Finally got on a server.
Both times I never saw another player. Shame really.
My first attempt was pretty much "Where the hell am I and ooo I just noticed one of the buildings from the Chiken's (probably not correctly spelt) stream. I ended up chasing gunshots in the distance. Moving further into what I assumed to be a minor city. I spotted some zombies and thought it would be best not to engage since I couldn't even figure out how to use iron sights at this point. Clearly felt like a newbie couldn't move correctly as everything felt so janky.
I used the forest as cover whilst going round the outskirts of a few houses. I thought I was being quite stealthy when I saw a cloud of dust next to me coming out of a tree. I thought there is no way someone is going to try and pick me off so early in the game! I hardly pose a threat. Another few rounds my way and swear words about bandits was all I could think of while failing to zigzag. Who fails to zigzag seriously? I managed to make it 2 yards before the sniper shot me in the back and broke my legs. I squirmed on the floor too stupid to figure out how to bandage myself. There was a pause. I thought maybe he lost sight of me or just assumed he got me. I looked about and he finishes me, I couldn't even figure out where he was shooting me from.
Second time was more fun. Spawned near a small village ended up taking out a hopper without iron sights with my pistol. I panicked took me 5 shots. It came so close, the bullets didn't really alert it which was odd. I figured it was a stupid zombie.
Anyhow I sneaked into a large Barn further into the village from moving on the outside and sneakily dodging 5 zombies. I find an Enfield and some ammo = me + chuffed.
Whilst I am grabbing my Christmas present I notice that a hopper has come very slow to the front door. It has a clear view of me just sitting with my ass hanging out and it just sits there. I slowly walked the fuck out of the back entrance after turning round pointing my Enfield in its general direction. As I still hadn't figured out iron sights. I felt so powerless at this point.
The second hopper didn't give chase. It was clear I was in a village was retarded zombies. I figured if they can't hear gunshots or see me from 3 metres away as shown by their own actions minutes before. So I considered myself king in this minor village and decided I can do what the hell I want in this stupid village.
Anyhow a nice chap over chat tells me how to use Iron Sights. The hopper comes back into view. Sure enough I line up the shot and "BANG" he drops. Satisfying. Then I hear the screams, everywhere and lots of them. Its like I just woke up everyone from a nightmare.
Cut 5 minutes later I been chased by a mob in the forest. I lost hope about 2 minutes back of trying to dodge between trees .... yea it was a stupid idea. I also regretted insulting the zombies as I can hear them all behind me. I didn't turn round but I knew there was lots of them. I decide to go for stand off as I am in the middle of nowhere. All I can see is forest in every direction. There is no chance of rescue so I turn round and begin frantically unloading my Enfield into the group whilst walking backwards. The are dropping fast but I can't keep them off me and they are getting my good. I manage to use the trees to protect onside of me to avoid damage.
I then have to reload :|
After more crazy shooting I finally get down to 3 zombies and I got 4 shots left. I am bleeding profusely. I manage to take down 1 and miss a shot. I gun down both zombies except the last one is still moving towards me, I thought with the lag I must of missed. "Oh well good run" I don't even bother to pull the trigger again. The zombie staggers forward and collapses. Luckily I manage to bandage myself and I am ok! Score card reads 18 dead zombies, 12 headshots. Out of ammo for my Enfield tho

Skip 15 minutes later I die from a fall of 2 metres up on some scaffolding, breaks my legs and got no bandages or first aid. I bleed out.
Moral of the story
So I can solo a mob of 16 zombies on my own but I get beaten by a 2 metre drop.