That was a LONG trek all the way to the airfield with a big 8 person group. Some hilarious happenings.
Note to self: Stay away from the Dam water.
There's a reason that signs such as this exist:[/QUOTE]
pshhh even if there was a sign, it wouldn't have been able to see it since it was pitch black outside. I was dehydrated after running like 50 miles in a matter of hours
PS. I still want to kill that goat on the runway. I hope it's still there tomorrow.
That was a LONG trek all the way to the airfield with a big 8 person group. Some hilarious happenings.
Note to self: Stay away from the Dam water.
That was fun. Let's hope MOB doesnt try and go swimming again or through a hall or through a door. Basically we shouldn't let MOB do anything except shoot zed ;P. Now that we are at a good spot we should focus on maybe getting a vehicle together.
That was a LONG trek all the way to the airfield with a big 8 person group. Some hilarious happenings.
Note to self: Stay away from the Dam water.
Nix did a good job leading us holding that Chem light. MOB of course being the caboose with a chem light. Loved how we "Beat" the game. Zombie count was lower than our 8 man group. WE DID IT!! We had beat back the infection! My favorite parts of the night was trying to fight our way out of the Cherno hospital killing probably close to 40-50 Zed, though I died, others lived. Second was we we finally grouped and ran up on that guy at the Airfield. He saw 8 people coming over that hill and probably shit his pants! He turned tail and ran. Then we proceed to tell him we are bandits even though none of us were even Bandit Skin, it was soo dark you couldn't even really tell. He swore at least 1 of us were Survivor skinned. Too fun. Tomorrow we need to get that Bus put together!
How the hell do I use a bandage? Infact, when I am losing blood what is the best method to stop it? I click the mouse button and all I get are a choice of gun, drink or food.
The Cherno stand-off was definitely the highlight. Me, MOB and I think Nix were all trapped in the hospital (?). I just remember shooting 10 Zed while nearly fainting, red screen, audio dampened. The travelling in this game really does feel like that; it's amazing the immersion. My only complaint is I would like to be able to see who is who; I've grown to enjoy the hardcore aspects (though I miss third person), if they enabled player names, we'd be all set.
It world be nice if they introduced some kind of group feature so you could create a survivor group and see each others names and maybe health and general proximity. Nothing too robust but it is a bit annoying not being able to tell who is who and where people went.
From the sound of the interview, it didn't sound the creator wanted to do anything to make grouping up more powerful that being solo. Giving groups easier ways to be organized makes it even harder for people who wish to be solo.
No, I understand that but that's not exactly game breaking. It's annoying being in a group of like 3 our more and keep having to ask who is who. Health and proximity info may be much but dedicated name displays is hardly to much.
Right, but with name displays you instantly know who's who. So there's no reason to informed where your members are at one time. No reason to ever be suspicious of anyone near you.
I killed myself in a porta potty. I went inside to get a bandage and accidentally closed the door on my head, which broke my leg. Coming out the door hit me again killing me dead and leaving my body for zombie food![]()
I killed myself in a porta potty. I went inside to get a bandage and accidentally closed the door on my head, which broke my leg. Coming out the door hit me again killing me dead and leaving my body for zombie food![]()
He mentioned it being a group feature. So, it's not the default for everyone. You have to be in a party or something.
Right, but with name displays you instantly know who's who. So there's no reason to informed where your members are at one time. No reason to ever be suspicious of anyone near you.
I love every aspect of the hardcOre server EXCEPT the no group names. I don't need to see any other players names. Just my groups. It's hard to give items to other people even though we were all on the mumble it was prett difficult to tell who was who.It world be nice if they introduced some kind of group feature so you could create a survivor group and see each others names and maybe health and general proximity. Nothing too robust but it is a bit annoying not being able to tell who is who and where people went.
Right... so say you're in a party. If someone comes by without a name... you shoot no questions asked. There's no hesitation, no reason to be well informed where your members are at any time. All you have to look is to see if they have a name.
I suppose if they fix direct comm that will change, since there may be an indication of who is talking? I see your point, but there has to be something to make it easier. I mean it's not unbearable, but a lot of time would be saved.
Maybe that member is kicked from the party after you are a certain distance from each other or something.
i just spent the last two hours hunting down a son of a bitch who earlier betrayed and killed me for my beans. i found him, shot him in the stomach, and let him bleed out before burying him in his own blood.
thanks for the rifle, asshole. sweet, sweet revenge.
Right... so say you're in a party. If someone comes by without a name... you shoot no questions asked. There's no hesitation, no reason to be well informed where your members are at any time. All you have to look is to see if they have a name.
I love every aspect of the hardcOre server EXCEPT the no group names. I don't need to see any other players names. Just my groups. It's hard to give items to other people even though we were all on the mumble it was prett difficult to tell who was who.
It pretty much played out like this.
"I need water I'm running low." "Who needs it, I have extra?" "Me." "Who's me?" "Krappadizzle" "which one is Krappadizzle?" "the one with the zombie face" It's definitely annoying.
A group feature where you only see your team mates names would be great. I don't even care about seeing health of teammates either. Just their name.
I killed myself in a porta potty. I went inside to get a bandage and accidentally closed the door on my head, which broke my leg. Coming out the door hit me again killing me dead and leaving my body for zombie food![]()
i just spent the last two hours hunting down a son of a bitch who earlier betrayed and killed me for my beans. i found him, shot him in the stomach, and let him bleed out before burying him in his own blood.
thanks for the rifle, asshole. sweet, sweet revenge.
I killed myself in a porta potty. I went inside to get a bandage and accidentally closed the door on my head, which broke my leg. Coming out the door hit me again killing me dead and leaving my body for zombie food![]()
Was on the game chat and someone asked how to use the last bullet on yourself lol
(killing yourself with the last bullet should totally be a feature)
I killed myself in a porta potty. I went inside to get a bandage and accidentally closed the door on my head, which broke my leg. Coming out the door hit me again killing me dead and leaving my body for zombie food![]()
I agree 100%. I live vicariously through gaf so I don't actually play the game, but it seems dumb that if you break your legs and you have one bullet you shouldnt be able to off yourself.
Bohemia has kind of a porblem with this mod methinks. They have ArmA3 coming soon. Do they invest time & money in ArmA2 version of the mod and release it standalone on ArmA2 engine or do they wait and prepare the ArmA3 version? Standalone or requiring ArmA3 (they want to sell you ArmA3 after all)?
Tough decisions. And if they do not make them somebody out there will come up with his own version of DayZ on some other engine...
From the sound of the interview, it didn't sound the creator wanted to do anything to make grouping up more powerful that being solo. Giving groups easier ways to be organized makes it even harder for people who wish to be solo.
Think it should be more based on visibility. If you couldn't see the guy's face in the conditions you're in... you shouldn't see his name.
Where is the interview?
This seems the best solution. Proximity based player names in a Group only. So first we'd need the ability to get in a group and then the player based name proximity. I'd honestly settle for letting me tie a bandanna or something around my arm. Everyone could have a different colored bandanna. That seems to solve some problems players have with the name popping up and still letting people have an identifiable distinction. Dibs on the Leopard Print bandanna! It be cool to have that. Imagine everyone GAF having there own personally identifiable bandanna/hat/vest that not only shows your GAF but able to identify you as an individual as well so giving items could be done easier.
This seems the best solution. Proximity based player names in a Group only. So first we'd need the ability to get in a group and then the player based name proximity. I'd honestly settle for letting me tie a bandanna or something around my arm. Everyone could have a different colored bandanna. That seems to solve some problems players have with the name popping up and still letting people have an identifiable distinction. Dibs on the Leopard Print bandanna! It be cool to have that. Imagine everyone GAF having there own personally identifiable bandanna/hat/vest that not only shows your GAF but able to identify you as an individual as well so giving items could be done easier.
I feel bad.
I was exploring and come across a barn, took out the 2 zombies and found some supplies, while I was sorting my gear out I saw someone else run in past me, I waited and sneaked out and hid.
He then saw me and come towards me and we spent 2 minutes running around a car keeping the car between us, I stopped and asked if he was friendly and he didn't reply, he looked off to left and I thought its now or never and I shot him in the head and looted him.
Not many games make me feel bad for taking a life, props to the DayZ guys.
I was going to post this in Gowans "MMO Template" thread but I think just sticking this here should be okay. Speaking specifically on DayZ. Long read ahoy!
Forever it has seemed like there wasn't a single dev out there that wanted or knew how to really put forth a huge amount of time, money, and effort into a true "Zombie Apocalypse Survival Simulator" MMO with tons of players trying to survive. In my 21 years on this planet, it hasn't happened.
For years we have wanted it, but instead of giving us the true experience, we received it in little bites(heh).
Sorry if some of that read was a mess, i'm coming off a high of playing this game
I hear a lot of messages about people being betrayed for their beans, just in case you didn't know not everyone in this game is a bad person. I met a guy who took me to the hospital when i was low on blood, carried me up the stairs when we got ambushed by zombies and found me a blood pack before guiding me out of the city. I definitely won't be shooting other players on sight![]()
The tension created by this game is ridiculous, I was running through the woods and got scared by my own shadow on a tree, I thought I was being stalked.