God damn this mod. So awesome and terrifying!
It was dark, I had met up with a friend on the coast, planning to go look for supplies in Elektro. We meet another guy and he comes along. He sets off a flare near a warehouse and about twenty zombies came at us from all directions, one of our party got swarmed, me and my friend barely had any more ammo, so we ran. Our third man was surrounded and overrun so we left him for dead, because we didn't have the ammo or med supplies he would need.
We went on, made it to Elektro and were looking for supplies when three gunshots rang out. My friend got killed when a fourth shot hit him in the head. I panicked, ran into a house and went prone, looking out the window across the room. About five minutes later I saw someone walk in front of the window outside the house. I left the house, walked around the corner where I expected to see him but I saw nothing. Then I got shot from behind in the leg, my guy fell to the ground, I spun around and unloaded a clip from my makarov at a guy standing in the street, he fell over dead.
Turns out, it was the guy me and my friend had left when we got swarmed by zombies. I chatted at him and he said when we left him, he managed to fight off the rest of the zombies and then decided to track us down and kill us for abandoning him.
Stuff like that is why this is such a great mod.