One big issue I saw from videos is a general lack of goods to be found. Is this the case?
Scarcity is part of what makes the game amazing.
One big issue I saw from videos is a general lack of goods to be found. Is this the case?
It's going to be interesting to see how this develops and how the devs handle long term play. I feel simply adding tons of loot and crap to the game and a traditional "long survival = better rewards" system will turn a lot of people off. They need to make sure they keep a good balance between fear of death, and the perma death not breaking the experience.
So is there any storage system or way to make a safe house? What is the max player limt for the server?
Technically you could find your corpse and reloot your stuff, it would be pretty hard but you could do it, unless someone killed you for your loot.
50 players max that I have seen. To make a sorta safe house find a place with walls all around and a gate. I think you can make traps as well but I don't know how. Backpacks are the only storage you have, starting one is 10 extra slots, next is 15 and lastly the Alice bag with is 20 I think.
Do you have to fix it up or is all ready to go?HOLY SHIT WE FOUND A HELICOPTER
Yeah the concept of this mod seems cool but the ARMA 2 engine is so crappy.
Really bad zombie animations
Another really frustrating issue that's present is that the server doesn't always keep everyone's day night cycle in sync.
I was running around with a friend for a few hours last night and while the sun had risen for me around thirty minutes into the session, for him it took another 40 minutes, during which not only could I see colour and he couldn't, I could also see at least a KM further.
It was kind of cool directing him like a blind man but I wish that hadn't come about as part of a bug.
The mod is a lot more fun when teaming up with someone but I can see the appeal of being a bandit. I had my gun trained on the back of Coffeepots head several times and kept thinking how easy itd be to shoot him and take his shit.
Ahhh, the helicopter itself needed some fuel and parts (I assume) but minigun worked just fine - much to Freakinchair's enjoyment.Do you have to fix it up or is all ready to go?
Yeah we spent a good amount of time looking on the internet to see if anyone had instructions. We decided to just improvise if it worked lol.FLY IT AROUND AND BE THE ENVY OF EVERYONE. That's awesome. I really want to find one but I'm worried I'll end up crashing and burning D:
US2what server are you guys on?
So I was thinking about possible issues with the game. Lack of incentives for players to invest in their characters and especially in player run communities on specific servers and how there are a lot of factors that would likely lead people to banditry and unrepentant player killing.
I think a severe but interesting feature could be 24 hour server bans when you die. Permadeaths are great and all, but it just strips players of loot. And with life expectancies being only a little above 4 hours its not that dramatic an occurrence. You die and respawn, no big deal. But if you die and cant log back into that particular server thats a big deal. Dying becomes all the more lethal, losing a member of your party becomes all the more great, being a bandit becomes all the more dangerous, for both sides.
As a bandit your PKing really disrupts the game, youre dropping players out of the game, but at the same time, if theres a really annoying bandit running around and you take him out, hes not just gonna respawn and start PKing you and others, he'll be gone for at least a day.
You can still go join another server, just not the one you died on. Might be problematic with the current overcrowding but might be interesting further down the line.
yeah. no. banditry is part of the game. and doing a ban will only turn people away because each server serves as a realm. If you ban a person from that realm, it will be hard to migrate and only leaves negative feelings on.
Also Rocket is going to implement some type of skill system which will not have anything to advance health or firepower, but something to encourage teamwork. What do you guys think of that? When you die, you start anew.
I have no issue with banditry, I think it's a great facet of the game. The server ban would be for everyone not just bandits, so it's not punishing you for any specific action, just dying. It just has the added bonus of preventing griefers. The idea is to add another layer of consequence to death because right now it's pretty insignificant.
And I am aware if future plans for skills and such, which would do well to increase attachment to characters, but it won't matter too much if the average life expectancy doesn't increase by a significant margin. 4 hours isn't very long. But even then I still think a temporary ban could be interesting.
You're supposed to be dead after all. Right now you still know who controls what areas, still the same time and weather. You could have allies around to help give you loot and give you a leg up. There's still a fair advantage despite just dying. But remove that familiarity and it's a while new ball game.
s and kept thinking how easy itd be to shoot him and take his shit.
Same for all steam chats, post here if your gona be in the steam chat so people know they can join.Why arent people using steam GAF group chat at all?
So many people online and ingame, but no one is in chat.
I dunno man - death is pretty significant when you've made it all the way to the airfield and your group has outfitted themselves with all sorts of weapons/supplies. You don't last long with just the starting items. If there was a level up system in place then death would be even more punishing and that's as far as I'd go with it.
Same for all steam chats, post here if your gona be in the steam chat so people know they can join.
Same for all steam chats, post here if your gona be in the steam chat so people know they can join.
The game runs fine for me on my old computer. Don't know why someone said that even a bad quad-core isn't enough. I have a E8400 at 3.2 Ghz and a GTX 275 and with everything set to Normal except for shadows set to high it runs pretty good. AA is set to low but I enabled FXAA in the control panel.
Perma death doesnt break anything. If anything I'd be worried about people glitching the system to avoid death or equipment loss.
Chopper raid gameplay by a bunch of bandits.
I dunno man - death is pretty significant when you've made it all the way to the airfield and your group has outfitted themselves with all sorts of weapons/supplies. You don't last long with just the starting items. If there was a level up system in place then death would be even more punishing and that's as far as I'd go with it.
Not sure if serious.I'd buy this right away if it wasn't for the horrible bugs and the 50(?) player limit on a server. This needs atleast 500 man server or something.
Chopper raid gameplay by a bunch of bandits.