standard .exe instead.

- SLI / Crossfire users, try messing around with frames rendered ahead / flip queue, 1 is the target number. Some people have reported a massive performance boost / much smoother game at this setting. Worth a try if you're on a dual GPU setup and it feels sluggish. Also check out "GPU_DetectedFramesAhead" & "GPU_MaxFramesAhead" in the .cfg as mentioned above.

Hope someone can use it.
I ran out of ammo ontop of a building and tried to carefully jump down the roofs to get to the ground to make a run for it. I broke my bones, collapsed and was eaten my zombies =(


Got into a server at night, most intense experience I have had in only 10 minutes, hearing a zombie outside while you only have a few bullets left is the scariest thing in the world
Got into a server at night, most intense experience I have had in only 10 minutes, hearing a zombie outside while you only have a few bullets left is the scariest thing in the world

Night time is crazy when it's storming. I've only played at night so far and this is my very first time with daylight so actually being able to see things is really interesting now.


Haven't got OA so I thought I'd give Arma II vanilla a go. This is some janky shit. The controls feel like a constant battle. And whats this "2-1-1-1. ENEMY. MAN" shit?


Same here. Running the steam version. Tried reinstalling. Twice.... This is getting frustrating
Got it working eventually. Verified the game cache of both games and for some reason OA was missing 2GB worth of files and it worked fine after that.
Just got done playing a night game and it was intense!

I saw a guy throwing flares around the top of a building so I head up that way and climb up to say hello. We proceed to shoot the shit and trade some items when we decide that we should go check out the church near by. We get some useful items out of the church and on our way out we get shot by a bandit sitting outside of the church that heard us inside and was just waiting for us to come out. The funny thing is I saw the bandit and screamed over the mic to my new friend to watch out, but the bandit popped him and me in the matter of seconds.
How do you install this anyway?

Once I get this up and installed, I'm going to try and log-on. We really need to get a consensus on which GAF members are playing so we can coordinate groups to play with, I'm scared to go in alone :p
Alright, I'm going to pull the trigger on the Steam version of OA and see if I can get it working with my retail Arma 2.

I'll let you guys know if I do, and if not I'll just rebuy Arma 2 on Steam as well.

I forgot to ask earlier, are there many EU servers up at the moment, or will I just have to connect to an American one and suffer a not great ping until it's further along?


show some balls, man
Can't get this mod to work at all. Keep getting stuck at the "receiving data" screen then it just kicks me mack to the server menu every time.

I had this same problem yesterday. I think I solved it by reinstalling battleye. I also copied the Battleye folder from the arma 2 location to the OA location.


So what happens if you die? how do you respawn? Or what is the process after that? Some random asshole just shot me in the back, now all I see is a green hour glass.


So what happens if you die? how do you respawn? Or what is the process after that? Some random asshole just shot me in the back, now all I see is a green hour glass.

Hit escape for the options screen, press abort to return to the lobby screen. Then enter the server again to create a new character.
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