
I get stuck receiving data when ever I join a server. Any ideas on a fix?
UPDATE : 7 MAY 2012
Affected addons:
* dayz_code 1.5.5
* dayz_equip 1.2.1
Developer's Note:
* Tents and Vehicles reset
* [NEW] Vehicle Update Management
* [NEW] Tent Update Management
* [NEW] Player Skin Transition System
* Other shit, too tired ok
HOLY SHIT!!Chopper raid gameplay by a bunch of bandits.
Fixed it! I just let myself bleed out so I properly died and everything was fine when I respawned again.yeah just posted on there, one solution is leaving yourself logging in for a few hours till you die of thirst.
Any decent solutions let me know.
So, NY1 everyone spawned as birds...
Ok, so US1 just killed everybody on the serverGoodbye gear
Seriously? Bad admin or did they game just glitch?
Seriously? Bad admin or did they game just glitch?
Got into a pack of survivors, we're roaming from town to town scavenging supplies when all of the sudden we all randomly die. Everyone on the server dies.....
I apparently cancelled the Battleye install by accident or something, and when I try the reinstall Battleye option now it says the game is not available. Is there a way to manually install it? Is it needed for Dayz? This is for normal Arma II, not OA yet.
I just tried the installer from here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?109915-BattlEye-Installers-(A2-OA-A2-RFT-A2)I'm not sure if it'll work, but you can try out the Battleye website. There's a download on there. I do believe it is needed for Dayz, though.
if i have a non steam version of Arma 2 and a steam version of Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead can i make it work?
I have no idea what I'm doing.
Anyone have a list of newbie tips or anything? Default keybinds for this mod? how do I talk? what channel am I suppose to use? How do I know who can hear me? I'm looking for some newbie essentials.
everyone should play this only using ingame local voice chat.
CHEEZMO;37626364 said:Holy shit I just finished watching that Criken stream. So amazing.
The last half in particular was insane! Can't imagine what it would be like actually playing that.
Wish I could :'(
So what do I need to buy from STEAM and download later to get this? This looks amazing